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Family of Brits murdered in Thailand say evidence convincing

Lite Beer

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I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo. Type that into FaceBook and it will pop up with the new Sean McAnna.

Sean's link is intriguing. He was friends with David. He was the singer and guitarist in a Leeds band called These Fading Polaroids and Mr Miller was an engineering student. Both lived in the Hyde Park area.. He had obviously spent some time with him on Koh Tao and claims he was supposed to be meeting him on the evening of David's Murder. However he claims he slept on in his bungalow, this formed his alibi for his whereabouts whilst the crime was committed.

Here is my problem and concerns.

Why did Sean sleep in. Koh Tao is about Night-time fun and drinking. He was also playing music to get money. It is said he had worked in the AC Bar. This wasn't his first trip to Koh Tao and he clearly knows the scene there, the people who run it, the owners and DJ's. He had previously spent 18 months living and working as a barman on Koh Tao. Why wasn't he out when the place comes to life. A lot of these guys sleep in the day and party at night don't they.

David and Hannah where in the AC bar the night of their murders.

He obviously knew Mon. Mon is the older brother of the Headman. and Uncle to Nomsod. They own the AC bar.

Sean had some injury's similar to David. They looked like puncture wounds. He also had blood on his Guitar. Was the blood there because he ran with his guitar from the scene with his arm bleeding.

Is it possible that they heard a commotion and he went with David when they realised Hannah was being raped.

Did he run when it kicked of and David was being beaten down. Taking his trusty guitar with him that he carry's everywhere.

Was his life spared by the Thai's because they knew him. He had worked at the AC bar playing for example. Or perhaps he was just a coward and realised he wasn't up for a fight. Perhaps he even realised he could be killed and took off. Self preservation.

Now I don't think that Mon and the plainclothes copper goes after Sean for no reason. They wanted him to keep quite. To get off the Island and be gone.

You don't chase people into shops and around streets if you don't want to put the fear off god into someone. They knew he was a liability.

He was squealing a frightened Pig. Texting phoning and raising his profile to save his backside and get the help he needed to get away. Which he did achieve and he was off. Not to Scotland but Milan. He has not sold his story as far as I can ascertain but uses an alias. His sister Nicola has changed hers to Nic. You may remember she was frantically texting on FB with Sean while they were trying to get him some help.

We also had the pity from Sean. writing on David's Facebook shortly after it happened

TUE 16 12:30pm

“Nah man. Please tell me it’s not you.”

on DMs facebook page/now tribute

exactly 30mins later this

“I loved you so much brother. I know you tried to save her. You are the most honourable guy I’ve ever met. From getting mauled by a honey badger giving out sleeping bags to homeless people, to just partying like there’s no tomorrow. I will miss you terribly. I’m sorry I didn’t come out with you that night. Really my heart is breaking. The legend that is Dave Miller. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1 … =3&theater“.

Sean is now posting on David Facebook page as Gianni and dedicated a song to him.

Something stinks here. Out of all the people on Koh Tao at the Time why on earth would the 2 Thai men target Sean. There's hundreds of people there. Why not Chris Ware?. In fact why would those 2 men target anyone?

I Rest my case M'lord.

For now ;-)

Thank you for posting this as it is very relevant.

We should all remember that these posts were made shortly after the murders, when those concerned and involved would still be very emotionally affected. From my personal experience, when emotions are riding high, the truth (real truth) often comes out. Sean's posts seem to me to be very remorseful in that he could have done something more but did not.

A possible scenario:

Sean could have been sitting on the beach playing his guitar (I believe there were some eyewitness accounts of guitar playing and singing of English songs). He hears a commotion, goes along to investigate. Sees a man being attacked and a girl being held captive. Tries to intervene but was in turn attacked. His attacker struck him with the same weapon used to strike David (only a blind idiot would try to argue that the wound on Sean's arm and on David are caused by different weapons). He is told to get lost, turn around and walk away with his guitar if he values his life. At this stage, he is probably unaware that the male victim is David (accounting for his post of "nah man, please tell me it's not you". He would probably know that if he tried to be a hero, he would end up being dead. How many of us would do the same thing?

The next morning, he wakes up to the news that it was not only rape, but murder as well. One can only guess at his emotional state of mind. He posts his first message on DM's FB. He is pacing up and down in his room, rerunning the previous night's events in his head, thinking to himself, should he have tried to help, to save his friend's life, but possibly ending up dead himself. It gets too much for him, he posts his second message, one of remorse and asking for forgiveness. Native English speakers would look at his post and be able to read the emotions emanating from his post.

Fast forward a few days. The police are hot on the trail of some suspects. However, all of a sudden, these suspects cannot be suspected. Alternative theories have to be considered and "investigated". However, this would mean that any witnesses to the original theory would have to be disposed off / eliminated. A chase ensues, culminating in a key witness being told to disappear quietly or be found to have communicated suicide.

Exit Sean (and who knows what other witnesses there may have been).

This scenario could explain why the defense team would like to call upon Sean as a defense witness. If he (Sean) would finger out who the actual perps were, the B2 would go free. Why else would the defense team ask for Sean to be a witness? I don't think that the defense team is hoping that he will be providing an alibi for the B2.

As to the second foreign witness, a friend of Hannah's, they could be hoping that she would back up Sean's testimony that Hannah was being harassed by the perps, earlier on in the evening.

All of the above is pure speculation. I would appreciate if the Gang of 4 in pursuit of nothing but the truth and whole truth blah blah blah do not bother to respond.

Excellent posts! I think you both are soooooooooooo close to what happened.......

About as close as we are going to get without someone coughing their load and some admissions. However that's not likely is it.

Everyone's saving their backside whilst 2 Burmese Lads sit on a stone floor awaiting a possible death sentence.

I know if Hannah was my sister I would be in Milan shaking it out of Sean.

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I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo (on Facebook).

He's got 3 'friends' who claim to be based on Ko Tao (Gigi Kennedy, Ross Brown, and Jo Diving). Perhaps they've spoken with Sean since the crime, and can clear some things up - regarding what went on that night and soon afterwards.

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Sean is very possibly one of the 2 farang witnesses sought by the defense. For several reasons (fear for his life, possibly blocked from entering Thailand by officials, expense of travel & accommodations, etc.), it's v. unlikely he will show up back in Thailand to tell what he knows. He may submit to a deposition, but even that's doubtful. Not sure whether a Thai court will allow a deposition. Even so, he can be shown, by prosecution, to be an unreliable witness. If the Brits were investigating the crime, they could compel him to do so, but thus far the Brits only seem to want to lay off on the sidelines and do as little as possible - so as not to annoy Thai officialdom.

There are rumors that Sean was part of the date-rape drug supply line - to AC bar (and other bar) punks, so that would possibly add another level of issues, if delved into.

From the legal defense stand-point, they would basically want testimony which cleared the B2, .... something like "Sean sat at the campfire with the Burmese guys, then he saw them leave to go home." It's doubtful the defense would encourage Sean to start spinning stories about other things related to the crime and subsequent encounters.

Still, it would be interesting, for those of us searching for full justice, to know the truth about what Sean knows. We'll probably never know.

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I Think we are all missing a vital thing here. That's Sean McAnna. He is now going under the name of Gianni DeLupo (on Facebook).

He's got 3 'friends' who claim to be based on Ko Tao (Gigi Kennedy, Ross Brown, and Jo Diving). Perhaps they've spoken with Sean since the crime, and can clear some things up - regarding what went on that night and soon afterwards.

The Problem is no one on the Island is going to speak up. If they do it = Death. Its all playing out Thai Style. The monk thing. lavish party and fill them all up with drink. Oh what a wonderful family. He made a mistake.

Sean is the Link that needs to snap.

If that happens then the whole thing could fall into shape.

He knows far more than he says.

For any politicians who read this that say water boarding is a terrible thing then think again. Cause we could do with some here ;-)

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Why would you discount the idea of a drug addict trying to blackmail Mon with threats about revealing the truth about what happened to David and Hannah? Why did Mon suddenly become so angry? Mon saying to David "you did it and you are going to die tonight" would be a pretty good reply to the attempted blackmail. Also, money to shut him up would be pretty logical once he was in Europe out of reach. Sean strikes me as someone who would be talking to reporters unless paid not to. My hypothesis might be wrong, but it seems to fit.

Methinks you're reading too much in these scenarios. It's not sure Mon said to Sean "you did it and you are going to die tonight". Maybe I missed that claim. My understanding, was Mon and Mon's cop friend threatened to kill Sean if Sean revealed what he knew about the crime.
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StealthEnergiser, on 30 Dec 2014 - 02:08, said:StealthEnergiser, on 30 Dec 2014 - 02:08, said:
And yesterday in an interview with our sister paper the Daily Mirror he revealed the local Thai men snarled at him: “You will die tonight.
“It was you who killed them. you've got two people's deaths on your hands.
“We know it was you. You're going to hang yourself tonight and we are going to watch you hang.
“They wouldn't have shot me they would have taken me up into the hills to hang me and make it look like it was a suicide.
“So I just ran. I just left and ran.


If this was the true intention of the two mafia type figures in the shop to set Sean up as the killer it would be also because he knows to much and was most likely there.

Their is every possibility that crime scene was set up to hide the real killers. ,

Correctly identify the running man and that will help solve the crime.

The phones may also be hiding something i hope they have been forensically examined and the true owner identified maybe it was Sean's phone or Nomsods have the police shown enough proof to prove this.

No stone can be left unturned and the defence should put prosecutors into a position that they must prove their accusations with hard evidence I don't believe they can prove the running man is one of the B2 if the running man has not been correctly identified that should be enough reason to call for a full new investigation.

One good reason to believe neither of the B2 is the running man is the fact that they both wear brightly coloured wrist bands. These can clearly be seen in the re-enactment on the beach and in old pictures of the pair. The running man from the CCTV footage has nothing on his wrists.

Edited by IslandLover
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catsanddogs, on 30 Dec 2014 - 13:17, said:

Someone in a hurry to dispose of a murder weapon wouldn't place it like this. The hoe clearly has not been chucked where it has landed. It has been 'placed'. And in a location very easy to find - almost as though someone has drawn a ring around it to bring attention to it.

I thought early reports stated the hoe was initially found in the sand on the beach and that somebody (who ?) placed it in that enclosure afterwards - probably for the press photos.

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Here is the witness list submitted to the court by the defence. ...(lots of text follows)

Thanks for posting that. The translation was passable - barely.

It's a reminder of some of what we can expect from the court proceedings, next summer. To anyone who's had experience doing bureaucratic things in Thailand, it will be no surprise that the court transcripts will be cumbersome, convoluted, and weighed down with bunches of text - much of which is redundant and/or unnecessary. To put another way: Lot's of words to convey things which could be conveyed with much fewer words.

....and don't expect the translations to be much good either.

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Always leads back to Sean. Now he's gone to a country with no extradition and changed his name.

In the first reports Sean is the one who said there was an altercation at the bar.he is said to have taken a picture of the one troubling hannah.(the other friends said it never happened ).at one time there was alleged to be a group of people singing English songs on the beach, Sean being one of them.

That now changed to Sean was sleeping, + now only 2 singing and in b2 dialect. There is also a picture of Sean partying but I not sure if it is the night of 14 or 15. Then There is the story of the 2 Canadian girls who say they were led to a beach party by Sean. Drugs were offered. The girls woke up on the beach. They had both been raped.there was 1 used condom next to them. 3 scenario that I can see.

1.there was a beach party Hannah was there. At some point some guys attacked her,Sean may/may not have been involved with the assault. David stumbled onto it and was attacked. Sean may/may not have intervened,got stabbed and ran.

In this case it would explain why Sean cannot come forward as he may/may not have been in on the first assault.

Why was hannah not with her friend.

What was David doing between 1:56 and 2:58 when hannah was last seen.

2.hannah was followed,abducted, assaulted in a room or even the bar itself. Taken to beach David discovered and-----.

The crime happened about 4:00-6:00. Where was hannah between 2:58-4:00. Where was David between 1:56-4.00.

3.hannah/David were at beach b2 attacked both by themselves,suddenly for no reason,With a hoe.

Nobody else was involved.

There are inconsistencies

In Sean's story.

In Nomsods story.

In mons story.

Nomsod father story.

B2 story.

Emma would know why hannah was alone.

Chris would maybe know where David was.

Tom might be able to help with time.

There are too many unknowns to say ---- did this.

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catsanddogs, on 30 Dec 2014 - 13:17, said:

Someone in a hurry to dispose of a murder weapon wouldn't place it like this. The hoe clearly has not been chucked where it has landed. It has been 'placed'. And in a location very easy to find - almost as though someone has drawn a ring around it to bring attention to it.

I thought early reports stated the hoe was initially found in the sand on the beach and that somebody (who ?) placed it in that enclosure afterwards - probably for the press photos.

There was pictures of the hoe on the sand initially.

It was also said that it did not contain David's DNA.

Yet they pretended in the re-enactment that they used it.

Further the Rohinga Pancake man said the Burmese boys stated they used a bottle on David's head which again conflicts reports. He said this on video so thee is a good record.

The police went on to say they didn't interview the boys they sent the pancake man in the room and he came out and said yes they admit it. In the mean time he is accused of stealing their money.

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StealthEnergiser, on 30 Dec 2014 - 10:30, said:

who is the owner of the black item looks like pants .


My own observation on the (blue) shorts left at the crime scene is that they are David's, but turned inside out. If you look at the picture of the cream shorts inset, you can see some dark blue on the inside. Unfortunately I cannot make out what the label says on the waistband because it might be possible to find a similar pair on the internet for comparison purposes. Another poster asked why they appeared dirty, compared to what David was wearing earlier in the evening. IMHO that's obvious given that David was probably involved in a fight on the beach and would have come into contact with dirty sand.

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Always leads back to Sean. Now he's gone to a country with no extradition and changed his name.

In the first reports Sean is the one who said there was an altercation at the bar.he is said to have taken a picture of the one troubling hannah.(the other friends said it never happened ).at one time there was alleged to be a group of people singing English songs on the beach, Sean being one of them.

That now changed to Sean was sleeping, + now only 2 singing and in b2 dialect. There is also a picture of Sean partying but I not sure if it is the night of 14 or 15. Then There is the story of the 2 Canadian girls who say they were led to a beach party by Sean. Drugs were offered. The girls woke up on the beach. They had both been raped.there was 1 used condom next to them. 3 scenario that I can see.

1.there was a beach party Hannah was there. At some point some guys attacked her,Sean may/may not have been involved with the assault. David stumbled onto it and was attacked. Sean may/may not have intervened,got stabbed and ran.

In this case it would explain why Sean cannot come forward as he may/may not have been in on the first assault.

Why was hannah not with her friend.

What was David doing between 1:56 and 2:58 when hannah was last seen.

2.hannah was followed,abducted, assaulted in a room or even the bar itself. Taken to beach David discovered and-----.

The crime happened about 4:00-6:00. Where was hannah between 2:58-4:00. Where was David between 1:56-4.00.

3.hannah/David were at beach b2 attacked both by themselves,suddenly for no reason,With a hoe.

Nobody else was involved.

There are inconsistencies

In Sean's story.

In Nomsods story.

In mons story.

Nomsod father story.

B2 story.

Emma would know why hannah was alone.

Chris would maybe know where David was.

Tom might be able to help with time.

There are too many unknowns to say ---- did this.

Sean is the link.

I don't know if they can extradite him unless the charges are serious enough. There doesn't seem to be the will or perhaps the jurisdiction in the UK to deal with this. Also they need some stronger evidence. Perhaps Chris Ware or Emma Madelene to come forward and confirm seeing Sean McAnna in conflict to his statement he was in bed. That would create a clear conflict.

If that was the case the Thai's could get him extradited as an accessory. He is in Europe so its makes no difference. he can be hauled in front of a judge.

I am going to the Inquest on the 6th. They have general public viewing. A lot more will be revealed unless its adjourned but I would expect it to run its course that day.

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StealthEnergiser, on 30 Dec 2014 - 10:30, said:

who is the owner of the black item looks like pants .


My own observation on the (blue) shorts left at the crime scene is that they are David's, but turned inside out. If you look at the picture of the cream shorts inset, you can see some dark blue on the inside. Unfortunately I cannot make out what the label says on the waistband because it might be possible to find a similar pair on the internet for comparison purposes. Another poster asked why they appeared dirty, compared to what David was wearing earlier in the evening. IMHO that's obvious given that David was probably involved in a fight on the beach and would have come into contact with dirty sand.

Twas I who mentioned his shorts being dirty. The reason I mentioned it is because his shirt was so clean. You will also notice in some pictures his shirt is scrunched up on the sand while there is also a picture of it looking pristine on the rocks.

So there is the shirt close to the bloody sand, yet the picture of the shirt on the rocks looks like it is freshly washed.



Edited by berybert
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StealthEnergiser, on 30 Dec 2014 - 10:30, said:

who is the owner of the black item looks like pants .


My own observation on the (blue) shorts left at the crime scene is that they are David's, but turned inside out. If you look at the picture of the cream shorts inset, you can see some dark blue on the inside. Unfortunately I cannot make out what the label says on the waistband because it might be possible to find a similar pair on the internet for comparison purposes. Another poster asked why they appeared dirty, compared to what David was wearing earlier in the evening. IMHO that's obvious given that David was probably involved in a fight on the beach and would have come into contact with dirty sand.

Good observation now I have looked more closely i fully agree with you.

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StealthEnergiser, on 30 Dec 2014 - 10:30, said:

who is the owner of the black item looks like pants .


My own observation on the (blue) shorts left at the crime scene is that they are David's, but turned inside out. If you look at the picture of the cream shorts inset, you can see some dark blue on the inside. Unfortunately I cannot make out what the label says on the waistband because it might be possible to find a similar pair on the internet for comparison purposes. Another poster asked why they appeared dirty, compared to what David was wearing earlier in the evening. IMHO that's obvious given that David was probably involved in a fight on the beach and would have come into contact with dirty sand.

Twas I who mentioned his shorts being dirty. The reason I mentioned it is because his shirt was so clean. You will also notice in some pictures his shirt is scrunched up on the sand while there is also a picture of it looking pristine on the rocks.

So there is the shirt close to the bloody sand, yet the picture of the shirt on the rocks looks like it is freshly washed.

I see that too. The shirt on the beach is scrunched up and dirty.

The shirt in this picture is washed ,and dry.

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Why would you discount the idea of a drug addict trying to blackmail Mon with threats about revealing the truth about what happened to David and Hannah? Why did Mon suddenly become so angry? Mon saying to David "you did it and you are going to die tonight" would be a pretty good reply to the attempted blackmail. Also, money to shut him up would be pretty logical once he was in Europe out of reach. Sean strikes me as someone who would be talking to reporters unless paid not to. My hypothesis might be wrong, but it seems to fit.

Methinks you're reading too much in these scenarios. It's not sure Mon said to Sean "you did it and you are going to die tonight". Maybe I missed that claim. My understanding, was Mon and Mon's cop friend threatened to kill Sean if Sean revealed what he knew about the crime.

It is not sure Mon said it, but Sean definitely claimed to a reporter that he did. See http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/terrified-pal-murdered-brit-pair-4303495. As I intimated in an earlier post, my instincts say that Sean was quite evasive about what really happened. I think he was close to the truth in reporting what Mon said to him, but did not reveal anything of what he said to Mon.

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berybert, on 31 Dec 2014 - 02:23, said:
IslandLover, on 31 Dec 2014 - 02:09, said:
StealthEnergiser, on 30 Dec 2014 - 10:30, said:StealthEnergiser, on 30 Dec 2014 - 10:30, said:

who is the owner of the black item looks like pants .


My own observation on the (blue) shorts left at the crime scene is that they are David's, but turned inside out. If you look at the picture of the cream shorts inset, you can see some dark blue on the inside. Unfortunately I cannot make out what the label says on the waistband because it might be possible to find a similar pair on the internet for comparison purposes. Another poster asked why they appeared dirty, compared to what David was wearing earlier in the evening. IMHO that's obvious given that David was probably involved in a fight on the beach and would have come into contact with dirty sand.

Twas I who mentioned his shorts being dirty. The reason I mentioned it is because his shirt was so clean. You will also notice in some pictures his shirt is scrunched up on the sand while there is also a picture of it looking pristine on the rocks.

So there is the shirt close to the bloody sand, yet the picture of the shirt on the rocks looks like it is freshly washed.

This is what I find really odd. In one of the crime scene photos David's t-shirt appears to be on the sand and in another it is placed over a stone. I wonder if items were moved to make them easier to photograph? I also think the hoe was moved from where it was first found. Talk about crime scene contamination ....

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Just another 2 little facts

Sean said in that panicked facebook post ' It was the owner of the AC bar that did it'

He has since said he was refering to his own imminent death BUT no native English speaker would used the words did or done to describe a future event..

As it transpired he did not know the headman but did know Mon who manges the AC bar for his brother its not a stretch to assume he was speaking about Mon.

The second one is that he is reported to have borrowed the phone of the shop assistant to post to facebook and contact Sky News.

Where was his phone, could it be one of the phones the police have?

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DennisF, on 31 Dec 2014 - 02:42, said:

Its great that more information gathering is taking place and CT are being scrutinised so objectively.

I have enlarged and enhanced the shorts label but Im not sure it will help any.

Still can't read what it says unfortunately and I don't recognise the brand.

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DennisF, on 31 Dec 2014 - 03:23, said:

Just another 2 little facts

Sean said in that panicked facebook post ' It was the owner of the AC bar that did it'

He has since said he was refering to his own imminent death BUT no native English speaker would used the words did or done to describe a future event..

As it transpired he did not know the headman but did know Mon who manges the AC bar for his brother its not a stretch to assume he was speaking about Mon.

The second one is that he is reported to have borrowed the phone of the shop assistant to post to facebook and contact Sky News.

Where was his phone, could it be one of the phones the police have?

I saw a phone in the hands of the RTP in one of the videos, which I think was from Thai TV, and I'm sure it had a Ducati logo on the screen, just like the tattoo Sean has on his chest. If the police do have Sean's phone, then any photo he may have taken of the altercation in the AC bar will be long gone.

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This is apparently from his facebook shortly after the incident...note he states 'on my phone'.

‘I genuinely thought this was the day I was going to die,' he said an hour after his ordeal.....

'I went on my Facebook on my phone and took pictures of the guys and uploaded them straight to Facebook to say that if anything happens to me everybody knows who did it.'

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BritTim, on 31 Dec 2014 - 02:52, said:
boomerangutang, on 31 Dec 2014 - 01:13, said:
BritTim, on 30 Dec 2014 - 19:04, said:

Why would you discount the idea of a drug addict trying to blackmail Mon with threats about revealing the truth about what happened to David and Hannah? Why did Mon suddenly become so angry? Mon saying to David "you did it and you are going to die tonight" would be a pretty good reply to the attempted blackmail. Also, money to shut him up would be pretty logical once he was in Europe out of reach. Sean strikes me as someone who would be talking to reporters unless paid not to. My hypothesis might be wrong, but it seems to fit.

Methinks you're reading too much in these scenarios. It's not sure Mon said to Sean "you did it and you are going to die tonight". Maybe I missed that claim. My understanding, was Mon and Mon's cop friend threatened to kill Sean if Sean revealed what he knew about the crime.

It is not sure Mon said it, but Sean definitely claimed to a reporter that he did. See http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/terrified-pal-murdered-brit-pair-4303495. As I intimated in an earlier post, my instincts say that Sean was quite evasive about what really happened. I think he was close to the truth in reporting what Mon said to him, but did not reveal anything of what he said to Mon.

Then we have the story (started by Mon I presume) that Sean had to have blood cleaned off him by one of Mon's employees on the night of the murders, which Sean vehemently denies. It was supposedly this which caused Mon and his cop friend to accuse Sean of being the murderer and to go after him a week later. Of course Sean maintains that Mon is lying and that he (Mon) knows who committed the murders.

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Its great that more information gathering is taking place and CT are being scrutinised so objectively.

I have enlarged and enhanced the shorts label but Im not sure it will help any.

The Blue bits form the pockets.

I don't think they are reversible. Very few casual shorts are reversible. Especially of cotton mix. It will make the short very hot and heavy.

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A different, parallel tack.

Was out standing in a field this morning thinking about this and it seems the change of focus came about when Gen Panya was replaced.

He had already arrested Mon and was looking for the son after saying there was enough evidence to convict them.

It would seem he was replaced because he was looking in the wrong, right, place (depending on point of view) for as soon as he was replaced they were no longer suspects, so questions :

Who ordered Gen Panya to be replaced ?

Has that person got any connections with Koh Tau ?

Was there any coercion, intimidation, bribery involved in the replacement ?

If there was bribery is there any way to find and follow a money trail ?

Has the person who ordered the transfer or any of their family made any extraordinary purchases since the replacement ?

Have any of the other police involved or their families made any extraordinary purchases since the investigation began ?

Possibly showing that money changed hands could indicate a cover up which would be of advantage to the defense.

Finally, could the defense call Gen Panya as a witness to explain why he considered Mon and the son to be the guilty parties rather than the 2 Burmese ?

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