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I know just how you feel and sorry you have to go through it. Like others have said here, Ive been there and its a terrible feeling.

My buddy was Jacques. From a puppy, he followed me everywhere. He just wanted to be near me. If I was working in the garden, he would get as close as he could, lay down and go to sleep.

He was very healthy, but at 12 years old one day he began acting strange. He didnt seem to recognize me or understand me. I put him to bed and sat up with him till late. He was asleep when I went to bed and when I got up at 4am, he was gone. (Wow, 5 years have passed and when I think about it, the tears still come.)

Many people close to me have died, my parents, sister, lots of friends. It was ok. I was sad, but thats life. We know death will come to us all. I was able to handle it well.

But when Jacques died, I didnt expect it to hit me the way it did. I really fell apart. I didnt want to do anything, didnt want to eat, didnt want to talk to anyone.

After a month of that, my wife couldnt take it anymore. So, one day she brings home an ugly 3 week old puppy. I said I dont want anything to do with it. Well, it was hungry, so I had to give it some milk. It really went crazy for that, never having had milk before. Then it needed a bath, and I had to make a bed for the mutt. In the middle of the night, I had to get up to give it some more milk. I layed down on the floor and after it ate, he started jumping all over me.

I guess you can see where this is going. I was still heartbroken, but the little guy was keeping my mind off my sorrow.

Well, Mac has been with us 5 years now and hes a real member of the family. He has brought me alot of happiness and I cant imagine life without him.

I know Mac's life will come to an end someday too, Im just hoping I will be ready to cope with it better this time.

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A few years ago i wrote a Eulogy for my cat, Saturna, on here.

The love and sympathy that i received from all was overwhelming.

I just love the fact that people reach out and understand that our dogs and cats have been a part of our lives for many years and that we miss them as much as any other member of our family when they die.

She was 16 and fat, polished the parquet with her belly, but has a place in many of my friends hearts who had the pleasure of meeting her. We still talk about her. She was the only cat i have ever owned that snored!!

Sorry, she owned me.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

A few years ago i wrote a Eulogy for my cat, Saturna, on here.

The love and sympathy that i received from all was overwhelming.

I just love the fact that people reach out and understand that our dogs and cats have been a part of our lives for many years and that we miss them as much as any other member of our family when they die.

She was 16 and fat, polished the parquet with her belly, but has a place in many of my friends hearts who had the pleasure of meeting her. We still talk about her. She was the only cat i have ever owned that snored!!

Sorry, she owned me.

Patsy ... how many cats do you have now?

How do they cope with the cold in your country?


No cats now. The last one Jimmy, i had to give away due to the fact that i had no home for him.

He is now 15 and from what i hear is living the life of riley in France. Beside a fire, and pampered. The vet went round to clean his teeth.

Cats survive very well in cold countries, they do have fur coats!! And, whether you believe it or not, it can get up to 40 degrees in the summer here in this cold country.

Dogs survive too, in the "cold", And the heat. and all things in between.

To be a bit bitchy, i am glad that Jimmy has a good new home. I miss him every day, but i would not like to go through watching him die or have to put him down. I remember him as the daft little bugger that brought too many birds and mice and lizards home to me. And purred and cuddled. Perhaps that is selfish on my part. But i know the people where he is will also love and care for him till he takes his last wee breath.

He was a neighbours cat, and just sort of moved in. Then they didn't want him coz his balls dropped and he was no longer a girl....

Shise i could go on and on about that cat!!!

It's strange - of all the dogs and cats and guinea pigs and hamsters that i am sure that we have all had in our lives since we were little there is always one that sticks out.

For me it is Jimmy. The character and kittenish antics were just a joy. The vet bills not so much, thousands were spent.


No cats now. The last one Jimmy, i had to give away due to the fact that i had no home for him.

He is now 15 and from what i hear is living the life of riley in France. Beside a fire, and pampered. The vet went round to clean his teeth.

Cats survive very well in cold countries, they do have fur coats!! And, whether you believe it or not, it can get up to 40 degrees in the summer here in this cold country.

Dogs survive too, in the "cold", And the heat. and all things in between.

To be a bit bitchy, i am glad that Jimmy has a good new home. I miss him every day, but i would not like to go through watching him die or have to put him down. I remember him as the daft little bugger that brought too many birds and mice and lizards home to me. And purred and cuddled. Perhaps that is selfish on my part. But i know the people where he is will also love and care for him till he takes his last wee breath.

He was a neighbours cat, and just sort of moved in. Then they didn't want him coz his balls dropped and he was no longer a girl....

Shise i could go on and on about that cat!!!

It's strange - of all the dogs and cats and guinea pigs and hamsters that i am sure that we have all had in our lives since we were little there is always one that sticks out.

For me it is Jimmy. The character and kittenish antics were just a joy. The vet bills not so much, thousands were spent.

yes pc.it is hard when for some reason you have to part with them.having been a owner/trainer of greyhounds although they make great pets when they have finished racing i always had a lump in my throat when one had to go,there was always a lot of injuries so most weeks you were at the vets.now after a hard life and being given a new engine relaxing at home in the company of my wife and beloved i am content to be with them 24/7.i do see a lot of mistreatment of the so called family pets and its hard for me not to take notice.only this week one dog who i see every morning when i take mine for his early morn.walk the dog was looking rearly rough as the wife found out that the owners were away and he was left to fend forhimself without food and if i told you who the owners were it wouldnt shock you.so the wife got a bag of biscuits and treets and fed him till they came back.well they are back but this morning the dog came within yards of me sat down and more or less said thank you.i did tell him the wife will give you a treet every evening when she goes out with our beloved.god forbid i go before mine as i know i wouldnt be able to handle it.this is the first i have had in thailand and if the worst scenario was to happen [my last].

taffy from the land of sheep and rugby.

  • 4 months later...

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