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No Gender December ... <deleted> ?


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Right ... I'm pissed. The politically correct have a new objection to Christmas ... No Gender December.

It's in Australia ... don't know if it's ugly tentacles reach further afield ... to Thailand?

"I pledge to support 'No Gender December' because there is no place for gender stereotypes under my Christmas tree.

Gender stereotypes limit children's imagination and development, also perpetuating inequality.

I encourage every child's freedom to choose, to grow and develop, to be themselves without the damaging influence of gender stereotypes."


I just listened to a female physiologist, mid 20's (so decades of field experience ... whistling.gif ) crap on about how a Barbie Doll is bad for girls ... but a Mr Person Potato Head figurine was the better toy.

In Thailand, when you are buying toys for your kids, or grand-kids ... do even think about this PC rubbish?


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the reason the greens are doing it is because their own gender is under question, the males have small d**ks and women are flat plus they are all gay. Who in their right mind would want this political correct crap for their kids, the greens are trying to claim that this(barbie dolls/pink things for girls and trucks etc for boys) leads to abusive relationships, woman beaters and submissive womenblink.png , these green idiots are really puishing sh*t uphill.

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STUPID IS as stupid does.

It's about time these fools get back to the important business of running the country.....not strutting around with this wibbly wot.

Australia is long overdue for some of these politicians to be laid out.

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My 4 year old son has boxing gloves and trucks. His choice of toys. Give him a barbie doll and he will set it on fire.

Mine would pull the arms off in a second, then stuff it headfirst down the bog, good practise for future relationships.

Edited by BritManToo
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Typical PC BS.

My little guy can break anything in 30 seconds or less,

Loves little boy stuff, toy guns, swords, live frogs, bugs etc.

Can't wait for Xmas, Dad wants to buy a toy train set, and the camera's will be running as he opens his presents.

Religious considerations aside,Christmas is for kids, leave it that way.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What if you're little guy likes dolls? So what? If he does please love him and don't make him feel he is a freak and less loved because of that OK? It's like parents with children acting stereotypical to gender think they deserve a medal or something.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If my little guy likes dolls, (and he does play with dolls too) he gets them.

No need to get offended OK?

Your preference is yours, and mine is mine, and my sons is his alone to determine OK?

But all in all he does prefer boys stuff, no judgement on my part, just stating the facts.


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This is why burkas are ok too. Nothing you do to women at a a young age can possibly influence them in any way, so why bother about all of this PC rubbish?

Air stewardess or nurse, not pilot or doctor - they just have to learn where they belong when they're young.

Otherwise they will get on men's nerves, and that really IS intolerable.


It all comes down to the neural programming at an early age. We don't want our daughters to grow up to be bull dyke mechanics or truck drivers! Or our sons to be nurses or clothing designers! They need to know their place, and it starts at an early age.

(I hope nobody thinks I'm serious....my sarcasm is to make the point that I think no gender stereotyping is a great way for our children to grow up to be who they were born, not who their parents pushed them into being.)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What if you're little guy likes dolls? So what? If he does please love him and don't make him feel he is a freak and less loved because of that OK? It's like parents with children acting stereotypical to gender think they deserve a medal or something.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If my little guy likes dolls, (and he does play with dolls too) he gets them.

No need to get offended OK?

Your preference is yours, and mine is mine, and my sons is his alone to determine OK?

But all in all he does prefer boys stuff, no judgement on my part, just stating the facts.


As a little guy i liked dolls too, i,m told my first reaction was to lift the skirt up and take a peepw00t.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What if you're little guy likes dolls? So what? If he does please love him and don't make him feel he is a freak and less loved because of that OK? It's like parents with children acting stereotypical to gender think they deserve a medal or something.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If my little guy likes dolls, (and he does play with dolls too) he gets them.

No need to get offended OK?

Your preference is yours, and mine is mine, and my sons is his alone to determine OK?

But all in all he does prefer boys stuff, no judgement on my part, just stating the facts.


As a little guy i liked dolls too, i,m told my first reaction was to lift the skirt up and take a peepw00t.gif

An elementary school teacher wrote a permanent record comment about me: doesn't like to roughhouse with the boys.

Oh, the irony.

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What if you're little guy likes dolls? So what? If he does please love him and don't make him feel he is a freak and less loved because of that OK? It's like parents with children acting stereotypical to gender think they deserve a medal or something.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

yep, as an aside, can you imagine being an open ladyboy in outback australia or any anglo/white country and see how long you can live there,

the reality is that they would have to hide until they could move to a big city

its an area where thailand is streets ahead, (not that they dont suffer from prejudice here, just not fear beatings or death)

the problem with many of these things from the west is it is all about women and girls, men and boys are excluded.

i had a thai girl friend who had 2 sons, she just laughed that her youngest was into dolls, not concerned, not thinking, how can i change him

just, he's probably going to be gay or a lb, a good mum she is.

its also funny these fathers proclaiming that their sons are "real" men, not realizing that their boys see gender stuff on tv, in shopping centres

etc from a very early age, sure boys are boys and girls are girls, but there are many that dont fit in that "black and white" model.

100% straight, 100% gay/lb/tom friendly.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What if you're little guy likes dolls? So what? If he does please love him and don't make him feel he is a freak and less loved because of that OK? It's like parents with children acting stereotypical to gender think they deserve a medal or something.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If my little guy likes dolls, (and he does play with dolls too) he gets them.

No need to get offended OK?

Your preference is yours, and mine is mine, and my sons is his alone to determine OK?

But all in all he does prefer boys stuff, no judgement on my part, just stating the facts.


As a little guy i liked dolls too, i,m told my first reaction was to lift the skirt up and take a peepw00t.gif

that just makes you a deviate not gaytongue.png

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This story is getting wider traction ... maybe because it is so loony.

From the Daily Mail ...

Season's bleatings: Greens call for no Barbies or pink for girls and no guns or trucks for boys - but is 'No Gender December' a step too far for even the loonies?
  • A new campaign has been launched aiming to do away with gendered toys for children
  • The No Gender December movement calls on toy companies to be more inclusive
  • It also asks supporters to pledge to purchase non gender-specific toys this Christmas
  • Greens Senator Larissa Waters has supported the campaign linking stereotypes with more serious issues like domestic violence
  • Child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg said the link between toys and domestic violence is 'a stretch
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This story is getting wider traction ... maybe because it is so loony.

From the Daily Mail ...

Season's bleatings: Greens call for no Barbies or pink for girls and no guns or trucks for boys - but is 'No Gender December' a step too far for even the loonies?
  • A new campaign has been launched aiming to do away with gendered toys for children
  • The No Gender December movement calls on toy companies to be more inclusive
  • It also asks supporters to pledge to purchase non gender-specific toys this Christmas
  • Greens Senator Larissa Waters has supported the campaign linking stereotypes with more serious issues like domestic violence
  • Child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg said the link between toys and domestic violence is 'a stretch

Here's a normal idea that the PC brigade may have trouble with. Ask little Johnny or little Mary what they would like from Santa for Xmas to get their thrills from. If little Johnny or little Sally wants a Barbie Doll, Cowboy suit or truck set for the sand pit then you as the family members (not the flippin PC Greens) get them that as the people who know and set the standards for your kids.

Edited to add: and by the way is changing your avator for a shopkeepers Xmas wet dream also not pandering to the same sort of garbage?

Edited by Roadman
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