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US: State of emergency in Missouri


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Nobody has said Brown was not shot inside Wilson's vehicle that I know of. The reasons are disputed. CMN, every had a thug cop assault you when you've done nothing illegal, every been gassed or maced when you've done nothing illegal, ever been arrested and jailed when you've done nothing illegal? Every had that happen over and over again not only to yourself but your friends? Ever had the cops riot in the court room when the victim that defended himself against an illegal assault not only gets off but the cops gets an ass chewing by the judge? No? I didn't think so, try it some time for several years and then tell me how you feel. Ever been Black, Hispanic, American Indian, poor, any minority? How about a person of conscience speaking out against illegal, immoral government and or corporate actions? Try it and pay the price. Ask the Iraq USMC Vet targeted in Oakland. Every had a cop lie on the witness stand against you and then watched the reaction when he gets caught? You just might feel a bit different about police violence. Credible witnesses, the ones the prosecutor picked, ever been a target of a grand jury, credible witnesses my ass. The grand jury hears nothing but what the prosecutor wants it to hear, if it even hears anything at all. Wilson pursued Brown and killed him, period. Missouri does have an fleeing felon clause that allows an officer to do such, was Brown a felon, perhaps. Wilson lied about his injuries. Wilson did shoot Brown when he grabbed Brown's arm and pulled him into the cop car, hence the blood. I suppose trying to not get shot and still getting shot could make you a felon. I can see plenty of reasons for a no bill, justice isn't one of them. Laws are not always just and sometimes they are not just on purpose. I actually put up a link describing the times an officer is true billed vs. no billed in a shooting, seldom if ever is a cop true billed. I'm not looking it up and reposting, don't want to piss off the powers that be, yet again. There is also a lot of information, ah credible, out on the Star Chamber, oops grand jury system. No, justice will not be served in Ferguson until all witness are heard under oath in front of a jury of Brown's peers.

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No, justice will not be served in Ferguson until all witness are heard under oath in front of a jury of Brown's peers.

And then when Officer Wilson is found not guilty, people like you will rant and rave about that and say it was not fair. Look what happened with George Zimmerman. The case was heard by a Grand Jury and the case is CLOSED.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It isn't the liberals, it is the right wing plutocrats, their hired teabaggers, right wing wacko religion taliban, corporations, banksters and Wall Street criminals that are destroying America (spelled correctly without political connotation). No, Justice was not served by the "no bill" but the ruling just might fall within the Missouri legal limits. Show me a credible report that says Brown "jumped" into the vehicle. All the reports I've read said Wilson grabbed him. I tell you what, if Wilson had gone for his gun and I was in Brown's situation (knowing white cops kill Black people)I probably would have tried to prevent him from shooting me also. Of course we just have Wilson's side of the story about how the first shot was fired, and we all know cops never, ever lie, no not ever lie (sarcasm), Brown is dead.

Holy cow!

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In my time in New Mexico I would have faced more than a grand jury for this shooting, the law would not have covered me. That has evidently changed as have the times. The grand jury was presented with what the prosecutor wanted to present, that is always the case. There is never countering evidence to what the prosecutor wants, never. As I've posted, under Missouri law it is easy to understand a no bill coming out of this grand jury, which btw I believe did a 4 or 5 Black people on it. Not that a no bill means justice has been served. Just as looting etc. means that is a proper response to the no bill. Of course we all knew that would happen, COINTEL has had their people in place for some time to make sure.

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Holder is not worthy of being Attorney General, and not for the reasons the right wingnuts spout. The Civil Rights Division was all but destroyed under the Cheney/Bush regime and has not been fixed. It has always been weak in any case. There will be no charges against Wilson, who by the way is well over 6 ft. and weights 210 himself. 2nd degree murder would be a start. The grand jury was fed cherry picked information. The prosecutor always gets what he/she wants out of the grand jury, always. The outcome was forgone and everybody knew it. The anger in Ferguson and many Black communities run much deeper than that caused by just this one incident.

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I forgot to add, this prosecutor doesn't exactly have a great record for truthfulness and defending cops in a shooting.

Is the prosecutor a Democrat and did he get elected in St. Louis County which is predominantly black?

He has won re-election in 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014 and has been very popular.

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I forgot to add, this prosecutor doesn't exactly have a great record for truthfulness and defending cops in a shooting.

Is the prosecutor a Democrat and did he get elected in St. Louis County which is predominantly black?

He has won re-election in 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014 and has been very popular.

After viewing the prosecutor explain the evidence that was presented to the grand jury, I see why he is very popular.

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"Ridiculous. Not charging the policeman who shot down an unarmed young man in the street is anything but simple justice. Maybe in the right wing bizzaro world of Fox News lemmings that's simple justice. In my world and in the eyes of the vast majority of the world...that's murder. "

If the man was going for the cop's gun and the cop was shooting in self-defense, not murder.

Wow, he did all that with his hands up?


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There are also a lot of right wing racists on this forum. Minorities suffer at the hands of cops. US prisons have the highest per capita population in the world. Mostly minority and poor people. A boon for the privatized prison system that should be illegal. Burning and looting is wrong, period. Did COINTEL help start it? One of their specialties is infiltration and instigation. We will never know. The problem in Ferguson and minority communities run much, much deeper than just this case. As I've said, it was pretty much a given the cop would walk, they nearly always do. There is much leeway in the Missouri law for a murder by cop. The grand jury is presented with nothing but the evidence the prosecutor wants to present, period. It is not there to decide innocence or guilt, just to decide if there is enough evidence to warrant a trial. Just because he walked doesn't mean justice was served. If you've never suffered at the hands of the cops, you are probably part of the problem. You have either not spoken truth to the power or you don't see the truth. Might find the following informative as to why cops are seldom indicted for shooting unarmed victims. Oh, and I knew the now Chief of Police Albuquerque, NM when he was a state cop. Doesn't even sound like the same person today that I knew then and I have been following the case. One of my best friends was a prosecutor there and we helped form a rural fire department that changed many attitudes together. http://link.thenation.com/528680b0039c1c4d1617a197204y1.19w2/VHRnzcPoDAF91lArA0a0c

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I forgot to add, this prosecutor doesn't exactly have a great record for truthfulness and defending cops in a shooting.

Is the prosecutor a Democrat and did he get elected in St. Louis County which is predominantly black?

He has won re-election in 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014 and has been very popular.

Yes, he is a Democrat, having served on one of Obama's campaign committees in his (Obama's) 2008 election campaign.

These liberals who cry "right wing racists" at every turn don't really have a clue what the truth is.

They are too busy whining and beating their chests about an imagined injustice to bother with reading anything outside of Mother Jones, Huffington Post or some other far left radical media.

When they have nothing else to argue, they shout "faux" news and racism to try and get past the facts. They have nothing else.

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And your point is in relationship to me how? I don't steal, don't smoke, never have. Like many people, I have been known to walk down the road on occasion. Did it just the other night and probably will again tonight. Ok, that is here. Even if I were still in America (spelled correctly and without political connotation) and were walking down the road (it would have to be pretty traffic free, I like living) and a cop asked me politely to exit the roadway I would then do so. If he treated me with no respect I just might do the same back. Yea, and I well know the price one pays for not allowing a cop to verbally abuse one. I have always treated people with respect, unless they didn't treat me with respect. Like my Senior DI said about officers in the USMC, "I don't need an act of Congress to make me a gentleman, my mother made me one" (he had a few more "things" to say about officers also...lol). Once had a dude I had arrested buy me a beer and tell me that was the most pleasant arrest he had every had. My reputation was a straight up dude that was strict (bordering on hard), but polite and respectful. I took no crap, but I didn't arbitraily dish it out either like so many cops do. We don't know what the exchange between Brown and Wilson was do we. Brown is dead and only Wilson is heard. And we all know the cops, never, never ever lie, yea right, and I have a bridge from California to Thailand I'd like to sell you.

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Do I detect just a bit of the R word that I can't say if it directly involves another poster? Well Blacks are basically foreigners in America, right. Those chains weren't quite the same as a passport and a pocket full of money. As it invoves the forum, back to my statement, there are a lot of right wing racists on here.

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Have you ever stopped to wonder how many Ferguson residents awoke on Tuesday morning to go to work and found their livelihoods, jobs and incomes burned to the ground?

The people and good citizens of Ferguson and East St. Louis are the victims here. They are the ones that have to piece their lives back together and get on with life.

You can bleat on forever about Brown but the fact remains he was an overly large thug who got killed because he refused to follow directions from the police after performing an illegal act and being confronted about it.

Your protestations about Brown being a victim are falling on deaf ears.

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No doubt, there are some bad guys out there just looking for an excuse. They need to be put away, whether government or civilian. Ah was that a "dog whistle"-"Black Friday"? Why I do believe it was.

Here is a bit on the prosecutor and some of the reason there were objections to him handling the grand jury and. Don't click on the link inside the truthout article about him, it is messed up big time. The good link for that is the last one below. For those that don't know, duckduckgo is a search engine that doesn't track or save your info unlike google and bing. Some interesting history about the relationship between Blacks and police in the area highlighting some of the causes of Black dissatisfaction. Interesting case of how 2 white undercover cops shot 2 unarmed Black men for trying to run over them in their car, when in fact the car was going backwards. No bill in that case also.






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Have you ever stopped to wonder how many Ferguson residents awoke on Tuesday morning to go to work and found their livelihoods, jobs and incomes burned to the ground?

The people and good citizens of Ferguson and East St. Louis are the victims here. They are the ones that have to piece their lives back together and get on with life.

You can bleat on forever about Brown but the fact remains he was an overly large thug who got killed because he refused to follow directions from the police after performing an illegal act and being confronted about it.

Your protestations about Brown being a victim are falling on deaf ears.

another young innocent black man shot dead by a white cop. nobody is excusing rioting or looting but when is enough enough? black americans are tired of their sons being shot dead by cops who are never punished. so what are people meant to do? shut up and just accept your sons being at risk of being shot dead by trigger happy, untouchable white cops?

and "overly large thug" is one of the stupidest comments i've read around this terrible situation. and that's going some.

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The facts are the are plenty of right wing racists on this forum as evidenced by the vomit spewed towards Black people. While I am mostly definitely a left wing militant, I'm no nut case. I base my life on facts, not faux (not the) news lies. The fact in Ferguson is justice is not served and seldom is in cops dealing with Blacks. It matters not whether the store owner was strong armed. That is a case that would have been delt with in court, had he survived the attack by the cop. In matters not whether he was a punk or not, all people deserved to be treated as human beings, not animals shot down in the street. What matters is an unarmed Black man was shot down with his hands up. Everybody should know by now that even if you are lying down, don't lift a finger when a cop beats the crap out of you assault and resisting charges will be filed against you.

shot down with his hands up.

Give it a rest. It was not proven that he had his hands up.

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Have you ever stopped to wonder how many Ferguson residents awoke on Tuesday morning to go to work and found their livelihoods, jobs and incomes burned to the ground?

The people and good citizens of Ferguson and East St. Louis are the victims here. They are the ones that have to piece their lives back together and get on with life.

You can bleat on forever about Brown but the fact remains he was an overly large thug who got killed because he refused to follow directions from the police after performing an illegal act and being confronted about it.

Your protestations about Brown being a victim are falling on deaf ears.

another young innocent black man shot dead by a white cop. nobody is excusing rioting or looting but when is enough enough? black americans are tired of their sons being shot dead by cops who are never punished. so what are people meant to do? shut up and just accept your sons being at risk of being shot dead by trigger happy, untouchable white cops?

and "overly large thug" is one of the stupidest comments i've read around this terrible situation. and that's going some.

Most black men are shot by other black men, not police officers. When is enough enough? Haven't seen Obama or Holder or the other race hustlers in Chicago lecturing on the mayhem there- is it because they only care if a white is involved?

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