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Russian historians left baffled by Putin's Crimean claims


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Putin may be many things, but retarded is not one of them. Like him or not, he is brilliant, shrewd, and ruthless; he also has considerable KGB experience. I think many have noted Putin runs circles around the American leader; how unfortunate for America. Now is Russia's moment. In fact, now is anyone' s moment to test American resolve everywhere!

"Now is Russia's moment. In fact, now is anyone' s moment to test American resolve everywhere!"

Now is Russia's moment to crash. It needs $100 a barrel oil to support its people and it is a communist country responsible to support its people. Oil has dropped to $66 from $107 just since late June. America is bringing Russia to its knees without firing a shot. Putin is going to wish he'd never heard the words Crimea or Ukraine or flight 17.

Russia's currency value has tanked, making anything imported very expensive in Russia.

Russia is hanging on by its fingernails.

The minute there is a hint of military action in the air, the price of oil will start to shoot up and that may be what Russia, as well as others, may want.

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Putin may be many things, but retarded is not one of them. Like him or not, he is brilliant, shrewd, and ruthless; he also has considerable KGB experience. I think many have noted Putin runs circles around the American leader; how unfortunate for America. Now is Russia's moment. In fact, now is anyone' s moment to test American resolve everywhere!

"Now is Russia's moment. In fact, now is anyone' s moment to test American resolve everywhere!"

Now is Russia's moment to crash. It needs $100 a barrel oil to support its people and it is a communist country responsible to support its people. Oil has dropped to $66 from $107 just since late June. America is bringing Russia to its knees without firing a shot. Putin is going to wish he'd never heard the words Crimea or Ukraine or flight 17.

Russia's currency value has tanked, making anything imported very expensive in Russia.

Russia is hanging on by its fingernails.

The minute there is a hint of military action in the air, the price of oil will start to shoot up and that may be what Russia, as well as others, may want.

I dont disagree that these observations are true- that russia has some serious things to think about. However, I still maintain there have been fewer better times since 1989 to assert russian power.

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After a reasonable and not unfriendly private conversation with the moderator here he has given me permission to now repost my previously removed post, which is I feel is very relevant. So thanks to Scott for being open minded and fair. Remember I am only seeking the truth and from all I have read and seen and by then I hope applying some considered thought and logic I have to say that does not point me to believing Washington at all I have to say. Suggest others use the links and suggested reading and openly try to draw their own conclusions. Cannot add any more really but just to ask folk to not simply believe all they read, especially over these past few years from what I openly see as a clearly corrupt and dishonest Washington and the Western presstitute media controlled by them.

No flames please as they will be ignored. This is just an open minded honest post expressing my personal well thought out beliefs in respect to this issue and the clear reasons why. So with that in mind here below is my post again. for you to make what you want of it :-


So much western media based misinformation led crap here. Putin compared to the corrupt and truly evil US administration in Washington is a saint.
Okay it should be simple. As the west claim the Crimean election was a sham and in which I think I remember over 85% of Crimeans voted to be part of Russia, then simply, and as I am sure Putin would agree to, let us hold a totally open and new election there with a format is agreed upon by the UN and the Crimean people and see what the then undisputed democratic result is. Then, if, as I am sure it will, it reaffirms the huge majority in favour or Russian annexation the West can simply shut up and be happy that democracy has been seen to have been carried out fairly and honestly. Then sure they could do the same in Eastern Ukraine area too. Why not do this, that is democracy at work and far better than causing all the wars and violence and serious danger of a US/ Russian nuclear conflict provoked clearly by US intransigence, lies and corruption. Remember true Democracy is usually the answer and can clearly make wars and conflict unnecessary if both sides just accept the peoples' will and self determination.
Honestly do you think Washington would act as sanely, diplomatically and honourably as Putin is doing if say Mexico was in effect taken over by Russia in a clever coup similar to what the US carried out in Kiev ?? Come on folk get your heads from out of where the sun don't shine and start thinking openly and honestly. Start looking at the news from all sources not just the western Washington paid presstitute media and their blatant misinformation and untruths. A good source of news and news links is from Paul Craig Roberts site here http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/ where he has many eminent guest contributors from both US and Russian sides, or just look up reports from British highly reputed investigative journalist John Pilger one of the rare journalist who speaks the truth and says what he truly believes from the clearly shown facts he uncovers. Other alternate news sources are of course Al-Jazeera and RT which along with the Western Media will at least give you some balance information for you to judge yourself with an open mind.
Just read the news form all sources and try to reason as to which is likely to be the truth and what is not. Always remember those who hide behind censorship and are unprepared to have open discussions are likely to be those with a lot to hide. Just take the atrocious and appalling MH17 air disaster and look who is withholding evidence and who is being very open, then make you own minds up. Look who is stopping further open debate and inquires into 9/11 and particularly Building 7 in light of overwhelming scientific and other evidence that has now clearly and indisputably come to light. Do we allow then to simply brush all that under the carpet ad hope it goes away, or do we want the truth?? Yes someone truly has to have a lot to hide by stopping a full new open inquiry into the whole of the 9/11 fiasco and horrendous disaster that cost so many innocent lives.
And then how many innocent lives have been wasted by the US in their so called wicked war on terror that indiscriminatingly kills tens of thousands of innocent folk and many of them children every year. Listen to the whistle blowers whose evidence the US are unable to deny. Ask how many innocent lives the Russians have cost the world this century in comparison, a tiny fraction I assure you. The US are the biggest cause of the murder of innocent human beings certainly this century, don't believe me or PCR or Pilger or many others, simply investigate it yourself and look up what is likely the well under estimated figures. You want the truth as indeed I do too? Then you will have to seek it elsewhere other than from the Washington controlled western presstitute media .
The US administration certainly over the past 14 years is extremely corrupt and evil and the UK Government is not a lot better either and clearly a puppet to Washington as much of the EU nations are, or should I say have to be cowering down to the wicked dominating and bullying tactics of the biggest terrorist state in the world i.e. the "exceptionally" and "indispensably" arrogant and evil USA.
Edited by rayw
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After a reasonable and not unfriendly private conversation with the moderator here he has given me permission to now repost my previously removed post, which is I feel is very relevant. So thanks to Scott for being open minded and fair. Remember I am only seeking the truth and from all I have read and seen and by then I hope applying some considered thought and logic I have to say that does not point me to believing Washington at all I have to say. Suggest others use the links and suggested reading and openly try to draw their own conclusions. Cannot add any more really but just to ask folk to not simply believe all they read, especially over these past few years from what I openly see as a clearly corrupt and dishonest Washington and the Western presstitute media controlled by them.

No flames please as they will be ignored. This is just an open minded honest post expressing my personal well thought out beliefs in respect to this issue and the clear reasons why. So with that in mind here below is my post again. for you to make what you want of it :-


So much western media based misinformation led crap here. Putin compared to the corrupt and truly evil US administration in Washington is a saint.
Okay it should be simple. As the west claim the Crimean election was a sham and in which I think I remember over 85% of Crimeans voted to be part of Russia, then simply, and as I am sure Putin would agree to, let us hold a totally open and new election there with a format is agreed upon by the UN and the Crimean people and see what the then undisputed democratic result is. Then, if, as I am sure it will, it reaffirms the huge majority in favour or Russian annexation the West can simply shut up and be happy that democracy has been seen to have been carried out fairly and honestly. Then sure they could do the same in Eastern Ukraine area too. Why not do this, that is democracy at work and far better than causing all the wars and violence and serious danger of a US/ Russian nuclear conflict provoked clearly by US intransigence, lies and corruption. Remember true Democracy is usually the answer and can clearly make wars and conflict unnecessary if both sides just accept the peoples' will and self determination.
Honestly do you think Washington would act as sanely, diplomatically and honourably as Putin is doing if say Mexico was in effect taken over by Russia in a clever coup similar to what the US carried out in Kiev ?? Come on folk get your heads from out of where the sun don't shine and start thinking openly and honestly. Start looking at the news from all sources not just the western Washington paid presstitute media and their blatant misinformation and untruths. A good source of news and news links is from Paul Craig Roberts site here http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/ where he has many eminent guest contributors from both US and Russian sides, or just look up reports from British highly reputed investigative journalist John Pilger one of the rare journalist who speaks the truth and says what he truly believes from the clearly shown facts he uncovers. Other alternate news sources are of course Al-Jazeera and RT which along with the Western Media will at least give you some balance information for you to judge yourself with an open mind.
Just read the news form all sources and try to reason as to which is likely to be the truth and what is not. Always remember those who hide behind censorship and are unprepared to have open discussions are likely to be those with a lot to hide. Just take the atrocious and appalling MH17 air disaster and look who is withholding evidence and who is being very open, then make you own minds up. Look who is stopping further open debate and inquires into 9/11 and particularly Building 7 in light of overwhelming scientific and other evidence that has now clearly and indisputably come to light. Do we allow then to simply brush all that under the carpet ad hope it goes away, or do we want the truth?? Yes someone truly has to have a lot to hide by stopping a full new open inquiry into the whole of the 9/11 fiasco and horrendous disaster that cost so many innocent lives.
And then how many innocent lives have been wasted by the US in their so called wicked war on terror that indiscriminatingly kills tens of thousands of innocent folk and many of them children every year. Listen to the whistle blowers whose evidence the US are unable to deny. Ask how many innocent lives the Russians have cost the world this century in comparison, a tiny fraction I assure you. The US are the biggest cause of the murder of innocent human beings certainly this century, don't believe me or PCR or Pilger or many others, simply investigate it yourself and look up what is likely the well under estimated figures. You want the truth as indeed I do too? Then you will have to seek it elsewhere other than from the Washington controlled western presstitute media .
The US administration certainly over the past 14 years is extremely corrupt and evil and the UK Government is not a lot better either and clearly a puppet to Washington as much of the EU nations are, or should I say have to be cowering down to the wicked dominating and bullying tactics of the biggest terrorist state in the world i.e. the "exceptionally" and "indispensably" arrogant and evil USA.

You just talking too much sense, stop itgiggle.gifwai.gif

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Putin may be many things, but retarded is not one of them. Like him or not, he is brilliant, shrewd, and ruthless; he also has considerable KGB experience. I think many have noted Putin runs circles around the American leader; how unfortunate for America. Now is Russia's moment. In fact, now is anyone' s moment to test American resolve everywhere!

"Now is Russia's moment. In fact, now is anyone' s moment to test American resolve everywhere!"

Now is Russia's moment to crash. It needs $100 a barrel oil to support its people and it is a communist country responsible to support its people. Oil has dropped to $66 from $107 just since late June. America is bringing Russia to its knees without firing a shot. Putin is going to wish he'd never heard the words Crimea or Ukraine or flight 17.

Russia's currency value has tanked, making anything imported very expensive in Russia.

Russia is hanging on by its fingernails.

The minute there is a hint of military action in the air, the price of oil will start to shoot up and that may be what Russia, as well as others, may want.

I dont disagree that these observations are true- that russia has some serious things to think about. However, I still maintain there have been fewer better times since 1989 to assert russian power.

It is NATO that is asserting power and disingenuously going back on agreements made with Russia after the fall of communism. Russia is merely defending its position as one should rightly expect.

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After a reasonable and not unfriendly private conversation with the moderator here he has given me permission to now repost my previously removed post, which is I feel is very relevant. So thanks to Scott for being open minded and fair. Remember I am only seeking the truth and from all I have read and seen and by then I hope applying some considered thought and logic I have to say that does not point me to believing Washington at all I have to say. Suggest others use the links and suggested reading and openly try to draw their own conclusions. Cannot add any more really but just to ask folk to not simply believe all they read, especially over these past few years from what I openly see as a clearly corrupt and dishonest Washington and the Western presstitute media controlled by them.

No flames please as they will be ignored. This is just an open minded honest post expressing my personal well thought out beliefs in respect to this issue and the clear reasons why. So with that in mind here below is my post again. for you to make what you want of it :-


So much western media based misinformation led crap here. Putin compared to the corrupt and truly evil US administration in Washington is a saint.
Okay it should be simple. As the west claim the Crimean election was a sham and in which I think I remember over 85% of Crimeans voted to be part of Russia, then simply, and as I am sure Putin would agree to, let us hold a totally open and new election there with a format is agreed upon by the UN and the Crimean people and see what the then undisputed democratic result is. Then, if, as I am sure it will, it reaffirms the huge majority in favour or Russian annexation the West can simply shut up and be happy that democracy has been seen to have been carried out fairly and honestly. Then sure they could do the same in Eastern Ukraine area too. Why not do this, that is democracy at work and far better than causing all the wars and violence and serious danger of a US/ Russian nuclear conflict provoked clearly by US intransigence, lies and corruption. Remember true Democracy is usually the answer and can clearly make wars and conflict unnecessary if both sides just accept the peoples' will and self determination.
Honestly do you think Washington would act as sanely, diplomatically and honourably as Putin is doing if say Mexico was in effect taken over by Russia in a clever coup similar to what the US carried out in Kiev ?? Come on folk get your heads from out of where the sun don't shine and start thinking openly and honestly. Start looking at the news from all sources not just the western Washington paid presstitute media and their blatant misinformation and untruths. A good source of news and news links is from Paul Craig Roberts site here http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/ where he has many eminent guest contributors from both US and Russian sides, or just look up reports from British highly reputed investigative journalist John Pilger one of the rare journalist who speaks the truth and says what he truly believes from the clearly shown facts he uncovers. Other alternate news sources are of course Al-Jazeera and RT which along with the Western Media will at least give you some balance information for you to judge yourself with an open mind.
Just read the news form all sources and try to reason as to which is likely to be the truth and what is not. Always remember those who hide behind censorship and are unprepared to have open discussions are likely to be those with a lot to hide. Just take the atrocious and appalling MH17 air disaster and look who is withholding evidence and who is being very open, then make you own minds up. Look who is stopping further open debate and inquires into 9/11 and particularly Building 7 in light of overwhelming scientific and other evidence that has now clearly and indisputably come to light. Do we allow then to simply brush all that under the carpet ad hope it goes away, or do we want the truth?? Yes someone truly has to have a lot to hide by stopping a full new open inquiry into the whole of the 9/11 fiasco and horrendous disaster that cost so many innocent lives.
And then how many innocent lives have been wasted by the US in their so called wicked war on terror that indiscriminatingly kills tens of thousands of innocent folk and many of them children every year. Listen to the whistle blowers whose evidence the US are unable to deny. Ask how many innocent lives the Russians have cost the world this century in comparison, a tiny fraction I assure you. The US are the biggest cause of the murder of innocent human beings certainly this century, don't believe me or PCR or Pilger or many others, simply investigate it yourself and look up what is likely the well under estimated figures. You want the truth as indeed I do too? Then you will have to seek it elsewhere other than from the Washington controlled western presstitute media .
The US administration certainly over the past 14 years is extremely corrupt and evil and the UK Government is not a lot better either and clearly a puppet to Washington as much of the EU nations are, or should I say have to be cowering down to the wicked dominating and bullying tactics of the biggest terrorist state in the world i.e. the "exceptionally" and "indispensably" arrogant and evil USA.

So you don't like the USA much? That's prefectly understandable . Claiming that the USA is the root of all that's evil does automatically make everyone in opposition the knight in shining armor. There is no inherent balance between Good and Bad, as such, when it comes to global politics. Either way, none of what you posted helps those baffled Russian historians, though...

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"Now is Russia's moment. In fact, now is anyone' s moment to test American resolve everywhere!"

Now is Russia's moment to crash. It needs $100 a barrel oil to support its people and it is a communist country responsible to support its people. Oil has dropped to $66 from $107 just since late June. America is bringing Russia to its knees without firing a shot. Putin is going to wish he'd never heard the words Crimea or Ukraine or flight 17.

Russia's currency value has tanked, making anything imported very expensive in Russia.

Russia is hanging on by its fingernails.

The minute there is a hint of military action in the air, the price of oil will start to shoot up and that may be what Russia, as well as others, may want.

I dont disagree that these observations are true- that russia has some serious things to think about. However, I still maintain there have been fewer better times since 1989 to assert russian power.

It is NATO that is asserting power and disingenuously going back on agreements made with Russia after the fall of communism. Russia is merely defending its position as one should rightly expect.

Agreed; while the thread is Putin's comments regarding history perspective, it is unassailablly true that Putin acts in the space created by the West/NATO. IMO, the NATO that I worked with for years has defined itself in the modern age as aggressor, liar, and questionable agent of democracies.

Because the West is financially and increasingly morally bankrupt, this does create the opportunities for others to provoke or move strategically. There is a great deal the West will have to "eat" before it can respond any longer. Just my take...

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Putin is playing Chess against Obama playing checkers.giggle.gif

Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. And almost no one understands what he will do in the future.

No matter how strange it may seem, but right now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas only for physical gold. Putin is not shouting about it all over the world. And of course, he still accepts US dollars as an intermediate means of payment. But he immediately exchanges all these dollars obtained from the sale of oil and gas for physical gold!


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Er, they do still have the nukes though so best to take some notice

I've often wondered how Russia would fare in a nuclear war. I couldn't envisage them lasting long [48-hours at most before they're silenced, I reckon]. Most of their warheads are probably knackered and half their missiles wouldn't make it off the launchpad anyway. Their only hope would be China on side.

Their technology is way behind that of the West.

SU35? SU37? Sukhoi PAK FA?

What people seem to forget is that the Russians feel that they've survived WWII and Stalin so a drop in oil prices and an economy off the boil is a piece of piss as far as they're concerned...

Does this statement reflect the overall sentiment of the Russian public, the Russian leadership's stance or perhaps just an

unfounded generalization regarding how outsiders view Russia and the Russian people?

A lot of people posting on this thread seem to think that the Russian national character has been formed over the past 100 years. Russian stoicism is a result of events like the invasion of Batu Khan in the 13th century and heroes like Vladimir Monomakh. It didn't start in 1917.

Edited by sustento
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So you don't like the USA much? That's prefectly understandable . Claiming that the USA is the root of all that's evil does automatically make everyone in opposition the knight in shining armor. There is no inherent balance between Good and Bad, as such, when it comes to global politics. Either way, none of what you posted helps those baffled Russian historians, though...

I am often critical of the West and the US in particular, lately. However, while I too think the US has morphed into an agent of some pretty dastardly things I remain keenly aware that when the "lights go out in America" the rest of the world will plunge into darkness! The US government is renegade, not the US people. This is a vital distinction because US policy is being equally inflicted on its populace.

I am unsure why historians are baffled. When one considers a Russian perspective, a Russian first narrative, they must analyze not just through the lens of contemporary Russian Self-interest and rational faculties but through the eyes of historical Russian self-interests. Putin is in many ways archaic and champions a Russia that is not currently present in the world. This perception will fuel his actions and such actions are compatible with previous "versions" of Russia. I can see no reason for competent historians to be baffled. Russia, as expressed by Putin et al, seeks to define itself in the manner it wishes to project itself. Russia, as considerable world power, has surely been down this road before.

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I've often wondered how Russia would fare in a nuclear war. I couldn't envisage them lasting long [48-hours at most before they're silenced, I reckon]. Most of their warheads are probably knackered and half their missiles wouldn't make it off the launchpad anyway. Their only hope would be China on side.

Their technology is way behind that of the West.

SU35? SU37? Sukhoi PAK FA?

What people seem to forget is that the Russians feel that they've survived WWII and Stalin so a drop in oil prices and an economy off the boil is a piece of piss as far as they're concerned...

Does this statement reflect the overall sentiment of the Russian public, the Russian leadership's stance or perhaps just an

unfounded generalization regarding how outsiders view Russia and the Russian people?

A lot of people posting on this thread seem to think that the Russian national character has been formed over the past 100 years. Russian stoicism is a result of events like the invasion of Batu Khan in the 13th century and heroes like Vladimir Monomakh. It didn't start in 1917.

I made no comments regarding any arbitrary point in time when Russia's national character was supposedly created.

I was, however, questioning whether such a thing exist in any meaningful way which is relevant to this (and related) topic.

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So you don't like the USA much? That's prefectly understandable . Claiming that the USA is the root of all that's evil does automatically make everyone in opposition the knight in shining armor. There is no inherent balance between Good and Bad, as such, when it comes to global politics. Either way, none of what you posted helps those baffled Russian historians, though...

I am often critical of the West and the US in particular, lately. However, while I too think the US has morphed into an agent of some pretty dastardly things I remain keenly aware that when the "lights go out in America" the rest of the world will plunge into darkness! The US government is renegade, not the US people. This is a vital distinction because US policy is being equally inflicted on its populace.

I am unsure why historians are baffled. When one considers a Russian perspective, a Russian first narrative, they must analyze not just through the lens of contemporary Russian Self-interest and rational faculties but through the eyes of historical Russian self-interests. Putin is in many ways archaic and champions a Russia that is not currently present in the world. This perception will fuel his actions and such actions are compatible with previous "versions" of Russia. I can see no reason for competent historians to be baffled. Russia, as expressed by Putin et al, seeks to define itself in the manner it wishes to project itself. Russia, as considerable world power, has surely been down this road before.

Well, not feeling that strongly about the current USA administration (or any other for that matter), but then my expectations

are probably not sky high to begin with. As you say, not that its the ideal choice, just the best option, currently.

I wouldn't know that historians are actually that baffled, this is more of a headline, and one may want to have a closer look at

the source. As an ex-communist It does seem odd, that Putin is alluding to religious sentiment, as a believer in the restoration

of the Russian might of old, maybe not so much.

But again, how much do his words reflect public sentiment and how much they are means to affect it?

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Under #67 Ajunadawn writes


IMO, the NATO that I worked with for years has defined itself in the modern age as aggressor, liar, and questionable agent of democracies.


I gues Arjudawn has been making coffee or cleaning the toilets at NATO headquarters...Indeed NATO is a "defensive pact" with a veto right for all member states ...even the smallest.

We all remember well that Germany and France refused to back the US in the UN Security Council before the "liberation" of Iraq in 2003?

In international diplomacy we have to remember the words of Cardinal Richelieu - the French Prime Minister under King Louis XIII - when he was questioned how - as a cardinal - he could justify to make deals with the Ottoman Empire to stab the Pope and the Papal States in the back....He replied : "France has no permanent friends, no permanent enemies...only permanent interests". This still applies to all countries ...all NATO member states and of course also to Russia.

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Under #67 Ajunadawn writes


IMO, the NATO that I worked with for years has defined itself in the modern age as aggressor, liar, and questionable agent of democracies.


I gues Arjudawn has been making coffee or cleaning the toilets at NATO headquarters...Indeed NATO is a "defensive pact" with a veto right for all member states ...even the smallest.

We all remember well that Germany and France refused to back the US in the UN Security Council before the "liberation" of Iraq in 2003?

In international diplomacy we have to remember the words of Cardinal Richelieu - the French Prime Minister under King Louis XIII - when he was questioned how - as a cardinal - he could justify to make deals with the Ottoman Empire to stab the Pope and the Papal States in the back....He replied : "France has no permanent friends, no permanent enemies...only permanent interests". This still applies to all countries ...all NATO member states and of course also to Russia.

Fair observation, nice sprinkling of facts to contribute to the discussion. Too bad you found it necessary to betray this usefulness and attack me personally. Ad hominen attacks always reveal a bankruptcy but I suspect you don't see this. A good deal of my experiences prior to 1989 was related to SADM missions inside the soviet bloc. I would venture easily this in no way constitutes making coffee. ...so easy to be smug in an armchair.

The suggestion of my point remains, NATO contributes to the ambitions of Russia in that it has betrayed both itself, its mandate, and its former opponents since 1989 rendering prior fears of Western expansion a valid rallying cry for Russian adventurism on its borders.

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Assure you that Russia is about to fall. a thousand years have passed and she did not fall but only getting stronger and stronger. Do not you think it's suspicious? as if you did not lie to your government when Russia does not not fall))) we have thousand year history and all the thousands of years we fought. War in our blood))

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I couldn't believe this when I read it, but I had to give him credit for his taunt at those who embrace Bibles, Korans and Talmuds. His line of speaking is no worse for wear than the mileage those other countries get out of their fabled tales. All he needs now is a two thousand years old book to back up his words, and he will be in his right to demand the same silly things as others, with their invisible friends.

Shrewd. Very very shrewd.

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Assure you that Russia is about to fall. a thousand years have passed and she did not fall but only getting stronger and stronger. Do not you think it's suspicious? as if you did not lie to your government when Russia does not not fall))) we have thousand year history and all the thousands of years we fought. War in our blood))

Mongols are in your blood.

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Assure you that Russia is about to fall. a thousand years have passed and she did not fall but only getting stronger and stronger. Do not you think it's suspicious? as if you did not lie to your government when Russia does not not fall))) we have thousand year history and all the thousands of years we fought. War in our blood))

Mongols are in your blood.

I think you're confusing Mongols with Slavs. Besides didn't you know the Mongol Empire is the largest contiguous land empire that's ever existed?

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April 19, 1783 - Empress Catherine II signed a manifesto on joining the Russian Empire Crimea

1853-1856 - The Crimean War Russia won !!!!

February 19, 1954 Crimea is not legally transferred to the Ukrainian Republic. (Violations of Article 18 of the Constitution of the USSR was operating on 1954)

in March 2014 held a referendum in the Crimea Most of the inhabitants of the Crimea for joining Russia.

Maybe someone thinks that the Russian soldiers in the 19th century in vain defended Crimea and died?

Zubov or an idiot or a traitor. he has no moral right to give such historical estimates

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Assure you that Russia is about to fall. a thousand years have passed and she did not fall but only getting stronger and stronger. Do not you think it's suspicious? as if you did not lie to your government when Russia does not not fall))) we have thousand year history and all the thousands of years we fought. War in our blood))

Mongols are in your blood.

You descendant of a very noble-aristocratic family? or your ancestors discovered America or your noble cousin won a brilliant victory at Waterloo or perhaps your ancestor was a great poet or an artist? no? in this case you would not not differ from 95% of the world's population and is no better than Russian.

Darwin's theory- humans descended from apes. you do not feel like a monkey? perhaps even you sometimes want to climb a palm tree or you too love bananas?

Edited by Vadmoscow79
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