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Five Khon Kaen students let free without charge


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Your condpiracy theory is your opinion but after years of Thai politics being manipulated by mobs then this time the army chief said enough is enough we need a change, we need the people to help us. Maybe you are right that civil war was not imminant but caches of weapons were seized after the coup. Your references to other countries has no similarities to Thailand, this country is unique. Research what, my opinion? The internet is not all fact but fiction. For example was the war in Iraq for oil or for Terrorism? The topic is protesters coming dangerously close to a PM who serves the people. It was a very stupid thing to do and IMO could have cost them their lives being seen as an assasination attempt.

Have you just arrived in Thailand?

You say after years of Thai Politics being manipulated by mobs the Army has said enough is enough. Did you know the Military have been manipulating thai politics for years?

The normal process is you have an election then the Military stage a coup. Have a new election and then the military step in with a new coup and the wheel keeps turning. This definately is not the 1st coup. Coups are an instilled part of Thai politics and have been going g on for decades and decades.

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Fat you make a good point about demonstrations.

Now if the General is so against them, why didn't he get the army in on Suthep?

I think that is very clear. Look at the two very distinct classes of people and thier geographic locations
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So much for the rhetoric of.."They will never be seen again".

And when they are seen again..."because the Jurassic junta did not appreciate that the clip of them being removed by gun toting thugs"

The doom and gloomers working overtime throwing logic out the window and quoting from the PTP play book that the Junta are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I love that the PTP blatantly lie now because that shows me the truth portrays the Junta in a good light and they cannot have that.

Below is a pic of the "gun toting thugs" without guns with two of those "scary thugs" being women under 50 kg.

​The other pic is what those same people describe as peaceful unarmed grass roots unsurprisingly with guns.

PTP logic right there folks.

The world was watching the junta on this one very very closely and they were walking on broken glass. The Junta had absolutely no choice but to ensure they were released unharmed or it would have exploded in thier face internationally.
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Outstanding effort by these young students!

Taken away for the attitude adjustment then forced mind you forced to sign documents that they didn't want to and also under pressure from the parents because they probally got the warning we know where you live.

Not that any day has been good for this junta but this episode and the banning of the hunger games movie within 24 hours just goes to show that this is just a continuing PR nightmare for this mob.

Forget all the rosy pictures the propaganda machine puts out about investment the average thai voter is reading these headlines and realising that their basic freedoms are slowly being eroded away.

It's only going to get worse because they just can't sell the coup,

The Hunger Games is showing in a few Chiangmai cinemas, at least advertised for today.

But then it's a hotbed of dissent up here. Banning it would be daft.

......................"a hotbed of dissent"..................

Rubbish ! You have been reading Pipodon's "Little Red Book of Shin Propaganda", haven't you ?

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This is a very slippery slope and only damages the image of the junta further.

If this is completely true just look at what's going on, ' attitude adjustment ' then sign this or you are finished as a student and step out of line again and you will be prosecuted. Maybe it should really be ' you will be convicted ' !

Freedom of speech, openness, transparency and happiness are all available and all the public have to do is do what they are told without question.

There's a word for what's happening and it's not ' governing '

If you have, as Thai Visa has reported in the past, Thai school girls marching in SS Uniforms for their "costume" day parade, and Thai people wearing Swastikas and calling it "fashion" (meaning money) and if you just look at the European investors and look at what their real affiliations are behind the charade of wanting Democracy, then you will realize that it's a puppet regime being lead by (use the N-word) groups which want NO resistance to their power politics of controlling the investments they want to consolidate into one power structure, then you will realize there are many more proponents to this situation than a "bad" junta. If people will just openly connect the dots and look at the larger picture instead of focusing on the surface manifestation of political chaos that is asserting hegemony, and where it's tentacles are being controlled from (like a puppet obeying for money).

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