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8 year old Apple Ipod's battery died. The end?

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Bit upset at losing all my music if I cant bring my Ipod back to life. And yet there seems no way change the battery.

Is there anyway around this? I have no confidence to do anything myself, but I am in Bangkok and I guess if it's possible then there must be a place I can go.


I am sure that someone at MBK can install a new battery, you certainly can't do it yourself so you probably haven't lost all your "tunes"

But it is a pita when the manufactures suddenly stop producing an item and the consumer is stuck with a useless piece of equipment


What I would like is how did you get it to last 8 years. Apple normally wants you to upgrade sooner than that.


That is Apple's strategy. They want you to buy a $1000 phone and when the $10 battery dies you have to spend another $1000, great idea eh. My ipod classic battery died a few months ago and now it's just an expensive paper weight.


Go to Fortune Town top floor next to Amorn there's a battery shop there that can change iphone batteries so I imagine can change your I pod to.

  • 6 months later...

no Langsuan Man, definitly, when i see many jobs done here (same everybody can see themself in fact...) in 90% of times, i can garanty you that everybody can do it well (and sometimes better).

But if you want to do it really well, you have to do it clean (not on the floor, not somewhere dirty, not near water or drink, not outside, not inside a little dark box you can not see good or move...) and protect the electronic from static electrocutions (that i never see Thai guys do it... it is not complicate and garanty you wil not screw every thing, so: just put a conduct wire from yourself to the ground... check it is a real ground, because in Thailand, fin d a real ground is difficult... maybe you have to do it yourself... easy, but look at normals job for do it well...). Then after that, do it easy but take time to do it good (quick and good is not compatible, work with deartu around and works good isn't more compatible, but sometimes works...).

Also, you can find battery in Europe web site shop for change old one from Apple company (who yes... now start to do bisness by think that there customers are stupids.. it's a shame for Apple, just never buy Apple more if you don't want to trash money every 2 years and paid more for something other better for same price).

But for find in Thailand, it is really difficult (maybe have... but lot of time: maï mi), many off big shop have no reall efficiency web site (not update and not have all the product for sale), and just call them is loose your time beacause they not realy search for an answer, but call Apple support same you can do, nothing more in the real fact (so, this serve bothing if you can access internet).

If someone here really know a shop in Thailand where you can find someone could sale old model computers batteries (old but not used... not repaired... old model, but new battery for really lol) for Apple and then, want to win money with real service/job, then provide it, i would be happy to make them win money and find my battery for my 4 years old macbook (is not so old also... i have the reference of the battery: A1231).

I can easily find it in Europe by internet, but cost for send is really expensive (on the battery, it is writing: made in china... so China is closer to Thailand than to Est Europe, i think someone Thaï who want find good bisness could have the great idea to just make the bisness for provide what other shop never do, many people have the same problem and don't want to trash money for an other computer when thay have allready one could works good with battery...)... and i would like to give my money here, in Thailand (i'm not in Bangkok... i'm in the North, far from tourism area)... and then that is why i search for a serious computer shop (not only for little gamers, but also for people who realy works with computers) who can have a web site or an email adress who is not dead (but, just a serious shop would have all of this for good bisness, and it is cheap also to have all of this, isn't it ?).

thanks for reading, and any thanks more if you know one somewhere in the Thailand.


Apple will replace any iPod battery, at a cost described at: www.aaple.com/support. Most of the time, Apple will simply exchange the iPod for a newer device. So, be sure to back up your music.


In the fact, Apple will simply tell you that your device is to old and they can not. But sure, they can sale you an other one new... lol

But for find a battery here in Thailand, it is difficult.

Find and change a battery is possible in Europe, no one tell you without know you that you can not do it yourself... But also, sure, if someone doesn't know he said he doesn't know.

Also, did you try to have a look on ebay web site... you will see you can find this here and they can send by post office (2 or 3 weeks for cheap price).

But i'm sure ther is someone in Thailand who be able to make bisness and be specialized with batteries and be able to just sale and post without make difficulties and/or have the pretention to think only hime can change a battery (also, the old material is out of waranty... try to be logic... you can open the device).

It is a good bisness, so sure someone does it. But who and where ?


Which model?

Almost anything can be repaired here, but who knows what type of battery might be used. An OEM battery, if available, might be prohibitively expensive, and a cheap replacement might bloat on you.

I have a ~ five year old iPod Nano, I use it daily but a few weeks ago it look completely dead. I plugged it into the computer I use to sync iTunes, left it for a few hours, then went through the hard reset procedure:


I had to hold the buttons for a very long time, maybe close to 60 seconds, and it can back to life.

I plan to purchase a new iPod Nano ($149-US, 5,500 THB-here) in the U.S. on an upcoming trip.


The way for find a model battery is to search on the web... it is not difficult to find. Also, an other one easy way is just to look on the battery and read the reference (can not be more easy in fact).

All porduct can exist in the industry world have a reference. All these references are all the time write on the box of each product (same for electronic, exception of special programmable thinks).

So... just read on the battery which model is.

then, you want to buy an other one, it is your choice. You prefer to be locked with only mac little world by the iTunes application... it is also your choice (how much money they give you for lock you ?)... i never understand why use a locked protocol for share/download musics or other media from a source and be locked to download only from this type of propietary support of sources instead of be open to share and download with all sources. Could you explain me ?

In fact (30 years of computer and electronic in my lfe: constructions, dev, repair...), i can tell you than download a music is just download a file. Synchronize a folder is just done by many open and free softs easy (and better morer than iTunes because can do with every think, and not only with himself).

Ifor my mind, i think mac was good before... now it is just like microsoft: it just lock you and sale some product who only work with own product (sometimes bugged) and who are programmed to run 2 or 3 years (you will see... some people works just for be sure a product can not works to long time...). Just use android or linux world and be open mind, use every think, don't be just a customer who have to buy all the time and be a slave of a company (that is my choice; to be free... but i think Thaï people love to be free also, they will understand this quickly, i'm sure).


Tan Telecom in MBK will be able to change the battery (you can search the forum for directions). If for some reason they don't have the part, you can order it from ebay and take it to them.

I have an iPod classic that's 10 years old. Still going strong on its original battery. Suck it up Apple haters.


Apple was the best one for strong production... before. Now as you can know, the new boss is not the same as before. Apple change is way of do bisness, it changes is way of thinking. So we can definitly not talk about Apple same than before. There is no haters, there is the facts of what's happen really.

I have an apple mac book pro 5 years old, i'm happy with it, the operating system was osx-10.6.8, but now, no more maintened around this OS, then other new one is not so stable than this one was (it is a fact, not an opinion). I can talk about something i know, i not use computer for play game, i'm dev and i see the difference. Also, many professionals was happy with Apple for pictures and Video production... not more now (they loose to much by the new commercial politic of Apple).

I think, we can talk about facts and tell we are not happy to be screwed by this big change without be judge as "Apple haters"... maybe for some people, it can be to much difficult to understand... maybe not,. Do what you can do.

Yes, ebay is a way to go... that is a fact.

Apple is not same than before... i will go under linux and find strong device instead of follow the way without looking what's happen really. If Apple will change back because loose to much customers on this way, i will go back with Apple (sure, if i can have an OS and a computer with battery disponibility more than 2 years... it would be good, for sure).

No hate no one (ther eis no sens to think this... there is no sens to hate to, i can not be able to understand this way of thinking...), just don't want to loose money for nothing. I can also understand than some other people just want to but a "style" or a "design", because sure... it is again some nice design (just nice now, not more), and also adds do the job for made "fashion thinking", if adds would not works, companies would not paid many millions dollars for make adds... the facts is many people don't know and just be influenced by adds (every body think: "not me..." it is so funny).

Sometimes, for some people don't know nothing about computers or technologies, Apple is more like buy a nice car... it is just for said: you see, i can but an Apple... i'm rich... lol i think it is funny. Some other think it is very good device (it was really... it was... it is finish, you will se, and you can see allready with new products).

But said than people who see the change that they are haters is no sens (and to much funny also).

enjoy your life, don't be screwed by fashion way of thinking, open your eyes, learn, study and just see the facts.


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