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Foreign beggars(?) in Chiang Mai - Nimmen area


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A few nights ago I was dining outdoors just off of Nimmen when an attractive, young (30?), foreign woman with a baby asked if she could sit and talk with me.

She launched into a story about being from the former USSR and her troubled situation with her husband here in Thailand (he is also from the former USSR - she told me the name of the country but I forget.)

Anyway, I was sure I was about to be hit up for cash so I launched into a sob story of my own and she left rather quickly.

Has anyone else seen her?

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Did she also have a folder of postcards in her hand?

I've been told the same 'my husband isn't here yet and my baby are hungry so please buy these postcards that my husband makes so I can feed her' story two times by two different Eastern European women with babies, each time while in a food court. It was an interesting speech, but my offer to buy them food was turned down, further convincing me of the ruse.

Edited by FolkGuitar
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same women approach me in cafe club one night this week spoke good english from one of the russian satillites countrys said she had been here 12months loved the thai people compared to her country people,never asked for anything,though my meal arrived to end conversation,i would have given her some money if she had of asked,some how got the impression she was was new at this begging game,if that was here intentions.

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Is selling postcards begging or working without a permit?

Lots of people sell postcards and trinkets, not all are Thai nationals.

Julie M you could have said that you would rather her not sit down. wink.png

Yes, I could have. That would have been awkward as well. She was carrying a small child and possibly needed a break. I think I handled it quite well vs. saying "No, I rather you not sit here."

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I enjoyed listening to the story, and as both said their husbands made the photo postcards, was interested enough to look at them. The photography WAS 'nice,' although nothing really special. If I were in need of a postcard I might have bought one or two although at 100 baht each, a bit expensive. It was about a year ago that I encountered them, and I can't remember the theme of the photos, I do remember that they were not of Thailand but were of some European locations, and at the time wondered why they would think to sell these here.

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Is selling postcards begging or working without a permit?

Lots of people sell postcards and trinkets, not all are Thai nationals.

Julie M you could have said that you would rather her not sit down. wink.png

Yes, I could have. That would have been awkward as well. She was carrying a small child and possibly needed a break. I think I handled it quite well vs. saying "No, I rather you not sit here."

You couldn't have handled it any better.

You didn't let her dupe you, yet you didn't needlessly hurt her feelings.

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If she had postcards I didn't see them. She asked if she could sit down, and my dinner was arriving soon, so I launched into a sob story pretty quickly to get her to leave.

I like your style. clap2.gif

(I reserve the right to use this one next time I'm accosted by beggars back home).

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If she had postcards I didn't see them. She asked if she could sit down, and my dinner was arriving soon, so I launched into a sob story pretty quickly to get her to leave.

I like your style. clap2.gif

(I reserve the right to use this one next time I'm accosted by beggars back home).

The beggars back home (US) are not contrite like here in LOS and can be volatile, hostile, and dangerous with attack mode (don't turn your back) available.....

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One can encounter the same thing anywhere in the world in tourist areas.

The stories are lies, all of them. It is not that this type of thing does not take effort and persistence, but it

must be understood that some people simply will NOT work for a living. Some become become crims, crooks, and grifters.

Are there really that many well dressed men who just need "a few hundred Baht" to get home?

Some wait for a government (taxpayer) handout, which is really just another way to pick your pocket.

And some scam directly, like this woman with "her baby". Preying on the gullible.

Hit the road Sally, not interested.

Edited by arunsakda
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  • 4 weeks later...

I had an encounter with this person just a few nights ago. It was at one of those roadside bars on nimman. Woman in raggedy clothes and with 2 small children asked to sit at my table. She told me she's from Turkmenistan and that she got robbed of all her money (2000$) recently and now struggling to find a job while on a tourist visa....

She was really vague when I asked where her husband was. He was most likely hiding somewhere close by. Clearly she gets more pity if she doesn't bring him. After I turned down buying any of her photographs she then just straight up started begging instead. I turned her down and then her husband came and picked her up. He was in a very bad mood and seemed pissed off at me because I didn't give her any money.

That's some quality tourists right there.

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They were talking about the trinket sales people on the BKK Forum a while back. I think some pretended to be deaf. They would come in to a restaurant filled with foreigners, and place a trinket on every table with a note asking for 100 THB. Then they would come back around and either pick up trinket or cash......total scam. I bet or old Thai friend with the fishing cap, who has been trying to raise 80 thb for bus fare to Lamphun for the last 10+ years won't be happy about these people moving in on his territory. Any photos?

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good one on nimman the other week (are you a christian),not but said yes,could you do a christain act please, and give me the bus fare to lampang/lamphun,can not rember which one,gave her a 100bht,said she wanted 200,had enough then,chased her.cheeky devil 555.

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I bet or old Thai friend with the fishing cap, who has been trying to raise 80 thb for bus fare to Lamphun for the last 10+ years won't be happy about these people moving in on his territory. Any photos?

here ya go smile.png

nine years ago when i got here , he and his clothes were quite presentable

but in the last few years hes really gone downhill and now he looks like a scruffy tramp in rags

but he was still trying to get beg the bus fare to lamphun last week sad.png


ps .. he actually lives in san sai !


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I haven`t seen these Russians as described in the OP, but I have seen many of these types in London.

If these people are like the same, than they don`t work alone, some of it is actually organised by gangs. A child or children accompany them serve two purposes, to gain them more sympathy and to deter guys they approach from hitting on them for favours in kind for money.

Very easy, all they need to do is obtain the airfare for a one way economy flight into Thailand, then they`re in with virtually no questions asked. If approached by these people, best to say from the start; not interested and let them walk away and seek for other mugs. I have no doubts that these types are now numerous in Bangkok, Pattaya and quickly spreading to other parts of Thailand.

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I bet or old Thai friend with the fishing cap, who has been trying to raise 80 thb for bus fare to Lamphun for the last 10+ years won't be happy about these people moving in on his territory. Any photos?

here ya go smile.png

nine years ago when i got here , he and his clothes were quite presentable

but in the last few years hes really gone downhill and now he looks like a scruffy tramp in rags

but he was still trying to get beg the bus fare to lamphun last week sad.png


ps .. he actually lives in san sai !

Yes, and his teeth have gone to <deleted>, also. Never seen him drunk. BTW, blue songtaew from Worrorat Market will take you to Lamphun for 20-25. It's rampant in the States. I've heard stories of the hippie punks getting picked up in a Lexus at the end of the evening. My mom also told of getting approached by an attractive "Russian" woman with a stroller and a sob story. My mom directed her to the church's foodbank.

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Gotta love the self righteous indignation on this thread, how very festive.

Chiangmai Thaivisa folks living with the horror that they might be separated from a hundred baht.

People do get down on their luck and even if they might be "putting it on " a bit, it can't do your Kharma any harm to give them fifty or a hundred baht.

Anybody know where I can get cheap potatoes ??

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Gotta love the self righteous indignation on this thread, how very festive.

Chiangmai Thaivisa folks living with the horror that they might be separated from a hundred baht.

People do get down on their luck and even if they might be "putting it on " a bit, it can't do your Kharma any harm to give them fifty or a hundred baht.

Anybody know where I can get cheap potatoes ??

"Self righteous"??? What is a Russian woman doing begging (hustling) in Chiang Mai? The reason is, it is easy money and she doesn't have to work for it. When you visit Europe, the gypsies are running around doing the same thing because some people are stupid enough to give them money.

If it makes you feel good to give money to people like this, then do it but don't expect others to support people like this. Take your "cheap potato" comment on down the road.

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Gotta love the self righteous indignation on this thread, how very festive.

Chiangmai Thaivisa folks living with the horror that they might be separated from a hundred baht.

People do get down on their luck and even if they might be "putting it on " a bit, it can't do your Kharma any harm to give them fifty or a hundred baht.

Anybody know where I can get cheap potatoes ??

Ignorant attitude.

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good one on nimman the other week (are you a christian),not but said yes,could you do a christain act please, and give me the bus fare to lampang/lamphun,can not rember which one,gave her a 100bht,said she wanted 200,had enough then,chased her.cheeky devil 555.

Met her few days ago in BigC, "are you christian?" "No" i answered, "I am Buddhist" I answered. She was caught by surprise, end of conversation.

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  • 1 year later...

One tonite in CM. Nice young American girl. Not that i can't afford to give so I even feel bad.

If they would just come out and admit they refuse to work and instead live off their wits they would get better results from my ilk.

BS stories are an insult to intelligence. "Hit the road Sally".

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I dont know why people come over here and think that life will be better living off these streets. Maybe they didnt come with that frame of mind but surely they should have had a back up plan if things go pear shaped.

Normally you can rely on family/kinfolk to get you back home in order to regroup and get your life back in order.

Thailand isnt a welfare state so if you do get into a financial crisis, its not wise to stay here. And you said this girl is American, hell she can approach the embassy/consulate here and get back state side in order to get her affairs in order.

I like you dont have a great deal of time/sympathy for those that dont/wont get off their backside in order to sort their lives out. In other words, I detest freeloaders whom think the world owes them a living. I was raised with the outlook that nothing is free and you have to work to get what you want/desire.

Thailand is a nice place to live but again it aint free.

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