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Thailand ranked 10th among 162 countries in global terrorism index


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Have you noticed that ALL the terrorism in those named countries are from Muslims?

I am not saying all Muslims are terrorists, but it is funny how all terrorists are Muslims.

Try telling that to the IRA, KKK, etc wink.png

well these groups(IRA,KKK) are past, but at present you might be right with judgement about muslims

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how did america not make the list?? they create "terrorist" (osama bin laden worked for the CIA as Tim Osman), they fund terrorist, they arm terrorist... they create propaganda to create fear towards "terrorist"... take 9/11 for example...an inside job, blamed on "terrorist" .. so... just sayin coffee1.gif

Just sayin' a load of crapola. Are tin foil hats on sale now?

I'm from america and I'm informed .. thats all.. do your research.

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Have you noticed that ALL the terrorism in those named countries are from Muslims?

I am not saying all Muslims are terrorists, but it is funny how all terrorists are Muslims.

Try telling that to the IRA, KKK, etc wink.png

IRA and KKK appear to be missing from the list.

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I really think this is unfair, despite Thailand's shortcomings.

No its not unfair. The army in this country operates without oversight of elected governments. The army have 1400 generals compared to the US's +-140. They need the south to be unstable to justify the 440 000 men and 1400 generals. All previous attemps by elected governments to find peace in the south have been undermined by the RTA. Now the army are the government and we will see how long any future negotiations will last. But I think the first time a general tells them they must keep quiet and listed to him, they will be out of the talks.

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how did america not make the list?? they create "terrorist" (osama bin laden worked for the CIA as Tim Osman), they fund terrorist, they arm terrorist... they create propaganda to create fear towards "terrorist"... take 9/11 for example...an inside job, blamed on "terrorist" .. so... just sayin coffee1.gif

Don't let me stop you... go on. I like these ones.

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The liberals of this world are all quick to try and point out that the root of the worlds problems is not religion. That excuse has become increasingly weak as events unfold. I notice they are a lot quieter now the damage of their feeble opinions being shouted as loud as they could has been done.

Muslims are brainwashed from a very young age to believe totally in the Koran - and that book has some seriously bad words in it which these terrorists use as their justification. Every Muslim in my experience considers those who are not Muslim to be inferior. I worked in a software team in the UK which was about half muslim - and they were the most racist people I have ever met. If I had behaved like they did, I would have been sacked on the spot.

Bottom line: they would rather die than give in - they actually believe paradise is waiting. It is a war which the West is at an increasing disadvantage the longer they are in denial.

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how did america not make the list?? they create "terrorist" (osama bin laden worked for the CIA as Tim Osman), they fund terrorist, they arm terrorist... they create propaganda to create fear towards "terrorist"... take 9/11 for example...an inside job, blamed on "terrorist" .. so... just sayin coffee1.gif

Just sayin' a load of crapola. Are tin foil hats on sale now?

I'm from america and I'm informed .. thats all.. do your research.

9/11 was not an inside job. It's not even worth debating with people who think it was. That said, a lot of people do believe that toxic conspiracy theory, including much of the Islamic world.

Edited by Jingthing
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Have you noticed that ALL the terrorism in those named countries are from Muslims?

I am not saying all Muslims are terrorists, but it is funny how all terrorists are Muslims.

I am not saying all Muslims are terrorists, but it is funny how all terrorists are Muslims.

Great analogy.

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Have you noticed that ALL the terrorism in those named countries are from Muslims?

I am not saying all Muslims are terrorists, but it is funny how all terrorists are Muslims.

I can't say I have a lot of love for Muslims, but fairness and objectivity compels me to look at the alternative, as well as who is putting out this definition of terrorism, how it is interpreted and by whom, and a lot of other factors.

No, I sure don't have a lot of love for Muslims, but I have just about the same for the ones putting them on this list.

Give a few hours to some research on the word terrorism. Let Google do the selecting for you and read through a few Pro / Con sites. There is some interesting reading that the mainstream, non-Muslim media don't want you to see.

To me, this word, Terrorist is nothing more than a battle cry to keep the sheep trembling and the war machine going. It is a word used to stir fear where there should be none, and moreover if at all directed towards the ones promoting it (meaning the word itself).

Give the word "terrorist" a read, and especially the Oxford's definition. Chomsky has some interesting insight into this as well.

Like I say, a lot of Pros and Cons, but some real eye-opening things to consider, and then ask why our leaders and media are ignoring them. Who is really "retaliating" and who is really striking terror into hearts?

Without reading or researching, this better be convincing. As far as i am aware terror means shitting yourself. Now suicide bombers who ram airports and masked militia beheading people because all religion apart from theirs has to be eliminated from the planet needs a little convincing, ''one would assume''. It is now called terrorism because we in the western world have now ceased in the activity. This i would now consider a civilized and progressive maneuver as far as the future of our species goes.

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"9/11 was not an inside job."

Utter B.S.

It was an inside job by PNAC who years earlier PUBLISHED a manifesto calling for a "Pearl Harbor" like event to justify invading Iraq.


And then there's the Bush Crime family who had made over $1B doing bid'ness with the bin laden Family.

In fact, here's a picture of Poppy Bush meeting with OBL's brother, on that infamous day September 11, 2001:


And Dick Cheney was told when he came into office in January 2001, that bin Laden was their #1 threat. What was his response?

Dick Cheney canceled their weekly bin laden Intel meetings and did nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What did George Bush do in August 2001 when he got the CIA briefing memo 'Bin Laden determined to strike WTC targets using airplanes'?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Inside job: Bush Crime Family working with bin Laden Family. Why?

Profits $$$$$.

Stop repeating Republican propaganda.

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how did america not make the list?? they create "terrorist" (osama bin laden worked for the CIA as Tim Osman), they fund terrorist, they arm terrorist... they create propaganda to create fear towards "terrorist"... take 9/11 for example...an inside job, blamed on "terrorist" .. so... just sayin coffee1.gif

Just sayin' a load of crapola. Are tin foil hats on sale now?

I'm from america and I'm informed .. thats all.. do your research.

The guy clearly has done no research Glitt.

We'll have to wait for the topic to come up here one day to enlighten Jing. blink.png

Right now, it's off topic.

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"9/11 was not an inside job."

Utter B.S.

It was an inside job by PNAC who years earlier PUBLISHED a manifesto calling for a "Pearl Harbor" like event to justify invading Iraq.


And then there's the Bush Crime family who had made over $1B doing bid'ness with the bin laden Family.

In fact, here's a picture of Poppy Bush meeting with OBL's brother, on that infamous day September 11, 2001:


And Dick Cheney was told when he came into office in January 2001, that bin Laden was their #1 threat. What was his response?

Dick Cheney canceled their weekly bin laden Intel meetings and did nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What did George Bush do in August 2001 when he got the CIA briefing memo 'Bin Laden determined to strike WTC targets using airplanes'?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Inside job: Bush Crime Family working with bin Laden Family. Why?

Profits $$$$$.

Stop repeating Republican propaganda.

I could add multitudes of documented facts of an inside job to that but, I don't want to waste my time and have the mods delete it for being off topic.


I'll just say, the Bush Family's Evil goes way back before Dubya...

P.S. TV, could you please put that up as a topic some day?

Edited by iReason
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how did america not make the list?? they create "terrorist" (osama bin laden worked for the CIA as Tim Osman), they fund terrorist, they arm terrorist... they create propaganda to create fear towards "terrorist"... take 9/11 for example...an inside job, blamed on "terrorist" .. so... just sayin coffee1.gif

Just sayin' a load of crapola. Are tin foil hats on sale now?

I'm from america and I'm informed .. thats all.. do your research.

9/11 was not an inside job. It's not even worth debating with people who think it was. That said, a lot of people do believe that toxic conspiracy theory, including much of the Islamic world.

I really liked to know if they ever locate the missing pentagon wings?not to mention building 7...

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Have you noticed that ALL the terrorism in those named countries are from Muslims?

I am not saying all Muslims are terrorists, but it is funny how all terrorists are Muslims.

You beat me to the punch RB!! But it's spot on. Muslims account for 26% of the World population and 95% of the news...

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funny, for the free world is nummer one the terror state usa, number two the terror state israel and numer three england, germany, australia and canada together.

yawn.. another Muslim apologist. It's not terrorism when a country defends itself from these Islamic animals.

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Have you noticed that ALL the terrorism in those named countries are from Muslims?

I am not saying all Muslims are terrorists, but it is funny how all terrorists are Muslims.

Try telling that to the IRA, KKK, etc wink.png

I had no idea the IRA nor KKK were still in the terrorism business, do you know something we don't? Or shall we say "try telling that to Baader-Meinhof or The Red Army Faction or the Red Brigade" That's all history, these rankings are for now, not for groups from the 70's

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Have you noticed that ALL the terrorism in those named countries are from Muslims?

I am not saying all Muslims are terrorists, but it is funny how all terrorists are Muslims.

Try telling that to the IRA, KKK, etc wink.png

I guess is same same organized crime, common sense and logic then. Getting rid of one problem only makes room for another, so bother why?

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I really think this is unfair, despite Thailand's shortcomings.

Are you sure? Catch up on everyday activities in the restive south which is a huge forgotten swath of land which the Thai's claim is part of Thailand,or better still book yourself a holiday in Yala, didn't think so.

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From the report:

How Terrorist Groups End

Since the 1960s, 83% of terrorist organisations that ended, ceased to operate due to policing or politicisation. Only 7% ended due to military intervention.

Although no consolation for the victims…

Terrorism in Context

Although terrorism is on the increase and a major concern compared to other forms of violence, it is relatively small when compared to the 437,000 people killed by homicide in 2013. In the US an individual is 64 times more likely to be victim of a homicide than terrorism.

Very comforting to know. But guess what... THAILAND IS NOT THE USA.

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