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Ferguson protests spread across US


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" UNFAIR " says Brown family, ( with probably 450 blood relatives on welfare ), because we don't gets

no money and my chilrens hungry ! I'm just getting over Michael Jackson's death and now this. I

don't know if I should laugh or cry ? Any suggestions ?


We needed a post that truly exemplifies why African Americans feel discriminated against.

Probably 450 blood relatives on welfare?

Getting over MJ's death?

"We don't gets no money"?


I'd report this post as offensive, but it serves better as an example. I hope it is not deleted.

This is an unfair assumption, in my view, as this poster has expressed truths in an uneducated fashion, but the truths should not be thrown out with the bath water.

Not everyone can express their frustrations about these truths (stated above, and to name only a very few of many) regarding the behavior and attitude of the inner-city blacks in the USA, and do so in a fashion that loses all of its emotion and sincerity without being labeled as a racist or some other ill-placed word.

The fact is, this post is done in a normal and natural fashion, and the raw emotion of it should be taken seriously and not as a joke. I understand completely what this poster meant, and I did not let the sarcasm taint the truth.

Many many educated people of all stations in life have expressed their disgust and frustration of the attitudes and behaviors of the blacks in the USA and still nothing changes, so what you are implying as an alternative to sounding "reportable" in expressing truths and truthful, raw emotion, does not seem to have any effect whether or not it is expressed either way.

I have no problem excusing the tone of this post, as the poster is not just coming from a riot, holding a flat screen TV and wiping the ashes off his sleeves from the police car he set aflame, and the blood off his shoes from kicking in the head of a white man, who simply wanted to get in to the pancake house and have breakfast.

He's simply fed up and venting a bit, but the regrettable thing for the blacks is that his sarcasm is a parody of the truth.

Sincere respect to you Seastallionwai2.gif This is only my take on this, but I also understand your view, as well.

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18 year old man commits crime

Police Officer attempts to detain suspected perp,

Perp does not follow officers instructions

Perp assualts officer

Officer draws weapon

Officer gives warning to comply

Perp ignores warning and continues to assualt

Officer shoots

Perp runs

Officer gives warning again

Perp turns back towards officer, reaches towards waistband and starts to charge towards officer

Officer shoots again

Perp still advances in threatening manner

Officer shoots again

Perp is dead

Outcome: Robber killed by Police officer while resisting arrest - case closed, next!

As for the underlying race issues in the US thats another matter, but sure some people need to take responsibility for themselves first.

And the people who gave false witness statements about the actual shooting and how it went down should be arrested and tried for perverting justice.

(Im from UK by the way and the London riots a few years back just the same excuse to cause some chaos and commit arson and robbery of decent peoples property with the race card excuse.

There are witnesses who also claim they didn't hear the police officer shout any verbal warnings after the first shots. That's why a proper open trial was more desirable giving lawyers the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses.

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18 year old man commits crime

Police Officer attempts to detain suspected perp,

Perp does not follow officers instructions

Perp assualts officer

Officer draws weapon

Officer gives warning to comply

Perp ignores warning and continues to assualt

Officer shoots

Perp runs

Officer gives warning again

Perp turns back towards officer, reaches towards waistband and starts to charge towards officer

Officer shoots again

Perp still advances in threatening manner

Officer shoots again

Perp is dead

Outcome: Robber killed by Police officer while resisting arrest - case closed, next!

As for the underlying race issues in the US thats another matter, but sure some people need to take responsibility for themselves first.

And the people who gave false witness statements about the actual shooting and how it went down should be arrested and tried for perverting justice.

(Im from UK by the way and the London riots a few years back just the same excuse to cause some chaos and commit arson and robbery of decent peoples property with the race card excuse.

There are witnesses who also claim they didn't hear the police officer shout any verbal warnings after the first shots. That's why a proper open trial was more desirable giving lawyers the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses.

Yep, they also said the officer shot him in the back (err no he did not) his arms was in the air in surrender (err no they was not) covered them above as in arrest them for giving false evidence statements, have I missed anything else?
When you commit a crime and refuse to comply with an armed police officer's instructions - You may get shot!! Is a pretty easy thing to work out no?
All the other stuff around this is B S.
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18 year old man commits crime

Police Officer attempts to detain suspected perp,

Perp does not follow officers instructions

Perp assualts officer

Officer draws weapon

Officer gives warning to comply

Perp ignores warning and continues to assualt

Officer shoots

Perp runs

Officer gives warning again

Perp turns back towards officer, reaches towards waistband and starts to charge towards officer

Officer shoots again

Perp still advances in threatening manner

Officer shoots again

Perp is dead

Outcome: Robber killed by Police officer while resisting arrest - case closed, next!

As for the underlying race issues in the US thats another matter, but sure some people need to take responsibility for themselves first.

And the people who gave false witness statements about the actual shooting and how it went down should be arrested and tried for perverting justice.

(Im from UK by the way and the London riots a few years back just the same excuse to cause some chaos and commit arson and robbery of decent peoples property with the race card excuse.

There are witnesses who also claim they didn't hear the police officer shout any verbal warnings after the first shots. That's why a proper open trial was more desirable giving lawyers the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses.

Yep, they also said the officer shot him in the back (err no he did not) his arms was in the air in surrender (err no they was not) covered them above as in arrest them for giving false evidence statements, have I missed anything else?
When you commit a crime and refuse to comply with an armed police officer's instructions - You may get shot!! Is a pretty easy thing to work out no?
All the other stuff around this is B S.

Moreover... regarding complying with the law, I believe the Commander in Chief, the Black President elected by the Black people, and for the Black people, told these Black people to not resort to Black on White violence... yet they went right out and committed acts of Black on White violence, as well as further violence against their local law enforcement anyway. This does not address the uncountable hate-speech crimes the Black people have said to the world since that time either.

If black people cannot honor the request of their Black President, and whereby this request was specifically aimed at Black people, then what makes anyone, who is not Black, think that Black people will listen to particularly a white officer the next time the white officer responds to a 911 call in an area soley occupied by Blacks; ...much less the Black person in the act of, or running from the scene of the response?

Regrettably, the more the Black people talk the talk and supercharge the situation with threats and taunts, and back down and do not carry out with their threats, the more foolish they will look to each other. Hence the only solution is to add elements of incitement to get them to carry out the threats and retain their sense of importance and "manhood".

Point being: The more the black people take a soluble situation, and ignorantly and stubbornly turn it into an unsoluble situation, the more mess will be on their hands. Having the media on your side matters when acting like a child and acting out hatred towards others, but when the child begins attacking their government (mommy and daddy), I believe the definition of that is revolution.

Apparently the blacks are getting away with burning government and private property for now, but if they keep this up, they may end up burning a few bridges along with it, and really put themselves in a place where there is no returning to the things they had.

I truly hope this does not happen, but the next officer to go down in a black community will be the beginning of the end for a lot of things...

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"Lawyers for Mr Brown's family have denounced the grand jury's decision as "unfair".

Life is a series of "unfair", get over it.

When it happens to your next of kin I am sure it will be very easy to "get over it"

Not a snowballs chance in hell! I can guarantee that my next of kin (or any family member for that matter) had / have far more intelligence than to go out on a public street carrying a weapon. Go out with a gun and ignore instructions from a police officer and you can expect to get shot, simple as that. P.S. Note the word 'intelligence'.

Edited by loongdavid
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It was "unfair" for Michael Brown to violently rob a shopkeeper and attack a policeman, but he has paid the price.

Yet why didn't the cop use his flashlight or night stick?

Because police officers are not trained martial artists and could easily be hurt or killed by a bigger, stronger, faster of more trained opponent. A gun is the best weapon for self defense or bringing criminals to justice ad that is what Officer Wilson was trained to use in a situation like this.

And it is also what the Missouri statute says that a police office can do in defense of his life... should any AG or president care to read the law...

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"Lawyers for Mr Brown's family have denounced the grand jury's decision as "unfair".

Life is a series of "unfair", get over it.

When it happens to your next of kin I am sure it will be very easy to "get over it"

Not a snowballs chance in hell! I can guarantee that my next of kin (or any family member for that matter) had / have far more intelligence than to go out on a public street carrying a weapon. Go out with a gun and ignore instructions from a police officer and you can expect to get shot, simple as that. P.S. Note the word 'intelligence'.

Well noted the word intelligence, as per your request.

Remember, accidents have happened to many intelligent and confident people too.

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" UNFAIR " says Brown family, ( with probably 450 blood relatives on welfare ), because we don't gets

no money and my chilrens hungry ! I'm just getting over Michael Jackson's death and now this. I

don't know if I should laugh or cry ? Any suggestions ?


We needed a post that truly exemplifies why African Americans feel discriminated against.

Probably 450 blood relatives on welfare?

Getting over MJ's death?

"We don't gets no money"?


I'd report this post as offensive, but it serves better as an example. I hope it is not deleted.

Why is it offensive, is it not a right of saying what you believe, nobody was hurt by what he said

I'd expect that sort of incomprehension from white, product of incest, uneducated, obese, Fox News and wrestling viewer, beer guzzling trailer trash. But nobody here is like that, thankfully.

Can you see the deliberate irony there?

Cant you see that the riot was motivated more by colour and not the crime, open your eyes, and read many of the other posts, who have their eyes open

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The Ferguson protests have also spread to our good friends from the north, Toronto, Canada. They issued protest instructions that must have been drawn straight from the Hamas playbook.


PROTEST RULES: White Michael Brown Protesters Told To Serve As Human Shields For Black Protesters
6:02 PM 11/27/2014
“WHITE/NON BLACK ALLIES” were addressed in information disseminated by “Black Lives Matter” Toronto protest organizers in advance of demonstrations that began in the city Tuesday night after the Ferguson, Mo., grand jury exonerated police officer Darren Wilson.
<<from the article>>
“Refrain from speaking to the media. Black voices are crucial to this.”
“Stand behind black folks or between us and the police.”
“If you see a cop harassing a black person, come in and engage. (chances are they are least likely to arrest you),” the rules stated.
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