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US: State of emergency in Missouri


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Did he spit on the officer or do as he said and just make the sound? You think you know who I am, do you think I could possibly have a reason to be angry....lol, nah. I wouldn't trust a cop's word no matter what. They lie, lie, and lie somemore. Nobody in their right mind, if they are poor and/or non-white, would trust a cop.

You sound like you were a recipient of correctional services during some point in your life. People that have or are in law enforcement are some of the most honest and trustworthy people you could encounter. Being poor or non-white has nothing to do with anything. You're not one of the posters that think officer Wilson shot Brown for no reason are you?

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I'm not holding my breath while waiting for Holder to respond to that.

'Tis true. Holder has been known to drop charges against New Black Panthers in the past.

Maybe he will do it as his last act in office.

Wild fiction and idle speculation.

Anything Attorney General Eric Holder does or doesn't do is wildly misrepresented here as a matter of habit and routine.

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New Black Panther Party article...before the spin got it.


Holder's Black Panther Stonewall
Why did the Justice Department dismiss such a clear case of voter intimidation?
Updated Aug. 20, 2009 7:11 p.m. ET
President Obama's Justice Department continues to stonewall inquiries about why it dropped a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party.
The episode—which Bartle Bull, a former civil rights lawyer and publisher of the left-wing Village Voice, calls "the most blatant form of voter intimidation I've ever seen"—began on Election Day 2008. Mr. Bull and others witnessed two Black Panthers in paramilitary garb at a polling place near downtown Philadelphia. (Some of this behavior is on YouTube.)
One of them, they say, brandished a nightstick at the entrance and pointed it at voters and both made racial threats. Mr. Bull says he heard one yell "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!"

This gets far afield of the topic due entirely to idle hands and right wing proclivities that hone in on Eric Holder and Barack Obama.

The reputable and respected Politifact established that the Bush Justice Department made all the important decisions in the case, leaving the Obama Justice Department holding the bag, which AG Holder quickly threw back at Fox by getting an injunction against against the guy with the club.

Liar liar pants on fire....

So when O'Reilly brings on legal analysts who paint it as an outrage that the Justice Department did not pursue a criminal case, and the only person condemned by O'Reilly is Holder for not "representing the United States in a fair and balanced way," that's misleading and misplaced. We think it's fair to hold Holder accountable for the decision to limit the civil case, but not the criminal one. We rate O'Reilly's statement False.

Btw the New Black Panther Party has no connection to the defunct Black Panther Party. After the incident the New Black Panther Party posted to its website that the actions of the three do not represent the organization.

Let's see what the idle hands come up with next.....wink.png .

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New Black Panther Party article...before the spin got it.


Holder's Black Panther Stonewall
Why did the Justice Department dismiss such a clear case of voter intimidation?
Updated Aug. 20, 2009 7:11 p.m. ET
President Obama's Justice Department continues to stonewall inquiries about why it dropped a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party.
The episode—which Bartle Bull, a former civil rights lawyer and publisher of the left-wing Village Voice, calls "the most blatant form of voter intimidation I've ever seen"—began on Election Day 2008. Mr. Bull and others witnessed two Black Panthers in paramilitary garb at a polling place near downtown Philadelphia. (Some of this behavior is on YouTube.)
One of them, they say, brandished a nightstick at the entrance and pointed it at voters and both made racial threats. Mr. Bull says he heard one yell "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!"

This gets far afield of the topic due entirely to idle hands and right wing proclivities that hone in on Eric Holder and Barack Obama.

The reputable and respected Politifact established that the Bush Justice Department made all the important decisions in the case, leaving the Obama Justice Department holding the bag, which AG Holder quickly threw back at Fox by getting an injunction against against the guy with the club.

Liar liar pants on fire....

So when O'Reilly brings on legal analysts who paint it as an outrage that the Justice Department did not pursue a criminal case, and the only person condemned by O'Reilly is Holder for not "representing the United States in a fair and balanced way," that's misleading and misplaced. We think it's fair to hold Holder accountable for the decision to limit the civil case, but not the criminal one. We rate O'Reilly's statement False.

Btw the New Black Panther Party has no connection to the defunct Black Panther Party. After the incident the New Black Panther Party posted to its website that the actions of the three do not represent the organization.

Let's see what the idle hands come up with next.....wink.png .

The "New Black Panther Party" are nothing more than extreme black racists. These people even aline themselves with the "Nation of Islam." Both organisations are made up of black wackos. Friends of yours, are they? This site is getting more bazaar by the moment.

Besides being stupid, these people are dangerous. They will incite violence for sure in Ferguson.

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CMNightRider Posted Today, 17:56

Friends of yours, are they? This site is getting more bazaar by the moment.

That's a wild off the wall question as I've never met one nor do I know much about the New Black Panther Party. A right wing poster posted about them while slandering Attorney General Eric Holder so I responded to that. I don't know whether they may be in Ferguson but then I dunno very much about 'em.

If the new Black Panther Party are racists then I'd yield to the judgements of those who might be intimate concerning the matters of racists, racism. I myself seldom use either word nor do I turn stones looking for one or the other.

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CMNightRider Posted Today, 17:56

Friends of yours, are they? This site is getting more bazaar by the moment.

That's a wild off the wall question as I've never met one nor do I know much about the New Black Panther Party. A right wing poster posted about them while slandering Attorney General Eric Holder so I responded to that. I don't know whether they may be in Ferguson but then I dunno very much about 'em.

If the new Black Panther Party are racists then I'd yield to the judgements of those who might be intimate concerning the matters of racists, racism. I myself seldom use either word nor do I turn stones looking for one or the other.

" A right wing poster posted about them while slandering Attorney General Eric Holder"

Slander is the official term for defamation by the spoken word.

Libel is the term for written defamation.

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Ok, let me try again. It is ok to say liberal idiots, but not right wing racists on this forum. Yes CCNightRider, btw, night rider was a name used for the KKK, I was imprisoned by the nixon regime for speaking truth to the power about the illegal, immoral Vietnam War, USMC Sgt-Vietnam 1966/67. Justice William O. Douglas ordered our release, see previous post. We have had this conversation before. In my day as a certified/commissioned law enforcement officer in New Mexico most of the cops were straight up dudes, not all, witness Rio Arriba County. Not today. There is some great info, real info. not the crap vomited by the right wing, out there. I posted it previously but I offended the powers that be. Nothing new and proud of it. My bet is Darren Wilson gets off. Not because of justice but the way Missouri law is written and the fact that grand juries do not return true bills against cops for killing innocent people. CCN, do I believe he killed a fleeing unarmed black man without reason, yes. Of course he could have been scared shitless and not been trained properly, or he could have just wanted to kill a black man, he did pursue him approx. 148 ft. Today's police are nothing but a militarized force for repression. Yes, being poor and/or black makes a difference, a big difference, guess you have never been either. I'm not going to the trouble to post the links that I did before, try to find real info, not the faux (not the) news kind.

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Yea, you've missed a lot, along with quite a few others on this forum. Like I said, I won't go to the trouble to post up links that tell the truth, might offend the powers that be or the tender sensibilities of the readers. I won't say that 3 word phrase, but lets say too many are brainwashed by years of faux (not the) news and right wing lies. Ferguson is what Amerika has become, militarized police in occupied territory.

Unfortunately, gang bangers willing to kill you over a piece if chicken have created urban war zones. Police are doing the best they can to deal with it and still go home to see their families at night.

We are getting to the point of losing control in many areas. What is the solution? Placing cops in harms way only to be spit on and threatened. Getting to the point where I think we just turn the keys for shhiyyttt holes like St. Louis over to the scum bags and let them run it into the ground. Build a fence around it and let them loot, burn and protest all they want. The sad part is it will just end up costing tax payers more money in the long run.

Hey, here is a novel idea. Get out of the streets and get a job.

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I wonder what is going to happen over this police shooting of a 12 year old African - American boy in Cleveland?


Do Grand Jury's normally take this long?

I dunno, but I am assuming cop who shot 12 year old was black. Otherwise, this would be a huge mess also.

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Yea, you've missed a lot, along with quite a few others on this forum. Like I said, I won't go to the trouble to post up links that tell the truth, might offend the powers that be or the tender sensibilities of the readers. I won't say that 3 word phrase, but lets say too many are brainwashed by years of faux (not the) news and right wing lies. Ferguson is what Amerika has become, militarized police in occupied territory.

Unfortunately, gang bangers willing to kill you over a piece if chicken have created urban war zones. Police are doing the best they can to deal with it and still go home to see their families at night.

We are getting to the point of losing control in many areas. What is the solution? Placing cops in harms way only to be spit on and threatened. Getting to the point where I think we just turn the keys for shhiyyttt holes like St. Louis over to the scum bags and let them run it into the ground. Build a fence around it and let them loot, burn and protest all they want. The sad part is it will just end up costing tax payers more money in the long run.

Hey, here is a novel idea. Get out of the streets and get a job.

That is what they did in Detroit. One group was 90% of the population in 1940 just got up and left and the other group became 90% of the population by 2010.


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I will readily admit that I do not truly know what has become of the America (spelled correctly and without the political connotation it should have) that I grew up in, although far from perfect. Did the "Body Snatchers" come and take over? Is there something in the water? An unknown virus that infects the brain? The country in general has lost sight of what it was supposed (supposed is the operative word) to be. I sometimes think the inmates are running the asylum, no not sometimes, all the time. Perhaps this is what happens to empires that have never ending wars, it all comes home. Let us hope that when the grand jury does finally deliver the "no bill" as it surely will, that cooler heads prevail and COINTEL doesn't do what it does best, start trouble.

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Yea, you've missed a lot, along with quite a few others on this forum. Like I said, I won't go to the trouble to post up links that tell the truth, might offend the powers that be or the tender sensibilities of the readers. I won't say that 3 word phrase, but lets say too many are brainwashed by years of faux (not the) news and right wing lies. Ferguson is what Amerika has become, militarized police in occupied territory.

Unfortunately, gang bangers willing to kill you over a piece if chicken have created urban war zones. Police are doing the best they can to deal with it and still go home to see their families at night.

We are getting to the point of losing control in many areas. What is the solution? Placing cops in harms way only to be spit on and threatened. Getting to the point where I think we just turn the keys for shhiyyttt holes like St. Louis over to the scum bags and let them run it into the ground. Build a fence around it and let them loot, burn and protest all they want. The sad part is it will just end up costing tax payers more money in the long run.

Hey, here is a novel idea. Get out of the streets and get a job.

That is what they did in Detroit. One group was 90% of the population in 1940 just got up and left and the other group became 90% of the population by 2010.


And look what happened to Detroit. And I am sure tax payers are picking up tab.

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I will readily admit that I do not truly know what has become of the America (spelled correctly and without the political connotation it should have) that I grew up in, although far from perfect. Did the "Body Snatchers" come and take over? Is there something in the water? An unknown virus that infects the brain? The country in general has lost sight of what it was supposed (supposed is the operative word) to be. I sometimes think the inmates are running the asylum, no not sometimes, all the time. Perhaps this is what happens to empires that have never ending wars, it all comes home. Let us hope that when the grand jury does finally deliver the "no bill" as it surely will, that cooler heads prevail and COINTEL doesn't do what it does best, start trouble.

America on the whole is fine. The bigger issue is society every where. All countries are jacked up to some degree.

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Yea, you've missed a lot, along with quite a few others on this forum. Like I said, I won't go to the trouble to post up links that tell the truth, might offend the powers that be or the tender sensibilities of the readers. I won't say that 3 word phrase, but lets say too many are brainwashed by years of faux (not the) news and right wing lies. Ferguson is what Amerika has become, militarized police in occupied territory.

Unfortunately, gang bangers willing to kill you over a piece if chicken have created urban war zones. Police are doing the best they can to deal with it and still go home to see their families at night.

We are getting to the point of losing control in many areas. What is the solution? Placing cops in harms way only to be spit on and threatened. Getting to the point where I think we just turn the keys for shhiyyttt holes like St. Louis over to the scum bags and let them run it into the ground. Build a fence around it and let them loot, burn and protest all they want. The sad part is it will just end up costing tax payers more money in the long run.

Hey, here is a novel idea. Get out of the streets and get a job.

That is what they did in Detroit. One group was 90% of the population in 1940 just got up and left and the other group became 90% of the population by 2010.


And look what happened to Detroit. And I am sure tax payers are picking up tab.

I think Detroit went bankrupt so in that respect yes. If one calls the police or fire department I don't think they come. You are kind of on your own there, so I guess that saves money. In Thailand I call the private ambulance drivers for almost anything and they take care of it (snakes and suspicious people).

It does incourage independant thinking without reliance on a nanny state.

The last time I was in East St. Louis was for a job interview and the employer provided two body guards for me to attend the interview. So I'[m not buying East St. Louis is a recent problem. It was a very dangerous place 40 years ago too.

I lived in Bangkok and St. Louis both 40 years ago and I believe then as now Bangkok was quite a bit safer.

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I will readily admit that I do not truly know what has become of the America (spelled correctly and without the political connotation it should have) that I grew up in, although far from perfect. Did the "Body Snatchers" come and take over? Is there something in the water? An unknown virus that infects the brain? The country in general has lost sight of what it was supposed (supposed is the operative word) to be. I sometimes think the inmates are running the asylum, no not sometimes, all the time. Perhaps this is what happens to empires that have never ending wars, it all comes home. Let us hope that when the grand jury does finally deliver the "no bill" as it surely will, that cooler heads prevail and COINTEL doesn't do what it does best, start trouble.

The only thing I can figure, is the liberals (probably some sort of virus) have been reproducing and this is the result. Well, Monday should be the big day for the grand jury decision. It will be interesting to see if the blacks will resume rioting.

Apparently, it was determined Brown jumped into Officer Wilson's patrol vehicle and that put everything in motion. What would you have done, if a person that big, jumped inside your patrol vehicle and tried to relieve you of your duty weapon?

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I will readily admit that I do not truly know what has become of the America (spelled correctly and without the political connotation it should have) that I grew up in, although far from perfect. Did the "Body Snatchers" come and take over? Is there something in the water? An unknown virus that infects the brain? The country in general has lost sight of what it was supposed (supposed is the operative word) to be. I sometimes think the inmates are running the asylum, no not sometimes, all the time. Perhaps this is what happens to empires that have never ending wars, it all comes home. Let us hope that when the grand jury does finally deliver the "no bill" as it surely will, that cooler heads prevail and COINTEL doesn't do what it does best, start trouble.

The only thing I can figure, is the liberals (probably some sort of virus) have been reproducing and this is the result. Well, Monday should be the big day for the grand jury decision. It will be interesting to see if the blacks will resume rioting.

Apparently, it was determined Brown jumped into Officer Wilson's patrol vehicle and that put everything in motion. What would you have done, if a person that big, jumped inside your patrol vehicle and tried to relieve you of your duty weapon?

I find it hard to believe that this grand jury whatever is taking so long to come up with a verdict. It's been months.

Perhaps they are too scared to make a decision, and will probably have to be taken away in secret, or in an armoured car to prevent those that disagree with the probable decision of not guilty from killing them.

It will be interesting to see if the blacks will resume rioting.

If there is not going to be a trial, almost 100% certainty, given Sharpton and Holder etc egging them on.

However, they will probably just burn down their own neighbourhood, as they usually do.

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It isn't the liberals, it is the right wing plutocrats, their hired teabaggers, right wing wacko religion taliban, corporations, banksters and Wall Street criminals that are destroying America (spelled correctly without political connotation). No, Justice was not served by the "no bill" but the ruling just might fall within the Missouri legal limits. Show me a credible report that says Brown "jumped" into the vehicle. All the reports I've read said Wilson grabbed him. I tell you what, if Wilson had gone for his gun and I was in Brown's situation (knowing white cops kill Black people)I probably would have tried to prevent him from shooting me also. Of course we just have Wilson's side of the story about how the first shot was fired, and we all know cops never, ever lie, no not ever lie (sarcasm), Brown is dead.

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It isn't the liberals, it is the right wing plutocrats, their hired teabaggers, right wing wacko religion taliban, corporations, banksters and Wall Street criminals that are destroying America (spelled correctly without political connotation). No, Justice was not served by the "no bill" but the ruling just might fall within the Missouri legal limits. Show me a credible report that says Brown "jumped" into the vehicle. All the reports I've read said Wilson grabbed him. I tell you what, if Wilson had gone for his gun and I was in Brown's situation (knowing white cops kill Black people)I probably would have tried to prevent him from shooting me also. Of course we just have Wilson's side of the story about how the first shot was fired, and we all know cops never, ever lie, no not ever lie (sarcasm), Brown is dead.

Think about that last sentence you wrote. There was credible eyewitness testimony, and even more important, forensic evidence such as Brown's blood that was discovered inside Officer Wilson's vehicle and on his uniform.

In this incident, Officer Wilson's statements, match eyewitness testimony and the discovered forensic evidence. Brown is dead, because Brown didn't have the sense God gave a goose. I have been on this planet for a long time, and at no time in my life did I ever entertain the thought of assaulting a police officer nor have I ever knowingly had any friends that would participate in this sort of behavior. However, I did run into a lot of these people inside prison.

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