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A complete tale of woe


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Personally i hope this thread is relayed to him.

"Happy"? do not know if the meaning of the word comes to him now,... and who is the more incontinent him or the baby. He is being taken advantage of big style and in all probability will be bumped off as soon as he is drained of any assets.

Not going anywhere poor Fred as he is out of ideas, friends and family and suffering from Parkinson's

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What the OP says seem a bit judgemental to me.

the guy is 78 for petes sake he has probably done that much running around that all he wants to do now is rest up.

who knows, he may have no other kids and doesnt mind contributing while on the last chapter.

Maybe the girl looks after him ok and he probably reason to himself..ok she not perfect but look at what else is on offer at his age..do yiu think he wants to go to the trouble of looking around for another to look after him and get another whos twice as bad.

What you describe is par for the course on bargirls and how many will take him on at that age who is innocent and sweet and love him ching ching.

haha me thinks that the guy is laughing at you. He probably went there to get away from his best mate,who is now laying the boot in!!

Good on him,he is a guy of 78 years of age that actually survive to a ripe age in arguably in one of the most trecherous environment their is!!

lets see how you go when are that age op!

As many an old codgers has said to the young buck..." you have got to get there yet"!!

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If he has been told and has all the info let him live his life.

Later when his money is drained and he is dumped he should not come crying to his friends.

Nothing wrong with old guys paying for it. But they should not complain when she cheats and it goes wrong.

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If he has been told and has all the info let him live his life.

Later when his money is drained and he is dumped he should not come crying to his friends.

Nothing wrong with old guys paying for it. But they should not complain when she cheats and it goes wrong.

Exactly what will be happening,already stating his loneliness and isolation and wants to return to Pattaya. Apparently she dumps the kid on him for days at a time while she disappears. He was seriously considering returning to the UK before all this

One of his friends contacts from UK regarding his welfare, his family there disowned him through his antics. I'm not physically involved nor wish to be

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The best way you could help him would be to introduce him to someone new if you can. He's clearly lonely and that is why he is willing to let this woman abuse him. There are plenty of 40+ single moms out there who wouldn't screw over a nice guy that was willing to help them out financially. There is nothing wrong with a guy paying but he should get a bit of kindness in return, this guy sounds like he's just being taken to the cleaners and will probably be murdered when the money runs out.

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If he has been told and has all the info let him live his life.

Later when his money is drained and he is dumped he should not come crying to his friends.

Nothing wrong with old guys paying for it. But they should not complain when she cheats and it goes wrong.

Exactly what will be happening,already stating his loneliness and isolation and wants to return to Pattaya. Apparently she dumps the kid on him for days at a time while she disappears. He was seriously considering returning to the UK before all this

One of his friends contacts from UK regarding his welfare, his family there disowned him through his antics. I'm not physically involved nor wish to be

It could happen, not always but with a bar girl there is a higher chance.

But i guess the cheating is normal in age gap relations guys love sex with sexy younger girls. Girls like sex too and not with someone 40 years older as long as he can accept that the has some guys to satisfy her needs it will be ok.

Its just a financial arangement, nothing wrong with that. I would have put a girl on a monthly salary if i was that age and not buy a house or car in her name.

I know if i ever want it id make sure no house or car on ger name. Just a monthly rent like many guys that pay girls to stay with them. Nothing wrong if the girl is sexy and hot and I am not.

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Does the guy have a previous family that know about the situation?

He does have one son in the UK that was actively involved with him,probably another,but ties were cut years ago as his friend in UK describes

He did a fair bit of time in the army serving in Malaya(sia) in the early '60s,supposed the army welfare could get involved if he gets anywhere near like ending it all.

Just sympathy for an old guy totally out of his depth and hardly a way out of it all

He is miles away from me , no chance of seeing him but I know the state he is in

Edited by loppylugs1
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Does the guy have a previous family that know about the situation?

He does have one son in the UK that was actively involved with him,probably another,but ties were cut years ago as his friend in UK describes

He did a fair bit of time in the army serving in Malaya(sia) in the early '60s,supposed the army welfare could get involved if he gets anywhere near like ending it all.

Just sympathy for an old guy totally out of his depth and hardly a way out of it all

He is miles away from me , no chance of seeing him but I know the state he is in

I see your point mate.

You'll not get much sympathy with most on here, its how it is.

If it bothers you enough to post the story on here, and since you know the guy, then do something about it.

Start by contacting his family if you live to far away.

If it were my Dad, Id want to know and be happy someone took the time to contact me.

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