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'You dead yet?' reckless Bangkok van driver asks upset passenger (VIDEO)


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I rode with this idot or one similar like him he has a rubber band on the seat belts which I took off.to use them. Almost at the airport he gave them back to me and I told him I was not going to put them back on because people needed to use them the way he drove. He was the reason Thailand has the #2 worst drivers in the world His answer was "up to you" I said "yes it is". This was a airport driver. Great impression for people of Thailand and visitors. I got drivers education in High school when I was 16 and was shown what can happen driving like this.

I also read that they gave Thai's driving test as a research and there was a LESS then 10% passing rate. So out of 100 MAYBE 9 passed.

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Unfortunately you can't reason or get through to brain-dead Thais like that as they will just lose face and very likely kill you directly. People mention Thainess; well this is a big part of it, not to question someone's abilities, or lack thereof, even if someone is wrong. A prized pr*ck, just hope he does the world a favour, soon, and on his own.

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This is actually a polite question, easy to answer.

There is a Farang country where they simply declare you're dead. Without asking, and then you have to prove the opposite.

They don't cut off your tongues anymore. No, they are civilized people now, so they use little pills to keep you quiet.

seems your pill aint workingw00t.gif

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Something like this happened to me once when I took a taxi from Bangkok Chinatown and was in a hurry. The taxi driver kindly asked me before whether I'd prefer to get stuck in the normal Bangkok traffic jam, or run the risk by driving quick quick. In fact, he left it up to me, and he was fully aware that in the "quick quick" case he'd be dying, too.

I really wonder how many Farangs get on the nerves of Bangkok drivers by permanently complaining about "the biggest parking lot in the world"

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Who is more stupid: The reckless driver driving the passengers, or the passengers letting the driver drive them?

Answer: The passengers.

Social media could be of good use to a practical and educated society, with morals, ethics, constitutions, fortitude, backbone, etc... but in this case, where people are too shy to do the right thing, social media simply creates a dramatic stir that always ends up at a dead end.

Weak minded people, who do nothing about the things they dislike, and instead bicker and gossip and get everyone else all stirred up at their stupidity (yes, their stupidity and not the thing they are describing), well then... these people are more of a nuisance than a boon to progress.

I am not opinionating about political or religious views; No! far from those issues... moreover, I am opinionating about the very real and "in your face" life threatening events. Either do something at that moment, or shut up and take what your getting and in the doses being administered.

I guarantee that that driver would slow down after a few months of no passengers, much more so than he would slow down with sarcastic passengers, who complain and make viral videos, but still pay and pack out his road trips.

Hence... who is more stupid: The reckless driver driving the passengers, or the passengers letting the driver drive them?

Answer: The complaining, bickering passengers who continue to pay and pack out his road trips.

Money, or the lack thereof speaks louder than videos.

Look who theit passengers are, the cleaning lady's from the malls. And they just park that bus on the middle of the road causing huge traffic jams. Never wondered why nobody dares to horn to them?

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Thailand is the 2nd deadliest country in the world for number of deaths on the roads for many good reasons. Soon they will be proud to be the first, then they can claim to be the Hub of deadliest roads.

Just a matter of time

Have you ever looked at why Thailand has so many road deaths ? Probably not.

I will tell you why.

Consistently over 70% of road deaths in this country involve motorbikes, one year it was up to 78%, go look it up.

The high number of motorbike and the bad and underage riders with no helmets are what gets the stats so high.

Mind you the crash master vans are doing a good job of helping.

I avoid them as much as I can for while there are some very good drivers there are others who seem to think because they are still alive they are good drivers and they would be wrong.

Don't know how much good complaining to the company would do but I would imagine this particular fella will be getting a good bollocking from his boss, if he still has a job.

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Thailand is the 2nd deadliest country in the world for number of deaths on the roads for many good reasons. Soon they will be proud to be the first, then they can claim to be the Hub of deadliest roads.

Just a matter of time

Where did you get that stat? I checked and in 2011 Thailand was number 6.


Did it really change that much in 3 years?

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There's a Farang country where they drive even faster than 140 kmh in cities - and they don't believe in reincarnation.

Yes we all know that,,,It also takes 6 months to get a driving licence, they must learn about the car plus plus,also first aid . They do happen to be very good drivers

Here i went to get my thai licence,after a few tests!!he he!! they changed it for my EU one. As I was leaving i noticed a counter outside,my wife said they sell them there if you dont pass.

Now get your knickers out of the twist and go away in jerky movements,and exept that you have some of the worst drivers in the world,with a childish attitude.

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I have a question.

If a van company advertised ... we promise not to speed but we need to charge you 50 percent more than the competition because it takes longer, would you pay it?

I would.

But would most?

I think not.

So are these drivers the only ones to blame for this sorry situation?

By speed I mean reasonable limits ... obviously if the traffic is going very fast it is actually safer to mirror the traffic to some degree even if technically speeding.

Yes I would pay more.

Actually speed is not the only problem. Many of the drivers fight to stay awake.

A few weeks ago I was in a van and I sat behind the driver. I noticed several times that his eyes were closed for a second or two.

Once they were closed and the van seemed to be slowing down and drifting to the right.

I banged on his seat and shouted "wake up".

The passengers all woke up and the driver denied falling asleep. Suddenly, I was the bad farang.

I would also pay more,if I had to use them,,, We took a van when the floods were on ( our house under water,car trapped ) to Koh chang after one hour,I got the

Twxt to stop and told him if he carried on driving like a clown I would deck him one. He did slow down a bit,but after a few km got up to his old tricks again.

I got him to pull in at a fuel station,to carry out my threat but my wife stopped me..We got a taxi for the remaining 200km it was his lucky day

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140 Km/hour ? I thought that all public transport vans had speed limiters built in now, since general happiness almost 6 months ago ordered that to be completed by the end of the month.

Link to that statement please??

I thought that too. Why should I provide a link when I heard it on the news. Not every single fact is gotten from the internet.

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140 Km/hour ? I thought that all public transport vans had speed limiters built in now, since general happiness almost 6 months ago ordered that to be completed by the end of the month.

Link to that statement please??

Does it really matter? 80 100 also kills .

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I have a question.

If a van company advertised ... we promise not to speed but we need to charge you 50 percent more than the competition because it takes longer, would you pay it?

I would.

But would most?

I think not.

So are these drivers the only ones to blame for this sorry situation?

By speed I mean reasonable limits ... obviously if the traffic is going very fast it is actually safer to mirror the traffic to some degree even if technically speeding.

Yes I would pay more.

Actually speed is not the only problem. Many of the drivers fight to stay awake.

A few weeks ago I was in a van and I sat behind the driver. I noticed several times that his eyes were closed for a second or two.

Once they were closed and the van seemed to be slowing down and drifting to the right.

I banged on his seat and shouted "wake up".

The passengers all woke up and the driver denied falling asleep. Suddenly, I was the bad farang.

Shouldn't laugh but had the same thing, but on a VIP night bus at New Year about 4 years ago (Mukdahan to BKK). The assistant, part of whose job it is to make sure the driver stays awake, fell asleep. I was sitting front and second row left. Saw the driver 'nodding'. Looked around and the whole bus was asleep. The road was forking off into another highway up ahead. With a big bridge and central reservation. He was going straight for it. I thought 'Is he asleep?' and then it hit me...I need to do something quickly. I shouted ''Oi! Wake up!'' at the top of my voice. The wifey woke up (as did most of the bus, including the snoring female driver's assistant). The driver was slouched to one side. Asleep. The assistant jumped up (she was in the front row) and grabbed him screaming stuff in Thai. Driver woke up and missed a huge accident by a second or two at the most.

I wasn't expecting an award, but all I got were funny looks off many for waking them uplaugh.png The driver was just laughing it off with the 'Ooooohhheeeeehhhh hahahaha' thing.

Those night buses are even worse than the minivans at new year and Songkran. The drivers are overworked in many cases.

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I have a question.

If a van company advertised ... we promise not to speed but we need to charge you 50 percent more than the competition because it takes longer, would you pay it?

I would.

But would most?

I think not.

So are these drivers the only ones to blame for this sorry situation?

By speed I mean reasonable limits ... obviously if the traffic is going very fast it is actually safer to mirror the traffic to some degree even if technically speeding.

Yes I would pay more.

Actually speed is not the only problem. Many of the drivers fight to stay awake.

A few weeks ago I was in a van and I sat behind the driver. I noticed several times that his eyes were closed for a second or two.

Once they were closed and the van seemed to be slowing down and drifting to the right.

I banged on his seat and shouted "wake up".

The passengers all woke up and the driver denied falling asleep. Suddenly, I was the bad farang.

Shouldn't laugh but had the same thing, but on a VIP night bus at New Year about 4 years ago (Mukdahan to BKK). The assistant, part of whose job it is to make sure the driver stays awake, fell asleep. I was sitting front and second row left. Saw the driver 'nodding'. Looked around and the whole bus was asleep. The road was forking off into another highway up ahead. With a big bridge and central reservation. He was going straight for it. I thought 'Is he asleep?' and then it hit me...I need to do something quickly. I shouted ''Oi! Wake up!'' at the top of my voice. The wifey woke up (as did most of the bus, including the snoring female driver's assistant). The driver was slouched to one side. Asleep. The assistant jumped up (she was in the front row) and grabbed him screaming stuff in Thai. Driver woke up and missed a huge accident by a second or two at the most.

I wasn't expecting an award, but all I got were funny looks off many for waking them uplaugh.png The driver was just laughing it off with the 'Ooooohhheeeeehhhh hahahaha' thing.

Those night buses are even worse than the minivans at new year and Songkran. The drivers are overworked in many cases.

Very lucky,, But i do not believe they are overworked never ever a Thai overworked He had been sitting outside waiting for you lot all evening

Same as at the factories,the bus drives them all to work,and then waits all day to drive the workers home

If they had to do the amount of work expected from the workers of a company in the UK they would last a few hours., Dont bother defending them as we had to send a work force to the UK from thailand to help out for a few months They could not manage the work expected,it took 2 of them to do one mans work.

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