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CM immigration wants a one year lease agreement for my retirement visa

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Greetings, I went to CM immigration office and amongst the usual things required for a retirement visa they said that:

1. i must have a one year rental contract/lease agreement from an address ONLY in CM, Lamphum or Lampang

2. in addition to my Bangkok Bank letter confirming my 800k a certified letter from the British Embassy/consulate certifying the amount

I explained to them that I do not stay in apartments - I stay in a Guest House in CM from Nov-Jan, a Guest House in Koh Lanta forThai witness.

??? - will this be a recurring problem when i report every three months in other parts of Thailand that are not CM? Is there any other way to get around this issue?

??? - do i really need BOTH the Bangkok Bank and the Brit consulate letter? If yes, what is the procedure for getting that letter from the Brit Consulate in CM?


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1. There should not be a requirement for it to be a one year rental agreement. They just want solid proof of where you living. Just a receipt for a guesthouse would not be enough.

2. There is not requirement for both unless you are using the combination of income and money in the bank. The embassy or consulate would not do a letter to confirm you bank balance. They can only do proof of income.

When you do your 90 day reports away from CM you need a local address to put on the TM47 form. Some may want proof of that address but a hotel or guesthouse receipt would be enough.

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I wonder who the OP talked with at CM Immigration and what time of day. When you come into the office, the first counter you're directed to is the center counter which is staffed by college interns during the business day. The only time there consistently are real immigration officials there are during the morning queue sorting and then they're so busy they wouldn't have time to answer questions like this in detail.

I suspect the OP talked with one of the interns and received an incomplete answer. Yes, the CM office is only for residents of CM, Lamphun or Lampang provinces and you will have to show you're a resident with something like a one-year lease agreement. But there are other ways to "prove" your residency. A letter from the guest house, on their official letter head with a nice stamp and signature should do the trick. I've used something similar from my condo office and not bothered to bring the rental agreement.

The OP isn't the only retired person who splits their time living between several locations in Thailand. You apply for your extension at the office that serves the province at the place where you're living at the time.

As for the financial proof -- there's no need to obtain a letter from the British Consulate if the proof of financial worth is 800,000 baht in a Thai bank.

Edited by NancyL
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yep! it was the young girls at the center counter at around 9am - but she did go back and speak to an older guy in uniform who had a desk near the back and came back with that response. anyhow, i will go back tomorrow with a letter that has 'letterhead' (the GH said they will make something for me that looks somewhat like letterhead since they dont have it i think) and a witness who works at the GH who says he knows them at the IMM office quite well.

so fingers crossed.

thanks everyone!

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Lesson in CM never go to the information counter for reason previously mentioned. Make your appointment and when called go straight to one of the ladies doing the interview and paperwork, normally situated towards the back, and yes I always take a copy of the house contract plus certified letter from immigration, never had a problem other than spending too much time there when busy. Never go on a Friday or Monday, lesson learnt.

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It's always something isn't it. You never know what ridiculous requirement they will throw at you from one year to the next. Fortunately, in Jomtien it has been fairly consistent for 5 years now. One year they threw a curve ball where they wanted two copies of everything and the next year that went away.

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i dunno... it is such a slippery slope if you start to "question" requirements (IF told to you by an officer and not just a helper). I have literally seen

a thai woman (wife of falang) question an officer about financial statements necessary and the officer then informed the couple (applying for

extension by reason of marriage to a thai) that there was a LOT more documentation she wanted to see. The thai wife then pulled up (on smartphone)

and pulled out printed copies (all in thai) of the "requirements" as posted online...

Wife then asked officer "by what authority and where was it written" to supply all this additional documentation (bank statements from England re: rental property

incomes and rental agreements with tenants IN england, etc...)...the officer glibly pointed to her nameplate and said: It is written right there!

OK.. so wifey could have then proceeded to try and buck up the ladder/chain of command... but she would then gain her husband an enemy for life (she told me).

In the end, she did come back with said documents from England (was then asked to translate them all!)... and eventually her hubby got the 1yr extension.

Subsequent years... no additional hassles... calm, kewl and done in a flash...

the lesson (for me)... is give them what they want and with a smile.. i am a guest here... i know many take issue with the bend over and

don't even get kissed philosophy.. but for me, the kiss is my one year extension...

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Yes,There is a simple way.Go take your money,and live in cambodia,Thailand has the attitude,that we are desperate to live in there country,So they rip us off,Every way they can,Visa,s in thailand,are always talked about ,by ex pats,The sooner ,everybody leaves thailand ,the better.

Well said Thomas Hannah..much the same in this area of the world.

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Gives me a knot in my stomach just reading about all the crapola one has to go thru to satisfy immigration in this country...

Yes, I'm not a Thai basher, but the behaviour of different Immigration offices throughout Thailand, making up their own rules is my biggest gripe here, even more so than the bad driving, and the six to one odds of the young Thai males in a fight.

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Gives me a knot in my stomach just reading about all the crapola one has to go thru to satisfy immigration in this country...

Try being a Thai trying to get a UK visa.

That's for sure, I adopted a Thai Child a number of years ago, went to the US Embassy in CM, was denied a visa for her to go to the States ( I'm American ), and told " For all we know, you could be a Child trafficker "Nice.

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Yes,There is a simple way.Go take your money,and live in cambodia,Thailand has the attitude,that we are desperate to live in there country,So they rip us off,Every way they can,Visa,s in thailand,are always talked about ,by ex pats,The sooner ,everybody leaves thailand ,the better.

Go take your money and live in <insert name of 3rd world hell hole>.....that will teach them!

It's hard not to think people like Thomas have mental issues when he beleives the best way to punish Thailand is to leave and live your life in squalor in some place like Cambodia.

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It makes perfect sense to demand to see a one year lease, especially when retired men want to not be tied down and jump around the country. Six months at the beach, six months maybe in the north. Force the farang to rent to properties and stay in one at a time.

Welcome to the LOS (Land of Stupid).

I am still enjoying myself here but after 6 years, I have come to the conclusion that this is not the place for me long term. As I get older and less able to look after myself, I need smarter more helpful countries not countries like this that ..........


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Gives me a knot in my stomach just reading about all the crapola one has to go thru to satisfy immigration in this country...

Try being a Thai trying to get a UK visa.

Irrelevant, the topic is not about Thais. "comparisons are odious"

So the immigration people in Chiangmai are not Thais, and the OP is not about getting a Visa/extension.

And many subsequent posts are griping about the 'difficulties' of getting Visas for Thailand.

Why do they expect Thailand to make things any easier for them than their own countries do for Thais.

So I say it is relevant.

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i'm not trying to be funny but i have lived half of my 56 years in the US and the other half in the UK and the Thais have practically surpassed the Chinese with at least one restaurant in many a Tom, Dick and Harry town across both countries! It can't be that difficult for a Thai to get a visa - and one that allows them to not only live there but work and own a business there! I'm certainly not going to form my opinion on one American who adopted a Thai child and then couldnt get a visa for his/her child.

In 2009, almost 305,000 Thais lived in America and 35,000 lived in the UK. Its estimated that there are around 200,000 foreigners living in Thailand legally.

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Gives me a knot in my stomach just reading about all the crapola one has to go thru to satisfy immigration in this country...

Try being a Thai trying to get a UK visa.

At least you know the rules.

The big beef is that each Immigration Office has it's own rules that can change depending on the wind.

Same with banks. Different rules at different branches of the same bank.


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Gives me a knot in my stomach just reading about all the crapola one has to go thru to satisfy immigration in this country...

Try being a Thai trying to get a UK visa.

At least you know the rules.

The big beef is that each Immigration Office has it's own rules that can change depending on the wind.

Same with banks. Different rules at different branches of the same bank.


Well those, along with getting a UK passport, have been subject to change a bit of late too.

But oh yes, absolutely agree, each office and perhaps each officer implement their own set of rules, or own interpretation of them, which makes doing things difficult. I was hearing yesterday of how you may be sent back to your origins in Thailand to rectify your paperwork from Bangkok. (Bangkok being where you have to convert from say an Exemption stamp, to a Non-Imm O, in preparation to obtaining a retirement extension)...... not a small amount of time or expense for some.

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i totally agree with you.

i have been reading the great information that is posted on this site since july in preparation for my visit to the CM immigration office last week and no where did it say that i would have to bring a WITNESS with me to the IMM office!

where the heck did that come from?

and i came to the IMM office very clean shaven, button down shirt, long clean trousers, no flip flops, etc (i am a media consultant to various UN agencies and NGOs)

and how easy is it for most farangs that have just arrived here to provide a Thai witness?

thank goodness I have lived at my Guest House since the start of October and developed a very good relationship with them and they will provide my witness!

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In 2009, almost 305,000 Thais lived in America and 35,000 lived in the UK. Its estimated that there are around 200,000 foreigners living in Thailand legally.

Do you have sources for the numbers? It is easy to get tourist arrivals but, for example, it would be interesting to know how many retirees of all nationalities are living here. I feel 200,000 may be a low-ball number for ALL foreigners living here legally.

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this is thailand after all

where each immigration officer thinks they can ask for whatever paper they feel like

would there be a clear structure for all offices, that would be a great start ....

who is going to tell them they don't know their job ?

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i totally agree with you.

i have been reading the great information that is posted on this site since july in preparation for my visit to the CM immigration office last week and no where did it say that i would have to bring a WITNESS with me to the IMM office!

where the heck did that come from?

and i came to the IMM office very clean shaven, button down shirt, long clean trousers, no flip flops, etc (i am a media consultant to various UN agencies and NGOs)

and how easy is it for most farangs that have just arrived here to provide a Thai witness?

thank goodness I have lived at my Guest House since the start of October and developed a very good relationship with them and they will provide my witness!

Koochie -- did CM Immigration actually say you have to bring a witness to the Immigration office? A witness to what? What, exactly, are you trying to do? Convert a visa exempt entry into a 90-day O visa that you plan to extend for 12 months due to retirement?

If CM Immigration expected every applicant for a visa extension to bring a witness, then the place would really be packed to the gills.

Much of what you saying you're being told just doesn't add up. Something is being lost in the telling or understanding.

And no -- to answer one poster's suggestion that maybe they're looking for tea money -- no I don't think that's it at all. I've never known them to make that suggestion in the office nor has anyone I know reported that and I talk with a lot of people about their experiences at CM Immigration.

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yes, they said it straight to my face after they saw the letter that I had already had made up and happened to have in my folder already for when I go for the retirement visa. i showed it to them and asked if they could confirm that this letter from my Guest House was okay and they said no, that i need a lease agreement letter from my GH instead (which i am getting - the GH is ok with that) - they even spoke on my phone to my GH and explained what they needed in that letter and told the GH and me that in addition they will need a Thai witness.

yes, i am doing the procedure to get the retirement visa.

and yes, i agree with you that i dont think they are trying to get tea money. there is a certain attitude and body language that goes with that and i didnt pick up on that at all.

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