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I want to set certain keys on my keyboard to Scroll

Full screen

and volume.

I have windows 8.1 on a lenova notebook.

Lenova allready does scrolling by the arrows.

I have 3RVX doing the vulume but the program keeps closing.

I think I can go to my media players and set them to fullscreen on a hotkey.

But is there a way to do this in one go.If not I need to make 3RVX stop closing.

Thanks for your time.


I have VCL and Potplayer but I'm looking for a program or an app that will do all these

shortcuts in one wheather I'm surfing or useing either media player.


O.K.......I've got macroschedular but cannot for the life of me figure out how to use it..

I just need to set single key comands for simple things like volume and fulscreen.

So some instructions for macro scheduler or the name of a more simple progran or app would be great.

Thanks for the help so far.


You could always buy a keyboard with macro support. My Razer Blackwidow Ultimate has 5 macro keys that can be set to open programs and also can load profiles upon execution of configured programs. Not sure if it would work for what you're looking for but maybe worth investigating.


Changrai, you never cease to amaze me. rolleyes.gif

I hope you realize that Windows 8 was never designed with a keyboard or mouse in mind. Everything is supposed to be done via the touch screen.

Try pressing the "Fn" key and down/up arrow buttons to adjust the volume in Windows 8. This may be hardware specific because it's using the "Fn" key. The most common way to adjust the volume in Windows 8 is by using the settings in the Charms bar.

You might try consulting the User Manual that came with the laptop. It should point all the functions of all the special function keys.

Lenovo has developed a driver that can be installed to implement some special keystroke shortcuts for Windows 8. You can Google it. But as usual, you haven't specified which Lenovo you're using.

Toggling to Full Screen depends on the application. There's no standard across applications. For example: if you're using Flash Media player, there is no Full Screen keystroke. Adobe implemented this supposedly for security reasons. You have to click on or touch the full screen icon.


I realize all that,thanks,but I'm looking for a way to set my keyboard with my own personal

shortcuts that work when I'm surfing or watching youtube or any of my media player.

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