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Am I a 'Troll' ? by neverdie


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No offence, but anyone who starts a "Let's talk about me" topic on a general discussion forum has some sort of issues.

It's funny that you keep mentioning 'issues' and demonstrating the same.

You keep pedalling around and around in circles with little or no effect. Will you ever give up? probably not. Does it matter? No.

Have a good day. Better luck next time.

Must be the tight fitting Lycra, ND
Reincarnated fool no doubt.

IMHO, anyone who starts a post with "No offence, but" and then follows that with an offensive, churlish remark, is demonstrating the signs of a troll who is new to his game. There is hope that he will grow out of it, in time.

I think you nailed it again MrB. :)

He must be a sad sack.

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I guess the truth stings a little.

Well, if you examine the posted responses here you'd see what most of the people are saying seems to match.......and then there's your bitter and twisted little spin on it.

....and now a tantrum because your version is dismissed.

Thanks for demonstrating 'real troll' qualities in the thread, made me realise I am way off the mark.

Run along now.

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I guess the truth stings a little.

Well, if you examine the posted responses here you'd see what most of the people are saying seems to match.......and then there's your bitter and twisted little spin on it.

....and now a tantrum because your version is dismissed.

Thanks for demonstrating 'real troll' qualities in the thread, made me realise I am way off the mark.

Run along now.

Fink he may cycle along.....................laugh.png

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I guess the truth stings a little.

Well, if you examine the posted responses here you'd see what most of the people are saying seems to match.......and then there's your bitter and twisted little spin on it.

....and now a tantrum because your version is dismissed.

Thanks for demonstrating 'real troll' qualities in the thread, made me realise I am way off the mark.

Run along now.

Fink he may cycle along.....................laugh.png

All his neighbours wondered why he spent so much time on the bike, then they realised there was no seat on top of the seat pole.


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He trolls a lot of threads .... always trying to blow somebody --------- anybody -------- everybody .....up.....not realizing it always looks like a laughable implosion......I guess when the bicycle seats cancel normal activities/functions it does weird things to the mind......sadly....and yes he couldn't resist trying to poison/troll a troll thread....

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He struggles to get a seat in food courts...

Where he eats 99% of his meals because he likes to be able to point at pictures when ordering and prefers Menues around the 25-40 baht region.

I am guessing he is a DP

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He struggles to get a seat in food courts...

Where he eats 99% of his meals because he likes to be able to point at pictures when ordering and prefers Menues around the 25-40 baht region.
I am guessing he is a DP
And in this case DP has two separate meanings. The second meaning has something to do,with the lads at the grind house. Edited by neverdie
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The short answer is YES! Haven't read anything past page one but a quick count shows some 50% of posts in this thread are yours.

You need to get out and smell the roses and not give a stuff what others think of you! coffee1.gif

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The short answer is YES! Haven't read anything past page one but a quick count shows some 50% of posts in this thread are yours.

You need to get out and smell the roses and not give a stuff what others think of you! coffee1.gif

Well that's because I am responding to the people talking to me. It's called manners, being polite.

Thanks for your response. I get out more often than most and couldn't give rats about what people 'think' about me.....not what the thread was about.

So, you are voting me a troll because I post too much on this thread ?

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