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Pheu Thai and UDD working to keep everybody happy


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Pheu Thai and UDD working to keep everybody happy

Attayuth Bootsripoom

BANGKOK: -- It came as no surprise when Pheu Thai Party and the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) announced that they were opting out of offering ideas to the Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC). After all, they have been indicating this for a while now, though how they came to this decision is interesting.

First, we have to be aware that Pheu Thai and the UDD are close allies, despite their efforts to deny this. In reality, though, both rely on each other for their existence. That's why its very rare for Pheu Thai and the UDD to make a decision that is different - even when they have different views on a subject.

Second, the two groups both use the principles of majority democracy to support their legitimacy, loudly protesting against any undemocratic moves to gain power, such as through a coup, and they can both still get backing as long as they adhere to this standard.

However, this time round, their supporters have started wondering if Pheu Thai and UDD have bowed to the coup-makers by stopping their political activities. Many key figures from both Pheu Thai and the UDD have reported to the new power clique and are all acting like "good boys" of the junta. Some even took part in reconciliation forums held by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

No wonder their supporters are getting suspicious and wondering if Pheu Thai and the red-shirt leaders are looking after their own skin.

Politicians from Pheu Thai and the UDD have both been telling supporters that they cannot defy the junta. However, some of their hardline supporters want them to try harder to protect the mandate given to them in the previous general election.

Though many supporters appear to understand the situation, it still seems as if they don't feel very comfortable with this situation.

A lot of attention is now on Pheu Thai and the UDD to see if they will join the CDC's procedure to gather opinions from the public, as their participation in this process might alienate supporters even further.

Pheu Thai and the UDD need to maintain their legitimacy in the eyes of their supporters as well as maintain a balance of power at a time when the military rulers are watching them closely.

However, if they jump onto the junta's reform bandwagon, Pheu Thai and the UDD will lose backing from their supporters, which will only worsen the situation. So why do they really need to maintain this support system at a time when the junta is trying to get rid of the political polarity? The answer is that Pheu Thai and the UDD will need their supporters again when the military rulers call an election.

Both Pheu Thai and the UDD appear to be confident that they will return to power once elections are held. All they need to do is wait for the NCPO to keep its promise of "returning power to the people" after the new constitution is drafted.

If the junta continues holding on to power and no elections are held after the promised one-year timeframe, then the time will be right for Pheu Thai's red-shirt supporters to come out and pressure the junta.

Should this scenario really take place, then the streets will be filled with not just red shirts, many non-colour-coded Thais will also be calling on the junta to keep its promise.

If on the other hand, Pheu Thai and the UDD aren't able to maintain strong backing, then they might find themselves abandoned when the day arrives.

Hence, it is very necessary for both parties to achieve a balance between pleasing the junta and its supporters - at least for as long as this post-coup government is in power.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Pheu-Thai-and-UDD-working-to-keep-everybody-happy-30248644.html

-- The Nation 2014-11-27

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PTP and UDD supporters need to realise that time has marched on and to continue in the old ways will only bring more disharmony , the behaviour of their political representatives keeping everybody happy could be a sea change or just toeing the line and going with the flow, whatever the reason they must realise that they either shape-up or ship -out, as if you once again adopt the attitude of I am there more for me and bugger the rest you, will result in another coup , this one might not be all that friendly, the PTP can with the right people, policy's and supporters without the Shins influence, be a influence in the political future of Thailand the only requirement is to forget the past and move on otherwise Thailand will end up being a waste heap back water.

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There are hints that elections might now be slated for 2016. There are more subtle hints that "elections" might not be quite what democracy advocates are expecting.


Care to clarify what you are expecting to happen ...? (or not happen as the case may be)

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Pheu Thai and UDD working to keep everybody happy

Well ain't that sweet. The Junta's task of making everybody happy is even sweeping into the deep Red realms of the kingdom....can see a Junta, Pheu Thai, UDD big hug session in the making. Owwww....Weng you big softie...give us a hug.

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Not sure who the 'everybody' they are working to keep happy are.

For sure it wont be the rice farmers who are now deeper in debt than ever through having to take out loans to cover the late and non payments under the pledging scheme.

It isn't their own ex MP's who were recently reported to be complaining that their payments from the party had stopped since parliament has been disbanded.

It wont be those who are struggling to find money to keep up the payments on the new cars they bought under the Govt scheme, or for that matter those who guaranteed the loans of those who have had the cars repossessed and are now being chased for the debts.

It wont be the kids who cant use the futsal courts or their parents who have to listen to them complain.

It wont be the constituents from the PT electorates who will be wondering why their representatives wont put forward their concern or ideas to move the country forward.

But the leaders will certainly be keeping themselves happy with the millions they came out of the riots with and the ones who were made MP's with the extra they got for helping to wreck the country.

Of course they will still be on the pay roll but as always will not be allowed to think for themselves for we are still on the old Thaksin thinks..........thing and if orders are not followed then, as was threatened once before : "Allowances will be stopped"

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