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A complete tale of woe


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Neverdie I seriously doubt you're 99, but my question still stands. Why should he be taking up knitting or tiddlywinks at 80 if you don't do it yourself. Or maybe you do. For crissake, let people make their own choices and mistakes, whatever their age. This forum is full of half-wits handing down judgements like they have the answer to the meaning of life, when in reality they are at home every day for hours on their computer handing out advice.


Mate, the forum is for people to discuss stuff. Take it or leave it.

Don't get hooked up on it, or slash ur wrists over it.

Up to him indeed. Some people choose to eat shitt. Bon appetite as far as I'm concerned.

You still never answered the question, but never mind.

Good lord. We are struggling together tonite.

Answering which or what. I've got a habit of doing that. It's hard for me to keep up sometimes I'm 3/4 blind in one eye and can't see out of the other.

Is this the diaper thing?

I don't wear a diaper. I will die before that's required, fortunately. :)

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Good friend you are; posting his name and disclosing his private affairs on an internet forum without his permission. If a friend of mine did the same to me, they'd be an ex-friend in double quick time.

As if identifying a farang named Fred that lives in Isaan is some kind of personal affront... Hardly a breach of personal etiquette...

Fred is probably not his real name anyway.


Were you a detective in your previous life? His name was Frederick, Fred for short.......apparently.

Please stay off my profile page fella. Your making it look untidy tongue.png

Funny you should ask if I was a detective....No, I wasn't, but I do have a finely tuned bullshit detector.

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Good friend you are; posting his name and disclosing his private affairs on an internet forum without his permission. If a friend of mine did the same to me, they'd be an ex-friend in double quick time.

As if identifying a farang named Fred that lives in Isaan is some kind of personal affront... Hardly a breach of personal etiquette...

Fred is probably not his real name anyway.


Were you a detective in your previous life? His name was Frederick, Fred for short.......apparently.

Please stay off my profile page fella. Your making it look untidy tongue.png

Funny you should ask if I was a detective....No, I wasn't, but I do have a finely tuned bullshit detector.

You didn't respond to my request to stay off the page.

Ps; I was a detective. You looked familiar with that wisdom. :)

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Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

I won't resort to name-calling as you have done, My goodness, you're on holiday with your 67 year old father, how damn magnanimous of you! He's not here looking for a young wife is he?

Yeah Rob you might have a new Mum soon! 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Wild assumption ATF.

He might end up with 2 daddies. Or a mummy with half daddy and half mommy bits.

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Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

I won't resort to name-calling as you have done, My goodness, you're on holiday with your 67 year old father, how damn magnanimous of you! He's not here looking for a young wife is he?

Yeah Rob you might have a new Mum soon! 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Might be an improvement who knows in looks for sure.

If anyone reads what i posted before i said i hope that if im als old as giddyup i will be smart and rent a girl not like the guy in the OP.

I believe that in large age gap relations the girl is after money in general with some exceptions.

So if you just make sure they dont fleece you and your not worth more dead as alive it can be fun.

Those are my views.

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Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

I won't resort to name-calling as you have done, My goodness, you're on holiday with your 67 year old father, how damn magnanimous of you! He's not here looking for a young wife is he?

Yeah Rob you might have a new Mum soon! 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Wild assumption ATF.

He might end up with 2 daddies. Or a mummy with half daddy and half mommy bits.

Also an option if dad likes that so far he never told me. But if so its up to him but for now he is still with my mum.

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Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

I won't resort to name-calling as you have done, My goodness, you're on holiday with your 67 year old father, how damn magnanimous of you! He's not here looking for a young wife is he?

Yeah Rob you might have a new Mum soon! 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Wild assumption ATF.

He might end up with 2 daddies. Or a mummy with half daddy and half mommy bits.

Perhaps a mum called Fred?

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Your a fool who gets angered easy if you look at my examples before posting you see that they were not eldery but just age gaps. That is what im talking about and you would know if you googled dal3 heney and looked at other posts.

Im now on holliday with my 67 year old dad. I have no problem with elderly that can read.

I won't resort to name-calling as you have done, My goodness, you're on holiday with your 67 year old father, how damn magnanimous of you! He's not here looking for a young wife is he?

Yeah Rob you might have a new Mum soon! 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Wild assumption ATF.

He might end up with 2 daddies. Or a mummy with half daddy and half mommy bits.

Perhaps a mum called Fred?

I seriously doubt it farang TV's dont look nice in general. Atlwast a Thai katoi can look good.

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Advise him to go back to UK and be among his love one in his own country.

Go back to the UK and freeze to death on his own in a bedsit would be more likely.

The UK is not a nice place for the elderly.

It has social services..support systems not available here. My elderly ( now single ) aunt has cleaning, shopping services, emergency buttons etc...health care..social groups...

You are very very much alone here..if things go wrong.

I suspect excessive drink plays a role in a lot of outcomes..

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Advise him to go back to UK and be among his love one in his own country.

Go back to the UK and freeze to death on his own in a bedsit would be more likely.

The UK is not a nice place for the elderly.

It has social services..support systems not available here. My elderly ( now single ) aunt has cleaning, shopping services, emergency buttons etc...health care..social groups...

You are very very much alone here..if things go wrong.

I suspect excessive drink plays a role in a lot of outcomes..

Many of the elderly I know in the UK have to make a choice every winter, eat or heat?

Not enough money for both.

Nobody has that problem in Thailand, food is cheap and plentiful, and it's really not cold enough to die from it.

The UK really isn't that great a place when you're old.

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I'm one to talk but why are we men so much in need to marry a girl (woman)?

I understand that women look for a commitment but as those of us who are on a VISA retirement extension, does it make sense?

Guys --- ask yourself the question if you are 75 and she is 40 years old, does she "really" love you or is she looking for a quick cash-in once you kick the bucket?

We men are our own worst enemy as we don't think with our brains.

And so what should they do? Just hire a live in maid and when they die the pension stops and the Government keeps it? At least they get a girl that acts like they care or is a companion for them and after they die somebody gets the pension benefit __-Screw the Gov.

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Advise him to go back to UK and be among his love one in his own country.

Go back to the UK and freeze to death on his own in a bedsit would be more likely.

The UK is not a nice place for the elderly.

It has social services..support systems not available here. My elderly ( now single ) aunt has cleaning, shopping services, emergency buttons etc...health care..social groups...

You are very very much alone here..if things go wrong.

I suspect excessive drink plays a role in a lot of outcomes..

Many of the elderly I know in the UK have to make a choice every winter, eat or heat?

Not enough money for both.

Nobody has that problem in Thailand, food is cheap and plentiful, and it's really not cold enough to die from it.

The UK really isn't that great a place when you're old.

True, but neither is Thailand for some and when they realize that then what?

Thailand is not cheap for people on fixed incomes either.

Don't get sick here..

But I see your point..

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Advise him to go back to UK and be among his love one in his own country.

Go back to the UK and freeze to death on his own in a bedsit would be more likely.

The UK is not a nice place for the elderly.

It has social services..support systems not available here. My elderly ( now single ) aunt has cleaning, shopping services, emergency buttons etc...health care..social groups...

You are very very much alone here..if things go wrong.

I suspect excessive drink plays a role in a lot of outcomes..

Many of the elderly I know in the UK have to make a choice every winter, eat or heat?

Not enough money for both.

Nobody has that problem in Thailand, food is cheap and plentiful, and it's really not cold enough to die from it.

The UK really isn't that great a place when you're old.

You must be from the south side of the river. I don't know anyone in that dilemma.

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A few years ago, I asked a 73 year old friend, who's intellect and experience I greatly respected, why he lived in Thailand.

He answered, where else can a 73 year old live with a 28 year old ??

He's dead now but his daughter is at university and owns several rai.

Win Win.

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caring for your kid is not pitiful any way you cut it.

some guys as they get older WANT a kid.

if she's out of the picture, yes it may be lonely, on the other hand maybe he likes being a single Dad. Maybe the kid looks like him so he does not need a DNA test. or, maybe he don't care if it IS someones else's.

many people around that diverge from usual values.

where would he be otherwise, in Pattaya somewhere sitting in a bar???

Edited by fey
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I am 76 with a 25 year old. Been together for 3 years now. Lay it on the table when you first meet them. I told her that she gets hers after I am gone. This is in my will. She gets so much a month now part of which goes to the parents. Despite our age we get along great. She is a good person no smoking drinking or partying. Movie lover like me.

Judas Priest man. You have a will that gives her what's yours after you're dead?

That might come sooner than you expected. I hope her family members don't know that.

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Personally i hope this thread is relayed to him.

"Happy"? do not know if the meaning of the word comes to him now,... and who is the more incontinent him or the baby. He is being taken advantage of big style and in all probability will be bumped off as soon as he is drained of any assets.

Not going anywhere poor Fred as he is out of ideas, friends and family and suffering from Parkinson's

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Who the f*** is trying to take advantage out of what the f***?

YOU are taking advantage of an old bloke who fulfilled a dream. Are you after his money, or do you just want to enhance your reputation as a self-declared caretaker?

In both cases:

Go home, there's a whole industry waiting for **** like you !

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Sad story but not specifically Thai. Happens the world over.

Oh gawd, where's the 'bored' emoticon? It is Thai specific because it is a story regarding a Thai gold digger (by all accounts) IN THAILAND, nothing to do with the rest of the world. If everyone came back with the throwaway 'this and that happens elsewhere, so it doesn't count' line, there'd be nothing to discuss and this forum would go to sh.it real quick. Having said that, I think what you meant to say was, this happens all the time here, so who cares?

I'm with the others; it's nice you're concerned, op, but guys like this are thinking with the wrong head and closed off to logic. Probably best to just stay out of it.

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Not our business. True, but you cannot help wanting to save a friend. Problem is, is the friend suffering? Does he know everything to which you refer and still wants her? Maybe she does take care of him--a kind word, the laundry done, a home-cooked meal, a little leg . . .

I hesitate to get involved, but I have. I lost a good friend trying to get into his business. He was down and out in the PI some years ago. I helped him, got him off booze and got him back to the States. While there he was able to get a job, and finally got both Veterans Administration and Social Security disability pensions. He quit his menial job and returned to the PI with a suitable pension. He hooked up with a girl he had known and wanted before. She was much older now and past her prime, but was attracted by his new-found peso-nality. My wife and I went to visit him when we returned to the PI several years ago. While he and I were out on the town, my wife and his girlfriend talked. She was full of questions for my wife: how much does your husband give you, how much have you saved, how much can you get hold of, how much . . . how much. The girlfriend told of building a house, and her buffalo not knowing he was supporting her Filipino husband and kids in that house he built for her.

I wrestled with that story for a while. I saw how she manipulated my friend and how he was continually giving her money--most of what he got every month. Finally, I told him. He flew off the handle, told me it was none of my business, cursed me for even getting involved. Told me to get out and never speak to him again.

A few years later, while he was sick in hospital, she got his power of attorney, emptied his bank account, sold his truck, sold his household goods, and left him. His brother told me this, he still doesn't speak to me.

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Good friend you are; posting his name and disclosing his private affairs on an internet forum without his permission. If a friend of mine did the same to me, they'd be an ex-friend in double quick time.

If you can identify Fred from Isaan you must be Sherlock Holmes. There must be 100's of Fred's from the UK in Isaan. In addition of the few people, that may just well be able to identify the OP's Fred, you can bet they are already fully aware of his situation. If Fred is his real name. Maybe he's called Dick.

Fred!. In truth a very high percentage of us, are with beautiful Thai women because of money. So mate she may well have and still be cheating on you, but as long as she makes you feel good about yourself, go for it, enjoy!!. You wont be needing any credit cards in heaven. (So I'm told LOL :-) )

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Personally at the age of 78 I can't think of anything worse than having a 9 month old kid.

I could not agree more. I told my Thai wife when I first met her when I was fifty years old that there would be no children and that we would not be looking after any grandchildren that might emanate from the two she already had.


Back in the day nearly all the farangs who ended up with thai birds knew the score. They'd marry for love, comfort and relocation but not to end up in the disaster of having kids to an alien culture and land. Taking care of her existing kids was ok and the done thing.

More recently it's this new wave of old-fool tourists who are easily led up the garden path. They knock a girl up, often having no idea of her background and sexual health, marry her and that is the start of the horror show. Even some of the freshest bar-girls I've seen with my friends (one of the BGs was a virgin!) ended up dumping him with the luuk keung out of the blue.

So from about the past ten to twelve years the rate of these 'old fools' and some young misguided ones too has really increased.

Farang can support the kids, but not in the next few decades when the pension honey pot runs dry. ;)

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Advise him to go back to UK and be among his love one in his own country.

Go back to the UK and freeze to death on his own in a bedsit would be more likely.

The UK is not a nice place for the elderly.

If you haven't got your own house in order by the time you are elderly then more fool you.

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I'm one to talk but why are we men so much in need to marry a girl (woman)?

I understand that women look for a commitment but as those of us who are on a VISA retirement extension, does it make sense?

Guys --- ask yourself the question if you are 75 and she is 40 years old, does she "really" love you or is she looking for a quick cash-in once you kick the bucket?

We men are our own worst enemy as we don't think with our brains.

And so what should they do? Just hire a live in maid and when they die the pension stops and the Government keeps it? At least they get a girl that acts like they care or is a companion for them and after they die somebody gets the pension benefit __-Screw the Gov.

That is a good question worth answering. If they've no farang descendants then I think the pension benefit is worthy to be passed on and shard with their TGF / TW.

If there's a lump sum though then I think it's wrong to deny that to their own kids and relatives struggling back in Europe. To do otherwise is disrespectful and dishonorable to their blood kin.

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