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the lastest info I got from ( http://www.dpa.or.th/ewt_news.php?nid=320&filename=index___EN ) Aug 2016 insured bank deposit reduced to 1 mil Baht. but not much info on how it works. Is the 1 mil max

1. per person?, 2. per bank?, 3. per account?,

Seems odd that this bank is advertising fixed saving account up to 100 mil, yet today can only insure up to 50 mil, next year only 25 mil, then only 1 mil. Seems this would hurt the bank's profits

( http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/PersonalBanking/DailyBanking/Accounts/FixedDeposits/Pages/SpecialFixedDeposits.aspx )

sorry if this has been asked before, I did a search here before i posted this question


Yeap, unless the govt changes things the amount insured in bank accounts will drop to Bt1M which would still fully cover the deposits of the great, great majority of Thais where Bt1M is big, big money. It may not be big money to the average farang, but its big money to the average Thai. Regarding banks advertising interest rates for amounts far above the insured amount, well, there are many investments like stocks, mutual funds, bonds, etc., which have no coverage....same all over the world. Up to the customer what kind of investments to get into and how much risk they want to take in those investments.

This link should help to explain how the deposit insurance works per account, per person, per bank, etc. Link.

But the bottomline summary is:: Coverage of deposits and accrued interest denominated in Thai Baht accounts and shall not exceed X million Baht per depositor per institution, with X being whatever the current coverage amount is since the coverage is planned to be reduced down to 1M over the coming years.


One additional note, liquidation of the bank's assets may provide additional coverage not provide under the basic coverage rules but of course a person never knows how much money the liquidation process may come up with and how many years that legal process may take.


You can have it "insured" but if the shit really hits the fan, your money can stay blocked in the account for many months with a limited withdrawal amount per month (like In Cyprus), the value of Baht could plummet in the meantime and the net result would be no insurance at all.

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