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How attractive is your Thai woman/man?

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in my opinion is a shallow concept, best left to those who are shallow.

I agree with you on "beauty is in the eye of beholder." It's just that the concept of beauty in Thailand is different than in the western countries. Some Thai women don't see themselves as pretty with their dark skinned as their man sees them.

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I decided I will post a picture of her after all. Obviously it is a cave drawing.

This what she looks like.

What do I like about her? The hairy armpits, the odour of stale sweat, her greasy matted hair.


She is also a good hunter and this picture is of her as she is killing off a Brontosaurus.

555...handsum man deserves sexy girl.

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My wife is now in her early 40s ,works out ,and runs 2/3 mornings a week ,she has a better figure and is better looking than when i met her ,i know its hard to believe but she really does take care of herself ,but then i am such a" hansom man" she has tosmile.png

Does she see herself the way you do see her?

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in my opinion is a shallow concept, best left to those who are shallow.

I agree with you on "beauty is in the eye of beholder." It's just that the concept of beauty in Thailand is different than in the western countries. Some Thai women don't see themselves as pretty with their dark skinned as their man sees them.

Okay, I see where you are going with this. It must be hard when 60 million of your countrymen call you ugly and one elderly, unattractive foreigner, who can’t speak your language and doesn’t understand your culture says you are beautiful.

It doesn’t help that his first sexual fantasies were fed by those glossy images in National Geographic, of primitive bare-breasted women in some remote part of the world. Still ugly women are so desperate to be seen as beautiful they really don’t care who bestows that title upon them.
Beautiful women on the other hand are inherently insecure and reluctant to believe the praise, as their looks are constantly under scrutiny and the tiniest flaw turned into a major travesty. It can be harder to convince a beautiful woman of her beauty than one might think. Still, in a perfect world if two people are happy together, it really shouldn't matter what others think.
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She was a 10 out of 10, with make up on a straight 12! Time has passed, she is now mid 20´s piled on the pounds and gone up a few dress sizes got lazy and bossy now 6 out of 10!

No such thing as a 12 out 10.

Same as giving 120%

Just hype.

No mean to cause offence ... just been to to many sales motivation seminars.

It starts to sound like a drone after a while.

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How attractive is your Thai woman/man? Picture to prove it would be nice .

What do you like most about her/him? What don't you like most about her/him?

Does she/he see herself/himself the way you see her/him?

This thread is dedicated to David48 .

Somsrisonphimai ... you are very naughty.

There are a few photos floating around of us as you well know.

But let me share this one with you.

We both have been living at the Farm.

No running water, fans, no air-con, no flushing toilets ... bla bla.

So, occasionally, when the opportunity presents itself, we duck into Bangkok.

OMG ... Doors with locks ... Running water ... hot water ... Air-con ... hats off to Mr Carrier.

Occasionally, you see an image of your partner which just makes you go WOW.

I caught this through the frosted glass of the bathroom door.

The double image comes from a combination of both the original image and the reflected image from the make-up mirror, hence the round shape.


Thanks for the interest, we are flattered.


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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in my opinion is a shallow concept, best left to those who are shallow.

I agree with you on "beauty is in the eye of beholder." It's just that the concept of beauty in Thailand is different than in the western countries. Some Thai women don't see themselves as pretty with their dark skinned as their man sees them.

Okay, I see where you are going with this. It must be hard when 60 million of your countrymen call you ugly and one elderly, unattractive foreigner, who can’t speak your language and doesn’t understand your culture says you are beautiful.

It doesn’t help that his first sexual fantasies were fed by those glossy images in National Geographic, of primitive bare-breasted women in some remote part of the world. Still ugly women are so desperate to be seen as beautiful they really don’t care who bestows that title upon them.

Beautiful women on the other hand are inherently insecure and reluctant to believe the praise, as their looks are constantly under scrutiny and the tiniest flaw turned into a major travesty. It can be harder to convince a beautiful woman of her beauty than one might think. Still, in a perfect world if two people are happy together, it really shouldn't matter what others think.

Words do have meaning and have an effect on people. When I was growing up, I was teased a lot and never once people say I am pretty. Throughout my adulthood, I did not see myself as pretty. But, I grow out of my insecurity and comfortable with my own skin. When, of course, the westerners tell me how pretty I am, I hesitate to believe them. It might sound crazy but a compliment from Thais outweighs a compliment from the westerners at least for me anyway.

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OP, My wife is very well presentable, as she has to be, being next to me an absolute hunk.

Now lets speak about my man.............

He is cute, gorgeous, loving, adorable, cuddly, obedient and a thousand other things I can't mention in here.

Ahhhhh, some of us are being sooooooo lucky having the best of both worldsblink.png

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OP, My wife is very well presentable, as she has to be, being next to me an absolute hunk.

Now lets speak about my man.............

He is cute, gorgeous, loving, adorable, cuddly, obedient and a thousand other things I can't mention in here.

Ahhhhh, some of us are being sooooooo lucky having the best of both worldsblink.png

555 that is the benefit of living in Thailand.

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