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Australian parliament

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I used to think UK parliament was a "rowdy mob " at question time but watching it in the Aussie Canberra parliament, I see it surpassed. The speaker has to throw out opposition Labor members for "shouting abuse". The speaker looks up to the job, headmistress style of ruling,doesnt stop the image we have of "aussie loud mouth behavior" but she does her best.


Aussie loud mouths? You obviously mix with a minority Australian group then..please pick your friends and associates a little more carefully as poms and Seppos are far more load mouth than us Aussies. :)

so the members of parliament are representative of some Australian behavior I guess.

Aussie loud mouths? You obviously mix with a minority Australian group then..please pick your friends and associates a little more carefully as poms and Seppos are far more load mouth than us Aussies. smile.png

10 years ago I would have agreed - sadly, we seem to have our share of loudmouths without a great deal to actually say. As for Parliamentary behaviour, it's hard to top our friends in the Taiwanese parliament, particularly the 'ladies'.


One of the women from that earlier altercation appears to have a serious personality disorder ....

Let's see Julie Bishop deal with that lot.

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Aussies, Bring back the BIFF, as they keep lying to us anyway, makes for a little more entertainment.

It's what's called parliamentary privilege, say what you like. Not that I agree with it but that's the gig man.

"Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something" ; Plato.

"The rulers of the state are the only ones who should have the privilege of lying" ; Plato.

And they don't even do it well.

And FYI no I didn't eat a book on philosophy for breakfast, it just came too me, what can I say, It's a giftwhistling.gif


Aussie loud mouths? You obviously mix with a minority Australian group then..please pick your friends and associates a little more carefully as poms and Seppos are far more load mouth than us Aussies. smile.pngWhat ever you do do not criticize Australians,it doesn't matter where you are in the world Australians can not handle criticism,they treat any comment as a personal attack, the worst personal insult for an Australian I have experienced is for a dinky di aussie male having to be trained by a foreigner and god forbid actually having to be supervised by a foreigner!! loved their country so much even accepted citizenship,but loudmouthed bigots they are!!


Australian parliament was better when Paul Keating was there, love him or hate him, he gave some brilliant retorts. Julie Bishop is a Liberal and, of course sides with them, the speaker should be even handed


Evenhanded she is. i watched it. When the PM or ministers are replying the opposition shout when they dont like the answer. we remember the Rudd/gilligan/Rudd shambles


Aussie loud mouths? You obviously mix with a minority Australian group then..please pick your friends and associates a little more carefully as poms and Seppos are far more load mouth than us Aussies. smile.pngWhat ever you do do not criticize Australians,it doesn't matter where you are in the world Australians can not handle criticism,they treat any comment as a personal attack, the worst personal insult for an Australian I have experienced is for a dinky di aussie male having to be trained by a foreigner and god forbid actually having to be supervised by a foreigner!! loved their country so much even accepted citizenship,but loudmouthed bigots they are!!

You poor person..such a sheltered life you lead to think that all Aussies are like that. My wife criticises me all the time if I do something she perceives as "farang type behaviour" is forever re-training me and supervises everything I do. She is thai, which makes her a foreigner and my boss and I love her dearly :) so now I hope at least one Aussie can restore your faith.


Aussie loud mouths? You obviously mix with a minority Australian group then..please pick your friends and associates a little more carefully as poms and Seppos are far more load mouth than us Aussies. smile.pngWhat ever you do do not criticize Australians,it doesn't matter where you are in the world Australians can not handle criticism,they treat any comment as a personal attack, the worst personal insult for an Australian I have experienced is for a dinky di aussie male having to be trained by a foreigner and god forbid actually having to be supervised by a foreigner!! loved their country so much even accepted citizenship,but loudmouthed bigots they are!!

You poor person..such a sheltered life you lead to think that all Aussies are like that. My wife criticises me all the time if I do something she perceives as "farang type behaviour" is forever re-training me and supervises everything I do. She is thai, which makes her a foreigner and my boss and I love her dearly smile.png so now I hope at least one Aussie can restore your faith.! aussie listening to his wife, but what about the other 10 million bigots, as my sons aussie fatherinlaw used to rant on about, his party mates would like to bring back the law that was only abolished in the early 1960,s , that allowed the legal shooting of aborigines trespassing on farmland in north east queensland, both as an employee and later as an employer I have experienced Australian bias and bigotry at its worst, not to mention their lousy work ethic,if you can call village life in deepest Isaan in the early 60,s long before tarmac roads and concrete bridges north of Korat a sheltered life,I must have led a very sheltered existence, but you are certainly proving my point for me


The speaker is as biased as she comes. Paul Keating would have had her for breakfast and spat her out.

This Tony Abbotoir Government has been elected on lie after lie!

When you get the Prime Minister and Hockey rorting the system you can expect the labour party exposing them for what it's worth.

I love watching Question Time as it renews my faith in the system.

Can't wait for the next election and throw these rorters out.

And I usually vote Liberal.

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