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Prosecutors set to arraign Myanmar men for Koh Tao killings


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Had the displeasure of studying the crime scene photos with a couple of homicide detectives from Melbourne. First impressions were one attacker, two blows from same position and it was someone that knew them. I know it was just an impression from a photo.......

How did they explain the other wounds to Davids neck and head ?

Having seen the photos myself, it still looks to me like a frenzied attack and an attempt to rob the poor girl of her beauty even in death.

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This a time when I wish the US government would stick its nose in.

It doesn't have jurisdiction.

Some of us will recall that the RTP initially asked the FBI office in Bangkok for help with this and then quickly changed their minds. That's when I first smelled coverup.

The General just met with the leader of Burma to assure a good working relationship overall between countries. Burma has been critical of all of this.

Is it possible that this series of delays will run out of statutory time and the young Burmese will be released on a technicality of not enough time to prepare for trial or some other excuse?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This a time when I wish the US government would stick its nose in.

And do it the way the Americans normally do, when others disagree with the American way??

Bomb them into submission!!

American CSI would have never botched up this case the way the Thais have. Those island cops are uneducated, lao kow drinking morons. As far as bombing into submission? whistling.gif

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Anyone hear what the coppers from Britain had to say about this case? coffee1.gif

When they left they said they would issue a report the first of next year. I take it that would be within a month from now.

As posted earlier the findings of the report have arrived at police HQ in Bangkok 3 days ago. It is currently being kept under wraps and the BIB are translating the document from English to Thai themselves. Once translated the report will be sent to the Farce in district 8.

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As expected the case has been delayed.again. Its better to wait until all the documents are ready from both sides to avoid speculations if something is missing in the case.

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Interesting thousands of posts of rumours ifs buts and maybes it amazes me that anyone who dares says something like jdinasia that circumstantial witnesses and DNA will most likely convict then suddenly he is queried whether he has a vested interest.

The very same people who conclude that these guys are innocent are first to cast the guilt stones at anyone with a different veiw.

And a bit of thai bashing for good measure.

The trial will go ahead and yet I haven't seen one headline about the British police observations in this case.

So either their happy with the investigation or just had a nice junket.

Do you really think anybody gives a toss what you think, you have proven time and time again that your credibility is zero. Have a nice day.

Yet his credibility is higher up the scale than yours.

Is that right, check how many likes my comment has received and rethink your arrogance sunshine.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Unbelievable this case is flawed beyond belief and the world is wise to that fact as well are a large number of Thai's too.

Indeed we see yet again the true face of a xenophobic self gratifying police farce force and the society it serves their only god being Mammon.

The comment below is arrogant, condescending, sanctimonious and pompous and yet again shows all just what the police farce force here are worth.

It may well be that that invitation could backfire in this case as there is far more publicity and truth seeking in the U.K. concerning this matter than there will or ever could be here in Thailand

Tawatchai said yesterday parents of the victims would be notified of the latest move by Thai officials. "They can become co-plaintiffs if they want," he said.

And what truth seeking facts in the UK have been revealed concerning this case that only you seem to know about?

Do you care to share some of them with the rest of us here so we will all know what the Hell you are blabbering about?

According to a source in the RTP Bangkok the UK report was received three days ago. It is in English and is currently being translated into Thai. Once translated it will be sent on to all the Farces in DIstrict 8. This from a very reliable source.

Well if there's any truth in that, maybe the timing of this news is connected -


Edited by catsanddogs
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Do you realize that the - still unconfirmed - news that you bring us are a bombshell ?

If true this will nullify thousands of posts made all over this board and elsewhere ? (except for the highly important fact that these posts allowed the case not to be wiped off under the rug).

This could also cause HUGE loss of face and credibility for many, many people high on the scale of power in Thailand.

And more important that would mean that the two burmese cuties could walk free soon.

"...the two burmese cuties..."?? blink.png


Does not the word apply to boys who have a nice face too ? If not, sorry, I am not a native english speaker.

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Do you realize that the - still unconfirmed - news that you bring us are a bombshell ?

If true this will nullify thousands of posts made all over this board and elsewhere ? (except for the highly important fact that these posts allowed the case not to be wiped off under the rug).

This could also cause HUGE loss of face and credibility for many, many people high on the scale of power in Thailand.

And more important that would mean that the two burmese cuties could walk free soon.

"...the two burmese cuties..."?? blink.png


Does not the word apply to boys who have a nice face too ? If not, sorry, I am not a native english speaker.

No need to be sorry. Beats us constantly trampling our fellow man

Good for you for seeing their cute faces :)

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Do you realize that the - still unconfirmed - news that you bring us are a bombshell ?

If true this will nullify thousands of posts made all over this board and elsewhere ? (except for the highly important fact that these posts allowed the case not to be wiped off under the rug).

This could also cause HUGE loss of face and credibility for many, many people high on the scale of power in Thailand.

And more important that would mean that the two burmese cuties could walk free soon.

"...the two burmese cuties..."?? blink.png


Does not the word apply to boys who have a nice face too ? If not, sorry, I am not a native english speaker.

Neither is my wife and she thinks they are cute too.....thumbsup.gif

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No sarcastic comments about speculation of GSW in the report by theRTP spokesperson jdinasia?

I thought he would be all over this like a tramp on chips!!???

5555555555555 " like a tramp on chips" 555555555555555 cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

There is only one thing I can say to that,

"Willy Eckerslike"

Edited by Willy Eckerslike
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Do you realize that the - still unconfirmed - news that you bring us are a bombshell ?

If true this will nullify thousands of posts made all over this board and elsewhere ? (except for the highly important fact that these posts allowed the case not to be wiped off under the rug).

This could also cause HUGE loss of face and credibility for many, many people high on the scale of power in Thailand.

And more important that would mean that the two burmese cuties could walk free soon.

"...the two burmese cuties..."?? blink.png


Does not the word apply to boys who have a nice face too ? If not, sorry, I am not a native english speaker.

No need for an apology.

Perhaps it's just me but, having sexual thoughts about defendants in the middle of a ghastly double murder case would not be in the forefront of my mind.


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wow,if your post is correct that Hannah was shot in the head then is big news BUT if was shot then I'm very surprised that no one reports hearing gunshot as was very early in the morning and many people should have heard it also not sure why they would also smash her head in too,seems all very strange but if true then whole thing is blown out the water as the boys didn't have a gun unless JD says is possible they went and got one or found one ! So they must be let free ASAP and big big face loss but surely the thai coroner would have noticed was a gunshot if uk coroner found that to be the case,if not then he has landed the rtp in the crapper and make the whole world see how corrupt Thailand really is,big big talks right now by the chief ians crew if this report is true,I really hope so as they can't translate it not to say it as I presume uk will release report very soon,fingers crossed your info is not false.

One could speculate that the shot/s would have been heard but just another example of the cover up by the people of influence. I have my own opinions on this case and have received "informative " briefs from my lad at HQ from time to time. But this is on another level. If this report was received three days ago then that coincides with the public prosecutors sudden announcement to proceed with charges.

The stuff of nightmares this.

Maybe it was the other way round..............the prosecutor has been saying for a while he was going to proceed with charges but it was only Friday that he said he accepted the case and would proceed this week...........now what if the Brit police read that and then decided they needed to set a few things straight before any mishap...........So I think the Brit report arrived after the prosecutor made his statement..................Maybe........

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Do you realize that the - still unconfirmed - news that you bring us are a bombshell ?

If true this will nullify thousands of posts made all over this board and elsewhere ? (except for the highly important fact that these posts allowed the case not to be wiped off under the rug).

This could also cause HUGE loss of face and credibility for many, many people high on the scale of power in Thailand.

And more important that would mean that the two burmese cuties could walk free soon.

"...the two burmese cuties..."?? blink.png


Does not the word apply to boys who have a nice face too ? If not, sorry, I am not a native english speaker.

No need for an apology.

Perhaps it's just me but, having sexual thoughts about defendants in the middle of a ghastly double murder case would not be in the forefront of my mind.


Sexual? And you are comfortable posting that reply mate?


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wow,if your post is correct that Hannah was shot in the head then is big news BUT if was shot then I'm very surprised that no one reports hearing gunshot as was very early in the morning and many people should have heard it also not sure why they would also smash her head in too,seems all very strange but if true then whole thing is blown out the water as the boys didn't have a gun unless JD says is possible they went and got one or found one ! So they must be let free ASAP and big big face loss but surely the thai coroner would have noticed was a gunshot if uk coroner found that to be the case,if not then he has landed the rtp in the crapper and make the whole world see how corrupt Thailand really is,big big talks right now by the chief ians crew if this report is true,I really hope so as they can't translate it not to say it as I presume uk will release report very soon,fingers crossed your info is not false.

One could speculate that the shot/s would have been heard but just another example of the cover up by the people of influence. I have my own opinions on this case and have received "informative " briefs from my lad at HQ from time to time. But this is on another level. If this report was received three days ago then that coincides with the public prosecutors sudden announcement to proceed with charges.

The stuff of nightmares this.

Maybe it was the other way round..............the prosecutor has been saying for a while he was going to proceed with charges but it was only Friday that he said he accepted the case and would proceed this week...........now what if the Brit police read that and then decided they needed to set a few things straight before any mishap...........So I think the Brit report arrived after the prosecutor made his statement..................Maybe........

Maybe. Who knows. Comforting thought though I give you that.

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wow,if your post is correct that Hannah was shot in the head then is big news BUT if was shot then I'm very surprised that no one reports hearing gunshot as was very early in the morning and many people should have heard it also not sure why they would also smash her head in too,seems all very strange but if true then whole thing is blown out the water as the boys didn't have a gun unless JD says is possible they went and got one or found one ! So they must be let free ASAP and big big face loss but surely the thai coroner would have noticed was a gunshot if uk coroner found that to be the case,if not then he has landed the rtp in the crapper and make the whole world see how corrupt Thailand really is,big big talks right now by the chief and his crew if this report is true,I really hope so as they can't translate it not to say it as I presume uk will release there report of this very soon,fingers crossed your info is not false.

The disfigurement to Hannah was to try and eliminate the GSW, and any residue would still be there too, however there would still be traces found from the round(s) fired.

It's is possibly a suppressor was used and that's why no sound was heard, IF indeed the report concludes the COD was GSW, it would also highlight the extent of the cover up that looks more likely to have taken place, although many if us have stated this from zero hour.

iF this report is true then a certain poster and avid supporter of the RTP needs to start eating humble pie by the truck load as it completely exonerates the B2 and the fiasco of a reenactment !!

Let's hope this is reports bears more truth than the RTP comments and investigations !!!

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When this goes to trial, I expect

1) The trial will be very drawn out.

This gives longer for the case to fade from the public's mind. It also gives the police, prosecutor and court the time to closely monitor any events happening in the UK, or less likely, Burma or NHRC and adjust their actions accordingly to cover their backs.

2) Heavy control of reporting and close management of 'the message' by the judge and any press office.

3) Nothing in the way of an adversarial trial that Western posters would be familiar with.

Cross-examination of witnesses by barristers, lawyers, etc. is almost unheard of in Thai courts. Proceedings are much more tightly controlled and dominated by the judge.

Under the cloak of martial law there it is virtually impossible these boys will go free. Meanwhile, the death toll continues .. aided by deceptive tourism promotions.

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Tomorrow is going to be interesting

Not if you're the lads in the cells it won't be.
Why? If you have this information the media and the Burmese officials must have.

Surely this will save them.

According to my sources timeline, today is day 4. Three days and nothing said and remember the official report and findings do not come out until January. So this I am advised is a precursor to the full report. An earlier poster suggested that perhaps this was released to the RTP earlier in order to try and put a stop to the monkey court that is happening right now.

Why would day 4 be any different though. Unless they are in wait of the fully translated document, which is doubtful

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wow,if your post is correct that Hannah was shot in the head then is big news BUT if was shot then I'm very surprised that no one reports hearing gunshot as was very early in the morning and many people should have heard it also not sure why they would also smash her head in too,seems all very strange but if true then whole thing is blown out the water as the boys didn't have a gun unless JD says is possible they went and got one or found one ! So they must be let free ASAP and big big face loss but surely the thai coroner would have noticed was a gunshot if uk coroner found that to be the case,if not then he has landed the rtp in the crapper and make the whole world see how corrupt Thailand really is,big big talks right now by the chief ians crew if this report is true,I really hope so as they can't translate it not to say it as I presume uk will release report very soon,fingers crossed your info is not false.

One could speculate that the shot/s would have been heard but just another example of the cover up by the people of influence. I have my own opinions on this case and have received "informative " briefs from my lad at HQ from time to time. But this is on another level. If this report was received three days ago then that coincides with the public prosecutors sudden announcement to proceed with charges.

The stuff of nightmares this.

Maybe it was the other way round..............the prosecutor has been saying for a while he was going to proceed with charges but it was only Friday that he said he accepted the case and would proceed this week...........now what if the Brit police read that and then decided they needed to set a few things straight before any mishap...........So I think the Brit report arrived after the prosecutor made his statement..................Maybe........

IF the British have this evidence and IF the report exists, then you're probably correct. The British would have indicated to the RTP what was going to be in the coroner's report to be released in the New Year, and would have quietly suggested that the RTP open a new line of inquiry accordingly. They would certainly not have wanted to embarass the Thais or cause a fuss and would have given the locals an opportunity to do the right thing. But at the end of the day, the British government must act in the interests of its citizens - in this case the families of the deceased. And as it was looking that the Thais were going to try and brazen this thing out, the Brirish have a sent a shot across their vows by giving them a sight of what will be an official British finding.

But there are loads of ifs and buts. This report might not even exist.

It may not and I can offer you no proof yet, my friend. My assurances mean nothing when I am an unknown. I am reporting what I was told, in confidence. And other informative pieces received have turned out to be truth. All I know is what I have stated and nothing more. A summarised report received four days ago. In English. Police are translating still. GSW cause of death to Hannah. That's it.

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