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British man arrested in Udon Thani for sex offences in the UK


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Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

And you did nothing? Didn't report him? ........ nice one....... coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

As far as I know, that isn't criminal conduct. Just suspicious. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be reported for images of girls and porn videos on your harddrive.

You can't have it both ways. If you are saying it was not criminal conduct you observed then you have no right to throw fuel on the fire by telling us of a perfectly legal activity that an adult is allowed to engage in. If however as you originally say he was stalking young girls then by doing nothing you were in fact complicit in any harm he did do. We all have choices, but standing bye whilst somebody is seen as a threat to young children is not one of them. If they were not a threat but just displaying legal sexual tendencies then that is their business. By the way, how did you 'catch' him with pictures of girls on his computer?

In the Nanny State known as the UK, anybody working with children or vulnerable adults has a statutory duty to report suspicious or questionable behaviour to the designated child protection officer within the school. This then passes the responsibility to the designated officer for action or inaction. Subsequent blame can ruin a life.

This does not always prevent child abuse, but it does make it somewhat harder to keep quiet about it.

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@johnniey. The fact that you have been teaching here for 29 years and failed to add an appostrphe to you "i've" and used if instead of "of" as well as your last sentence not even being a question but you chose to use a question mark indicated to me that you must be one of those "cream of the crop" teachers that you are referring too.

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@johnniey. The fact that you have been teaching here for 29 years and failed to add an appostrphe to you "i've" and used if instead of "of" as well as your last sentence not even being a question but you chose to use a question mark indicated to me that you must be one of those "cream of the crop" teachers that you are referring too.

Referring to. ;)

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this guy is teaching children ..... right ?

and what exactly is he wanted for in Thailand, as usual the article is confusing and poorly written

weird thing is that he looks familiar

Give him a moustache and he looks like Hitler... w00t.gif

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UDON THANI: -- A British man, wanted for 17 counts of sexual violation and molesting girls under 14 in the United Kingdom, was arrested on Tuesday at a local school in Kumphawapi district in Udon Thani where he worked as a teacher, Immigration Bureau commissioner Pol Lt General Sakda Chuenpakdee said yesterday.

A man with his amount of violations to his Record,must be on the Criminal Sexual Offences Register in the UK,it beats me how he got out of the Country,

Edited by MAJIC
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UDON THANI: -- A British man, wanted for 17 counts of sexual violation and molesting girls under 14 in the United Kingdom, was arrested on Tuesday at a local school in Kumphawapi district in Udon Thani where he worked as a teacher, Immigration Bureau commissioner Pol Lt General Sakda Chuenpakdee said yesterday.

A man with his amount of violations to his Record,must be on the Criminal Sexual Offences Register in the UK,it beats me how he got out of the Country.

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@johnniey. The fact that you have been teaching here for 29 years and failed to add an appostrphe to you "i've" and used if instead of "of" as well as your last sentence not even being a question but you chose to use a question mark indicated to me that you must be one of those "cream of the crop" teachers that you are referring too.

@johnniey. The fact that you have been teaching here for 29 years and failed to add an appostrphe apostrophe to you your "i've" "I've" and used if instead of "of" as well as your last sentence not even being a question but you chose to use a question mark indicated to me that you must be one of those "cream of the crop" teachers that you are referring too to.

Run-on sentence to the max. Use some periods and commas, etc. Develop a few complete phrases from that and separate them into sentences.

Edited by NeverSure
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Oh I am compassionate... To those that are deserving...

But child molesters show no compassion to those they abuse; those who can't defend themselves, those who are threatened into silence etc... When the shoe is on the other foot, why should they be shown compassion?

Criminals go to prison...

Animals get put down...

You have to understand a little more about psychology to get a grasp. The shoe is often from the same foot, but not worn in the next pair of shoes - as you put it.

Most child molestors have been shown no compassion in their youth, when they were abused too, and thus never learnt about such. I am certainly not condoning abuse, but there are psychological reasons that are not always 'excuses' for such actions. You can label them paedophiles all you like, until the cows come home, but that doesn't justify binning them or mean they themselves are not deserving of treatment. Wouldn't you agree.... or you'd just hang them all?

"You can label them paedophiles all you like, until the cows come home, but that doesn't justify binning them or mean they themselves are not deserving of treatment. Wouldn't you agree.... or you'd just hang them all?"

On the contrary you can make all the excuses in the world,you want, you are fooling nobody! your plea for mitigation for the evil ones,that sexually abuse and torture children,for their own pleasure,is not acceptable in a civilised society, and there is no room for apologists either! protection of children will always come first! that's what Criminal Sexual Offenders Registers are for!


Castrating as some suggest does no good because this, like rape, is a crime of control. The abuser has an evil need to control and how much more powerful of a type of control is there, anyway?

These people can't be helped because they don't have a moral compass that tells them to protect rather than abuse. They totally lack empathy for others and that's as bad as it gets.

If every criminal on the planet got away with blaming it on his childhood or some other excuse, and then put the burden on society to spend the resources to fix him rather than to protect themselves from him, we'd all live in danger.

These people have a totally inhumane mind and we have to protect ourselves and others from them instead of enumerating excuses for them. They know better but they just don't choose to control themselves.

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UDON THANI: -- A British man, wanted for 17 counts of sexual violation and molesting girls under 14 in the United Kingdom, was arrested on Tuesday at a local school in Kumphawapi district in Udon Thani where he worked as a teacher, Immigration Bureau commissioner Pol Lt General Sakda Chuenpakdee said yesterday.

A man with his amount of violations to his Record,must be on the Criminal Sexual Offences Register in the UK,it beats me how he got out of the Country.

A foreign travel order lasts for a fixed period as specified in the order; the maximum period is six months, although the order can be renewed on further application to the court.


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There ought to be investigations into his conduct in Thailand. If he has any charges to answer locally, he should be tried and punished locally, then extradited to the UK

He should be sent to Coventry , or maybe Rochdale , would be more suitable , for his type .


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Good on RTP to catch and send the accused back to his country to face the charges he was running away from. Hope to see much more of this in the future as well.

Plaudits for the RTP may not be entirely justified, though granted they did manage to remove their collective fingers from their various orifices long enough to pick him up. He's been in Thailand since 2005, so my guess is he may have tried to renew his passport, which likely triggered an extradition request from the UK.

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I notice another paper that can't be mentioned here reports an American language teacher arrested for rape and assault charges both in the US and Thai. Fake passports too.

Meanwhile in Bali they've been checking teachers too. An Australian pedo was arrested there.

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@johnniey. The fact that you have been teaching here for 29 years and failed to add an appostrphe to you "i've" and used if instead of "of" as well as your last sentence not even being a question but you chose to use a question mark indicated to me that you must be one of those "cream of the crop" teachers that you are referring too.

p'ss off.ivhave a degree in English.

if you want tobtry and show off by criticizibg my tyiping skills at least take the time to write proper english.

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@Johnniey. Noone is showing off here. Just stating a fact. If I claimed to be an English teacher I would ensure that my spelling,grammar and puncuation is in perfect order.And I would certainly say that my English is more proper than yours. For christ sake you can't even spell. Did you recieve your English degree in Thailand or out of one of those candy dispensers.

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Gentlemen (I use the word gentlemen as a gender tag as opposed to a status tag) This matter concerns a case of a criminal suspect being arrested for sexual offences or indecent behavior concerning young people.

It is not a slanging match about spelling, punctuation or grammar.

Please go and retrieve your toys and retreat to your respective cribs.


Edited by siampolee
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@Johnniey. Noone is showing off here. Just stating a fact. If I claimed to be an English teacher I would ensure that my spelling,grammar and puncuation is in perfect order.And I would certainly say that my English is more proper than yours. For christ sake you can't even spell. Did you recieve your English degree in Thailand or out of one of those candy dispensers.

When I was an English teacher, I tried to keep it quiet. Not the type of job one falsely claims to be.

BTW, It's spelled "punctuation". :)

And should be ARE in perfect order.:)

"recieve: lol

"And .... "

Were you rejected by a school and have a resentment against English teachers?

Just because he is an English teacher, doesn't mean he has to write more carefully than others.

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And he is just one of the now too many farang undesirables that are infesting Thailand with their presence and as my wife says; why many farangs here prefer to stay anonymous and keep a low profile because they are shady characters, have things to hide and would rather not disclose details or bring attention to themselves.

This guy obtained a teaching job, but I would not judge any farangs I don`t know here on face value, all of them should be suspect and treated with caution because we never know their past history and the real truths behind them.

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@Johnniey. Noone is showing off here. Just stating a fact. If I claimed to be an English teacher I would ensure that my spelling,grammar and puncuation is in perfect order.And I would certainly say that my English is more proper than yours. For christ sake you can't even spell. Did you recieve your English degree in Thailand or out of one of those candy dispensers.

@Johnniey. Noone is showing off here. Just stating a fact. If I claimed to be an English teacher I would ensure that my spelling,grammar and puncuation is in perfect order.And I would certainly say that my English is more proper than yours. For christ sake you can't even spell. Did you recieve your English degree in Thailand or out of one of those candy dispensers.

No-one, no one


For Christ's sake.

Receive. I before e except after C.

end of lesson.wink.png

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Beetlejuice post # 144

And he is just one of the now too many farang undesirables that are infesting Thailand with their presence and as my wife says; why many farangs here prefer to stay anonymous and keep a low profile because they are shady characters, have things to hide and would rather not disclose details or bring attention to themselves.

This guy obtained a teaching job, but I would not judge any farangs I don`t know here on face value, all of them should be suspect and treated with caution because we never know their past history and the real truths behind them.

Now we are I presume to judge you by the standards that you set?

Your posts always seem a trifle suspect to many other posters here, me included.

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Beetlejuice post # 144

And he is just one of the now too many farang undesirables that are infesting Thailand with their presence and as my wife says; why many farangs here prefer to stay anonymous and keep a low profile because they are shady characters, have things to hide and would rather not disclose details or bring attention to themselves.

This guy obtained a teaching job, but I would not judge any farangs I don`t know here on face value, all of them should be suspect and treated with caution because we never know their past history and the real truths behind them.

Now we are I presume to judge you by the standards that you set?

Your posts always seem a trifle suspect to many other posters here, me included.

I couldn`t give a rat`s behind what sorts of judgements the people that don`t matter make about me, as there is no one that pays my way, completely law abiding, independent, set my own standards and have nothing hidden behind the scenes or anything about my lifestyle that I would be in fear of or ashamed of anyone knowing about.

Those who do have things to hide are right to be suspicious and cautious of me, because I can see right through them and can read every post between the lines. Whatever the real facts are I will eventually weed them out.

What I said in my previous post still stands, the farang criminal elements, paedophiles, those running from justice, fraudsters, thieves, scammers and even wanted murderers, there are a vast number of them in Thailand, a country seen as a haven for the undesirable elements from the west and why I would be extremely cautious in having any dealings with them.

Obviously there are still many decent, honest and totally respectable farangs staying long term in Thailand, I consider myself in that category, my point being is that the good have to be filtered out from the bad and the ugly and as more and more deadbeat farangs begin plonking themselves in Thailand, year by year, the filtering process is becoming an increasingly difficult task.

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