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Son of former deputy minister beats girlfriend at Bangkok police station


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It might end like the Thai soaps after domestic violence. With a marriage and a happily ever after. I'm not even kidding. My wife used to watch the odd Thai soap on C7. Remember one episode about 5 years ago or so where the husband thought his wife was cheating on him. So, he kidnapped her, took her to the woods and kept her in an isolated hut. She was tied to a bed, beaten regularly and fed scraps when he could come to the hut. The insuation was that he also raped her continually.

What was the outcome? He finds out his wife didn't cheat on him and it was just a nasty rumour. He begs her for forgiveness (while she's tied to a bed and starving)...she forgives him as she sees the lengths that he will go to to keep her to himself.... and that, my friends, was a romantic ending??????????????

Perhaps the portrayal of wife battery as almost a normal thing on TV isn't a good idea.

Hope she gets well soon, but don't hold your breath for any jail time. The local RTP are booking that fortnight in Barbados as we speak.

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Future leaders? Ferrari-driving rich kids make asses of themselves in Vice video. http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/04/24/future-leaders-ferrari-driving-rich-kids-make-asses-themselves-vice-video

Was the next article from Coconuts.

What is described in the OP was an extremely viscous attack on a woman. Even if she had a gig the lad should have been man enough to walk away.

Maybe it’s time to go to Singapore with the Ferrari kid.

Can’t the Thais see this type of corruption which is the perverting the course of natural justice?

Yes, they can and do. They can't do anything about it, at present. At some stage, who knows when, the chickens will come home to roost.

Society is changing, despite ever more desperate attempts to go back to the glorious days of the last century. The ordinary people now have access to ideas and can share opinions (smartphones, internet etc) which previous generations never had. Maybe the "Dinosaurs" are underestimating the "Buffaloes".

Thai society is changing, how fast remains to be seen, but changing it is - for the better. Sh*ts like him will not be able to strut their stuff with impunity for much longer.

This dude is probably part of the young 'Hi-So' crowd. I've seen that video before. It's absolutely unreal. A must see. Perhaps a few of those elite supporting plant pots will see exactly what they are really supporting.Doubt it though.

The qoute “There are some things I love about you. You have a number of Ferraris, but not even one in red color. It takes a lot of guts for you not to get a red Ferrari” will be debated in schools one day when they actually do a proper social studies course.

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I'll never understand this bail system. 6 policemen witnessing a savage beatdown should be more than enough to NOT grant bail to the perpetuator. And why was it only 150k? That's pocket money for those people. At least make it 10 or 50 mill so that daddy will not be so happy to let his son lay low in some neighbour country for a few years.

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Future leaders? Ferrari-driving rich kids make asses of themselves in Vice video. http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/04/24/future-leaders-ferrari-driving-rich-kids-make-asses-themselves-vice-video

Was the next article from Coconuts.

What is described in the OP was an extremely viscous attack on a woman. Even if she had a gig the lad should have been man enough to walk away.

Maybe it’s time to go to Singapore with the Ferrari kid.

Can’t the Thais see this type of corruption which is the perverting the course of natural justice?

Yes, they can and do. They can't do anything about it, at present. At some stage, who knows when, the chickens will come home to roost.

Society is changing, despite ever more desperate attempts to go back to the glorious days of the last century. The ordinary people now have access to ideas and can share opinions (smartphones, internet etc) which previous generations never had. Maybe the "Dinosaurs" are underestimating the "Buffaloes".

Thai society is changing, how fast remains to be seen, but changing it is - for the better. Sh*ts like him will not be able to strut their stuff with impunity for much longer.

Yeah, I hope so Jag.

One sad thing about the story is that Mum had to go and file a complaint the next day. One would think that this would have been done by the police?

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Is it just my imagination, but I've been coming to Thailand for more than 15 years, (living here for 6 years), but is the number of these type of incidents, perpetrated by the sons of "hiso" or "connected" people increasing dramatically? Maybe as is often stated, it is because of more media coverage (Facebook, Thai Visa etc) but these spoilt brats seem to be literally getting away with murder, and consequently the result seems to be more and more headlines like the one above. Some of their actions beggars belief, but unfortunately TIT, and Daddy's money always seems to buy them out of trouble. Maybe the new PM should be using his new broom to sweep away some of these practices, and make a few examples of these juvenile thugs/killers who think they are above the law by jailing them - no bail - no early release, and even jail Daddy if he tries to pay for the punishment to "go away"?

Correction: ..... these spoilt brats seem to be literally are getting away with murder, .....

Correction accepted.

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With ALL watching the brad won't be able to get away with this one. He will be found guilty of manslaughter and jailed.

Did you even read the post? To be found guilty of manslaughter you have to have killed someone, so you are wrong on that point, and as for being jailed, well, are bets still open on that one? To do something like that in front of a police station with a number of police officers as witnesses, you have to be pretty confident that your family connections will keep you out of the "nick" - in fact that's maybe why he did it there!

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"He might be brought in for further Questioning???????"


Nick the bast4rd !

Unbelievable, what is wrong with this country!? this is a shocking crime and the guy is not even in custardy

Not meaning to be flippant, and it is indeed a shocking crime, but "custardy"? Well, he is yellow, we can all see that, so maybe a downing/drowning in a big bowl of custard and then show him off to all his hiso buddies might be the loss of face that this creep so rightly deserves!

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He did this in front of the police station? Where were the police? At checkpoints making collections?

Is this man locked up now waiting to pay bail?

He will never face a formal charge because they will harass and threaten or bribe the woman to retract her statement

"Six to seven police officers witnessed the attack and intervened to stop him."

"Pairinya was sent to the hospital while the politician’s son was released on THB150,000 bail Saturday morning."

"Her mother filed a police complaint on Sunday."

"Police will call him for further questioning."

Have you ever noticed the little blue link below a story?

Where it says Full Story?

Full story: http://bangkok.cocon...-police-station

facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

And you got 6 lemmings to "like" your comment as well...

facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

So you think he will be charged, prosecuted, and if found guilty receive a just punishment? The last sentence in his OP is pertinent.

A convert to the Thai judicial system appreciation society - good for you!

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Is it just my imagination, but I've been coming to Thailand for more than 15 years, (living here for 6 years), but is the number of these type of incidents, perpetrated by the sons of "hiso" or "connected" people increasing dramatically? Maybe as is often stated, it is because of more media coverage (Facebook, Thai Visa etc) but these spoilt brats seem to be literally getting away with murder, and consequently the result seems to be more and more headlines like the one above. Some of their actions beggars belief, but unfortunately TIT, and Daddy's money always seems to buy them out of trouble. Maybe the new PM should be using his new broom to sweep away some of these practices, and make a few examples of these juvenile thugs/killers who think they are above the law by jailing them - no bail - no early release, and even jail Daddy if he tries to pay for the punishment to "go away"?

I don't know if the number of incidents is increasing or not. But, we are certainly hearing about them more. There was a time when no one would dare print something about a connected person or anyone from certain families.

However, they still get away without any real punishment,

If charged and prosecuted he'll probably get to go to anger counselling or some such.

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He did this in front of the police station? Where were the police? At checkpoints making collections?

Is this man locked up now waiting to pay bail?

He will never face a formal charge because they will harass and threaten or bribe the woman to retract her statement

"Six to seven police officers witnessed the attack and intervened to stop him."

"Pairinya was sent to the hospital while the politician’s son was released on THB150,000 bail Saturday morning."

"Her mother filed a police complaint on Sunday."

"Police will call him for further questioning."

Have you ever noticed the little blue link below a story?

Where it says Full Story?

Full story: http://bangkok.cocon...-police-station

facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

And you got 6 lemmings to "like" your comment as well...

facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

So you think he will be charged, prosecuted, and if found guilty receive a just punishment? The last sentence in his OP is pertinent.

A convert to the Thai judicial system appreciation society - good for you!

I'm not clear what you are babbling on about.

I was responding to a dolt who didn't even bother to read the the full story.

All the answers to his questions were in it.


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