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Cat Food And Scratching Post


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Our cat has a serious predeliction for Whiskas tinned fishy substances, such as the highly delicious classic, 'tuna chunks'n'prawns' . I have not been able to buy these here. Supplies are running low and I will soon be in the dog house. Any thoughts on how I might be able to get hold of some ?

She also needs another scratching post. I have tried a number of pet shops but not seen one. Any ideas ?

Thanks for any help.

(:o Sub-topic should read "buy", not "but", of course. Not sure how to fix that.)

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Thanks for the welcome. Where are we in Chiang Mai ? Close to the city, ( near the dog house), but it doesn't matter if there's a little travel involved.

Yes, I could make a scratching post. But I'd rather buy one. Thanks for the link.

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Your advice about the pet shop below Big C was helpful, but not in the way you intended.

The pet shop is gone.

However, Big C itself sells some cat food that Picasso the calico loves. Leader Price, the low-cost store brand. Oh yeah. We were down to our last four tins of Chinese Whiskas, and Picasso nibbles at two tins per day, so this was crucial.

(Farang feline is from the Hong Kong SPCA. This is her second nation, her fifth city, and perhaps her tenth residence. I lost count. She's travelled more than all the people who've helped us arrange her travels.)

Yep, nibbles. I throw the vast majority of the cat food away, so I like to think the strays are beneifiting from the farang feline. She's quite small. She just wants to stimulate the old taste buds. Her actual sustenance comes from the dry Whiskas that seems to be in every pet or grocery store on Earth.

More than you ever wanted to know, innit?

So, no scratching post yet. Just the small one I brought from China. The big one wouldn't fit in my luggage, so it stayed behind.

I have a post that can be hung on a door which she's never used. And really, why would she? Why'd I buy that? I think I'll ask the Fix-It man up the road to nail it to a board so she can use it. That may buy me time. This is our first two-story home, so multiple posts suddenly became important. But not as important as cat food! Big C rocks da house!

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How many cats do you have?

Our cats love Me-O canned cat food. There is a pet shop on the main street in Lumphun that sells the large cans (400 g.) for 27 Baht.

Noi sometimes gives them pathoo, warmed, and mixed with rice. Our cats are the envy of the neighborhood cats.


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Hi niteowl,

Just one cat. That little one in the photo. I bought a tin of Me-O tuna, which appears to be available in almost every store I've visited. I haven't opened it yet. Tesco Tuna was good the one time I tried it, as was the Leader Price tuna, as was the Leader Price Ocean Fish with Shrimp, so I think we'll survive when the Whiskas runs out. Even as Ken at the Meechok branch of Rimping tries to obtain more Whiskas.

Some farangs come to Thailand and miss the comfort foods from back home. We'll eat any dang thang and want our cat to have her comfort food. Yep, we're nuts. But I get the impression it's okay to be nuts here. We spent over 6 years in China, so we have a very special form of culture shock. I'm learning not to drool at the sight of a salad bar, or a bookstore that alphabetizes by author's last name.

Oh, and finding cat stuff. Meow! In every language I know, except for English, the word for cat sounds like maao. Imagine that.


(Picasso's first meal after I took her away from the Hong Kong SPCA.)

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Our cat has a serious predeliction for Whiskas tinned fishy substances, such as the highly delicious classic, 'tuna chunks'n'prawns' . I have not been able to buy these here. Supplies are running low and I will soon be in the dog house. Any thoughts on how I might be able to get hold of some ?

She also needs another scratching post. I have tried a number of pet shops but not seen one. Any ideas ?

Thanks for any help.

(:o Sub-topic should read "buy", not "but", of course. Not sure how to fix that.)

I've seen a couple of scratching posts in the pet store on the car park level of Airport Plaza; quite nice wooden ones in different shapes. Can't remember how much they were though! :D

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Hi all,

We have successfully moved Picasso from Chinese cat food to Thai cat food. It just took trial and error, as all you cat people know. Now, the quest for a scratching post resumes. And I also wonder why I've never seen a pet store that sells cats. I'm not buying one! My little lady cat would not approve. Just wondering.


P.S. Okay, Beanster, thanks for the info. We must have been writing at the same time. I know where I'll be tomorrow.

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Hope you found the post CC.

We had to leave our cat in the UK with my girlfriends parents -cost and the fact that he was a giant both contributing.

Howeverwe have more than made up for it since. We adopted three kittens. Two are brothers one is almost totally blind and one blind in one eye. They are a right pair. The other is such a sweet thing. She was abandoned/lost her mother at just 1 week old. She was so tiny and weak we thought she wouldn't make it but my girlfriend nursed her back to health and she is an absolute beauty (and terror!) now. She finally has her rabies shot yesterday and can join the other two outside in the garden so she is now feeling a proper grown up!


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Dan Milton, that is one tiny kitten!

And everybody ... drum roll ... nope, no suspense here, no dramatic tension ...

The place under the Airport Plaza Shopping Center has the largest scratching posts I've ever seen. I bought two, since we have an upstairs and a downstairs. Oh, and because I have two hands. Are the songtaew drivers still asking each other what I was carrying? Could be.

First, Milton, let me let you sidetrack me. Back in the States, during the Clinton Administration, I wound up with 2 acres, 2 dogs, 3 cats, a goat, 2 horses, and one little baby horse that I helped create. (Male horses are terrible uncoordinated.) After the amicable divorce, I kept the dogs. Just like how some couples divide up the kids.

Flying to Hong Kong for my vacation meant leaving my two very treasured dogs with my father. About a month later, I called him on the phone. "You know you love those dogs, don't you? They're yours. I'm staying over here."

Okay, now let's talk about scratching posts. Picasso's Hong Kong scratching posts were small like her, but the one still with us is the only one that always fits in the luggage. We left an elaborate one back in China, but it had levels and tunnels and such. The Chiang Mai version, reasonably priced at 950 baht, is a very long rope-wrapped pole that allows Picasso to easily stretch to her full height. Board on the bottom, board on the top, dangling bell-ball on a rope that I might have to cut. And the scratching portion itself, the relevant part, is the broadest I've ever seen.

Actually, I think the new posts intimidated Picasso a little bit. She worked the old kitten post rather vigorously. But she'll adapt. She always does. Plus, I sprinkled them with some Kookamunga catnip.

Whenever we travel, I have this vision of Customs inspectors finding my catnip and thinking I'm carrying weed. Yeah, INTO Thailand. Hey, I guess it's happened. And my father made his wife dump her baking soda before leaving the Bahamas lest they think it was one of those other white powders.


Picasso's first scratching post

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