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British man arrested in Udon Thani for sex offences in the UK


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beetlejuice post # 149.

I couldn`t give a rat`s behind what sorts of judgements the people that don`t matter make about me, as there is no one that pays my way, completely law abiding, independent, set my own standards and have nothing hidden behind the scenes or anything about my lifestyle that I would be in fear of or ashamed of anyone knowing about.

Those who do have things to hide are right to be suspicious and cautious of me, because I can see right through them and can read every post between the lines. Whatever the real facts are I will eventually weed them out.

What I said in my previous post still stands, the farang criminal elements, paedophiles, those running from justice, fraudsters, thieves, scammers and even wanted murderers, there are a vast number of them in Thailand, a country seen as a haven for the undesirable elements from the west and why I would be extremely cautious in having any dealings with them.

Obviously there are still many decent, honest and totally respectable farangs staying long term in Thailand, I consider myself in that category, my point being is that the good have to be filtered out from the bad and the ugly and as more and more deadbeat farangs begin plonking themselves in Thailand, year by year, the filtering process is becoming an increasingly difficult task.

Good to see you are such an insightful character can we presume that it is your wonderful insight to human nature that guided your offspring into that bastion of honesty The Thai police farce force here. Then due to your insight the current exposures of others wrongdoings are exposed by your resourceful offspring tutored and guided of course by you alone..

As an aside what police force were you in when resident in the U.K and what rank did you achieve?

Ex S.B. myself

Those who do have things to hide are right to be suspicious and cautious of me, because I can see right through them and can read every post between the lines. Whatever the real facts are I will eventually weed them out.


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Thailand have long been a haven for fugitives of justice of all walks of crimes, from petty thieves

to major crimes, why? because, by default, the system here allow it to happened where you can

assume normal life and virtually disappear from the police radars.. but as they say, every dog

has his day...

The uk has more khun sir

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There are some huge advocates of paedophilia and the rights to rape children and babies on here and find these people truly sick lowlife pieces of excrement.

There are also many that advocate the atrocities and mass murder of the Nazis during WW2 and many such evils that they manage to justify in their minds. This is the way of the world; it takes all sorts as they say, although to normal thinking people these excuses for human beings will appear sick and depraved. Paedophilia is just another term to explain child rapists, which is exactly what they are.

I can view children clothed or naked and still only perceive them as cute little angels or snooty nosed brats. Adults that perceive children sexually and become sexually aroused by children have serious mental issues to the extremes; they are sick sexual deviants and a danger to society. It has been proven for what I have read being no expert, that paedophilia is a mental problem and cannot be cured by chemical or surgical castration. We all know what kinds of justice we would prefer to see dished out to them, but it won’t happen in the civilised world, or at least not without a revolution or implemented laws based on Middle Eastern so-called justice, so have no answers as to how they can be cured and the danger eradicated from society.

I believe the best prevention to the problem starts with the parents, the schools and even the orphanages. Parents and schools have to warn and educate the kids of the perils that are out there and how to deal with certain situations, that I did with my children from an early age, straight to the point without getting paranoid. Child rapists prey on the naivety and vulnerability of children, which is described as grooming and this is something children should be taught to recognise, but unfortunately there appears not enough emphasis placed on prevention rather than the cures that obviously do not work.

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beetlejuice post # 149.

I couldn`t give a rat`s behind what sorts of judgements the people that don`t matter make about me, as there is no one that pays my way, completely law abiding, independent, set my own standards and have nothing hidden behind the scenes or anything about my lifestyle that I would be in fear of or ashamed of anyone knowing about.

Those who do have things to hide are right to be suspicious and cautious of me, because I can see right through them and can read every post between the lines. Whatever the real facts are I will eventually weed them out.

What I said in my previous post still stands, the farang criminal elements, paedophiles, those running from justice, fraudsters, thieves, scammers and even wanted murderers, there are a vast number of them in Thailand, a country seen as a haven for the undesirable elements from the west and why I would be extremely cautious in having any dealings with them.

Obviously there are still many decent, honest and totally respectable farangs staying long term in Thailand, I consider myself in that category, my point being is that the good have to be filtered out from the bad and the ugly and as more and more deadbeat farangs begin plonking themselves in Thailand, year by year, the filtering process is becoming an increasingly difficult task.

Good to see you are such an insightful character can we presume that it is your wonderful insight to human nature that guided your offspring into that bastion of honesty The Thai police farce force here. Then due to your insight the current exposures of others wrongdoings are exposed by your resourceful offspring tutored and guided of course by you alone..

As an aside what police force were you in when resident in the U.K and what rank did you achieve?

Ex S.B. myself

Those who do have things to hide are right to be suspicious and cautious of me, because I can see right through them and can read every post between the lines. Whatever the real facts are I will eventually weed them out.


Can`t be bothered, too weird.

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Beetlejuice post # 144

And he is just one of the now too many farang undesirables that are infesting Thailand with their presence and as my wife says; why many farangs here prefer to stay anonymous and keep a low profile because they are shady characters, have things to hide and would rather not disclose details or bring attention to themselves.

This guy obtained a teaching job, but I would not judge any farangs I don`t know here on face value, all of them should be suspect and treated with caution because we never know their past history and the real truths behind them.

Now we are I presume to judge you by the standards that you set?

Your posts always seem a trifle suspect to many other posters here, me included.

He is well dodgy hahahahahha, his wife thinks any westerner who wants some privacy is hiding something, maybe some grooming in ordercheesy.gif

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Beetlejuice post # 15

Can`t be bothered, too weird.

In truth then you mean you simply cannot answer or will not as the truth will out and prove your theories worthless .

Come now your forensic insight into poster writing styles should pose no problems intellectually to you in your fearless exposure of undesirable (in your minds anyway) foreigners, western or otherwise who are lurking in the shadows in Thailand.

Interesting to note the constant use of the expression ''I'' in your posts, Shows an egotistical flaw trait in your character.

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@Johnniey. Noone is showing off here. Just stating a fact. If I claimed to be an English teacher I would ensure that my spelling,grammar and puncuation is in perfect order.And I would certainly say that my English is more proper than yours. For christ sake you can't even spell. Did you recieve your English degree in Thailand or out of one of those candy dispensers.

When I was an English teacher, I tried to keep it quiet. Not the type of job one falsely claims to be.

BTW, It's spelled "punctuation". smile.png

And should be ARE in perfect order.smile.png

"recieve: lol

"And .... "

Were you rejected by a school and have a resentment against English teachers?

Just because he is an English teacher, doesn't mean he has to write more carefully than others.

In school the way to remember was : i before the e except after c .....receive.

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There's plenty of low life wannabe teachers hanging around Sukhumvit & Asoke area.

Maybe a good background check will do the trick .... clean out most of them...coffee1.gif

Do you mean they 'wannabe' a teacher but aren't or they are teachers and wannabe something else?

I was an English teacher for 13 years and assure you that it sucks and 95 % want to do something else after a few years.

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So, It's all Thailands systems fault that he was allowed here and it had nothing to do with the UK's system that allowed this man with 17 counts of sexual violation to leave the UK.

Certainly no visible checks on anyone leaving UK airports. I've often wondered whether they run behind the scenes checks on airline passenger/passport lists, though even here I think I'm right in saying you can defer giving a passport number til you rock up at check-in.

Probably the UK adopts a good-riddance policy!

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There's plenty of low life wannabe teachers hanging around Sukhumvit & Asoke area.

Maybe a good background check will do the trick .... clean out most of them...coffee1.gif

Do you mean they 'wannabe' a teacher but aren't or they are teachers and wannabe something else?

I was an English teacher for 13 years and assure you that it sucks and 95 % want to do something else after a few years.

The teachers I see around Suk/Asoke are predominantly younger and appear to be of relatively sound mind.

It's the middle aged and older ones such as the prick recently apprehended working in the fringes of cities or regional areas.

Yes, I know it's a generalization but they are the ones I'm more suspect of.

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So, It's all Thailands systems fault that he was allowed here and it had nothing to do with the UK's system that allowed this man with 17 counts of sexual violation to leave the UK.

Certainly no visible checks on anyone leaving UK airports. I've often wondered whether they run behind the scenes checks on airline passenger/passport lists, though even here I think I'm right in saying you can defer giving a passport number til you rock up at check-in.

Probably the UK adopts a good-riddance policy!

He should not have a passport to travel

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Let's get serious here ! how do you spot a potential Pedophile ? I know 3 guys in the UK who at parties and gatherings would rather play with the children ages 5 to 8, (other peoples children at that) than talk to adults, from appearances the guys enjoy childrens company, personally I have a big ? hanging over them ? and I can't help feeling, due to lack of experience of Pedo's I may be missing something quite obvious! However I have noticed these guys have a knack of inventing some game with the children that involves physical contact, am I worrying about nothing or what???

It seems obvious now after Jimmy Savil and the recent endless expose's of high end Pedos that this evil knows no barriers,and could quite easily be one of your friendly neighbourhood policeman,or indeed your Rochdale MP ! or Cabinet Ministers,which has been strongly hinted in the UK Press! In one instance a file was submitted by an MP to the then Home Secretary, concerning a Pedo ring, in which the file was lost,and still is!

Any advice on my suspicians would be welcome! or at least put my mind at rest!

Edited by MAJIC
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There's plenty of low life wannabe teachers hanging around Sukhumvit & Asoke area.

Maybe a good background check will do the trick .... clean out most of them...coffee1.gif

I was a teacher once and know many other teachers. Most are here to chase WOMEN just like most other expats and not intetested in children. They are teachers because it is easy money and an easy visa.

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I disagree. Unforuantly, there are bad people everywhere. There are stories all the time about preditors in school in every country.

Thailand seems to be very well represented with western pedophiles caught.

The tip of the proverbial Ice berg perhaps .

I think men with 18 year old girls who are in their 40s - 50s - 60s reflect badly also

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I disagree. Unforuantly, there are bad people everywhere. There are stories all the time about preditors in school in every country.

Thailand seems to be very well represented with western pedophiles caught.

The tip of the proverbial Ice berg perhaps .

I think men with 18 year old girls who are in their 40s - 50s - 60s reflect badly also

Hark! The sound of a soapbox being dragged out.

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I disagree. Unforuantly, there are bad people everywhere. There are stories all the time about preditors in school in every country.

Thailand seems to be very well represented with western pedophiles caught.

The tip of the proverbial Ice berg perhaps .

I think men with 18 year old girls who are in their 40s - 50s - 60s reflect badly also

Couldn't agree more...

Old enough to be the grandfather or father of a girl who you are trying to poke...

Alarm bells always ring...

Perverts, enough said...

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Many years ago, when I worked in the south of Thailand I heard a story about an English teacher. I knew him from around town and in truth generally tried to avoid him, because he was always trying to but the bite on you for a loan which he would never pay back.

Anyway, he moved out of town (left under a cloud when he took some girl to a hotel room and then legged it out of the door with all her clothes before paying), that and a couple of other things. I never saw him again, but then his name came up in a barroom conversation one night about a year later. One of the blokes in the conversation had a mate who worked in a neighboring town - and that's where DS ( the dodgy one) had washed up, looking for a teaching job which he duly managed to find in a local school.

As usual DS had had no money, and what little he had he spent on whores and booze, and he was sleeping on the mate's living room sofa in a shared house. Anyway, one day the mate came home and his TV and sound system were missing, and so was DS for the next two days. Putting two and two together, he went down to the local police station to make a complaint. When he mentioned DS's name, the cop says to him, 'Oh, we're looking for him about another matter. If you ever happen to come across him again, please let us know ASAP. -here's a number to call'. The mate said OK and that was that. And then lo and behold, about three days later he came home from work, and who was sitting on his doorstep as proud as you like but DS. So the mate let him, and then promptly went out and phoned the cops, who turned with remarkable speed. There was five of them, and they grabbed DS, and bundled him into the back of a police van.

Here's where the story gets interesting. The mate asked the cops if he should go down to the police station to give evidence or something - he wanted to know what had happened to his stuff and wanted it back if possible. The cop he spoke to looked a bit confused and basically said OK - and then the cops drove off with DS. So the mate went down to the police station about 15 minutes later, but there was no sign of DS or the cops who had arrested him. So he waited. And waited. And waited. Now he was starting to get curious so he decided to see it out. A couple of hours went by, and every so often a passing cop would ask him what he wanted, he'd tell them, and the cop would just sort of shrug and this went on and on. After about four hours one of the cops called him into an office, took out the paperwork for his original complaint and said something like, 'I'm sorry this guy stole your stuff, but we're not going to be able to get it back for you. Also, it would be better if you just forgot about all this. You might as well go home now'. So he did.

But of course, now he was very curious. So he made some inquiries from someone he knew at the school where DS had been working. And it turned out that there'd been a bit of scandal which, in typical Thai fashion, had been swept under the carpet. An English teacher there had seduced a 15 year old pupil and got her pregnant. The school had fired him - and that's probably when he had turned up on the mate's doorstep. But there was more. Not only had he got a fifteen year old pregnant, the fifteen year old in question had been the daughter of a local police colonel.

DS was never seen or heard from again....

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I disagree. Unforuantly, there are bad people everywhere. There are stories all the time about preditors in school in every country.

Thailand seems to be very well represented with western pedophiles caught.

The tip of the proverbial Ice berg perhaps .

I think men with 18 year old girls who are in their 40s - 50s - 60s reflect badly also

Couldn't agree more...

Old enough to be the grandfather or father of a girl who you are trying to poke...

Alarm bells always ring...

Perverts, enough said...

A soapbox convention maybe?

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