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New technology traps cheating Thai girlfriends


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This is great. I wish them the best with their business.

For people who talk bad about it without even knowing it: obviously, you register them by their full name and not the nickname. And it's not worthless at all. It's a really great idea. Well given that you understand it.

How many guys do you know who can type their gf/wife name in Thai script?

(or even know their real name, Thai or transliterated)

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So, the way I read it, if one chooses to sign up their gf and pay for this service, they can "make contact" with other people paying for this service.

Example, John is sending Sally money each month and signs her up. Joe comes to town and hooks up with Sally, but Joe isn't a paying member of the site. How does John get to know Joe is hooking up with Sally?

Correct me if I am wrong but basically unless you are both paying towards this site and you are both "dating" the same girl, this service is useless.

One more interesting thing,,,,,,,,,If the GF uses a other handle for an other BF this will not work,,,Don't forget that the girls change ID and pics on the drop of a hat..Be safe Boys if you don't live with them ;;;forget them;;;

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As far as I remember, there's still a procedural program from my Farang home town.

It is called moneysex.sas, I wrote it in1993, for my

own personal use.

It might be extended to oop solving the 'is' vs 'have' problem.

You can use 'moneysex' design or code for a small copyright fee (advance payment please), test data included. You will also need the SAS Base Software for testing (go www.sas.com)

Anyone interested in moneysex.sas?

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I have found that the standard operating procedure is When you hire a personal private detective in Thailand, that detective goes to your girl and offers her to pay him for a clear report, takes that money (usually yours ultimately), and then charges you for a clear report.

I would not trust any such agency or person. Sad.sad.png

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A test case for this would involve ethics.

A way to do it is

1. set up a mathematical model for rational-economic behaviour (game and decision theory),

2. run a program for the math model (enormous CPU power recommended), and

3. compare the behaviour of the model to the behaviour of human beings in experimental situations.

This will run off topic I guess

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And if you make it comparative, I would suggest

Farangs would score higher in economic rationality but would behave like lemmings and in the end would commit collective suicide.

Thais would score higher in social rationality (sustainability) and would survive.

Just an idea...

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I'm not really sure if I need this or not ....

what's your take on this ... ?

I know she has about 45 farang names and numbers in her notebook, but she said they were just friends.

I was coming back to see her in a weeks time but she told me I couldn't because she going to be to busy at work ,

she needed some money because her mother is not well and needs to go and stay in hospital for a while so I sent her 40k baht. She's so caring, worring about her mum and her friends.

I confronted her about getting so many calls from overseas and she told me she enjoys talking to friends because when I'm there she always leaves the room when the mobile rings because she said she doesn't want to disturb me .....

She told me she would not cheat on me and that I'm the only one in her life so I hope she is telling the truth.

Are others sceptical about there relationship with the gf. ??

Why you worry so much , I not understand .


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Need some advice on the girl .. should I believe her ?

I'm not really sure if I need this or not ....

what's your take on this ... ?

I know she has about 45 farang names and numbers in her notebook, but she said they were just friends.

I was coming back to see her in a weeks time but she told me I couldn't because she going to be to busy at work , and after the bar work she's going out with her girl friends.

She needed some money because her mother is not well and needs to go and stay in hospital for a while so I sent her 40k baht. She's so caring, worring about her mum and her friends.

I confronted her about getting so many calls from overseas and she told me she enjoys talking to friends and not to worry about anything.

When I'm there she always leaves the room when the mobile rings because she said she doesn't want to disturb me .....

She told me she would not cheat on me and that I'm the only one in her life so I hope she is telling the truth.

I'm not sure if she's being truthful or not.

Are others sceptical about there relationship with the gf. ??

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