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Israel says it broke up Hamas terror plot

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Typical racist remarks of this TV member.

Of course do not anyone dare to say anything about Muslim killers, it would be racist.

Oh wait they just killed 100 000 people, oh but that's ok, it's all in the name of Allah.

Getting boring hearing same nonsense out of Arab mouth.

Stop killing people and people might see you in a different light

Am I wrong or do I hear here a typical US american?

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If Palestine had been an independent country rather than a Euro colony, state of Israel could never have been forced upon them. Should have given them a good slice of Germany as reparations, or perhaps New York, as there were more jews there than anywhere else. But racism and Eurocentrism trumped that. Say whatever you want, but fact remains that land was stolen without consent of the people living there.

Israel has continued to consume the west bank with illegal expansion (they were supposed to withdraw after 67 war.... ). Have returned to Nazi inspired "group punishment mode" of destroying houses of freedom fighters/terrorists (all depends on who you favor) with no trial, no guilt by other family members. Recent proposal in Knesset is for two tier citizenship. I could go on and on, but just let's not pretend Israel has any intention of working out peace agreement with Palestinians. I understand 100% why Palestinians would support radicals: nothing has come from standard diplomatic "let's work this out" approach.

Just because someone squatter on land, it does not make it theirs.

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It is a pity Hamas could not break up Israel.

Why do you hate Israel so much that you want it destroyed?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

could be because it was created using lies and skulduggery and the stealing of other peoples land

how can you justify such blatant criminality?



I am a US guy and am no lover of Israeli policy. Regarding terrorist, recall father of Israel blew up King David hotel along with other terrorist attacks. Land owners only have rights according to some. We got rid of that sort of crap long ago in USA. Seems some want slavery/plantation model for stolen west bank. Not all that different from apartheid of South Africa.

I also don't say "I am from America" I say "From USA". North and South America have plenty of countries.


It is a pity Hamas could not break up Israel.

Why do you hate Israel so much that you want it destroyed?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

could be because it was created using lies and skulduggery and the stealing of other peoples land

how can you justify such blatant criminality?


When you attack your neighbor and get your ass kicked, you loose what you had initially.

After you fail 3 times, you would think lesson learned, but Arabs and religion of peace never ceases to amazethumbsup.gif


This is what happens when Israel makes and breaks treaties. You can only push a group speak far before they become violent.

Or perhaps blaming Israel for Palestinian terrorism is racist against Arabs?

Did it ever occur to anyone how much further the peace process would have been by now if the Palestinians only used NON-VIOLENT protest methods?

Part of the explanation lies in the profound influence that the anti-Zionist ideology (a system of demonising ideas and representations about Israel and the Jews) now exercises in our culture. At the heart of the ideology is a deeply buried, often unconscious, assumption about the dichotomous natures of Israelis and Palestinians that warps our understanding of the conflict. Here it is:Palestinians (and Arabs in general) do not have agency and choice, and so cannot be held accountable and responsible. Israelis do and can; always, and exclusively.

Palestinians are understood as a driven people, dominated by circumstance and emotion, lacking choice, below the age of responsibility, never to be held accountable. Israelis are the opposite; masters of all circumstances, rational and calculating, the root cause of everything, responsible for everything.

It is, palpably, an Orientalist view of the Palestinians as the Other, except this time they are affirmed as noble savages. Its a bit racist, to be honest. For example, the Liberal Democrat David Ward MP tweetedthat the Palestinian synagogue terrorists had been "driven to madness" - which not only removes agency from them but also sanity.


Excellent post.

A new JT manifestation?


I do not believe a word that comes out of the state of Israel, they are blatant liars who have shown time and time again that they fabricate stories and arrest innocents so as to constantly demonise Hamas to the rest of the world, giving them an excuse and "justification" to attack the Palestinian people time and again.


There is even a movie interviewing Ex Shin Bet leaders admitting that this is one of there tactics so as to get the rest of the world on side, well guess what? the rest of the world are beginning to realise what a bunch of liars they actually are, therefore they have to show that they are being "constantly threatened" .

I think i would probably feel a little more threatened by an army firing missiles and shells from tanks, then a few kids throwing stones after Friday prayers.

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I do not believe a word that comes out of the state of Israel, they are blatant liars who have shown time and time again that they fabricate stories and arrest innocents so as to constantly demonise Hamas to the rest of the world, giving them an excuse and "justification" to attack the Palestinian people time and again.


There is even a movie interviewing Ex Shin Bet leaders admitting that this is one of there tactics so as to get the rest of the world on side, well guess what? the rest of the world are beginning to realise what a bunch of liars they actually are, therefore they have to show that they are being "constantly threatened" .

I think i would probably feel a little more threatened by an army firing missiles and shells from tanks, then a few kids throwing stones after Friday prayers.

Its a good thing Arabs never lie, otherwise Hamas would have been denying it by nowgiggle.gif


Sure, the Jewish people lived there 2000 years ago, but it wasn't until the end of ww2 when they were injected by force back into the region. And they were given weapons, money and tech by the us and it's allies to allow them to stay there. That was the catalyst for the de-stabilization of the region.

Why don't you learn some history, instead of making such foolish assertions? There were Jews living there continuously for 3,000 years and many sources say that they were the majority in Jerusalem by 1850 - long before WW II. The USA helped Israel very little until the stupendous victory over Egypt, Jordan, and Syria in 1967 when America took them on as allies 20 years after Israel was born.

The USA took Israel on as allies just after Israeli forces attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 USA sailors. The Israeli Prime Minister told President Johnson not to make a fuss about this or the Jews in America would be told not to support Johnson in his attempt at a second term of office.

Memory refresher:


"Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President."

Lyndon Baines Johnson, 31 March 1968


Entire speech here with no reference to the alleged threat you detail: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/lbjvietman.htm


This is what happens when Israel makes and breaks treaties. You can only push a group speak far before they become violent.

I'm sorry but you seem to be confused. Israel defending itself against rocket attacks from Hamas is not breaking treaties, it's defending itself against terror attacks. Hamas (the organization that is internationally recognized as a terrorist organization) would be the one breaking any treaties in this situation. Hamas has declared it's mission to finish Israel so it is no more, period. How does that work in your bizarre World of "peace"?

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Say whatever you want, but fact remains that land was stolen without consent of the people living there.

You mean the land that the Jews bought legally that the Palestinian Arabs tried to force them off of, after it was cultivated?

The Palestinian Arabs owned very little land. They were tenant farmers who worked for the REAL owners in Beirut, Damascus and Cairo. When you don't own something, your "consent" is not necessary. They had a chance to finally have their own country, but they turned down the UN deal, declared war and were badly beaten.

and these, as much as most people here will not like, are the facts. I'm glad somebody is aware of the real history of this region


This is what happens when Israel makes and breaks treaties. You can only push a group speak far before they become violent.

I'm sorry but you seem to be confused. Israel defending itself against rocket attacks from Hamas is not breaking treaties, it's defending itself against terror attacks. Hamas (the organization that is internationally recognized as a terrorist organization) would be the one breaking any treaties in this situation. Hamas has declared it's mission to finish Israel so it is no more, period. How does that work in your bizarre World of "peace"?

It works super well for those who also seek the end of Israel yet hide behind more polite labels like anti-Zionist. Push come to shove, antisemitism (hatred of Jews), anti-Zionism, anti-Israelism are remarkably similar.

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This is what happens when Israel makes and breaks treaties. You can only push a group speak far before they become violent.

I'm sorry but you seem to be confused. Israel defending itself against rocket attacks from Hamas is not breaking treaties, it's defending itself against terror attacks. Hamas (the organization that is internationally recognized as a terrorist organization) would be the one breaking any treaties in this situation. Hamas has declared it's mission to finish Israel so it is no more, period. How does that work in your bizarre World of "peace"?

It works super well for those who also seek the end of Israel yet hide behind more polite labels like anti-Zionist. Push come to shove, antisemitism (hatred of Jews), anti-Zionism, anti-Israelism are remarkably similar.

Yes indeed! But the label that always makes me smile is "anti-semitism". Semites is a catch all word for people from the area. Arabs, Israelis, Druze are all semites. So in reality "anit-semitism" is reallt "anti-middle-eastern". Yet people use the phrase to only include Israelis!


This is what happens when Israel makes and breaks treaties. You can only push a group speak far before they become violent.

They become violent?? Care to name times when they were peace loving?

Care to name a time when their land wasn't occupied or that they weren't being ethnically cleansed?

You're talking about Israel and Israelis right? Because in reality, there never was a country called Palestine. No mention of it in the bible, there has never, ever been a Palestinian government.


When was the last time you checked? Decades ago? Gaza is most definitely occupied as defined by international law and the UN.

Please keep up, you're years behind.

If Gazza is occupied than you might want to look up definition of what occupation means, but as usual do not let facts get in a way of your lies

cheesy.gif You really should be a bit more careful. As I said, it's defined by international law and the UN.


The Israeli-occupied territories are the territories occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967 from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They consist of the West Bank, includingEast Jerusalem; much of the Golan Heights; the Gaza Strip, though Israel disputes this and argues that since the implementation of its disengagement from Gaza in 2005 it no longer occupies the territory; and, until 1982, the Sinai Peninsula. The West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip are also referred to as the Palestinian territories or Occupied Palestinian Territory.

and, in refutation of Israel's claim quoted above, from the same source..

However, as it retains control of Gaza's airspace and coastline, it continues to be designated as an occupying power in the Gaza Strip by the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly[12] and some countries and various human rights organizations.

Konying was talking about Gaza and you come back with territories that Israel occupied during wars, wars they did not start (but did finish) with it's neighbours. Sinai has been returned after peaceful negotiations. Why don't you open your mind and watch this. It's enlightening


When was the last time you checked? Decades ago? Gaza is most definitely occupied as defined by international law and the UN.

Please keep up, you're years behind.

If Gazza is occupied than you might want to look up definition of what occupation means, but as usual do not let facts get in a way of your lies

Actually I'd have to say that Gaza is occupied. Not by Israel but by the international terrorist organization known as Hamas.

Comments like this is proof of the effectiveness of Western Medias twisted and Pro Zionist portrayal of the illegal occupation/colonisation of the Palestinian people.

It is increasingly understood that the word "terrorist", which by the way has no agreed definition, is so subjective as to be devoid of any inherent meaning and that it is commonly abused by governments and others who apply it to whomever or whatever they hate in the hope of demonising their adversaries, thereby discouraging and avoiding rational thought and discussion and, frequently, excusing their own illegal and immoral behaviour.

Netanyahu's assertion that Hamas "calls for the destruction of Israel" requires rational analysis as well.

He is not the only guilty party in this regard. The mainstream media in the West habitually attaches the phrase "pledged to the destruction of Israel" to each first mention of Hamas, almost as though it were part of Hamas' name.


  • Like 2

When was the last time you checked? Decades ago? Gaza is most definitely occupied as defined by international law and the UN.

Please keep up, you're years behind.

If Gazza is occupied than you might want to look up definition of what occupation means, but as usual do not let facts get in a way of your lies

Actually I'd have to say that Gaza is occupied. Not by Israel but by the international terrorist organization known as Hamas.

Comments like this is proof of the effectiveness of Western Medias twisted and Pro Zionist portrayal of the illegal occupation/colonisation of the Palestinian people.

It is increasingly understood that the word "terrorist", which by the way has no agreed definition, is so subjective as to be devoid of any inherent meaning and that it is commonly abused by governments and others who apply it to whomever or whatever they hate in the hope of demonising their adversaries, thereby discouraging and avoiding rational thought and discussion and, frequently, excusing their own illegal and immoral behaviour.

Netanyahu's assertion that Hamas "calls for the destruction of Israel" requires rational analysis as well.

He is not the only guilty party in this regard. The mainstream media in the West habitually attaches the phrase "pledged to the destruction of Israel" to each first mention of Hamas, almost as though it were part of Hamas' name.

Wow, what a load of total and utter drivel.

Is it a case of the more you write the more believable it sounds? or case of lets dress a pig like a monkey and people might believe it really is a monkey?

Very moderate indeed.bah.gif

Hamas praises Jerusalem synagogue attack http://www.citynews.ca/2014/11/18/hamas-praises-jerusalem-synagogue-attack/

  • Like 2

When was the last time you checked? Decades ago? Gaza is most definitely occupied as defined by international law and the UN.

Please keep up, you're years behind.

If Gazza is occupied than you might want to look up definition of what occupation means, but as usual do not let facts get in a way of your lies

Actually I'd have to say that Gaza is occupied. Not by Israel but by the international terrorist organization known as Hamas.

Comments like this is proof of the effectiveness of Western Medias twisted and Pro Zionist portrayal of the illegal occupation/colonisation of the Palestinian people.

It is increasingly understood that the word "terrorist", which by the way has no agreed definition, is so subjective as to be devoid of any inherent meaning and that it is commonly abused by governments and others who apply it to whomever or whatever they hate in the hope of demonising their adversaries, thereby discouraging and avoiding rational thought and discussion and, frequently, excusing their own illegal and immoral behaviour.

Netanyahu's assertion that Hamas "calls for the destruction of Israel" requires rational analysis as well.

He is not the only guilty party in this regard. The mainstream media in the West habitually attaches the phrase "pledged to the destruction of Israel" to each first mention of Hamas, almost as though it were part of Hamas' name.

What a load of b*llox. Please.. Tell us how Hamas came to power in 2007.. Your attempt at trying to portray Hamas - an internationally recognized terrorist organization - as a credible political party who won the hearts and minds of Gazans and were voted into power is insane. Your ignorance of the areas history is surpassed only by your ability to listen to and believe pallywood hype.

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Hamas were elected in to power replacing the Fatah party, but in spite of Hamas’ electoral victory, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah, initially refused to surrender control of the government to his party’s rival.

Having finally seized political power in Gaza, Hamas quickly exerted control over the region’s infrastructure, helping run food banks, schools, and hospitals. This increased Hamas’ popularity among Palestinians and helped to cement the party’s legitimacy as the leader of Gaza.

Ive said it over and over, one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter, the pro Israelis among us always seem to forget the root cause of this conflict, The illegal occupation and colonisation of the Palestinan people, it's that simple.


Hamas as well as other Palestinian groups praised the Synagogue attack as a natural response to Israeli war crimes!

Is it not a natural response to retaliate when faced with being attacked? Ask the Americans they do it all the time, are the Americans labelled as terrorists? Shock and Awe!!!

Quite ironic that Abbas only came forward to condemn the Synagogue attack after John Kerry called him pressuring to do so.


Hamas were elected in to power replacing the Fatah party, but in spite of Hamas’ electoral victory, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah, initially refused to surrender control of the government to his party’s rival.

Having finally seized political power in Gaza, Hamas quickly exerted control over the region’s infrastructure, helping run food banks, schools, and hospitals. This increased Hamas’ popularity among Palestinians and helped to cement the party’s legitimacy as the leader of Gaza.

Ive said it over and over, one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter, the pro Israelis among us always seem to forget the root cause of this conflict, The illegal occupation and colonisation of the Palestinan people, it's that simple.

When you target civilians and civilians only, it makes you a terrorist,, when you terrorize your own people it makes you a terrorist but again do not let facts get in a way of arab lies.

stick with your freedom fighter version, it has done well in the past.

Below are some great examples of your freedom fighters.giggle.gif






  • Like 1

Hamas as well as other Palestinian groups praised the Synagogue attack as a natural response to Israeli war crimes!

Is it not a natural response to retaliate when faced with being attacked? Ask the Americans they do it all the time, are the Americans labelled as terrorists? Shock and Awe!!!

Quite ironic that Abbas only came forward to condemn the Synagogue attack after John Kerry called him pressuring to do so.

Very natural response to praise the murder of civilians in a holy place? May be if you an arab and belong to religion of peace.

For all other infidels, it would not be "natural"

As for war crimes, drivel, let me pass you a tissue, better yet the box of tissues to wipe all the s...t coming out of your mouth


Hamas were elected in to power replacing the Fatah party, but in spite of Hamas’ electoral victory, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah, initially refused to surrender control of the government to his party’s rival.

Having finally seized political power in Gaza, Hamas quickly exerted control over the region’s infrastructure, helping run food banks, schools, and hospitals. This increased Hamas’ popularity among Palestinians and helped to cement the party’s legitimacy as the leader of Gaza.

Ive said it over and over, one mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter, the pro Israelis among us always seem to forget the root cause of this conflict, The illegal occupation and colonisation of the Palestinan people, it's that simple.

When you target civilians and civilians only, it makes you a terrorist,, when you terrorize your own people it makes you a terrorist but again do not let facts get in a way of arab lies.

stick with your freedom fighter version, it has done well in the past.

Below are some great examples of your freedom fighters.giggle.gif






Ok so lets break down your post. When you target civilians and civilians only it makes you a terrorist. You could say this about Israel also, you are not stupid so look at the mortality rates and also look at what the criteria according to Israel is for someone actually being labelled a militant or terrorist. Does walking down the wrong street at the wrong time make you a terrorist? According to Israel it does.

When you terrorise your own people it makes you a terrorist, so the biggest terrorist in the world is obviously America then! Them poor Americans are in such a state of terror they dont know if theyre coming or going, whipped up to a frenzy so there government can do anything they want with the consent of the masses. Think they are still looking for the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

i can also post Israeli attrocities if you want, including blowing up kids on the beach, Hotel David massacre, Sniping kids paying football on roofs in Gaza by IDF. But they only get taken down. So a pointless futile exercise, much the same as discussing this conflict with Pro Israeli apologists.

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This is what happens when Israel makes and breaks treaties. You can only push a group speak far before they become violent.

Or perhaps blaming Israel for Palestinian terrorism is racist against Arabs?

Did it ever occur to anyone how much further the peace process would have been by now if the Palestinians only used NON-VIOLENT protest methods?

Part of the explanation lies in the profound influence that the anti-Zionist ideology (a system of demonising ideas and representations about Israel and the Jews) now exercises in our culture. At the heart of the ideology is a deeply buried, often unconscious, assumption about the dichotomous natures of Israelis and Palestinians that warps our understanding of the conflict. Here it is:Palestinians (and Arabs in general) do not have agency and choice, and so cannot be held accountable and responsible. Israelis do and can; always, and exclusively.

Palestinians are understood as a driven people, dominated by circumstance and emotion, lacking choice, below the age of responsibility, never to be held accountable. Israelis are the opposite; masters of all circumstances, rational and calculating, the root cause of everything, responsible for everything.

It is, palpably, an Orientalist view of the Palestinians as the Other, except this time they are affirmed as noble savages. Its a bit racist, to be honest. For example, the Liberal Democrat David Ward MP tweetedthat the Palestinian synagogue terrorists had been "driven to madness" - which not only removes agency from them but also sanity.


Look at a world map from 1947 to now. And then tell me who the invaders are. Israel has been slowly wiping palistine off the map, what should they do? Sit with their thumbs up their butts and take it? Or fight back? I know what I would do. Pick up a gun and fight off the invaders.

And let the games keep on keeping on but not when the weather turns cold. Fair weather fighters hate that.


This is what happens when Israel makes and breaks treaties. You can only push a group speak far before they become violent.

Hamas have broken just about every treaty that was ever signed between the two... usually within hours.

After this latest spate of attacks on Israelis, I have to say I admire the sense of restraint to retaliate that Israel have shown.

But you can only bottle it up for so long, eventually to have to hit back.... It's a pity the world sits back and ignores all the attacks on Israel, and as soon as they hit back, the whole world rails against them.

Even though if their own country were even just a little bit in a similar situation, these very same people will be screaming 'REVENGE' from the rooftops.

I see there are a few of them on here already.

You really couldn't make it up.

We all saw how America reacts to an assault on its soil. They bring everything they got and if anything is left standing its worthless and not claimed.


When was the last time you checked? Decades ago? Gaza is most definitely occupied as defined by international law and the UN.

Please keep up, you're years behind.

If Gazza is occupied than you might want to look up definition of what occupation means, but as usual do not let facts get in a way of your lies

cheesy.gif You really should be a bit more careful. As I said, it's defined by international law and the UN.


The Israeli-occupied territories are the territories occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War of 1967 from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They consist of the West Bank, includingEast Jerusalem; much of the Golan Heights; the Gaza Strip, though Israel disputes this and argues that since the implementation of its disengagement from Gaza in 2005 it no longer occupies the territory; and, until 1982, the Sinai Peninsula. The West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip are also referred to as the Palestinian territories or Occupied Palestinian Territory.

and, in refutation of Israel's claim quoted above, from the same source..

However, as it retains control of Gaza's airspace and coastline, it continues to be designated as an occupying power in the Gaza Strip by the United Nations Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly[12] and some countries and various human rights organizations.

Wikipedia is edited by anyone who wants to and cannot be considered a reliable source for anything. Slightly off topic. Sort of ?

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