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Obama offer to 5m illegal migrants


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We all know the answer to that though, don't we?

We all know the answer to that though, don't we?

I don't think everybody is in the same loop you are.

Why not let us know why the Republican led House has not taken up the Senate Bill?


Congratulations, Chicog.

You just won the honor of making the dumbest post of the month.

Tsk, I would have thought you'd be grateful, since a picture paints a thousand words.

Oh, but your words are so colorful and to the point. We all look forward to your input.burp.gif

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This is ridiculous. Obama has made a raft of promises after last weeks' mid term smack down.

He has now lost the power to enact this legislation, which he could have made legal in the past, when he actually had a controlling majority in both houses.

He is blatantly garnering the poor disenfranchised and colored vote but too little too late. He was elected on the backs of the less fortunate and spent his years in power courting the real money.

He is asking illegal immigrants to make themselves known to authorities, only to be told they have no legitimate status in the USA, and then deported for being illegal. "Only criminals will be deported''. Criminals include anyone who hasn't paid taxes on their earning whilst living as an alien. So they will be a majority of criminals.

Hilariously only the real criminals will fail to register. And after the aliens are deported who will carry out menial work that real Americans refuse to do, for wage rates well below a legal minimum.

So are you for or against getting the immigration status of illegals currently in the US sorted out?

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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

What a ridiculous claim. Obama will likely go down as the worst, most dissapointing President in U.S. history.

He already was voted the worst president since WW II by the American people.


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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

What a ridiculous claim. Obama will likely go down as the worst, most dissapointing President in U.S. history.

He already was voted the worst president since WW II by the American people.


And that's why he was voted into office twice .. right?

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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

What a ridiculous claim. Obama will likely go down as the worst, most dissapointing President in U.S. history.

He already was voted the worst president since WW II by the American people.


Hyper-partisanship on TVF is in overdrive today it seems. sad.png

"He already was voted". Really?

I clicked on your link and it referenced a poll of fewer than 1500 people.

Now what the American people did vote for two years ago was to re-elect the president. 65 million of them.

65 million people casting votes in a voting booth VS 1500 answering questions in a telephone poll. coffee1.gif

I have no idea if President Obama is the worst president since WWII (partly because he still has two years in office), but I do know that a telephone poll of 1500 people doesn't really prove anything at all--other than how obsessed the Obama haters are by posting this meaningless tripe. I would advise that some try to remember that History and historians judge presidents.

For example, former presidents Reagan and Clinton have high ratings in this poll. How would their numbers have been in a poll taken in the summer before their second midterm election (1986 and 1998, respectively)? Not very good I would think.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

What a ridiculous claim. Obama will likely go down as the worst, most dissapointing President in U.S. history.

He already was voted the worst president since WW II by the American people.


And that's why he was voted into office twice .. right?

Poll reported this year. He didn't get elected this year. His party tanked this year and few candidates even wanted him in the same State while they were running this year.

I don't imagine you are an American and would not be expected to know these things.

Since his approval ratings are even lower than Bush this year and if you dislike Americans a rah rah for Obama is an insult to most Americans. I imagine this was the motivation for your post.


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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

What a ridiculous claim. Obama will likely go down as the worst, most dissapointing President in U.S. history.

He already was voted the worst president since WW II by the American people.


When you consider the mess the last one made, that's so ridiculous.

It seems all that money does buy opinion after all.

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Hyper-partisanship on TVF is in overdrive today it seems. sad.png

"He already was voted". Really?

I clicked on your link and it referenced a poll of fewer than 1500 people.

Now what the American people did vote for two years ago was to re-elect the president. 65 million of them.

65 million people casting votes in a voting booth VS 1500 answering questions in a telephone poll. coffee1.gif

I have no idea if President Obama is the worst president since WWII (partly because he still has two years in office), but I do know that a telephone poll of 1500 people doesn't really prove anything at all--other than how obsessed the Obama haters are by posting this meaningless tripe. I would advise that some try to remember that History and historians judge presidents.

For example, former presidents Reagan and Clinton have high ratings in this poll. How would their numbers have been in a poll taken in the summer before their second midterm election (1986 and 1998, respectively)? Not very good I would think.

You wrote, "but I do know that a telephone poll of 1500 people doesn't really prove anything at all--other than how obsessed the Obama haters are by posting this meaningless tripe"

Gallup Daily tracking is divided into two surveys: Gallup U.S. Daily and the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Gallup interviews 500 U.S. adults for each survey (by phone)


How many people do you think are normally in trusted surveys like Gallup?

Or how many people are in the survey by the US government that determines the unemployment rate? Would you believe 2000? http://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm

Edited by thailiketoo
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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

What a ridiculous claim. Obama will likely go down as the worst, most dissapointing President in U.S. history.

He already was voted the worst president since WW II by the American people.


And that's why he was voted into office twice .. right?

It doesn't say much for the people who voted for Obama does it. Obama has proved beyond a doubt, to be the most incompetent and corrupt president to ever occupy the White House. Bill Clinton referred to him as an amateur, and Jimmy Carter even suggested he is incompetent. It had to be rampant voter fraud that got this guy into office twice.

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It had to be rampant voter fraud that got this guy into office twice.

I blame a complacent main stream media, who have run cover for him since he was elected and only started to do their job after it became obvious that he had blatantly lied about Obamacare and it was impossible to ignore.


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1. You are an Aussie commenting about American illegal aliens entering the USA which you know little about.

A. By boat from Cuba and Haiti hundreds of thousands.

B Refugees coming to the USA from South America not Mexico (the latest surge) hundreds of thousands under the same circumstances of as refugees anywhere.

C. You wrote, " While I see someone has mentioned studies where illegal entrants in the US are recipients of some sort of welfare, I'm not convinced that is why they come. They want to work and not get a welfare cheque." The states where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62 percent); Texas, California, and New York (61 percent); Pennsylvania (59 percent); Minnesota and Oregon (56 percent); and Colorado (55 percent). See, thats the problem when you write about stuff and don't have a clue what you are writing about. http://cis.org/immigrant-welfare-use-2011

You wrote, "Australia actually runs a migrant labour scheme for workers which allows people to come from the Pacific Islands to work seasonally. It was started as a trial perhaps nearly a decade ago."

The H-2A program allows U.S. employers or U.S. agents who meet specific regulatory requirements to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary agricultural/industrial jobs. A U.S. employer,a U.S. agent as described in the regulations,or an association of U.S. agricultural producers named as a joint employer must file Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, on a prospective worker’s behalf.

I could take apart the rest of your post but this is getting long.

Sorry Samran but you don't have a clue about USA immigration policies and should not be writing about them.

The Dems want the immigrants because they vote Democratic and they do so because the majority of them draw some form of government benefits. Sorry but thats the truth.

If Australia sends refugees to Cambodia they won't have a problem like the Americans do with refugees from Latin America, Haiti and Cuba. If you don't eventually you will face the same situation that Florida faces from the boats landing on the shore of that State.

The reference in your 1A relates to a statement by Palin about sending illegal immigrants back by boat to which there was an objection about not needing a boat to cross the Rio Grande. You then attack that poster, quite viciously, on the basis of alleged ignorance and denying the right to comment based on nationality.

On the issue of ignorance, you talk about hundreds of thousands of people from Cuba. Whatever the number, I suggest you avail yourself of a search engine to review the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 and the 1995 amendment that introduced the Wet Feet Dry Feet policy that gave Cuban nationals arriving on US soil expedited processing for permanent residence. It has been US policy for decades not to repatriate Cuban immigrants.

Kind of undermines your argument about ignorance I think.

On the right to post comments, I think telling a Thai in Thailand not to post on Thai Visa is more than stupid.

Many non Americans have views about immigration. Many non Americans come from countries where immigration, particularly economic migration to more developed economies is a topical issue. Many non Americans live in Thailand where they deal with immigration issues constantly. What right do you claim to deny them the opportunity to express a point of view? Particularly when some posts of actual Americans, like yours, are ill-informed and misleading.

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1. You are an Aussie commenting about American illegal aliens entering the USA which you know little about.

A. By boat from Cuba and Haiti hundreds of thousands.

B Refugees coming to the USA from South America not Mexico (the latest surge) hundreds of thousands under the same circumstances of as refugees anywhere.

C. You wrote, " While I see someone has mentioned studies where illegal entrants in the US are recipients of some sort of welfare, I'm not convinced that is why they come. They want to work and not get a welfare cheque." The states where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62 percent); Texas, California, and New York (61 percent); Pennsylvania (59 percent); Minnesota and Oregon (56 percent); and Colorado (55 percent). See, thats the problem when you write about stuff and don't have a clue what you are writing about. http://cis.org/immigrant-welfare-use-2011

You wrote, "Australia actually runs a migrant labour scheme for workers which allows people to come from the Pacific Islands to work seasonally. It was started as a trial perhaps nearly a decade ago."

The H-2A program allows U.S. employers or U.S. agents who meet specific regulatory requirements to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary agricultural/industrial jobs. A U.S. employer,a U.S. agent as described in the regulations,or an association of U.S. agricultural producers named as a joint employer must file Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, on a prospective worker’s behalf.

I could take apart the rest of your post but this is getting long.

Sorry Samran but you don't have a clue about USA immigration policies and should not be writing about them.

The Dems want the immigrants because they vote Democratic and they do so because the majority of them draw some form of government benefits. Sorry but thats the truth.

If Australia sends refugees to Cambodia they won't have a problem like the Americans do with refugees from Latin America, Haiti and Cuba. If you don't eventually you will face the same situation that Florida faces from the boats landing on the shore of that State.

The reference in your 1A relates to a statement by Palin about sending illegal immigrants back by boat to which there was an objection about not needing a boat to cross the Rio Grande. You then attack that poster, quite viciously, on the basis of alleged ignorance and denying the right to comment based on nationality.

On the issue of ignorance, you talk about hundreds of thousands of people from Cuba. Whatever the number, I suggest you avail yourself of a search engine to review the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 and the 1995 amendment that introduced the Wet Feet Dry Feet policy that gave Cuban nationals arriving on US soil expedited processing for permanent residence. It has been US policy for decades not to repatriate Cuban immigrants.

Kind of undermines your argument about ignorance I think.

On the right to post comments, I think telling a Thai in Thailand not to post on Thai Visa is more than stupid.

Many non Americans have views about immigration. Many non Americans come from countries where immigration, particularly economic migration to more developed economies is a topical issue. Many non Americans live in Thailand where they deal with immigration issues constantly. What right do you claim to deny them the opportunity to express a point of view? Particularly when some posts of actual Americans, like yours, are ill-informed and misleading.

What, you think you know something about American immigration? Sarah Palin? I said nothing about Sarah Palin. I said refugees from Haiti. How do you think they come to the USA? Not by way of the Rio Grande. How do you think Castro emptied out his prisons? Where do you think he sent the inmates? What do you know about seasonal work programs for Mexican laborers? They have been in place for years.

If you want to learn something about American immigration feel free to do so but don't comment with an air of expertise about things you know nothing about like accusing me of some reference to Sarah Palin.

A previous poster said that Americas problem was not with refugees and he was mistaken as I pointed out. The USA admits 675,000 immigrants each year. Between 1991 to 2000 the USA admitted 11 million immigrants.

There are many legal ways to enter the USA. Refugees from all over the world do so legally every year. I invite you to find out what other countries are doing about the refugee problem that could be applied to America as well.

11 million illegal aliens cost money as more than half of them draw on federal programs that are paid for by American taxpayers. It is galling to have a person from outside of America tell Americans how to spend their tax dollars in my book.

If an American who pays taxes says he is willing to support illegal aliens that is one thing but a person from another country who has never paid taxes tells Americans what to do is another thing.

Edited by thailiketoo
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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

What a ridiculous claim. Obama will likely go down as the worst, most dissapointing President in U.S. history.

He already was voted the worst president since WW II by the American people.


And that's why he was voted into office twice .. right?

Poll reported this year. He didn't get elected this year. His party tanked this year and few candidates even wanted him in the same State while they were running this year.

I don't imagine you are an American and would not be expected to know these things.

Since his approval ratings are even lower than Bush this year and if you dislike Americans a rah rah for Obama is an insult to most Americans. I imagine this was the motivation for your post.

You are correct i'm not an American BUT I work with 13 young Americans and they don't generally consider Obama to be a problem.They see the good in Obamacare and resent the knuckle dragging of certain Republicans. But that's their thoughts.

I have only really seen the fictional Republicans on Alpha House, and generally I liked THEM :-D


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1. You are an Aussie commenting about American illegal aliens entering the USA which you know little about.

A. By boat from Cuba and Haiti hundreds of thousands.

B Refugees coming to the USA from South America not Mexico (the latest surge) hundreds of thousands under the same circumstances of as refugees anywhere.

C. You wrote, " While I see someone has mentioned studies where illegal entrants in the US are recipients of some sort of welfare, I'm not convinced that is why they come. They want to work and not get a welfare cheque." The states where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62 percent); Texas, California, and New York (61 percent); Pennsylvania (59 percent); Minnesota and Oregon (56 percent); and Colorado (55 percent). See, thats the problem when you write about stuff and don't have a clue what you are writing about. http://cis.org/immigrant-welfare-use-2011

You wrote, "Australia actually runs a migrant labour scheme for workers which allows people to come from the Pacific Islands to work seasonally. It was started as a trial perhaps nearly a decade ago."

The H-2A program allows U.S. employers or U.S. agents who meet specific regulatory requirements to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary agricultural/industrial jobs. A U.S. employer,a U.S. agent as described in the regulations,or an association of U.S. agricultural producers named as a joint employer must file Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, on a prospective workers behalf.

I could take apart the rest of your post but this is getting long.

Sorry Samran but you don't have a clue about USA immigration policies and should not be writing about them.

The Dems want the immigrants because they vote Democratic and they do so because the majority of them draw some form of government benefits. Sorry but thats the truth.

If Australia sends refugees to Cambodia they won't have a problem like the Americans do with refugees from Latin America, Haiti and Cuba. If you don't eventually you will face the same situation that Florida faces from the boats landing on the shore of that State.

The reference in your 1A relates to a statement by Palin about sending illegal immigrants back by boat to which there was an objection about not needing a boat to cross the Rio Grande. You then attack that poster, quite viciously, on the basis of alleged ignorance and denying the right to comment based on nationality.

On the issue of ignorance, you talk about hundreds of thousands of people from Cuba. Whatever the number, I suggest you avail yourself of a search engine to review the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 and the 1995 amendment that introduced the Wet Feet Dry Feet policy that gave Cuban nationals arriving on US soil expedited processing for permanent residence. It has been US policy for decades not to repatriate Cuban immigrants.

Kind of undermines your argument about ignorance I think.

On the right to post comments, I think telling a Thai in Thailand not to post on Thai Visa is more than stupid.

Many non Americans have views about immigration. Many non Americans come from countries where immigration, particularly economic migration to more developed economies is a topical issue. Many non Americans live in Thailand where they deal with immigration issues constantly. What right do you claim to deny them the opportunity to express a point of view? Particularly when some posts of actual Americans, like yours, are ill-informed and misleading.

What, you think you know something about American immigration? Sarah Palin? I said nothing about Sarah Palin. I said refugees from Haiti. How do you think they come to the USA? Not by way of the Rio Grande. How do you think Castro emptied out his prisons? Where do you think he sent the inmates? What do you know about seasonal work programs for Mexican laborers? They have been in place for years.

If you want to learn something about American immigration feel free to do so but don't comment with an air of expertise about things you know nothing about like accusing me of some reference to Sarah Palin.

A previous poster said that Americas problem was not with refugees and he was mistaken as I pointed out. The USA admits 675,000 immigrants each year. Between 1991 to 2000 the USA admitted 11 million immigrants.

There are many legal ways to enter the USA. Refugees from all over the world do so legally every year. I invite you to find out what other countries are doing about the refugee problem that could be applied to America as well.

11 million illegal aliens cost money as more than half of them draw on federal programs that are paid for by American taxpayers. It is galling to have a person from outside of America tell Americans how to spend their tax dollars in my book.

If an American who pays taxes says he is willing to support illegal aliens that is one thing but a person from another country who has never paid taxes tells Americans what to do is another thing.

Oh deary me. The 'you have no right to comment cause you're not an American' defense.

From a poster. On a webboard. About Thailand.

I suppose he refrains from commenting on thailand too, well you know cause he's not Thai!!!!

And they say Americans don't do irony....

Edited by samran
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1. You are an Aussie commenting about American illegal aliens entering the USA which you know little about.

A. By boat from Cuba and Haiti hundreds of thousands.

B Refugees coming to the USA from South America not Mexico (the latest surge) hundreds of thousands under the same circumstances of as refugees anywhere.

C. You wrote, " While I see someone has mentioned studies where illegal entrants in the US are recipients of some sort of welfare, I'm not convinced that is why they come. They want to work and not get a welfare cheque." The states where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62 percent); Texas, California, and New York (61 percent); Pennsylvania (59 percent); Minnesota and Oregon (56 percent); and Colorado (55 percent). See, thats the problem when you write about stuff and don't have a clue what you are writing about. http://cis.org/immigrant-welfare-use-2011

You wrote, "Australia actually runs a migrant labour scheme for workers which allows people to come from the Pacific Islands to work seasonally. It was started as a trial perhaps nearly a decade ago."

The H-2A program allows U.S. employers or U.S. agents who meet specific regulatory requirements to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary agricultural/industrial jobs. A U.S. employer,a U.S. agent as described in the regulations,or an association of U.S. agricultural producers named as a joint employer must file Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, on a prospective workers behalf.

I could take apart the rest of your post but this is getting long.

Sorry Samran but you don't have a clue about USA immigration policies and should not be writing about them.

The Dems want the immigrants because they vote Democratic and they do so because the majority of them draw some form of government benefits. Sorry but thats the truth.

If Australia sends refugees to Cambodia they won't have a problem like the Americans do with refugees from Latin America, Haiti and Cuba. If you don't eventually you will face the same situation that Florida faces from the boats landing on the shore of that State.

The reference in your 1A relates to a statement by Palin about sending illegal immigrants back by boat to which there was an objection about not needing a boat to cross the Rio Grande. You then attack that poster, quite viciously, on the basis of alleged ignorance and denying the right to comment based on nationality.

On the issue of ignorance, you talk about hundreds of thousands of people from Cuba. Whatever the number, I suggest you avail yourself of a search engine to review the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 and the 1995 amendment that introduced the Wet Feet Dry Feet policy that gave Cuban nationals arriving on US soil expedited processing for permanent residence. It has been US policy for decades not to repatriate Cuban immigrants.

Kind of undermines your argument about ignorance I think.

On the right to post comments, I think telling a Thai in Thailand not to post on Thai Visa is more than stupid.

Many non Americans have views about immigration. Many non Americans come from countries where immigration, particularly economic migration to more developed economies is a topical issue. Many non Americans live in Thailand where they deal with immigration issues constantly. What right do you claim to deny them the opportunity to express a point of view? Particularly when some posts of actual Americans, like yours, are ill-informed and misleading.

What, you think you know something about American immigration? Sarah Palin? I said nothing about Sarah Palin. I said refugees from Haiti. How do you think they come to the USA? Not by way of the Rio Grande. How do you think Castro emptied out his prisons? Where do you think he sent the inmates? What do you know about seasonal work programs for Mexican laborers? They have been in place for years.

If you want to learn something about American immigration feel free to do so but don't comment with an air of expertise about things you know nothing about like accusing me of some reference to Sarah Palin.

A previous poster said that Americas problem was not with refugees and he was mistaken as I pointed out. The USA admits 675,000 immigrants each year. Between 1991 to 2000 the USA admitted 11 million immigrants.

There are many legal ways to enter the USA. Refugees from all over the world do so legally every year. I invite you to find out what other countries are doing about the refugee problem that could be applied to America as well.

11 million illegal aliens cost money as more than half of them draw on federal programs that are paid for by American taxpayers. It is galling to have a person from outside of America tell Americans how to spend their tax dollars in my book.

If an American who pays taxes says he is willing to support illegal aliens that is one thing but a person from another country who has never paid taxes tells Americans what to do is another thing.

Oh deary me. The 'you have no right to comment cause you're not an American' defense.

From a poster. On a webboard. About Thailand.

I suppose he refrains from commenting on thailand too, well you know cause he's not Thai!!!!

And they say Americans don't do irony....

The fact remains that people like you keep advocating that various countries accept losers with no income potential that live as a drain off our system. I do tend to agree that unless you are actually having to work and pay for these pathetic losers that you probably don't have standing to comment unless, I Suppose, you are a pathetic loser looking for hand outs.

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From a poster. On a webboard. About Thailand.

I suppose he refrains from commenting on thailand too, well you know cause he's not Thai!!!!

Too be fair this is Thai Visa Forum

Only folks who would come here are folks interested in

well Thailand as a destination, Visas, moving to Thailand....etc.

Dont think it is a Thai board like Pantip etc.

Would be somewhat surprised if many "Thai's" come here & would think they would not be much interested

in this forums content

Anyway back to the Topic

Edited by mania
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Oh deary me. The 'you have no right to comment cause you're not an American' defense.

From a poster. On a webboard. About Thailand.

I suppose he refrains from commenting on thailand too, well you know cause he's not Thai!!!!

And they say Americans don't do irony....

You have the right to tell me, an American how to spend my tax dollars and the right to tell me about American immigration and refugee status. And I have the right to tell you that you don't have a clue what your are talking about because not being an American your point of view is not accurate.

Do you want me to tell you how to spend your tax dollars and solve all the problems of your country? I would but I'm not presumptuous enough to think I understand them as well as you do and I would defer to your knowledge without getting defensive.

If you want to attack me (yes that is what you have done) please include a quote of what I have said in context to be fair.

You made a number of factual errors about American immigration as I would expect a non American to make and I corrected them. No big deal if we deal with specifics of what I wrote. If we deal in generic attacks that is another topic entirely.

When I feel that my innate ethnocentrism gets in the way of my better judgment I refrain from commenting on some things in Thailand. I try to understand Thailand and will almost always defer to a Thai person with an intelligent even if different point of view. It is their country and they far more knowledgeable about it than I. Although I do on occasion remind my wife that I got to Thailand 20 years before she was born

Edited by thailiketoo
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Oh deary me. The 'you have no right to comment cause you're not an American' defense.

From a poster. On a webboard. About Thailand.

I suppose he refrains from commenting on thailand too, well you know cause he's not Thai!!!!

And they say Americans don't do irony....

You have the right to tell me, an American how to spend my tax dollars and the right to tell me about American immigration and refugee status. And I have the right to tell you that you don't have a clue what your are talking about because not being an American your point of view is not accurate.

Do you want me to tell you how to spend your tax dollars and solve all the problems of your country? I would but I'm not presumptuous enough to think I understand them as well as you do and I would defer to your knowledge without getting defensive.

If you want to attack me (yes that is what you have done) please include a quote of what I have said in context to be fair.

You made a number of factual errors about American immigration as I would expect a non American to make and I corrected them. No big deal if we deal with specifics of what I wrote. If we deal in generic attacks that is another topic entirely.

People like him only want to take. The irony is people like him are so angry when the system tries to say no and they, and their philosophy, are what us breaking the system.

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The fact remains that people like you keep advocating that various countries accept losers with no income potential that live as a drain off our system. I do tend to agree that unless you are actually having to work and pay for these pathetic losers that you probably don't have standing to comment unless, I Suppose, you are a pathetic loser looking for hand outs.

Ah, pulls out the 'pathetic loser' jibe. Name calling. Nothing intelligent to say, so you resort to that. And you wonder why people laugh hysterically at the lunar right, if that is all you are capable of.

No right to speak....from the most ardent defenders of the constitution.

Running to the machinery of government for protection on their borders, from those who believe in no government can do anything right.

As I said, people say you yanks don't do irony. You are proving your critics wrong tonight.

Edited by samran
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I clicked on your link and it referenced a poll of fewer than 1500 people.

You really need to become educated on how polls work. giggle.gif

Actually it is you who really needs to choose your words more carefully if you want to have any sort of credibility. wink.png

He already was voted the worst president since WW II by the American people.


He was not voted the worst president since WWII by the American people. In a telephone poll of fewer than 1500 people, a plurality chose his name. I hate to break it to you, but these two things are not same. I know that you desperately want them to be, but they're not. wink.png

I'm not a gambler but I'd bet a sizable sum that if an election were held next month, and it was President Obama against any Republican you can reasonably put up, President Obama would win by over 30 electoral votes. thumbsup.gif And by the way, just to be clear, he likely wouldn't get my vote.

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1. You are an Aussie commenting about American illegal aliens entering the USA which you know little about.

A. By boat from Cuba and Haiti hundreds of thousands.

B Refugees coming to the USA from South America not Mexico (the latest surge) hundreds of thousands under the same circumstances of as refugees anywhere.

C. You wrote, " While I see someone has mentioned studies where illegal entrants in the US are recipients of some sort of welfare, I'm not convinced that is why they come. They want to work and not get a welfare cheque." The states where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62 percent); Texas, California, and New York (61 percent); Pennsylvania (59 percent); Minnesota and Oregon (56 percent); and Colorado (55 percent). See, thats the problem when you write about stuff and don't have a clue what you are writing about. http://cis.org/immigrant-welfare-use-2011

You wrote, "Australia actually runs a migrant labour scheme for workers which allows people to come from the Pacific Islands to work seasonally. It was started as a trial perhaps nearly a decade ago."

The H-2A program allows U.S. employers or U.S. agents who meet specific regulatory requirements to bring foreign nationals to the United States to fill temporary agricultural/industrial jobs. A U.S. employer,a U.S. agent as described in the regulations,or an association of U.S. agricultural producers named as a joint employer must file Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, on a prospective worker’s behalf.

I could take apart the rest of your post but this is getting long.

Sorry Samran but you don't have a clue about USA immigration policies and should not be writing about them.

The Dems want the immigrants because they vote Democratic and they do so because the majority of them draw some form of government benefits. Sorry but thats the truth.

If Australia sends refugees to Cambodia they won't have a problem like the Americans do with refugees from Latin America, Haiti and Cuba. If you don't eventually you will face the same situation that Florida faces from the boats landing on the shore of that State.

The reference in your 1A relates to a statement by Palin about sending illegal immigrants back by boat to which there was an objection about not needing a boat to cross the Rio Grande. You then attack that poster, quite viciously, on the basis of alleged ignorance and denying the right to comment based on nationality.

On the issue of ignorance, you talk about hundreds of thousands of people from Cuba. Whatever the number, I suggest you avail yourself of a search engine to review the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 and the 1995 amendment that introduced the Wet Feet Dry Feet policy that gave Cuban nationals arriving on US soil expedited processing for permanent residence. It has been US policy for decades not to repatriate Cuban immigrants.

Kind of undermines your argument about ignorance I think.

On the right to post comments, I think telling a Thai in Thailand not to post on Thai Visa is more than stupid.

Many non Americans have views about immigration. Many non Americans come from countries where immigration, particularly economic migration to more developed economies is a topical issue. Many non Americans live in Thailand where they deal with immigration issues constantly. What right do you claim to deny them the opportunity to express a point of view? Particularly when some posts of actual Americans, like yours, are ill-informed and misleading.

What, you think you know something about American immigration? Sarah Palin? I said nothing about Sarah Palin. I said refugees from Haiti. How do you think they come to the USA? Not by way of the Rio Grande. How do you think Castro emptied out his prisons? Where do you think he sent the inmates? What do you know about seasonal work programs for Mexican laborers? They have been in place for years.

If you want to learn something about American immigration feel free to do so but don't comment with an air of expertise about things you know nothing about like accusing me of some reference to Sarah Palin.

A previous poster said that Americas problem was not with refugees and he was mistaken as I pointed out. The USA admits 675,000 immigrants each year. Between 1991 to 2000 the USA admitted 11 million immigrants.

There are many legal ways to enter the USA. Refugees from all over the world do so legally every year. I invite you to find out what other countries are doing about the refugee problem that could be applied to America as well.

11 million illegal aliens cost money as more than half of them draw on federal programs that are paid for by American taxpayers. It is galling to have a person from outside of America tell Americans how to spend their tax dollars in my book.

If an American who pays taxes says he is willing to support illegal aliens that is one thing but a person from another country who has never paid taxes tells Americans what to do is another thing.

Well I certainly know the law relating to Cuban immigrants, which you clearly did not. I cited it to demonstrate your ignorance; a claim that you so casually throw around at others.

The first paragraph was a statement of position on the argument. It started with a post from Chicog # 112 who mentioned Palin. Everything else flowed from there. I did not say you mentioned Palin. You responded to a humorous comment about not needing boats to send back refugees to Mexico with an hysterical attack on the poster with accusations of ignorance. Again, you mentioned Haiti and Cuba. Do you not recall? You may check the posting. It is clearly there in black and white, despite your refusal to make reference to it above. I challenged your ignorant statement on Cuba with some facts, to wit, actual law on the issue. You respond accusing me of ignorance about seasonal work programs. You seem to argue in non sequiturs. I make no reference to the Mariel Cuban exodus. It is irrelevant to my point.

I have posted research on other threads that demonstrate that immigration results in a net fiscal benefit to the host economies. Instead of posting ignorant diatribes on the impact of immigrants on American taxpayers, you might do well to familiarise yourself with these studies. It will make you look less ignorant. They are easily found. They are not on partisan websites but on sites of respected economic journals and tertiary institutions.

You know nothing about what I may or may not know. You know nothing about my experience as it relates to US immigration policy and law. You claim an indigenous right to exclusivity on the issue but you have not adequately answered the issue of what right you have to deny other posters the right to express their opinion.

If you are going to attack me on something that I said, make sure I actually said it.

You wrote, "You responded to a humorous comment about not needing boats to send back refugees to Mexico with an hysterical attack on the poster with accusations of ignorance" I did not. Please quote me if I did. You are in error.

You wrote, " I challenged your ignorant statement on Cuba with some facts, to wit, actual law on the issue." You did not. What statement did I make on Cuba that was incorrect?

You wrote, "I have posted research on other threads that demonstrate that immigration results in a net fiscal benefit to the host economies. Instead of posting ignorant diatribes on the impact of immigrants on American taxpayers, you might do well to familiarise yourself with these studies." If you want me to comment post your research for all to see in this thread. I'm not a mind reader.

You can post anything you like. If I don't agree with it I'll tell you. So far I have no idea of your position on the issue that is the topic of this thread.

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The fact remains that people like you keep advocating that various countries accept losers with no income potential that live as a drain off our system. I do tend to agree that unless you are actually having to work and pay for these pathetic losers that you probably don't have standing to comment unless, I Suppose, you are a pathetic loser looking for hand outs.

Ah, pulls out the 'pathetic loser' jibe. Name calling. Nothing intelligent to say, so you resort to that. And you wonder why people laugh hysterically at the lunar right, if that is all you are capable of.

No right to speak....from the most ardent defenders of the constitution.

Running to the machinery of government for protection on their borders, from those who believe in no government can do anything right.

As I said, people say you yanks don't do irony. You are proving your critics wrong tonight.

Not going to make feel guilty for throwing out a term that best describes the situation.

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