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I am using Line for most of my communication. My phone is set on "silent", whenever I get a message or phone call it only vibrates.

There are these annoying invitation for games and other stuff from friends and even from people I don't know. How can I disable these, or at least set them to non-vibrating?

Similarly, I want to set some friends to non-vibrating (but I don't want to block the contact yet).

There is "notifications off" in the menu, I don't know what it does, it is set to "off" for all my contacts.

I travel a lot, and when I am standing in a bus, holding on the bus with one hand and operating my phone with the other hand, and find out it's one of the invitations or friend who I know to be talkative (I am not), it's annoying. Similar walking on the sidewalk (if there is any), one day I will fall into a hole or get driven over by a car while I am operating my mobile phone, only to find out it's an invitation to a game.


Tell your friends not to send the invitations, simple problem solved, unless you have like a 1000 friends or so:), in which case you must be very lucky:)

For the people I do not know I just remove them from my list of Line contacts.


Tell your friends not to send the invitations, simple problem solved, unless you have like a 1000 friends or so:), in which case you must be very lucky:)

For the people I do not know I just remove them from my list of Line contacts.

As far as I know you can not completely remove a contact - only block them.


You make it sound like you have no choice about using your phone on the bus or walking along the road....we all have choices. If you're afraid of falling into a pothole then don't use your phone while walking, it's easier than having all the pot holes filled in and besides....there are a lot of nice things going on around us that we might miss when our head is glued to the phone.

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Tell your friends not to send the invitations, simple problem solved

Most of my friends are current or prospective sexual partner of low education, and with many of them I communicate in Thai (wouldn't know how say this in Thai) anyway I think they wouldn't remember or even worse there is a function to sent invitations to all friends or maybe it even is automatic once you start playing.

"You make it sound like you have no choice about using your phone on the bus or walking along the road"

I don't know if the message is important, or I wait for a message from someone, that's why I always look what it is when my phone vibrates, in most cases it's not important.


I read the guide, but didn't follow the instructions. Currently I am going through a doldrum, haven't gotten an invitiation for weeks, hope it stays like this without further action.

I changed the following settings, maybe that helped:

Line - More - Settings - Notifications - Additional Services - Receive Messages un-chek

Line - More - Settings - Notifications - Group Invitations un-chek

(the menus are somewhat un-intuitive)

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