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I got a little doll that is actually supporting through my illness. I am ready to go back to work and she won't hear of it.

My wife gave me a little doll and said I had nothing to fear about illness if I did what I was told.

She kept the packet of pins that came with it though..........................sad.png

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In all seriousness though, the only reason I am still here today is because of the changes that were made when we committed ourselves to each other.

All voluntary.

The little lady really did save my life. Married now for 15 of the 26 years since we first met......................wink.png

Edit: She has never used the pin cushion (that I'm aware off) in all that time. Ups & downs of a normal long term partnership, as its meant to be.................thumbsup.gif

Edited by chrisinth
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My life improved instantaneously the minute she paid back the money she owed me.

Seriously, it's great to hear tales of relationships that benefit both parties. A good relationship is a blessing. I would not have lived on in Thailand if "she who must be obeyed". was not in my life.

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We moved to Malaysia back when for my business. So she left. Best life improvement I could have ever hoped for. Opened up a whole world of possibilities that I have since taken advantage of. In fact, never heard of her again. Excellent gift. Quite happy now overall. May you have as good fortune.

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Not to dismiss the value of the positive effect that a good partner can have on one's life but it seems foolish to base one's happiness on the presence of another person.

Better to find happiness/contentment within.

Quite right of course that one is "Better to find happiness/contentment within."

​In this wonderful relationship, the stress of previous existence has evaporated and I have found peace within.

I would miss her too mut if she should depart before me but since I'm 20 years older and male, the odds are that she will outlive me.

Thinking about this means that I must be sure she has a source of funds to support her after I am gone.

We are making projects to ensure that she will be taken care of and that makes us both very happy.


Knowing this forum, I could expect those comments about being worth more dead than alive LOL.

Such comments have no meaning to me.

We live for the moment.

May others be as lucky as us.

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My wife managed to make me feel that I was accepted for who I was.

This was an enormous comfort to me as I had never felt this before.

Once I began to realize that she saw me in a way similar to how I saw myself and still accepted me for who I was, this helped my self-confidence grow that I was a good person. This in turn has served as a foundation for ongoing personal growth.

In a word, my wife helped me to find myself.

For that, I will always be grateful to her.

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Not a wife but a lady I lived with for 2 years. She potentially saved my life 3 times.

Woke 3 times in the night unable to breathe. Choking. Unable to talk. Unable to walk with no air coming in to my lungs. Ready to collapse in a matter of seconds. Each time that wonderful woman stepped in and saved me.

We may not be together now due to circumstances, but she is one wonderful woman I will never forget and I'll be grateful to her for a long, long time.

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