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Prosecutors claim case against Koh Tao Myanmar pair is solid: source


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They obviously have something up their sleeve. The RTP are not as stupid as many make them out to be.

I am having a crap day but thanks for the laugh mate.

Clever police do not hide billions in money and antiques at their homes when as everyone knows Thai police are so poorly paid. Even the police were conned when buying antiques many of which are now claimed to be fakes.( Or not ?? )

Maybe you think they are clever because they can write their own name .

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They obviously have something up their sleeve. The RTP are not as stupid as many make them out to be.

I am having a crap day but thanks for the laugh mate.

Clever police do not hide billions in money and antiques at their homes when as everyone knows Thai police are so poorly paid. Even the police were conned when buying antiques many of which are now claimed to be fakes.( Or not ?? )

Maybe you think they are clever because they can write their own name .

Not so much that they are stupid, more they've been able to get away with it until the latest power play stepped up coffee1.gif

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Let's hope the British Embassy keeps a eye on this forum and gauge the expectation of the people commenting here and that view is passed back to the Home Office and not get lost in the ever increasing challenge of dealing with immigration issue and a looming General Election.

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Man says police beat him after he declined to be witness in Koh Tao murder case http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/4373

Says it all really.

Man makes allegation. Not willing to proceed and have action taken against police. Certainly says it all, doesn't it? Never forget, any one can make an allegation, but to be proven, factual evidence must sustain what is alleged.

Police allegedly offer him B700,000.00 to give false testimony. And you believe it? I thought, according to the allegations of many on here, they sought bribes, not paid them. Are we now having a bet each way?

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Man says police beat him after he declined to be witness in Koh Tao murder case http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/4373

Says it all really.

Man makes allegation. Not willing to proceed and have action taken against police. Certainly says it all, doesn't it? Never forget, any one can make an allegation, but to be proven, factual evidence must sustain what is alleged.

Police allegedly offer him B700,000.00 to give false testimony. And you believe it? I thought, according to the allegations of many on here, they sought bribes, not paid them. Are we now having a bet each way?

I don't get your point.

Why would anyone make such an allegation for fun?

Nonsense post of the day.

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Beetllejuice post # 55

How do you know the British as yet have not made any reports and sent them to the Thai authorities? Or do you believe that certain media and the crackpot conspiracy theorists plus the doubters that are considered totally irrelevant and insignificant to the case should have to be appeased and given priority as to what information is coming in?

Dear Beetlejuice , what do you know?

According to your self claimed and self professed ability to read all situation and thus are able to offer all solutions in all the posts you read and no doubt your two boys who are in the Thai police farce force keep you updated too as to the progress in this matter.You of all of us should know the answers to the questions you pose.

You do of course have contacts within the political arena both here and the U.K who have kept you advised as to current matters in this case as well.

Oh please give we lowly folks the benefit of your sage advice and knowledge.wai2.gif

I have no idea why you continue to get personal, insult and bring my family into this in more or less every response you make to my posts and then try to over power those who have different opinions to you?

I know nothing, the same as everyone else on here. But I am not openly making assumptions regarding whether the B2 are guilty or not guilty within the said investigations. As I said on some of the previous threads, I am saving my judgements until the case in thoroughly concluded. You say I have contacts within the political arena both here and the UK. Are you for real?

You asked for the benefit of my sage advice and knowledge, well here it is:

Spreading rumours and cynicism regarding this investigation is totally insane. Not only can these cause unnecessary stress to those close to the victims who maybe reading these posts, but can also fuel more speculative nonsense that some are trying to push as fact. Those who are spreading this cynicism maybe skating on thin ice and could find themselves in a lot of bother later on if they threaten to jeopardise and hinder the investigation, even classified as enemies of the State.

I would like to ask, do you actually live in Thailand? And why are you so critical of the Thai police? Do you have any personal grievances or could this be political with you?

Come back at me with as many insults as you wish, but you will not be taken seriously or given any credibility from those who have common sense. Even if you live to 120 you will never be as smart as me and therefore your next response I regard as not being worthy of an answer. Trust me on this one.

Well said. I always wonder why it is when they cannot give a clear argument they have get personal. It only highlights that he is unable to prosecute his argument in an intellectual manner and has to resort to being abusive and making false statements.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"Both local and foreign institutes have conducted DNA tests on the investigation into the Koh Tao crime and their results point fingers at the accused, the source alleged."

Well its nice of them to speak for the British, who as yet have failed to comment on anything including DNA.

The suspects may be guilty as hell or they may not......... Either way they are up sh!te creek without the rowing implement.

How do you know the British as yet have not made any reports and sent them to the Thai authorities? Or do you believe that certain media and the crackpot conspiracy theorists plus the doubters that are considered totally irrelevant and insignificant to the case should have to be appeased and given priority as to what information is coming in?

Simple really, the Thai Authorities cant keep their mouths shut, if the UK police had sent them anything it would have been leaked already by their very loose tongues and with their proven spin lies on what the UK Authorities say. Much the same as they cant keep crime scene photos of the victims from appearing on the BIB personal facebook pages

Thanks for cluing up or friend and saving me the effort Thailandchilli, the other thing besides what you already mentioned is that the British police report is not due in until January. If our friend had actually been following the case he would not need to ask obvious questions.

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Thank you for the reminder. Yet another example of the howling horse-pucky this prosecution is full of. Remember the footprints next to the bloody hoe. Gave the police the rough height and the exact shoe size of at least one of the murderers. From memory didn't the footprint show he was between 160 and 170cms tall? In contrast to the 2 Lilliputians?

Edited by jaidam
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Man says police beat him after he declined to be witness in Koh Tao murder case http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/4373

Says it all really.

Man makes allegation. Not willing to proceed and have action taken against police. Certainly says it all, doesn't it? Never forget, any one can make an allegation, but to be proven, factual evidence must sustain what is alleged.

Police allegedly offer him B700,000.00 to give false testimony. And you believe it? I thought, according to the allegations of many on here, they sought bribes, not paid them. Are we now having a bet each way?

I don't get your point.

Why would anyone make such an allegation for fun?

Nonsense post of the day.

Maybe you can tell me what your point is?"

My point is that the newspaper has only printed allegations. There is no proof that the alleged incident occurred therefore, it remains an allegation and should be treated as such. Never intimated that it was made in jest. Who knows why people allege something but in doing so and it is printed does not mean, as you put it, "Says it all."

Only the person making the allegation knows why; We, who have no knowledge, can only assume or speculate as to why such allegations were made. But in your opinion to highlight that they are only allegations which clearly says it all relates to the fact that they are allegations and he has not provided any evidence to prove otherwise. So a nonsense quote.

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The evil being perpetrated by the police and prosecutors is beyond belief. They are knowingly and willingly(for whatever reasons - be it cash, currying favors with superiors) attempting to murder the 2 Burmese scapegoats. After the scapegoats have been released and compensated, I expect all uniforms associated with this pathetic farce of a coverup to face severe charges of attempted murder for sending innocent persons to a potential death sentence.

I have kept a log of names of all officials that are complicit here in this case. Justice will be served, although it is not yet clear through what channel. My money would be on vigilantes detaining and "having a chat" with some of the bent officials to discover the truth, and then some sort of fitting punishment meted out. For the record, nobody is above vigilante justice due to birthrights.

I seriously doubt that any charges will be brought against a single policeman, in this travesty of a case, and this false arrest. Your log of the names of the officers will not mean much, unless you can get the international courts or major agencies involved, such as the Hague, or the UN. And the likelihood of that happening, is pretty remote. Yes, it would be lovely to consider the possibility that justice will be served. But, as idealistic as I am, I cannot wrap my mind around how that could happen, unless the presiding judge is a man of great integrity and just throws this whole sham of a case out of his court, as any self respecting judge would. Who are these vigilantes you refer to? Why have they left the piglet families of Tao alone, thus far?

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Let's hope the British Embassy keeps a eye on this forum and gauge the expectation of the people commenting here and that view is passed back to the Home Office and not get lost in the ever increasing challenge of dealing with immigration issue and a looming General Election.

All the authorities watch what is posted on-line. We all know about the Thai Internet police. How do you think so many police and officials have been caught ? It certainly isn't from good police work. It is probably because Thais love to show and boast to their friends about what they have...........Big Brother is watching everything !

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It wouldn't surprise me to know that these suspect's fate has already been decided before it even goes to court.

The courts will have to be very careful they are not tarred with the same brush as the police.

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"Procedures followed by investigators are also in line with laws..."

Erm - yes - of course they are - we would expect no less from law enforcement anywhere in the world!

"At first, they just charged the two Myanmar suspects with illegally entering Thailand."

Ok- so you pick up the two suspects with something totally unrelated to the crime - but amazingly, - hey presto - these 2 illegal migrants were actually THE MURDERERS!! Wow - what a convenient coincidence!

"Murder charges have been pressed only after solid evidence emerged against them," the prosecutor was quoted as saying."


I for one can't wait to see this solid evidence.

Unless I missed something. has anyone asked who these illegal immigrants worked for?

They were playing guitar and singing euro songs and the third roommate said they were asleep peacefully in the early hours of the morning.

If forensic tests had of been done on then and the place they lived surely signs of a rumble would of been found.

Not the mood you would have been in singing songs then suddenly comitting a brutal murder.

The picture I looked at (published in Brittish newspaper) of the man seen running away from the crime scene looks like the you know who ,who had a DNA test in front of the media.

These boys should be represented by a decent independent international lawyer not a paid puppet, who would as we all know tear this farce to bits in five minutes.

Meanwhile most of the bars in Thailand are empty, the tourist industry is suffering the country's reputation is down the gurgler this will not go away until the police stop acting for the mongrel gangsters who now ruin thailand.

Every expat I talk to believes that the Burmese are scapegoats everyone in Brittain the same, Australia , New Zealand , America, ect ect the same the whole world is looking at the RTP in disgust.

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Thank you for the reminder. Yet another example of the howling horse-pucky this prosecution is full of. Remember the footprints next to the bloody hoe. Gave the police the rough height and the exact shoe size of at least one of the murderers. From memory didn't the footprint show he was between 160 and 170cms tall? In contrast to the 2 Lilliputians?

There was also a statement from the police that said the killers must have been big strong men because the victim was strong too.

These two munchkins do not look very big and strong to me !!

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Guess who was present for the monk ordination of the Ko Tao son family ? : our beloved friend Suthep

Not surprising, but how do you know?

it s in local thai news, some fb profiles as well, with pics...

Edited by aaacorp
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Guess who was present for the monk ordination of the Ko Tao son family ? : our beloved friend Suthep

Apparently there are pictures of the headman and Suthep together. I can't find them but they are probably on Thai websites or the CSI LA group. It would be very interesting if they exist.

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Man says police beat him after he declined to be witness in Koh Tao murder case http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/4373

Says it all really.

Man makes allegation. Not willing to proceed and have action taken against police. Certainly says it all, doesn't it? Never forget, any one can make an allegation, but to be proven, factual evidence must sustain what is alleged.

Police allegedly offer him B700,000.00 to give false testimony. And you believe it? I thought, according to the allegations of many on here, they sought bribes, not paid them. Are we now having a bet each way?

It may only be an allegation, but it's a serious one. I've never seen anywhere that the RTP denied the allegation, have you? Maybe the taxi driver (not having a death wish) decided not to take action against RTP, as it would be only his word against theirs.? Would be very interesting if the defence lawyer is able to produce the taxi driver as a witness to a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, always assuming the man is still drawing breath. Edited by joebrown
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Thank you for the reminder. Yet another example of the howling horse-pucky this prosecution is full of. Remember the footprints next to the bloody hoe. Gave the police the rough height and the exact shoe size of at least one of the murderers. From memory didn't the footprint show he was between 160 and 170cms tall? In contrast to the 2 Lilliputians?

Didn't the police also make a statement to say that the killers were big strong men because the victim was strong too ?

These munchkins do not look very big or strong !!!

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