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Good place to stay in center of Chiang Mai?


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Hi. My Thai lady (wub.png ) wants to visit Chiang Mai with me. Where is a good place to stay in Chiang Mai? I'm sort of a newbie but I've been there before for a few weeks. Last time we had to use the tuk tuk every time we left our "luxurious"(w00t.gif ) 3k/month apartment since we stayed in a room way outside of town. That got kinda expensive and I don't want to rent a motorbike this time around. We are searching for a basic fan room w/ wifi for 2k-3k per month in the center of town. Where is a good place to look? Is our budget reasonable? We want to be able to walk most places such as the markets(to stock up on bags of cheap ricecoffee1.gif ). We'll be bringing our own rice cooker. Long term, we could be looking at something around 1k per month long term for a basic shell room or "loom"w00t.gif if you know what I'm sayin'.wink.png

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I guess the OP is having some fun with us. I've never heard of rooms going for 1,000 monthly. I do have a friend who pays 3,500 or so, but it's not centrally located.

I don't know about the having some fun part but the 1,000 baht/month is a bit on the low side. (And to be fair, the OP did ask if his budget was reasonable.)

I do know someone who has a 2K/month room within the moat area, less than 10 mins walks from Tha Pae gate, but I suspect something like that takes a bit of work to find.

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