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Am I a 'Troll' ? by neverdie


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Perhaps a tad.

A troll who fishes for complements.....?

If you are indeed a troll, you are an unsuccessful one...and nobody is taking the bait.

Well, I don't see how I fished for compliments, I asked certain questions and answers came. There were unexpected compliments.

It would seem the majority think I'm not a troll but I still think it's a fine line.

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Self admission is the first step towards a healthy path of self enlightenment !!!!

Time to buy a bridge.....?

12 steps of Troll Recovery?

First step.... ."I am a Troll"

Second Step..."I recognize the fact that there exists a troll that has higher powers than mine..."


Edited by slipperylobster
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Self admission is the first step towards a healthy path of self enlightenment !!!!

Time to buy a bridge.....?

12 steps of Troll Recovery?

First step.... ."I am a Troll"

Second Step..."I recognize the fact that there exists a troll that has higher powers than mine..."


What's the etc ?

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I wanted to post pictures but I'm too stupid to work out how it's done.

I have several hobbies. TVF is only one way I occupy my time Lust. I do it mainly when I'm laid up with injury or illness. I like to spread my pain go others. ;)

that often sick bro?

hope you recover soon....or may not,would miss your posts..

otherwise if i could as i would (like to) my posts would be also quiet different but than i would have a loooong holiday here...

Edited by Crazy chef 1
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Self admission is the first step towards a healthy path of self enlightenment !!!!

Time to buy a bridge.....?

12 steps of Troll Recovery?

First step.... ."I am a Troll"

Second Step..."I recognize the fact that there exists a troll that has higher powers than mine..."


What's the etc ?

third step: his one is bigger than mine...

C'ya tomorrow- tired and have to go up early...love this thread.

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The part about controversy and provoking is what I actually thought forums were actually about, the whole situation seems to have me miffed.

It's certainly the reason that the powers-that-be choose most of the topics. All they need to do is start a topic on something to do with Thai condom sizes or some balcony diver or jet ski operators or anything remotely to do with farang loss of face and it produces the same result as poking the inmates at Bedlam with a stick on visitors' day.

The ultimate draw is some unbelievable & provocative post on 1st April that hints of Thai bashing and all the farang "intellectuals" are drawn in like flies to an outdoor privy in a rush to make fools of themselves. Each year I think that they can't manage this again. Even the simplest of children must have learned from past experience ... but no, in no time at all the pseudo-provacative and quasi-controversial April Fools' Day post sucks them in and you have a thread 20 pages long ... year after year after year ... it's just like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown.

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No offence, but anyone who starts a "Let's talk about me" topic on a general discussion forum has some sort of issues.

It's funny that you keep mentioning 'issues' and demonstrating the same.

You keep pedalling around and around in circles with little or no effect. Will you ever give up? probably not. Does it matter? No.

Have a good day. Better luck next time.

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The part about controversy and provoking is what I actually thought forums were actually about, the whole situation seems to have me miffed.

It's certainly the reason that the powers-that-be choose most of the topics. All they need to do is start a topic on something to do with Thai condom sizes or some balcony diver or jet ski operators or anything remotely to do with farang loss of face and it produces the same result as poking the inmates at Bedlam with a stick on visitors' day.

The ultimate draw is some unbelievable & provocative post on 1st April that hints of Thai bashing and all the farang "intellectuals" are drawn in like flies to an outdoor privy in a rush to make fools of themselves. Each year I think that they can't manage this again. Even the simplest of children must have learned from past experience ... but no, in no time at all the pseudo-provacative and quasi-controversial April Fools' Day post sucks them in and you have a thread 20 pages long ... year after year after year ... it's just like Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown.

Love it. Your description of April fools is puuurrrrrfect.

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No offence, but anyone who starts a "Let's talk about me" topic on a general discussion forum has some sort of issues.

It's funny that you keep mentioning 'issues' and demonstrating the same.

You keep pedalling around and around in circles with little or no effect. Will you ever give up? probably not. Does it matter? No.

Have a good day. Better luck next time.

Must be the tight fitting Lycra, ND

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No offence, but anyone who starts a "Let's talk about me" topic on a general discussion forum has some sort of issues.

It's funny that you keep mentioning 'issues' and demonstrating the same.

You keep pedalling around and around in circles with little or no effect. Will you ever give up? probably not. Does it matter? No.

Have a good day. Better luck next time.

Must be the tight fitting Lycra, ND

Reincarnated fool no doubt.

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No offence, but anyone who starts a "Let's talk about me" topic on a general discussion forum has some sort of issues.

It's funny that you keep mentioning 'issues' and demonstrating the same.

You keep pedalling around and around in circles with little or no effect. Will you ever give up? probably not. Does it matter? No.

Have a good day. Better luck next time.

Must be the tight fitting Lycra, ND

Reincarnated fool no doubt.

And always caustic ...... always derisive - the ultimate troll.....

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It's funny that you keep mentioning 'issues' and demonstrating the same.

You keep pedalling around and around in circles with little or no effect. Will you ever give up? probably not. Does it matter? No.

Have a good day. Better luck next time.

Must be the tight fitting Lycra, ND
Reincarnated fool no doubt.

And always caustic ...... always derisive - the ultimate troll.....

Yet, quite DULL at the same time. Bit of a 'fail' overall. Probably the story of his life and the drive behind his bitterness.

Edited by neverdie
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No offence, but anyone who starts a "Let's talk about me" topic on a general discussion forum has some sort of issues.

It's funny that you keep mentioning 'issues' and demonstrating the same.

You keep pedalling around and around in circles with little or no effect. Will you ever give up? probably not. Does it matter? No.

Have a good day. Better luck next time.

Must be the tight fitting Lycra, ND
Reincarnated fool no doubt.

IMHO, anyone who starts a post with "No offence, but" and then follows that with an offensive, churlish remark, is demonstrating the signs of a troll who is new to his game. There is hope that he will grow out of it, in time.

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