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Stephen Hawking invited to lecture in Thailand

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How about inviting Hilter to speak about organization and discipline?

I seem to see LOADS of t-shirts supporting Hilter in BKK

Judging by half the replies here, many Westerners think they are a master race compared to the Thais - very Hitler like.


Prof Hawking is a legend.

I'm not sure that his medical condition or incapacity is something that he'll want as the focus of this invitation. He may even be offended.

If he is invited to speak about his research, regardless of his wheelchair and speech synthesiser....that is something, but he is being invited to speak because of his wheelchair.

He is far too eminent a scholar to be invited for that.

I urge the Bureau of Special Education to not forward the invite. It's an embarrassment.

Absolutely right,, he is considered one of the worlds greatest Scientists and will certainly go down in history as such. Educating the masses on how disabled people can be smart too is not really what his lives message has been about so far.

Still this is Thailand, what do you expect,,

I think the hosts obviously don't quite get how brilliant he actually is.

I mean, he's in a wheelchair, how brilliant can he be?


Professor Hawking is the most underestimate British scientist of all time. He was put in a home for people with mental disabilities for years. He said the only musical he could develop was his brain. The rest is history.

As far as I know he was never ever put in a home. Until only recently he was sti teaching. He holds the same seat as isaac newton at Cambridge. He is a true genius .


Lots of comments about Dr. Hawking and his physical condition and a lot less about the potential of audience to comprehend his message. I envision lots of blank stares and a general reluctance to ask questions, out of fear of losing face.


Mr S. Hawking is no mug.

If he's offered a first class free trip here he would accept I've no doubt about that.

Just one problem at the moment he's not allowed to fly Doctors orders but that can change rapidly.

Only last month he was flying in a helicopter over Mount Teide on Tenerife. When asked about the no flying bit his reply was I was told not to use planes a helicopter is not a plane.

Don't panic about the bad sidewalks/pavements he goes everywhere by Limo.


I doubt very much he'll come, One, he's getting on a bit now and it's not easy for him to make a journey like that. Two, a talk on disability for a 'basic education' dept is a bit beneath him. The Prof is beyond things like that. To be honest, the fact that the 'Basic Education Dept' has invited him says everything. Do they think he's a bit slow due to his wheelchair?

If he came I'd expect him to be treated with the same respect as the disabled do on many Thai TV Variety/Stage shows. With kazoos, clown music and laughter and pointing from the audience as soon as they enter the stage.


I doubt whether Stephen Hawking would visit Thailand given his strong ethical views.He has joined in the boycott of Israel following that country's activities in Gaza, mistakenly in the view of many.But the point is he draws the line even to visit functioning democracies where human rights have been undermined.He does not give moral support to pariah states.


I doubt whether Stephen Hawking would visit Thailand given his strong ethical views.He has joined in the boycott of Israel following that country's activities in Gaza, mistakenly in the view of many.But the point is he draws the line even to visit functioning democracies where human rights have been undermined.He does not give moral support to pariah states.

You can't help yourself, now can you?

The most likely reason for Prof. Hawkins to decline an invitation will be his health and the suggestion his appearance would change "attitudes towards education for people with disabilities and underprivileged children" even though he has been active in raising awareness and rights of disabled people.

As for political aspects, well

"Cambridge issued a statement indicating that Dr. Hawking had told the Israelis that he would not be attending “based on advice from Palestinian academics that he should respect the boycott,” according to The Associated Press."


"Hawking is in very poor health, but last week he wrote a brief letter to the Israeli president to say he had changed his mind. He has not announced his decision publicly, but a statement published by the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine with Hawking's approval described it as "his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there"."



I doubt whether Stephen Hawking would visit Thailand given his strong ethical views.He has joined in the boycott of Israel following that country's activities in Gaza, mistakenly in the view of many.But the point is he draws the line even to visit functioning democracies where human rights have been undermined.He does not give moral support to pariah states.

You can't help yourself, now can you?

The most likely reason for Prof. Hawkins to decline an invitation will be his health and the suggestion his appearance would change "attitudes towards education for people with disabilities and underprivileged children" even though he has been active in raising awareness and rights of disabled people.

As for political aspects, well

"Cambridge issued a statement indicating that Dr. Hawking had told the Israelis that he would not be attending “based on advice from Palestinian academics that he should respect the boycott,” according to The Associated Press."


"Hawking is in very poor health, but last week he wrote a brief letter to the Israeli president to say he had changed his mind. He has not announced his decision publicly, but a statement published by the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine with Hawking's approval described it as "his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there"."


Of course Hawking would consult independent academics about any visit to a country where democracy had been trashed.You are in fact making my point for me if you had the wit to understand.If you don't know the views of the independent Thai academic community that is your own problem, but I can assure you it is not friendly to this illegitimate government.

Naturally Hawking's age and physical condition are key issues.But based on political aspects it seems almost inconceivable he would visit Thailand given his membership of the Cambridge liberal intelligentsia and Thailand's international shame.


I doubt whether Stephen Hawking would visit Thailand given his strong ethical views.He has joined in the boycott of Israel following that country's activities in Gaza, mistakenly in the view of many.But the point is he draws the line even to visit functioning democracies where human rights have been undermined.He does not give moral support to pariah states.

You can't help yourself, now can you?

The most likely reason for Prof. Hawkins to decline an invitation will be his health and the suggestion his appearance would change "attitudes towards education for people with disabilities and underprivileged children" even though he has been active in raising awareness and rights of disabled people.

As for political aspects, well

"Cambridge issued a statement indicating that Dr. Hawking had told the Israelis that he would not be attending “based on advice from Palestinian academics that he should respect the boycott,” according to The Associated Press."


"Hawking is in very poor health, but last week he wrote a brief letter to the Israeli president to say he had changed his mind. He has not announced his decision publicly, but a statement published by the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine with Hawking's approval described it as "his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there"."


Of course Hawking would consult independent academics about any visit to a country where democracy had been trashed.You are in fact making my point for me if you had the wit to understand.If you don't know the views of the independent Thai academic community that is your own problem, but I can assure you it is not friendly to this illegitimate government.

Naturally Hawking's age and physical condition are key issues.But based on political aspects it seems almost inconceivable he would visit Thailand given his membership of the Cambridge liberal intelligentsia and Thailand's international shame.

BS, my dear jayboy. you're still on the political track.

It would seem some organisation informed Prof Hawkins that it would be better he would decline the invitation and he agreed. As it is I might even wonder if the response to a possible invitation to Thailand would be answered favorable as Science here seems in dire need of improvements.


I preferred Carl sagan and have read both authors extensively .

I doubt many Thais would fathom many of the concepts - as their not as curious about big ideas.

And seem to resent "farangs " and pretend we are less intelligent.

Below i thought i would include an interview where Sagan does comment on some of Hawking 's Theories.

Both amazing men of their time.

Sagan perhaps more of a communicator of complex science put in lay terms

NOVA "Time Travel"
Originally broadcast Oct 12 1999

Carl Sagan on Time Travel

Listen to the late astronomer and Pulitzer Prize-winning author's insightful and delightfully droll views on everything from wormholes ("very Alice in Wonderland") to the nature of time ("one of those concepts that is profoundly resistant to a simple definition").

Carl Sagan, the astronomer, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and legendary popularizer of science, gave this interview during the making of "Time Travel." True to form, he discusses arcane aspects of the field - from how you define time to what it might look like inside a wormhole - with flair and a refreshing dash of humor. Sagan was David Duncan Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences and director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University when he died in 1996.

NOVA asks:

1) What to you is time?
2) Do you think that backwards time travel will ever be possible?
3) Would you like for backwards time travel to be possible?
4) Can you describe the Grandfather Paradox?
5) Do you think that there are parallel universes?
6) What do you make of Hawking's Chronological Protection Conjecture?
7) What are some of the ways that we can not be awash in time travelers?
8) How is the speed of light connected to time travel?
9) Can you describe a wormhole?
10) What would it be like to travel through a wormhole?
11) How does it feel influencing time travel research?
12) How does it feel bringing time travel a step closer?

see also the transcript available here:

This audio is part of the collection: Community Audio
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I doubt whether Stephen Hawking would visit Thailand given his strong ethical views.He has joined in the boycott of Israel following that country's activities in Gaza, mistakenly in the view of many.But the point is he draws the line even to visit functioning democracies where human rights have been undermined.He does not give moral support to pariah states.

You can't help yourself, now can you?

The most likely reason for Prof. Hawkins to decline an invitation will be his health and the suggestion his appearance would change "attitudes towards education for people with disabilities and underprivileged children" even though he has been active in raising awareness and rights of disabled people.

As for political aspects, well

"Cambridge issued a statement indicating that Dr. Hawking had told the Israelis that he would not be attending “based on advice from Palestinian academics that he should respect the boycott,” according to The Associated Press."


"Hawking is in very poor health, but last week he wrote a brief letter to the Israeli president to say he had changed his mind. He has not announced his decision publicly, but a statement published by the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine with Hawking's approval described it as "his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there"."


Of course Hawking would consult independent academics about any visit to a country where democracy had been trashed.You are in fact making my point for me if you had the wit to understand.If you don't know the views of the independent Thai academic community that is your own problem, but I can assure you it is not friendly to this illegitimate government.

Naturally Hawking's age and physical condition are key issues.But based on political aspects it seems almost inconceivable he would visit Thailand given his membership of the Cambridge liberal intelligentsia and Thailand's international shame.

BS, my dear jayboy. you're still on the political track.

It would seem some organisation informed Prof Hawkins that it would be better he would decline the invitation and he agreed. As it is I might even wonder if the response to a possible invitation to Thailand would be answered favorable as Science here seems in dire need of improvements.

It's amusing you dismiss my case because I am on the "political track". Politics is in fact at the heart of set of reasons Hawking will never come to Thailand (though I grant his health probably prevents it anyway).Are you blind or are you not aware that Bangkok is "off the intinerary" for most distinguished foreign leaders?


BS, my dear jayboy. you're still on the political track.

It would seem some organisation informed Prof Hawkins that it would be better he would decline the invitation and he agreed. As it is I might even wonder if the response to a possible invitation to Thailand would be answered favorable as Science here seems in dire need of improvements.

It's amusing you dismiss my case because I am on the "political track". Politics is in fact at the heart of set of reasons Hawking will never come to Thailand (though I grant his health probably prevents it anyway).Are you blind or are you not aware that Bangkok is "off the intinerary" for most distinguished foreign leaders?

My dear boy, I think Prof. Hawking will be perfectly capable to recognize pure subjective descriptions like "paria states" and "international shame". He would probably just accept it as confirmation that humanity is mostly humanities greater enemy.

BTW 'politics at the heart of a set of reasons' and 'distinguished foreign leaders' hardly seems to have any relation to a scientific mind like Hawkins. Politics have no meaning when talking about the universe and how it works.


BS, my dear jayboy. you're still on the political track.

It would seem some organisation informed Prof Hawkins that it would be better he would decline the invitation and he agreed. As it is I might even wonder if the response to a possible invitation to Thailand would be answered favorable as Science here seems in dire need of improvements.

It's amusing you dismiss my case because I am on the "political track". Politics is in fact at the heart of set of reasons Hawking will never come to Thailand (though I grant his health probably prevents it anyway).Are you blind or are you not aware that Bangkok is "off the intinerary" for most distinguished foreign leaders?

My dear boy, I think Prof. Hawking will be perfectly capable to recognize pure subjective descriptions like "paria states" and "international shame". He would probably just accept it as confirmation that humanity is mostly humanities greater enemy.

BTW 'politics at the heart of a set of reasons' and 'distinguished foreign leaders' hardly seems to have any relation to a scientific mind like Hawkins. Politics have no meaning when talking about the universe and how it works.

You are wrong.His participation in the Israel boycott demonstrated that.Doesn't mean he is right since there is almost unlimited scope for highly intelligent people to be politically naive.


BS, my dear jayboy. you're still on the political track.

It would seem some organisation informed Prof Hawkins that it would be better he would decline the invitation and he agreed. As it is I might even wonder if the response to a possible invitation to Thailand would be answered favorable as Science here seems in dire need of improvements.

It's amusing you dismiss my case because I am on the "political track". Politics is in fact at the heart of set of reasons Hawking will never come to Thailand (though I grant his health probably prevents it anyway).Are you blind or are you not aware that Bangkok is "off the intinerary" for most distinguished foreign leaders?

My dear boy, I think Prof. Hawking will be perfectly capable to recognize pure subjective descriptions like "paria states" and "international shame". He would probably just accept it as confirmation that humanity is mostly humanities greater enemy.

BTW 'politics at the heart of a set of reasons' and 'distinguished foreign leaders' hardly seems to have any relation to a scientific mind like Hawkins. Politics have no meaning when talking about the universe and how it works.

You are wrong.His participation in the Israel boycott demonstrated that.Doesn't mean he is right since there is almost unlimited scope for highly intelligent people to be politically naive.

participate in the boycott ? You mean the "would not attend based on advise" ?

As for 'doesn't mean he's right' now you're starting to ramble I'm afraid.

Anyway for highly intelligent people there is seldom a need to be politically suave. Mind you, fighting for budgets can lead to corruption of the soul.

  • Like 1
BS, my dear jayboy. you're still on the political track.

It would seem some organisation informed Prof Hawkins that it would be better he would decline the invitation and he agreed. As it is I might even wonder if the response to a possible invitation to Thailand would be answered favorable as Science here seems in dire need of improvements.

It's amusing you dismiss my case because I am on the "political track". Politics is in fact at the heart of set of reasons Hawking will never come to Thailand (though I grant his health probably prevents it anyway).Are you blind or are you not aware that Bangkok is "off the intinerary" for most distinguished foreign leaders?

My dear boy, I think Prof. Hawking will be perfectly capable to recognize pure subjective descriptions like "paria states" and "international shame". He would probably just accept it as confirmation that humanity is mostly humanities greater enemy.

BTW 'politics at the heart of a set of reasons' and 'distinguished foreign leaders' hardly seems to have any relation to a scientific mind like Hawkins. Politics have no meaning when talking about the universe and how it works.

You are wrong.His participation in the Israel boycott demonstrated that.Doesn't mean he is right since there is almost unlimited scope for highly intelligent people to be politically naive.

participate in the boycott ? You mean the "would not attend based on advise" ?

As for 'doesn't mean he's right' now you're starting to ramble I'm afraid.

Anyway for highly intelligent people there is seldom a need to be politically suave. Mind you, fighting for budgets can lead to corruption of the soul.

Are you one of those who find it difficult to hold more than one thought at a time.Highly intelligent people can be politically naive; that's not rambling - it's historical fact whether the Western liberals duped by the Soviets or their modern equivalents duped by the Chinese.Point is Hawking's political views whether on Israel or Thailand (if indeed he has any) are the least interesting thing about him.


participate in the boycott ? You mean the "would not attend based on advise" ?

As for 'doesn't mean he's right' now you're starting to ramble I'm afraid.

Anyway for highly intelligent people there is seldom a need to be politically suave. Mind you, fighting for budgets can lead to corruption of the soul.

Are you one of those who find it difficult to hold more than one thought at a time.Highly intelligent people can be politically naive; that's not rambling - it's historical fact whether the Western liberals duped by the Soviets or their modern equivalents duped by the Chinese.Point is Hawking's political views whether on Israel or Thailand (if indeed he has any) are the least interesting thing about him.

Well, if Prof. Hawking might be a little bit political naive than that would indicate your statement on rejecting an invitation because of Thailand being a 'pariah state'.

Anyway it would seem Hawking could be somewhat naive (for a supporter of the Labour Party) as he agrees with the GCHQ that internet surveillance is really needed.

"In his BBC interview, Prof Hawking also talks of the benefits and dangers of the internet.

He quotes the director of GCHQ's warning about the net becoming the command centre for terrorists: "More must be done by the internet companies to counter the threat, but the difficulty is to do this without sacrificing freedom and privacy.""


Now that will gladden the local boys here in Thailand. Like the NSA and the GCHQ they can start with the snooping and worry about freedom and privacy later.

EDIT: I just noticed I wrote "Hawkins" instead of "Hawking". That was an unintentional mistake, excuses for that. Only corrected here, too late for previous posts.


still, nobody has been able to explain me :

1.if the universe and space-time is in expansion, it expands in what?

2.what was before the big bang? (nothing is not an acceptable answer) .

ad.1. Either into nothing, another dimension or into the wonderfull answer "beats me, no idea"

ad.2. For this I recommend you read a short story by Isaac Asimov, called "the last question".

It ends with

"Matter and energy had ended and with it space and time. Even AC existed only for the sake of the one last question that it had never answered from the time a half-drunken computer ten trillion years before had asked the question of a computer that was to AC far less than was a man to Man.

All other questions had been answered, and until this last ques­tion was answered also, AC might not release his consciousness.

All collected data had come to a final end. Nothing was left to be collected.

But all collected data had yet to be completely correlated and put together in all possible relationships.

A timeless interval was spent in doing that.

And it came to pass that AC learned how to reverse the direction of entropy.

But there was now no man to whom AC might give the answer of the last question. No matter.

the answer ---- by demonstration---- would take care of that, too. For another timeless

interval, AC thought how best to do this. Carefully, AC organized the program.

The consciousness of AC encompassed all of what had once been a Universe and brooded

over what was now Chaos. Step by step, it must be done.


And there was light ----"

PS maybe we should keep it simple and start reading this book, Maybe it has the answers.

"In 2007 Hawking and his daughter Lucy published George's Secret Key to the Universe, a children's book designed to explain theoretical physics in an accessible fashion and featuring characters similar to those in the Hawking family.[254] The book was followed by sequels in 2009 and 2011.[255]"



participate in the boycott ? You mean the "would not attend based on advise" ?

As for 'doesn't mean he's right' now you're starting to ramble I'm afraid.

Anyway for highly intelligent people there is seldom a need to be politically suave. Mind you, fighting for budgets can lead to corruption of the soul.

Are you one of those who find it difficult to hold more than one thought at a time.Highly intelligent people can be politically naive; that's not rambling - it's historical fact whether the Western liberals duped by the Soviets or their modern equivalents duped by the Chinese.Point is Hawking's political views whether on Israel or Thailand (if indeed he has any) are the least interesting thing about him.

Well, if Prof. Hawkins might be a little bit political naive than that would indicate your statement on rejecting an invitation because of Thailand being a 'pariah state'.

Anyway it would seem Hawkins could be somewhat naive (for a supporter of the Labour Party) as he agrees with the GCHQ that internet surveillance is really needed.

"In his BBC interview, Prof Hawking also talks of the benefits and dangers of the internet.

He quotes the director of GCHQ's warning about the net becoming the command centre for terrorists: "More must be done by the internet companies to counter the threat, but the difficulty is to do this without sacrificing freedom and privacy.""


Now that will gladden the local boys here in Thailand. Like the NSA and the GCHQ they can start with the snooping and worry about freedom and privacy later.

It will probably come as a surprise but I agree with you.I am not sure his views on Thailand or Israel are interesting or significant:I certainly wouldn't be swayed by him on either situation.

The point of my earlier post was simply to point out that given his recorded political views he would be unlikely to visit a country where a military takeover had destroyed democracy.


participate in the boycott ? You mean the "would not attend based on advise" ?

As for 'doesn't mean he's right' now you're starting to ramble I'm afraid.

Anyway for highly intelligent people there is seldom a need to be politically suave. Mind you, fighting for budgets can lead to corruption of the soul.

Are you one of those who find it difficult to hold more than one thought at a time.Highly intelligent people can be politically naive; that's not rambling - it's historical fact whether the Western liberals duped by the Soviets or their modern equivalents duped by the Chinese.Point is Hawking's political views whether on Israel or Thailand (if indeed he has any) are the least interesting thing about him.

Well, if Prof. Hawkins might be a little bit political naive than that would indicate your statement on rejecting an invitation because of Thailand being a 'pariah state'.

Anyway it would seem Hawkins could be somewhat naive (for a supporter of the Labour Party) as he agrees with the GCHQ that internet surveillance is really needed.

"In his BBC interview, Prof Hawking also talks of the benefits and dangers of the internet.

He quotes the director of GCHQ's warning about the net becoming the command centre for terrorists: "More must be done by the internet companies to counter the threat, but the difficulty is to do this without sacrificing freedom and privacy.""


Now that will gladden the local boys here in Thailand. Like the NSA and the GCHQ they can start with the snooping and worry about freedom and privacy later.

It will probably come as a surprise but I agree with you.I am not sure his views on Thailand or Israel are interesting or significant:I certainly wouldn't be swayed by him on either situation.

The point of my earlier post was simply to point out that given his recorded political views he would be unlikely to visit a country where a military takeover had destroyed democracy.

The last sentence would be acceptable if only you had inserted some, like

"given his recorded political views I think he would be unlikely to visit a country where a military takeover had destroyed democracy"

The brief part in the wiki page doesn't give much on that type of stand anyway especially when arguments are phrased so subjectively.


I doubt whether Stephen Hawking would visit Thailand given his strong ethical views.He has joined in the boycott of Israel following that country's activities in Gaza, mistakenly in the view of many.But the point is he draws the line even to visit functioning democracies where human rights have been undermined.He does not give moral support to pariah states.

You can't help yourself, now can you?

The most likely reason for Prof. Hawkins to decline an invitation will be his health and the suggestion his appearance would change "attitudes towards education for people with disabilities and underprivileged children" even though he has been active in raising awareness and rights of disabled people.

As for political aspects, well

"Cambridge issued a statement indicating that Dr. Hawking had told the Israelis that he would not be attending “based on advice from Palestinian academics that he should respect the boycott,” according to The Associated Press."


"Hawking is in very poor health, but last week he wrote a brief letter to the Israeli president to say he had changed his mind. He has not announced his decision publicly, but a statement published by the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine with Hawking's approval described it as "his independent decision to respect the boycott, based upon his knowledge of Palestine, and on the unanimous advice of his own academic contacts there"."


Of course Hawking would consult independent academics about any visit to a country where democracy had been trashed.You are in fact making my point for me if you had the wit to understand.If you don't know the views of the independent Thai academic community that is your own problem, but I can assure you it is not friendly to this illegitimate government.

Naturally Hawking's age and physical condition are key issues.But based on political aspects it seems almost inconceivable he would visit Thailand given his membership of the Cambridge liberal intelligentsia and Thailand's international shame.

BS, my dear jayboy. you're still on the political track.

It would seem some organisation informed Prof Hawkins that it would be better he would decline the invitation and he agreed. As it is I might even wonder if the response to a possible invitation to Thailand would be answered favorable as Science here seems in dire need of improvements.

Who is Prof Hawkins?

Update on Stephen.

Just received and email from same via his private nurse.

He as of yet has not been asked and knows nothing about same, but if he was invited he would come like a shot, as Thailand is one of the many places he's not been.

If he could get here is another matter as he as of yet cant do long hall flights.

N/B He doesn't give two monkeys about who's in charge so that scenario is out of the question.

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