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Looking for a great recipe for Thai red curry chicken with bamboo shoots.?


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The best commercial curry paste in my opinion is the one sold by Tesco-Lotus and comes in small glass jars. The brand name is Jae Lek, but it's only in Thai on the jar. Some other brands (particularly Lobo) are extremely salty. However, for best results get your paste in your local market. It's be fresh, rather than preserved.

Again for best results, use fresh bamboo shoots, but it takes a long time to prepare them. (They contain hydrocyanic acid which needs to be removed.) The fresher the shoots the better - they get increasingly bitter as they age. The ready prepared ones from the supermarket, however, are a lot more convenient.

Traditionally the bamboo will be in thin slices, but nowadays (and particularly in overseas Thai restaurants) matchsticks is increasingly common.

Finally, it's not a great recipe that matters, it's the tasting and balancing the flavours. In particular, the bitterness of the bamboo shoots needs to be balanced with the sweetness of the sauce. (Thai people appreciate the bitterness of the shoots so don't blanch them as much as say, the Chinese orJapanese typically would.) The finished curry should be rich from the coconut cream, slightly sweet and salty, with only a hint of the dried spices in the paste. Garnish it with aromatic kaffir lime leaves, chillies and horapha leaves for a perfect result.

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we have a small morning market near us and there is an old dear that only sell red curry paste,i love my thai curries,green ,yellow but what she sells is the best i have ever had.from patts to bkk to cm.to uk.but here in korat i have tried many home made but this old dear is by far the best and not tooooooooooo hot.

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Just throw some chicken along with any Krap in the house in a wok, stir vigorously, add one quart of 60 weight Mobil One, hum a ditty, then carefully plate up, feed it to the dog, ( unlikely he will accept ), grab a bottle/babe and your appetite will soon disappear.

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