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Thai crusade pays off as looted treasures return from US museum


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Maybe they should send the blue diamond back.

Why?.......They own it.

Building empires and looting has been going on since the dawn of mankind.

Every race at one time or another have been involved in some form of occupancy, whether it be tribal or national colonization.

Thailand itself stole most of its lands and temples and riches from the Khmer.

Why don't Thailand give that stuff back?

Germany have tried to dominate Europe on two past occasions and now actually have their empire.... the EU.

I suggest people stop throwing stones at the Brits. That is just borne out of one thing in my opinion..... Jealousy.

Or contempt?

Lots of sad, usually low educated but opinionated people, have contempt for other countries. They are called bigots.

I'm with Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from "Full Metal Jacket": If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death praying for war. But until that day you are pukes. You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human <deleted> beings. You are nothing but unorganized grab-asstic pieces of amphibian shit! Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard, but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. Do you maggots understand that?

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Maybe they should send the blue diamond back.

Why?.......They own it.

Building empires and looting has been going on since the dawn of mankind.

Every race at one time or another have been involved in some form of occupancy, whether it be tribal or national colonization.

Thailand itself stole most of its lands and temples and riches from the Khmer.

Why don't Thailand give that stuff back?

Germany have tried to dominate Europe on two past occasions and now actually have their empire.... the EU.

I suggest people stop throwing stones at the Brits. That is just borne out of one thing in my opinion..... Jealousy.

Or contempt?

Yeah - boiled meat and bad teeth, I want some of that rolleyes.gifcheesy.gif

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the farlangs in particular Brits and Americans have looted so much from so many places.

Wasn't it France that sent back preserved heads of Maori chiefs to NZ? And the Germans did a little bit of looting in the last century - on 2 occasions, and were very active in the middle east the century before. Japan's looting in WW2 was massive and never recovered. Wonder how they rebuilt their country and economic 'miracle"?

Live up to your avatar.

The Japanese rebuilt their country and created their economic miracle by hard work and intelligence - not with the loot they stole during WWII.

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If the UK did that, there would be nothing left in the British Museum

.Possibly everything would still buried under shifting sands and undergrowth.

A classic colonialist assumption. While it may have taken longer, the native people would have eventually discovered it.

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the farlangs in particular Brits and Americans have looted so much from so many places.

What about the Romans, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Thais, Mongols, Alexander the Great, Greeks, Prussians, Persians, Germans, Dutch, Belgians, Arabs, Russians, etc etc etc.????

Going back 10,000 years man has been stealing his way across the world and there is barely a country that exists to the day that didn't steal their way into that land at some point in history.

Man..... You are baring your ignorance to the entire forum. I take it you were colonized by a superior race?

The biggest culprits were not the Americans and Brits. It was the Romans followed by Genghis Khan...... get your history right pal.

As long as it stays on Earth, everything is fine.

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the farlangs in particular Brits and Americans have looted so much from so many places.

OK, Your anti American, but the Americans were the last to even explore the areas that have been plundered by the mature countries/civilations of the world. The Europeans have several centries more experience and oppurtunity and then there were those who came before them, from the East. If your going to have a go/bash at other countries people, at least educate yourself so you may be seen as just unread not stupid.

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Maybe they should send the blue diamond back.

Why?.......They own it.

Building empires and looting has been going on since the dawn of mankind.

Every race at one time or another have been involved in some form of occupancy, whether it be tribal or national colonization.

Thailand itself stole most of its lands and temples and riches from the Khmer.

Why don't Thailand give that stuff back?

Germany have tried to dominate Europe on two past occasions and now actually have their empire.... the EU.

I suggest people stop throwing stones at the Brits. That is just borne out of one thing in my opinion..... Jealousy.

Queen Elizabeth, is that you?

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Don't ever underestimate the Americans. At the "surrender" of Wounded Knee II 1973, the government promptly broke the agreement, that day. Stealing artifacts, Medicine men's belongings and breaking sacred ceremonial pipes etc. Fortunately many people did not trust and buried or escaped with many items and themselves. Oh how could I forgot, American Indians never have and never will be respected by the Amerikan government and is there any treaty that has not been broken? Oh yea, my government are the good guys. Kudos to them in returning these items to Thailand. And yes, they have made an effort to preserve some ancient sites and artifacts, just don't piss them off.

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If the UK did that, there would be nothing left in the British Museum

.Possibly everything would still buried under shifting sands and undergrowth.

A classic colonialist assumption. While it may have taken longer, the native people would have eventually discovered it.

And then it would have been in their musems

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Maybe they should send the blue diamond back.

Why?.......They own it.

Building empires and looting has been going on since the dawn of mankind.

Every race at one time or another have been involved in some form of occupancy, whether it be tribal or national colonization.

Thailand itself stole most of its lands and temples and riches from the Khmer.

Why don't Thailand give that stuff back?

Germany have tried to dominate Europe on two past occasions and now actually have their empire.... the EU.

I suggest people stop throwing stones at the Brits. That is just borne out of one thing in my opinion..... Jealousy.

Jealousy of a failed arrogant empire that attempted to exploit, loot, and dominate the entire world?

One that has never had much of anything of it's own and has now shriveled up to it original cold damp little island kingdom.

Witout invasion, occupation exploitation and thievery, Brittan whoul never have had much of anything.

The one good thing the Nazis, did was economically break the greedy chumps so they could not afford to do any more damage around the world.

Luckily the Americans ( who get fed up with the Brits in the 1770s and chased them home), were fresh enough at the end of WWII to stop the Nazis from doing much more.

The sun has been setting on the British "empire" for a long, long time now.

Get over yourselves!

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