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Does any Diabetics out there see a need for more Sugar-Free Products in Thailand?

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As diabetes grows in the World ,Thailand is definitely a place more products are needed Links above is to Pix of SF Products that are, Sugar Free sodas are sometimes available but why not just make Dr. Pepper here SF and with sugar or A&W Root Beer why aren't they doing SF too !

I remember a sort time ago ,when Sprite or 7-Up came out with a SF and then disappeared....

I think the Sugar monopoly is behind keeping Thailand too Sweet for their own Health !

There are OREOS , one of the best cookies ever , why aren't they doing SF so we do not have to buy imported over-priced SF cookies that aren't that good or as good as SF oreos and Reeses Peanut Butter cups SF Miniatures are gret for a chocolate craving There's Pancake syrups and Villa is always out of FRESCA and Canada DRY Ginger Ale SF , I wonder if we might get the new PM on the SF for Thailand support and stop the Sugar Monopoly from killing us softly with their sweetener !

Anyone interested on doing a SUGAR FREE Import biz give me a PM , there are already companies selling so many Products that also come in SF here , its crazy not too !








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Your post should be in the business section.

Sugar-free products are only benefiting the companies that sell these over-processed craps.

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Are either one of you complaining people afflicted with any form of Diabetes ? Is Diabetes a Health problem , does Sugar Free Products help some people cope with withdrawal from SUGAR , yes in my opinion ! I put the Business mention in there as a joke , being retired and a wheelchair user unable to work !

So what you two posters are some kind of Perfectionists , do you pump Iron ? I only ever pumped Glass!

Who you calling a sleazy salesman ! , you don't know me well enough to cast names like that on me !

I don't think you are anything more then agitators bored with yourselves . This belongs here ,I know processed foods aren't good but sometimes they are a necessary better choice of 2 Evils and I cannot have sugar , so they are the better choice out of the 2 evils for some folks ! Plus , you have something against SF Sodas too?


As far as I know is that you had some restaurant businesses so your a business man. Sounded a lot like a business man talking.

I pump iron and don't need this crap but if others want to eat it so be it. Just don't act all angelic like you have no business interests.

I take it back if im proven wrong that you did not run a business in Phuket and then moved to Pattaya.


As far as I know is that you had some restaurant businesses so your a business man. Sounded a lot like a business man talking.

I pump iron and don't need this crap but if others want to eat it so be it. Just don't act all angelic like you have no business interests.

I take it back if im proven wrong that you did not run a business in Phuket and then moved to Pattaya.

So what does running a biz in Phuket & moving to Pattaya ,have anything to do with being a person looking for some SF products to enjoy,

especially SF sodas just because at one time I helped my misses run her biz by teaching her my recipes.

I think the Health Forum is full of Psychotic Posters ! Who are you to bring up what I have done in my personal life anyways ?

My post had only mentioned importing SF Products as a second thought and joke , hard to be a sleazy salesman in Thailand in a Wheelchair ....what do you guys do here in your personal lives ,since you seem to know or think you know about mine !


These foods are full of transfat, and saturated fat.

How do you know if you do not eat any of them or have you read all the labels?I never saw any Transfats in SF Sodas! I think ur just a mean anti-whatever food critic without being a Dietician !


I am Diabetic for past 16+ years, the problem here is Sugar Free stuff comes and goes, sometimes weeks you cannot find Pepsi Max.. No Sugar used to be on 2 different types of Orange Juice cartons, then they disappeared or rather same catrons but without the Sugar Free info.. even Yogurt or drinks some brands has twice the amount of sugar in.

Couple of months ago noticed there was Pepsi Max + buy 2 for 45 baht, [1.45 lt bottles] asking how many packs they had, total 12 delivered yesterday was the reply [That is 12 packs only for a large Supermarket !!] , unopened 10 packs + the few left on the self, yes bought them all.. it is so hit and miss here, shopping on Tuesday last NO bottles, OK I still have 6 packs but is time to start looking again.

Did notice there was a Ice Cream Company that had 3 different Sugar Free types, also vanished or not seen for about a year.

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Oreo :

8% saturated fat (recommended level ZERO)

Sugar alcohol and artificial sweeteners are replacing sugar



I wouldn't eat it, but I must admit the Ingredients are better than what I would have suspected for such a junk food. "High Oleic Canola and/or Palm Oil" is amazing. I thought the Ingredients are about what is inside not about what is maybe inside.

I am lucky that I don't like sweet things. So one problem that I simply don't have. Due to the fact that I never eat any sugar, every cake in Thailand tastes so overly sweet that it is terrible.


I am Diabetic for past 16+ years, the problem here is Sugar Free stuff comes and goes, sometimes weeks you cannot find Pepsi Max.. No Sugar used to be on 2 different types of Orange Juice cartons, then they disappeared or rather same catrons but without the Sugar Free info.. even Yogurt or drinks some brands has twice the amount of sugar in.

Couple of months ago noticed there was Pepsi Max + buy 2 for 45 baht, [1.45 lt bottles] asking how many packs they had, total 12 delivered yesterday was the reply [That is 12 packs only for a large Supermarket !!] , unopened 10 packs + the few left on the self, yes bought them all.. it is so hit and miss here, shopping on Tuesday last NO bottles, OK I still have 6 packs but is time to start looking again.

Did notice there was a Ice Cream Company that had 3 different Sugar Free types, also vanished or not seen for about a year.

Do you drink alcohol at all?, I am type 2 and after my last check up at Sara Buri hospital the Doc has told me to pack up drinking and put me on Metformin 500mg. My last FBS was 169mg/dI.

I used to try and control my BS with diet & exercise etc but the kgs have been creeping back. So far two weeks now with no Leo and all is good, but I find it really difficult when at the local market and golf club when all your mates are drinking.


As far as I know is that you had some restaurant businesses so your a business man. Sounded a lot like a business man talking.

I pump iron and don't need this crap but if others want to eat it so be it. Just don't act all angelic like you have no business interests.

I take it back if im proven wrong that you did not run a business in Phuket and then moved to Pattaya.

So what does running a biz in Phuket & moving to Pattaya ,have anything to do with being a person looking for some SF products to enjoy,

especially SF sodas just because at one time I helped my misses run her biz by teaching her my recipes.

I think the Health Forum is full of Psychotic Posters ! Who are you to bring up what I have done in my personal life anyways ?

My post had only mentioned importing SF Products as a second thought and joke , hard to be a sleazy salesman in Thailand in a Wheelchair ....what do you guys do here in your personal lives ,since you seem to know or think you know about mine !

You said you were no businessman i just said you were. Never said you were a sleazy businessman. Said you were into business in Thailand.

If you read my posts you know what i did. Anyway if you read my post you would see i would not care if you used the stuff or not your choice.

All the info i know about you is posted on this forum by yourself dont attack me for it.

Personally i think that this stuff is still bad for you but better as sugary stuff.


I am Diabetic for past 16+ years, the problem here is Sugar Free stuff comes and goes, sometimes weeks you cannot find Pepsi Max.. No Sugar used to be on 2 different types of Orange Juice cartons, then they disappeared or rather same catrons but without the Sugar Free info.. even Yogurt or drinks some brands has twice the amount of sugar in.

Couple of months ago noticed there was Pepsi Max + buy 2 for 45 baht, [1.45 lt bottles] asking how many packs they had, total 12 delivered yesterday was the reply [That is 12 packs only for a large Supermarket !!] , unopened 10 packs + the few left on the self, yes bought them all.. it is so hit and miss here, shopping on Tuesday last NO bottles, OK I still have 6 packs but is time to start looking again.

Did notice there was a Ice Cream Company that had 3 different Sugar Free types, also vanished or not seen for about a year.

Do you drink alcohol at all?, I am type 2 and after my last check up at Sara Buri hospital the Doc has told me to pack up drinking and put me on Metformin 500mg. My last FBS was 169mg/dI.

I used to try and control my BS with diet & exercise etc but the kgs have been creeping back. So far two weeks now with no Leo and all is good, but I find it really difficult when at the local market and golf club when all your mates are drinking.

alcohol has loads of calories no wonder the kg creeps back. Thing is you can't have it all. If I eat what i like or dont care about what is healthy i gain weight too. But worst of all is alcohol as it also lowers your testotorone and that means more belly fat. Alcohol is ok if you can do 1 glass of wine.

I was referring to cdmt cn or some acronym he calls himself, in the sleazy salesman remark , yes on the info I post but then , its my choice not yours !

I just wrote a whole 15 min reply and lost it somehow where if you cannot enjoy anythinh in life there is no sense to live ,i was not thinking I'd make 50 now at 67 my bad habits have slowed me into a WC.....I have a glass of red Italian wine when I have Italian cuisine sometimes....sometimes you have to say <deleted> !

I remember a guy who wrote a book on running , healthy guy you might say ,died at 40...it's LiFE and Life is a crapshoot , you never really know when your number is up !


I was referring to cdmt cn or some acronym he calls himself, in the sleazy salesman remark , yes on the info I post but then , its my choice not yours !

I just wrote a whole 15 min reply and lost it somehow where if you cannot enjoy anythinh in life there is no sense to live ,i was not thinking I'd make 50 now at 67 my bad habits have slowed me into a WC.....I have a glass of red Italian wine when I have Italian cuisine sometimes....sometimes you have to say !

I remember a guy who wrote a book on running , healthy guy you might say ,died at 40...it's LiFE and Life is a crapshoot , you never really know when your number is up !

I dont agree with your statement. In general people with a healthy lifestyle will live longer and have a better quality of life when older. Diabetice is something many people got because of their lifestyle. Not all of course so i dont agree there.

I do however agree 100% that its your life and i feel everyone should live it and use the drugs eat the foods he or she wants. (As long as the person does noth bother others)


You can get rid type 2 with niacin to destroy the ffa's http://diabetesdestroyed.com/vsl/index.php?hop=91862&pid=nopop

Now that link you put is a sales pitch , funny I could not find any un-biased revies on his Protocol yet! Just more links to it not real reviews.....Just a long infomercial !
As far as i know there is no cure just can control it with diet (not everyone some cases require medicine)

I do know of a guy who would not change his diet when he got diabetes he has lost a few toes now already. So i would say its not something to mess with.


what if all type 2 diabetes could be cured by diet change ? what would you say if the diet change did not include any of the crap you listed ? Type 2 diabetes CAN be cured by diet change ...that is FACT .... what your posting is disease inducing garbage , more processed junk from Uncle Sams disease machine ...funded by Wall street !!!! ... in fact many Type 1 diabetes can also drastically reduce their meds by diet change ...

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I am Diabetic for past 16+ years, the problem here is Sugar Free stuff comes and goes, sometimes weeks you cannot find Pepsi Max.. No Sugar used to be on 2 different types of Orange Juice cartons, then they disappeared or rather same catrons but without the Sugar Free info.. even Yogurt or drinks some brands has twice the amount of sugar in.

Couple of months ago noticed there was Pepsi Max + buy 2 for 45 baht, [1.45 lt bottles] asking how many packs they had, total 12 delivered yesterday was the reply [That is 12 packs only for a large Supermarket !!] , unopened 10 packs + the few left on the self, yes bought them all.. it is so hit and miss here, shopping on Tuesday last NO bottles, OK I still have 6 packs but is time to start looking again.

Did notice there was a Ice Cream Company that had 3 different Sugar Free types, also vanished or not seen for about a year.

Do you drink alcohol at all?, I am type 2 and after my last check up at Sara Buri hospital the Doc has told me to pack up drinking and put me on Metformin 500mg. My last FBS was 169mg/dI.

I used to try and control my BS with diet & exercise etc but the kgs have been creeping back. So far two weeks now with no Leo and all is good, but I find it really difficult when at the local market and golf club when all your mates are drinking.

No alcohol at all for many years, long before diabetes diagnosis. for some year was on 6 x Metformin 500mg per day, for some year here take only 3 x per day...

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what if all type 2 diabetes could be cured by diet change ? what would you say if the diet change did not include any of the crap you listed ? Type 2 diabetes CAN be cured by diet change ...that is FACT

That is nonsense. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diet. It cannot be cured. Type 1 diabetes cannot be controlled by diet as the body produces little or no insulin in the first place.

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what if all type 2 diabetes could be cured by diet change ? what would you say if the diet change did not include any of the crap you listed ? Type 2 diabetes CAN be cured by diet change ...that is FACT

That is nonsense. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diet. It cannot be cured. Type 1 diabetes cannot be controlled by diet as the body produces little or no insulin in the first place.

sticking to a healthy diet which controls your type 2 diabetes is a cure ........on the Type 1 point , i suggest you check your facts , many cases have been recorded where diet change has led to drastic reduction in the insulin requirements , i know two such people ,,,,,,


what if all type 2 diabetes could be cured by diet change ? what would you say if the diet change did not include any of the crap you listed ? Type 2 diabetes CAN be cured by diet change ...that is FACT

That is nonsense. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diet. It cannot be cured. Type 1 diabetes cannot be controlled by diet as the body produces little or no insulin in the first place.

sticking to a healthy diet which controls your type 2 diabetes is a cure ........on the Type 1 point , i suggest you check your facts , many cases have been recorded where diet change has led to drastic reduction in the insulin requirements , i know two such people ,,,,,,

A 'cure' would be where not sticking to a healthy diet would make no difference to your BG level.

'A drastic reduction in the insulin requirements' is not a 'cure' either.

I suggest you educate yourself as to the difference between 'control' and 'cure'.

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