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'You dead yet?' reckless Bangkok van driver asks upset passenger (VIDEO)


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I have been on a van from Abac huamark to suvanabumi campus and they drive like a maniac! really crazy and scary.

I got pissed and started blaming the driver in Thai, so the driver being sarcastic reduced speed from 140 to 80km/h on the highway, everyone was now pissed. I was happy.

This is the Thai mentality!

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I just did a visarun to Vientiane. The driver never exceeded 120kmh, but did tailgating all over the time which led into a couple of critical situations. This van hat seat belts for every seats, but nobody used it. We were only farangs.

but using seat belts is personal choice, or you mister nannystate?

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Ignorant self righteous idiot. Another thing I don't agree with is all that stuff on the dashboard and hanging out of the mirror talking about obscuring your visibility. Its about time the transport minister sorted this out. I was on a 45 seater going to Bangkok before had to shout at the driver to slow down he speeding and all over the place in and out of traffic like he was on a motor cycle.

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i have preached this for years..they work for us,if they drive to fast tell them to slow down if the van is cold tell them to turn down the air,if the freekin music is too loud...well on and on and on..these parasites seem to think they are gods,same with speed boat operators scooter taxi...it is time to go back to charm school and learn how to interact with the people who put food on your table...

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I have a question.

If a van company advertised ... we promise not to speed but we need to charge you 50 percent more than the competition because it takes longer, would you pay it?

I would.

But would most?

I think not.

So are these drivers the only ones to blame for this sorry situation?

By speed I mean reasonable limits ... obviously if the traffic is going very fast it is actually safer to mirror the traffic to some degree even if technically speeding.

Edited by Jingthing
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where can we report these drivers?

can I take picture of his speedometer, plate number a report to police or military?

what is the speed limit in Thailand? 50/80/130?

where are the radars?

it s time to change this mass murder. instead to complain, why not do something.?

btw, tires are safe up to 120, if one blow up at 140, driver can not go straight and will crash.

don't tell me it s better to follow the traffic at 140. it s a lie.

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Most definitely not "Thainess", there were 2 people involved in the exchange with 2 completely differing view points. Your post smacked, however, of "ThaiVisa-ness" all over.

...what is "Thainess"?...... certainly can't be stupidity,ignorance,maliciousness et... since these are general traits shared by humanity.

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Im working on an invention that would limit a vehicles speed to its drivers IQ.

Won't be able to slam on your brakes in time then, approaching them from behind! Going too slow can be treacherous as well. Speed limit concepts here will take time; enforcement would come first.

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With such a caring polite well-mannered and courteous demeanour as this he deserves to get promoted to a big bus this small bus I am sure he was just trying to impress and go for the BIG tip when they pass the hat round at the end of the enjoyable calming relaxing journey.

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This is actually a polite question, easy to answer.

There is a Farang country where they simply declare you're dead. Without asking, and then you have to prove the opposite.

They don't cut off your tongues anymore. No, they are civilized people now, so they use little pills to keep you quiet.

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a friend recently had a run in with a mini bus driver

the bus driver got out and tapped on the window then kicked the driver in the head

quick thinking the driver pulled on the leg and then got a clear elbow forearm hit into the idiots mouth

mini van driver then got back into his vehicle and drove off

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Who is more stupid: The reckless driver driving the passengers, or the passengers letting the driver drive them?

Answer: The passengers.

Social media could be of good use to a practical and educated society, with morals, ethics, constitutions, fortitude, backbone, etc... but in this case, where people are too shy to do the right thing, social media simply creates a dramatic stir that always ends up at a dead end.

Weak minded people, who do nothing about the things they dislike, and instead bicker and gossip and get everyone else all stirred up at their stupidity (yes, their stupidity and not the thing they are describing), well then... these people are more of a nuisance than a boon to progress.

I am not opinionating about political or religious views; No! far from those issues... moreover, I am opinionating about the very real and "in your face" life threatening events. Either do something at that moment, or shut up and take what your getting and in the doses being administered.

I guarantee that that driver would slow down after a few months of no passengers, much more so than he would slow down with sarcastic passengers, who complain and make viral videos, but still pay and pack out his road trips.

Hence... who is more stupid: The reckless driver driving the passengers, or the passengers letting the driver drive them?

Answer: The complaining, bickering passengers who continue to pay and pack out his road trips.

Money, or the lack thereof speaks louder than videos.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Who is more stupid: The reckless driver driving the passengers, or the passengers letting the driver drive them?

Answer: The passengers.

Social media could be of good use to a practical and educated society, with morals, ethics, constitutions, fortitude, backbone, etc... but in this case, where people are too shy to do the right thing, social media simply creates a dramatic stir that always ends up at a dead end.

Weak minded people, who do nothing about the things they dislike, and instead bicker and gossip and get everyone else all stirred up at their stupidity (yes, their stupidity and not the thing they are describing), well then... these people are more of a nuisance than a boon to progress.

I am not opinionated about political or religious views, but moreover very real and "in your face" life threatening events. Either do something at that moment, or shut up and take what your getting and in the doses being administered.

I guarantee that that driver would slow down after a few months of no passengers, much more so than he would slow down with sarcastic passengers, who complain and make viral videos, but still pay and pack out his road trips.

How do you train a Thai? Cut off their supply of money, and immediately the proportion of

So you're suggesting the passengers should accuse the driver publicly, leading him to a loss of income?

Wouldn't that leave them liable to prosecution for defamation?

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If you value you life, do not get into one of those white vans. The drivers are frigging

lunatics. This video just proves it. And of course all the endless people who die in

van accidents prove it as well. Every time there is an accident with a bunch of people

getting smashed up or roasted, there is noise from the government about controlling

them to lower the accident rate. But of course nothing ever actually happens to control

them.... Welcome to Thailand !!!!

Not just the White Vans and their drivers, what about the fools who drive the Grey Vans and the Red things that slew all over the roads in Chiang Mai?

That doesn't even take into account the Morons On Motor Bikes!

Maybe this is a very cunning way of going about Population Control?

Edited by Torrens54
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In practical terms if you want to increase your survival odds, you kind of have to avoid traveling in those vans. PERIOD. Now if there's no other option and sometimes there isn't ... then you can try to complain to the driver but I think in real life you would be ignored and probably not really find much support from your fellow passengers.

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