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Obama offer to 5m illegal migrants


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Republicans have argued the action is beyond his authority and relations with the president will be poisoned.

The Obama-hating party who have done just about everything in their power to cripple Obama at every turn now claim that "relations with the president will be poisoned"?

You couldn't make that up.


Americans defeated President Obama's disastrous amnesty plans both in Congressand at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order.


The link and the post are opinion. They are based in fiction.

Ofiction we might say......

This immigration action is constitutional, legal, and it is not by any means an amnesty.

People do in fact make it up all the time, they keep making it up and they make up lots of it.


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President Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation by Executive Order to free US slaves and President Truman used Executive Order to racially desegregate the US armed forces.


Clyburn on Immigration: "Lincoln Used The Executive Order To Do The Emancipation Proclamation
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REP. JIM CLYBURN (D-South Carolina): [The Senate immigration reform bill has] been here in the House for 18 months. I think it's high time that the president were to act. As you know, I have been urging the president to use the executive orders to do this. I think it would put him in big company.

Lincoln use the executive order to do the Emancipation Proclamation. Truman used it on the armed services. I can go down and see where the presidents have used their executive authority to do some mighty big things that have very positive impacts on the country. So, I am calling upon the president to take his place among that group that I just enunciated. I think it's very, very important for him to do so.


So you think it is a good idea for Obama, to grant amnesty to several million illegals. OMG!

President Reagan issued an executive order in 1987 granting amnesty to illegal aliens with a great backlash, so no president has tried amnesty since.

President Obama's executive order provides comprehensive immigration reform without any amnesty because the negative lesson of amnesty is a well learned one.

President Obama's executive order is not an amnesty. It accomplishes its purpose without the mistakes of the past.

To reiterate, everyone in Washington has learned from the Reagan experience that an amnesty for illegal immigrants is a no-win issue. So Prez Obama's executive order has nothing to do with any amnesty.....

Only the Obama bashers and the immigration phobes are trying ever so desperately to say the president's executive order is an amnesty. Prez Obama has not issued any amnesty and will never issue an amnesty.

Prez Obama accomplishes the purpose by requiring a 13 year process for illegal immigrants to legitimize their status. It is not an amnesty, it is a work and credits earned program, not a grant or an award or a recognition of illegality.

Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent..

Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing.

There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/reagan-and-bush-made-immigration-executive-orders-2014-11#ixzz3JgxZDpJO

"I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally," Ronald Reagan said in 1984.

Typical liberal lies... Reagan did not sign an executive order granting illegals amnesty, he signed legislation that was passed by the House and Senate...

You know hope is lost when the opponents begin to believe their own lies...

The borders were supposed to be secured after the 1984 legislation, but we see how far that has gone... coffee1.gif


Each Prez Reagan and Prez Bush issued an executive order directly addressing immigration laws, rules, regulations without any question of their constitutionality or their legality in each instance. Prez Obama has done the same.

associated-press.jpgReagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/reagan-and-bush-made-immigration-executive-orders-2014-11#ixzz3JiKpoHdF


Do try to keep up thx.

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Republicans have argued the action is beyond his authority and relations with the president will be poisoned.

The Obama-hating party who have done just about everything in their power to cripple Obama at every turn now claim that "relations with the president will be poisoned"?

You couldn't make that up.


Americans defeated President Obama's disastrous amnesty plans both in Congressand at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order.


The link and the post are opinion. They are based in fiction.

Ofiction we might say......

This immigration action is constitutional, legal, and it is not by any means an amnesty.

People do in fact make it up all the time, they keep making it up and they make up lots of it.


One one hand we have you and on the other USA Today (2,862,229 Print Circulation – According to the AAM Publisher's Statement for the six months ending September 2013, USA TODAY showed an average daily paid circulation Monday - Friday of 1,424,406 and total circulation of 2,862,229.)

. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/11/20/obama-immigration-amnesty-reform-executive-action-overreach-imperial-emperor-column/19293813/

I know who I'd believe.biggrin.png

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"If you plan to enter the US illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up."

What!? Are such mixed signals intentional, or borne of stupidity?

Well, do I at least get a tax break, Emperor, if I follow the law and get my Thai wife a visa?

I did, although I had to take her for an interview in bangkok at the embassy where I was overcharged for a 1 night stay? I don't know what's worse, getting double charged for being an American in Thailand or just paying more period along with everyone else?

Jimmy Carter is very happy Obama was President. Now Jimmy will be known as the 2nd worst President in history.

The worst president will always be Bush 43. How many people have lost family members/ limbs due to his war that was totally unneeded?

How much in debt did we get after Clinton left us with a Surplus?

How much did gasoline cost in 2007 vs 2001?

Maybe you can forget it, I can't.

A Liberal has no clue about the REAL numbers.....Surplus my arse

Your Liberal Hero's voted for the War......Yes I know you want to overlook that fact.

You seem to forget the cost of gas when GW left office..... And your Beloved Self Proclaimed King Obama is a Fraud that has done nothing but Lie to the American People.

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Each Prez Reagan and Prez Bush issued an executive order directly addressing immigration laws, rules, regulations without any question of their constitutionality or their legality in each instance. Prez Obama has done the same.

associated-press.jpgReagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/reagan-and-bush-made-immigration-executive-orders-2014-11#ixzz3JiKpoHdF


Do try to keep up thx.

No you are wrong.

Reagan allowed those children to remain in the United States while their parents’ applications for amnesty were pending. A few years later, Bush 41 extended this bit of administrative grace to these same children plus certain spouses of the aliens who had actually been granted immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law.


Do try to keep up thx

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Always amusing to hear Americans complain so much about immigration, when they are basically all immigrants themselves ...

Yes, the difference is that our ancestors came here legally, but no need to confuse yourself with facts.

I am pretty certain the native Americans issued visas to your ancestors LOL.

Who said anything about visas? I said legally versus illegally, but I suppose someone would need to know something about U.S. history.

Edited by beechguy
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Americans defeated President Obama's disastrous amnesty plans both in Congressand at the voting booth. Tonight, President Obama defied an entire nation and declared that he will impose his rejected amnesty through the brute force of executive order.


The link and the post are opinion. They are based in fiction.

Ofiction we might say......

This immigration action is constitutional, legal, and it is not by any means an amnesty.

People do in fact make it up all the time, they keep making it up and they make up lots of it.


One one hand we have you and on the other USA Today (2,862,229 Print Circulation – According to the AAM Publisher's Statement for the six months ending September 2013, USA TODAY showed an average daily paid circulation Monday - Friday of 1,424,406 and total circulation of 2,862,229.)

. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/11/20/obama-immigration-amnesty-reform-executive-action-overreach-imperial-emperor-column/19293813/

I know who I'd believe.biggrin.png

That's nice. smile.png You have that right and the freedom to do so. USA Today is indeed a newspaper. wink.png

I could cite the Wall Street Journal which has twice the circulation of USA Today but then you might cite yet another mass circulation journal such as Playboy...and where would that that you started lead us...

So here's from today's USA Today....

First take: Echoes of Bush in Obama's immigration speech
writer_congress-Korte_Greggory.png Gregory Korte, USA TODAY9:22 a.m. EST November 21, 2014

Bush, 2006: "The vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law."

Obama, 2014: "They work hard, often in tough, low-paying jobs. They support their families. They worship at our churches. ... As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it: 'They are a part of American life.'"

"It really did strike me as a clearer statement of compassionate conservatism than Bush ever really was able to make," said Chad Murphy, who teaches presidential rhetoric at the University of Mary Washington. "That the speeches are so similar really confirms that for me. He's basically saying that if you work with us, we welcome you. If you don't, we will punish you."

But where the two presidents largely agreed on the principles and policy, they diverged in strategy. While Bush issued a number of small-bore executive orders — to expedite citizenship for immigrants in the military, or to defer deportation for students affected by Hurricane Katrina — his speech called on Congress to act.

Obama announced much more sweeping orders, delaying deportation for millions of immigrants. He dared Congress to act.


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Always amusing to hear Americans complain so much about immigration, when they are basically all immigrants themselves ...

I'm for legal immigration.

Hope the US won't enact something similar to the infamous Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

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Each Prez Reagan and Prez Bush issued an executive order directly addressing immigration laws, rules, regulations without any question of their constitutionality or their legality in each instance. Prez Obama has done the same.

associated-press.jpgReagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/reagan-and-bush-made-immigration-executive-orders-2014-11#ixzz3JiKpoHdF


Do try to keep up thx.

No you are wrong.

Reagan allowed those children to remain in the United States while their parents’ applications for amnesty were pending. A few years later, Bush 41 extended this bit of administrative grace to these same children plus certain spouses of the aliens who had actually been granted immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law.


Do try to keep up thx

It's good to see you've come up to speed on the matter and have recognized my posts pointing out that Reagan, Bush, Obama each issued an executive order affecting immigration laws, rules, regulations.

Now that you've caught up for the moment, do try to stay abreast of things as they develop..

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Each Prez Reagan and Prez Bush issued an executive order directly addressing immigration laws, rules, regulations without any question of their constitutionality or their legality in each instance. Prez Obama has done the same.

associated-press.jpgReagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/reagan-and-bush-made-immigration-executive-orders-2014-11#ixzz3JiKpoHdF


Do try to keep up thx.

No you are wrong.

Reagan allowed those children to remain in the United States while their parents’ applications for amnesty were pending. A few years later, Bush 41 extended this bit of administrative grace to these same children plus certain spouses of the aliens who had actually been granted immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law.


Do try to keep up thx

It's good to see you've come up to speed on the matter and have recognized my posts pointing out that Reagan, Bush, Obama each issued an executive order affecting immigration laws, rules, regulations.

Now that you've caught up for the moment, do try to stay abreast of things as they develop..

Bush and Reagan did not make the same immigration moves as my quotes clearly demonstrate.

Reagan allowed those children to remain in the United States while their parents’ applications for amnesty were pending. A few years later, Bush 41 extended this bit of administrative grace to these same children plus certain spouses of the aliens who had actually been granted immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law.


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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

And what Planet are you from....???

2nd best President...555. 2nd best at being the worst.

It's easy to throw rotten tomatoes.

I don't know if Obama is the 2nd best president. Kennedy gave the green light to the 'Bay of Pigs' fiasco, remember? Though that program was initiated by Eisenhower's people.

I watched Obama give a 'thank you' speech to his campaign staff after his 2nd electorial victory. I saw a very decent man speaking in that video. I can't say the same, by a long shot, for any other recent prez, except Carter, though I also like Mr. Clinton (and his wife).

If you judge presidents by how they treat their staffs, as stated above, you might want to go back and review your love for the Clintons, both of whom were notorious for abusing White House staff.

Dunno what all these posts have to do with today's price of nachos in Tijuana.....coffee1.gif

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The link and the post are opinion. They are based in fiction.

Ofiction we might say......

This immigration action is constitutional, legal, and it is not by any means an amnesty.

People do in fact make it up all the time, they keep making it up and they make up lots of it.


One one hand we have you and on the other USA Today (2,862,229 Print Circulation – According to the AAM Publisher's Statement for the six months ending September 2013, USA TODAY showed an average daily paid circulation Monday - Friday of 1,424,406 and total circulation of 2,862,229.)

. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/11/20/obama-immigration-amnesty-reform-executive-action-overreach-imperial-emperor-column/19293813/

I know who I'd believe.biggrin.png

That's nice. smile.png You have that right and the freedom to do so. USA Today is indeed a newspaper. wink.png

I could cite the Wall Street Journal which has twice the circulation of USA Today but then you might cite yet another mass circulation journal such as Playboy...and where would that that you started lead us...

So here's from today's USA Today....

First take: Echoes of Bush in Obama's immigration speech
writer_congress-Korte_Greggory.png Gregory Korte, USA TODAY9:22 a.m. EST November 21, 2014

Bush, 2006: "The vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law."

Obama, 2014: "They work hard, often in tough, low-paying jobs. They support their families. They worship at our churches. ... As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it: 'They are a part of American life.'"

"It really did strike me as a clearer statement of compassionate conservatism than Bush ever really was able to make," said Chad Murphy, who teaches presidential rhetoric at the University of Mary Washington. "That the speeches are so similar really confirms that for me. He's basically saying that if you work with us, we welcome you. If you don't, we will punish you."

But where the two presidents largely agreed on the principles and policy, they diverged in strategy. While Bush issued a number of small-bore executive orders — to expedite citizenship for immigrants in the military, or to defer deportation for students affected by Hurricane Katrina — his speech called on Congress to act.

Obama announced much more sweeping orders, delaying deportation for millions of immigrants. He dared Congress to act.


I guess you don't know the difference between a speech and executive order or your post is a devious way to avoid the facts. Either way congrats you made my list. This is my last response to you.

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Each Prez Reagan and Prez Bush issued an executive order directly addressing immigration laws, rules, regulations without any question of their constitutionality or their legality in each instance. Prez Obama has done the same.

associated-press.jpgReagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/reagan-and-bush-made-immigration-executive-orders-2014-11#ixzz3JiKpoHdF


Do try to keep up thx.

No you are wrong.

Reagan allowed those children to remain in the United States while their parents’ applications for amnesty were pending. A few years later, Bush 41 extended this bit of administrative grace to these same children plus certain spouses of the aliens who had actually been granted immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law.


Do try to keep up thx

It's good to see you've come up to speed on the matter and have recognized my posts pointing out that Reagan, Bush, Obama each issued an executive order affecting immigration laws, rules, regulations.

Now that you've caught up for the moment, do try to stay abreast of things as they develop..

Bush and Reagan did not make the same immigration moves as my quotes clearly demonstrate.

Reagan allowed those children to remain in the United States while their parents’ applications for amnesty were pending. A few years later, Bush 41 extended this bit of administrative grace to these same children plus certain spouses of the aliens who had actually been granted immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law.


I said, and for you I do go ahead to quote myself....Reagan, Bush, Obama each issued an executive order affecting immigration laws, rules, regulations.

To which I would add....

Ronald Reagan amnesty haunts immigration action

Some conservatives forget that despite the anti-amnesty fervor on the right, the grandfather of amnesty happens to be one of the Republican Party’s most beloved heroes: President Ronald Reagan.

The 1986 amnesty law also led to lasting demographic shifts and voting changes that so far have tilted in Democrats’ favor. When the law was passed, only 3% of Americans who voted in presidential elections were Latino. In 2012, Latinos made up roughly 10% of the overall electorate and represented a much higher percentage in swing states like Colorado and Florida. Nationally, Obama carried the Latino vote by a whopping 71-29 percent over GOP rival Mitt Romney.

“Ronald Reagan’s signature on the 1986 amnesty act brought about Barack Obama’s election,” Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King said on the House floor last May.


The Republican party signs its own death warrant when it engages in comprehensive immigration reform. Kaput.


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The link and the post are opinion. They are based in fiction.

Ofiction we might say......

This immigration action is constitutional, legal, and it is not by any means an amnesty.

People do in fact make it up all the time, they keep making it up and they make up lots of it.


One one hand we have you and on the other USA Today (2,862,229 Print Circulation – According to the AAM Publisher's Statement for the six months ending September 2013, USA TODAY showed an average daily paid circulation Monday - Friday of 1,424,406 and total circulation of 2,862,229.)

. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/11/20/obama-immigration-amnesty-reform-executive-action-overreach-imperial-emperor-column/19293813/

I know who I'd believe.biggrin.png

That's nice. smile.png You have that right and the freedom to do so. USA Today is indeed a newspaper. wink.png

I could cite the Wall Street Journal which has twice the circulation of USA Today but then you might cite yet another mass circulation journal such as Playboy...and where would that that you started lead us...

So here's from today's USA Today....

First take: Echoes of Bush in Obama's immigration speech
writer_congress-Korte_Greggory.png Gregory Korte, USA TODAY9:22 a.m. EST November 21, 2014

Bush, 2006: "The vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law."

Obama, 2014: "They work hard, often in tough, low-paying jobs. They support their families. They worship at our churches. ... As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it: 'They are a part of American life.'"

"It really did strike me as a clearer statement of compassionate conservatism than Bush ever really was able to make," said Chad Murphy, who teaches presidential rhetoric at the University of Mary Washington. "That the speeches are so similar really confirms that for me. He's basically saying that if you work with us, we welcome you. If you don't, we will punish you."

But where the two presidents largely agreed on the principles and policy, they diverged in strategy. While Bush issued a number of small-bore executive orders — to expedite citizenship for immigrants in the military, or to defer deportation for students affected by Hurricane Katrina — his speech called on Congress to act.

Obama announced much more sweeping orders, delaying deportation for millions of immigrants. He dared Congress to act.


I guess you don't know the difference between a speech and executive order or your post is a devious way to avoid the facts. Either way congrats you made my list. This is my last response to you.


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Actually, that is a blatant untruth. They tweaked a law that had already been passed by congress, which is within presidential powers. Obama effectively made up his own law, which is not. He has said it himself numerous times over the last 6 years.

You mean to tell me obama lied (again)? I am shocked, shocked I tell you.

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I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the (immigration) on my own. But thats not how our system works. Thats not how our democracy functions. Thats not how our Constitution is written.

-Barack Obama

President Obama has the constitutional and legal authority period.

Constitutional and legal authority to do what? Be a complete dumb arrrsssee.

Constitutional and legal authority to determine public policy due to his being ceo of the executive branch and thereby in this instance make 5 million immigrants scheduled to be affected in one way or another by deportation deliriously happy while making another 45 million or so of their already legal latino kin relieved.

Only the Republicans to include the tea party and the far out rightwing extremists are unhappy along with patches of rednecks here and there.

The anger and the fury on the right is understandable because with a single stroke of the pen Prez Obama spiked the Republican election momentum and spirit that had been so high since November 4th. What goes up must come down and it will crash hard on election day 2016.

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When Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862, England had been threatening to intervene in the American Civil War for over a year. Lincoln's intent to issue the final document on January 1, 1863, effectively prevented England, which had abolished slavery in its own territories, from stepping into the U.S. conflict.


And now you know the rest of the story.

I am way ahead of you thx.

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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does. Must be the Ostrich syndrome. I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

And what Planet are you from....??? 2nd best President...555. 2nd best at being the worst.
It's easy to throw rotten tomatoes.

I don't know if Obama is the 2nd best president. Kennedy gave the green light to the 'Bay of Pigs' fiasco, remember? Though that program was initiated by Eisenhower's people.

I watched Obama give a 'thank you' speech to his campaign staff after his 2nd electorial victory. I saw a very decent man speaking in that video. I can't say the same, by a long shot, for any other recent prez, except Carter, though I also like Mr. Clinton (and his wife).

You judge a President by a speech to campaign staff? My God Carter is ranked as one of the six worst Presidents and Obama's approval ratings are lower than Bush. You must be one of them guys who likes that guy who just got fired; Piers Morgan.
Because I use one example, doesn't mean there are not other examples. Rotten tomatoes again - easy to throw. Carter had that rare quality (and to a large extent, Clinton did also) of getting to work early and going from door to door, building to building, to talk to as many people as possible, to gauge what they're thinking and how to move things/policies forward towards solutions. Obama is good at that also. In contrast, Republican presidents (Nixon in particular) are known for walling themselves in to avoid criticism. Bush Jr. had frowning Cheney at the gate.

Some presidents were open to outside opinions, others were closed. Of course there could be thick books (and weeks of discussion) written about these things. I've got my impressions, and apparently others have theirs.

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The Obama plan is another nail in the coffin of a 'unified' America.

White anger will boil over at some point.

Secession or outright civil war...or both.

Liberals and conservatives have been moving apart for several decades now.

The twain will never meet again this side of eternity.

Come to think of it, Obama and the liberals have offered the 'Right' an opportunity.

Hopefully it will galvanize even the most naïve whites that the America they knew is over or will be in the next few decades.

Buy guns and ammo.

555555 listen to yourselves

Wanna be revolutionaries acting out civil war battles for real and harking back to the days when the darkies were kept in their place.

I'm not sure if this is more funny or pathetic...

Thanks for the Saturday morning belly laugh!

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Good grief....

Sarah Palin said today that illegal immigrants from Mexico should be put on boats and sent back across the ocean to their home country.

In an interview with Fox News tonight, the former Alaskan governor was asked about President Obama’s new plan to partially legalize some of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in America. Palin dismissed the president's idea as “amnesty” and offered an unconventional solution of her own.

“If I were Obama I’d put all 11 million of these folks on boats and send them back to Mexico,” she opined. “The liberal media says it’s impossible to deport that many people. But I say we can do it if we have enough ships.

“Let’s commandeer all the cruise ships, all the fishing vessels and all the yachts those fat cat Obama donors own. And then let’s pack ‘em full of illegals and send these people on a one-way cruise to Mexico City.


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The Obama plan is another nail in the coffin of a 'unified' America.

White anger will boil over at some point.

Secession or outright civil war...or both.

Liberals and conservatives have been moving apart for several decades now.

The twain will never meet again this side of eternity.

Come to think of it, Obama and the liberals have offered the 'Right' an opportunity.

Hopefully it will galvanize even the most naïve whites that the America they knew is over or will be in the next few decades.

Buy guns and ammo.

555555 listen to yourselves

Wanna be revolutionaries acting out civil war battles for real and harking back to the days when the darkies were kept in their place.

I'm not sure if this is more funny or pathetic...

Thanks for the Saturday morning belly laugh!

Someone has been listening to too much Alex Jones.


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Quotes from many Elected Representatives about their reaction to obama unconstitutional act...

INVASION USA Americans 'mad at government' melt phones on Capitol Hill

GOP's Sessions: Obama's amnesty 'worse than you think'

WASHINGTON – Phone lines are melting on Capitol Hill with outraged citizens calling their elected representatives to complain about the president’s order effectively granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Good grief....

Sarah Palin said today that illegal immigrants from Mexico should be put on boats and sent back across the ocean to their home country.

In an interview with Fox News tonight, the former Alaskan governor was asked about President Obama’s new plan to partially legalize some of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in America. Palin dismissed the president's idea as “amnesty” and offered an unconventional solution of her own.

“If I were Obama I’d put all 11 million of these folks on boats and send them back to Mexico,” she opined. “The liberal media says it’s impossible to deport that many people. But I say we can do it if we have enough ships.

“Let’s commandeer all the cruise ships, all the fishing vessels and all the yachts those fat cat Obama donors own. And then let’s pack ‘em full of illegals and send these people on a one-way cruise to Mexico City.


“Sean you're just wrong on that,” Palin replied. “I've been to Mexico many times and I can tell you it has excellent beaches. How can you have beaches and not an ocean?” cheesy.gif

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Good grief....

Sarah Palin said today that illegal immigrants from Mexico should be put on boats and sent back across the ocean to their home country.

In an interview with Fox News tonight, the former Alaskan governor was asked about President Obama’s new plan to partially legalize some of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in America. Palin dismissed the president's idea as “amnesty” and offered an unconventional solution of her own.

“If I were Obama I’d put all 11 million of these folks on boats and send them back to Mexico,” she opined. “The liberal media says it’s impossible to deport that many people. But I say we can do it if we have enough ships.

“Let’s commandeer all the cruise ships, all the fishing vessels and all the yachts those fat cat Obama donors own. And then let’s pack ‘em full of illegals and send these people on a one-way cruise to Mexico City.


Maybe she means the bible belters build an ark for them all?

In any case, with people like Palin in the GOP's corner, who needs enemies??

"I can see Russia from my house!!"

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