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I finally got approved for 100% Veterans disability. I'll be getting almost $3000 US a month. I'm making plans to visit Thailand for three weeks first. I was in Vietnam a few months ago and really liked it there. I do not want to move to Thailand on a permenant basis. I just want to spend maybe 6 or 7 months out the Year in Thailand and Vietnam moving around. Man I'm just happy that I have the freedom now to do what I want. TRAVEL!!

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I am in the middle of doing my disability claim. So far I know that I got it down for my little heart problem which has got me free medical and prescriptions for life. How did you get 100%, and are you even able to walk?! :o

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I am in the middle of doing my disability claim. So far I know that I got it down for my little heart problem which has got me free medical and prescriptions for life. How did you get 100%, and are you even able to walk?! :o

I'm 100% for a lot of little things, like gunshot wounds, broke bones, etc. I just kept going back to the doctor complaining about this and that until I finally got it. I served 14 years active so I think that helped as well. I'm able to live a normal life. I scuba dive and go hiking. I enjoy the outdoors a great deal. Anyhow I'm heading East!! I have sold my house at a very nice profit and liquidated most of my things.

Edited by airbornediver
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I am in the middle of doing my disability claim. So far I know that I got it down for my little heart problem which has got me free medical and prescriptions for life. How did you get 100%, and are you even able to walk?! :o

I'm 100% for a lot of little things, like gunshot wounds, broke bones, etc. I just kept going back to the doctor complaining about this and that until I finally got it. I served 14 years active so I think that helped as well. I'm able to live a normal life. I scuba dive and go hiking. I enjoy the outdoors a great deal. Anyhow I'm heading East!! I have sold my house at a very nice profit and liquidated most of my things.

Thank you airborne for your years of service. Your quote was "I'm able to live a normal life" so please explain the 100% disablity to the many deserving men and women who push on without help from Uncle Sam. I think Senator John McCain would love to read your quest for good diving spots etc. now that you are on full disability. I'm sure many readers here are a bit confused.

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I am in the middle of doing my disability claim. So far I know that I got it down for my little heart problem which has got me free medical and prescriptions for life. How did you get 100%, and are you even able to walk?! :D

I'm 100% for a lot of little things, like gunshot wounds, broke bones, etc. I just kept going back to the doctor complaining about this and that until I finally got it. I served 14 years active so I think that helped as well. I'm able to live a normal life. I scuba dive and go hiking. I enjoy the outdoors a great deal. Anyhow I'm heading East!! I have sold my house at a very nice profit and liquidated most of my things.

What a ###### :o Boasting about getting 100% disability when genuine disabled veterans have to fight burocracy for every cent, I am partially sighted can only walk short distances need constant care, have severe bomb injuries from 1968 and am still only considered 80% , it is through frauds like you that genuine invalids have to suffer Nignoy
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I am in the middle of doing my disability claim. So far I know that I got it down for my little heart problem which has got me free medical and prescriptions for life. How did you get 100%, and are you even able to walk?! :D

I'm 100% for a lot of little things, like gunshot wounds, broke bones, etc. I just kept going back to the doctor complaining about this and that until I finally got it. I served 14 years active so I think that helped as well. I'm able to live a normal life. I scuba dive and go hiking. I enjoy the outdoors a great deal. Anyhow I'm heading East!! I have sold my house at a very nice profit and liquidated most of my things.

What a ###### :o Boasting about getting 100% disability when genuine disabled veterans have to fight burocracy for every cent, I am partially sighted can only walk short distances need constant care, have severe bomb injuries from 1968 and am still only considered 80% , it is through frauds like you that genuine invalids have to suffer Nignoy

It does appear a little ironic Nignoy, I am assuming from your post of 'bomb injuries 1968', of something to do with Vietnam and the poster wants to travel to the same place, on 100% disability, boasting about it, well something just doesn't sit right.


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I am in the middle of doing my disability claim. So far I know that I got it down for my little heart problem which has got me free medical and prescriptions for life. How did you get 100%, and are you even able to walk?! :o

I'm 100% for a lot of little things, like gunshot wounds, broke bones, etc. I just kept going back to the doctor complaining about this and that until I finally got it. I served 14 years active so I think that helped as well. I'm able to live a normal life. I scuba dive and go hiking. I enjoy the outdoors a great deal. Anyhow I'm heading East!! I have sold my house at a very nice profit and liquidated most of my things.

Sounds to me like a total slacker living off the dole from other people's labor. May you find a Thai girl who will feed some of your only slighgtly less disabled body parts to the ducks.

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I got 100% because of a terminal conditon mostly. My health has been like a roller coaster. I was surprised I was awarded 100%. I went from 70 to 100. Anyhow my condition has not always been good. I've been in and out of hospitals and now I'm stable. The last time I was really sick I applied for a re-evaluation. I also got my doctor to write a letter and submitted all copies of all treatments I received. Its been a real bitch getting anything from the VA. If your condition is bad enough to warrent a re-eval submitt for one. Another thing I did that I think really helped me was that I did not feel I got a fair evaluation from the doctor the first time and request a re-examination and reconsideration. After that I was awarded the 100%. I also got a lot of help from the DAV. I kept submitting for a re-eval anytime my conditon got worse. I even went and got second opinions from doctors outside the VA system. I hope any of this can help you. As for you guys acussing me of being a slacker or beating the system. Thats a joke. If you ever had to deal with the VA system you should know that they do not award 100% for any reason. They did not give it to me over night either. Its been like pulling teeth. I served my Country 14 years and gave up a lot to include my health. Anyhow I'm not dead yet so yes I can still live a normal life while I can. Hopefully that will be for awhile. I only have one life so I'm going to do things I've always wanted to. This will be my last post on here. I though I could get some friendly advise and what I get is accusations of beating the system?!!

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Don't take it to heart too much, airborne. It's unfamiliarity with the VA system that provoked some of the responses you got.

Your latest post's points and assessment of the system is absolutely accurate.

Enjoy Thailand and best of luck to you and hope to see you post further.


*edit*: What was the processing time by the VA on your re-evaluation from the time of it's submission?

Edited by sriracha john
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I got 100% because of a terminal conditon mostly. My health has been like a roller coaster. I was surprised I was awarded 100%. I went from 70 to 100. Anyhow my condition has not always been good. I've been in and out of hospitals and now I'm stable. The last time I was really sick I applied for a re-evaluation. I also got my doctor to write a letter and submitted all copies of all treatments I received. Its been a real bitch getting anything from the VA. If your condition is bad enough to warrent a re-eval submitt for one. Another thing I did that I think really helped me was that I did not feel I got a fair evaluation from the doctor the first time and request a re-examination and reconsideration. After that I was awarded the 100%. I also got a lot of help from the DAV. I kept submitting for a re-eval anytime my conditon got worse. I even went and got second opinions from doctors outside the VA system. I hope any of this can help you. As for you guys acussing me of being a slacker or beating the system. Thats a joke. If you ever had to deal with the VA system you should know that they do not award 100% for any reason. They did not give it to me over night either. Its been like pulling teeth. I served my Country 14 years and gave up a lot to include my health. Anyhow I'm not dead yet so yes I can still live a normal life while I can. Hopefully that will be for awhile. I only have one life so I'm going to do things I've always wanted to. This will be my last post on here. I though I could get some friendly advise and what I get is accusations of beating the system?!!

Since you have your veterens disability approved for 100%. Why not apply for social security disability too. I know a friend gets both.

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Diver - 100% disabled? Scuba diving, hiking? Retired (by what definition) from working or retired from scamming. My father is 100% disabled and permanently retired in Arlington F'n Cemetary, a--hole, I guess he gave his all so you could "retire" early.....

Edited by dccnbr
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I got 100% because of a terminal conditon mostly. My health has been like a roller coaster. I was surprised I was awarded 100%. I went from 70 to 100. Anyhow my condition has not always been good. I've been in and out of hospitals and now I'm stable. The last time I was really sick I applied for a re-evaluation. I also got my doctor to write a letter and submitted all copies of all treatments I received. Its been a real bitch getting anything from the VA. If your condition is bad enough to warrent a re-eval submitt for one. Another thing I did that I think really helped me was that I did not feel I got a fair evaluation from the doctor the first time and request a re-examination and reconsideration. After that I was awarded the 100%. I also got a lot of help from the DAV. I kept submitting for a re-eval anytime my conditon got worse. I even went and got second opinions from doctors outside the VA system. I hope any of this can help you. As for you guys acussing me of being a slacker or beating the system. Thats a joke. If you ever had to deal with the VA system you should know that they do not award 100% for any reason. They did not give it to me over night either. Its been like pulling teeth. I served my Country 14 years and gave up a lot to include my health. Anyhow I'm not dead yet so yes I can still live a normal life while I can. Hopefully that will be for awhile. I only have one life so I'm going to do things I've always wanted to. This will be my last post on here. I though I could get some friendly advise and what I get is accusations of beating the system?!!

look airborn,

ill give you some friendly advise about how things work on this forum ok.

when you make a post like yours there's a heap of people out there who are going re'act to the way you have worded it.

now it dont mean you are wrong or wright but its only there opinion and thats the nature of the forum.

we are all intitled to our own opinion.

there's only 1 rule and that is play within the rules and as meadish ( forum moderator ) has told us a thousand times, read the bloody things.

now take my self for example, ive been sin binned, abused and slagged off heaps of times.

it dont worry me as there all entitled to there own opinion.

now look mate, stop crying and saying your not going to post any more.

you sound like a girl when you do that.

just get your mojo cranked up combined with intelligence and a tad of humour and you'll be ok.

so get in there buddy and join the fun.

ps thank you to all my fans out there who all no that i cant help speaking the freaking truth.

cheers good mates :o

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Sorry if your elation at finally getting the disability allowance you feel you deserve has been deflated a little by some posts. Like some have said, it is difficult to know how people are going to read others posts. Is he gloating? Is he relieved? Is he trying to rub our noses in it?

It will be different strokes for different folks. You mentioned in your post that you suffered gunshot wounds, nobody really recovers fully from something like that.

My brother is on the same thing from the British army following two tours in Ireland. One word of advice, don't gloat on it, remember that there are a lot of other soldiers out there a lot less fortunate than you, and relatives who are still hurting from the loss of loved ones.

Use your money wisely, enjoy your time in SE Asia. You will find Thailand a little easier to live in than Vietnam (from my experience) and cheaper.

If you were wounded in Vietnam, one of the best ways of finally helping those wounds to heal is to get involved in some charity work over there. There are some Vetrans Charities who do a lot of good in Vietnam, perhaps now that you don't need to work, you could use your time to help others?

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Sorry if your elation at finally getting the disability allowance you feel you deserve has been deflated a little by some posts. Like some have said, it is difficult to know how people are going to read others posts. Is he gloating? Is he relieved? Is he trying to rub our noses in it?

It will be different strokes for different folks. You mentioned in your post that you suffered gunshot wounds, nobody really recovers fully from something like that.

My brother is on the same thing from the British army following two tours in Ireland. One word of advice, don't gloat on it, remember that there are a lot of other soldiers out there a lot less fortunate than you, and relatives who are still hurting from the loss of loved ones.

Use your money wisely, enjoy your time in SE Asia. You will find Thailand a little easier to live in than Vietnam (from my experience) and cheaper.

If you were wounded in Vietnam, one of the best ways of finally helping those wounds to heal is to get involved in some charity work over there. There are some Vetrans Charities who do a lot of good in Vietnam, perhaps now that you don't need to work, you could use your time to help others?

good on you tour,

you always think of others feelings and that what i like about you.

cheers mate :o

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You had been fighting and serving the nation for 14 years, and now a little teasing from some member make you want to get off here. C’mon, airbornediver stand-up and take on to show the world.

yes airborne,

crick'ys mate,

you been shot, stabbed, seen untold death and carnage and you let a few posters get to you?

look, just to make you feel better i'll give you some more of my cracker experiences on this board as im somewhat of an expert if you like.

there was this guy who really took a disliking to me ?

dont know why as im a top fella when you get to know me.

guess what he called me ?

first one was a troglodyte = noun cave deweller

next one was a maggot = noun grub or lava

now this is the best bit. he really done his lolly and threatened me with physical violence.

he even give me his address and challenged me to come and meet him.

now we all know that to threaten a person with physical violence when your not looking at them in the eye is a real dangerous thing to do as you never know who your dealing with right?

anyway im no super man but i sure know how to look after my self as i come to thailand to kick box and been studying the art for 15 years now.

now this guy give me no choise when he threatened me like that and i had to step up so to speak.

anyway of i go to meet my new friend and as things turned out the bloody taxi driver could'nt find the place.

i had to fly home today and that was the end of it.

my point being that this guy could of been a real mean bas--tard and give me a good whooping but i also could of really kicked his arse as im a bit handy but never fight unless i have too.

i let all my aggression out in the ring.

i still got his address but im not going to do anything unless he threatens me again.

ill be back in october and im going to see him for a nice drink.

you just get back on your horse diver and if you need any more cracking advise dont hesitate to pm me as you sound like a top fella to me.

cheers old mate :o

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I finally got approved for 100% Veterans disability. I'll be getting almost $3000 US a month. I'm making plans to visit Thailand for three weeks first. I was in Vietnam a few months ago and really liked it there. I do not want to move to Thailand on a permenant basis. I just want to spend maybe 6 or 7 months out the Year in Thailand and Vietnam moving around. Man I'm just happy that I have the freedom now to do what I want. TRAVEL!!

I did something wrong...tried to send ya a reply congratulating you...it didnt get posted...i will be eligible to retire next year...dont think i could live there...but do love the country...miss my truck, motorcycle, friends, etc...but will visit periodically...i am glad you have this opportunity...just take of ur health and all...i'm 40% disabled vet and thought about gettin' reevaluated but dont wanna go through it...you oughta live pretty good on $3000 a month...keep in touch...w/us and let us know how ur doin'...and where ya gonna hang ur hat and all...

Edited by chiefpn
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I finally got approved for 100% Veterans disability. I'll be getting almost $3000 US a month. I'm making plans to visit Thailand for three weeks first. I was in Vietnam a few months ago and really liked it there. I do not want to move to Thailand on a permenant basis. I just want to spend maybe 6 or 7 months out the Year in Thailand and Vietnam moving around. Man I'm just happy that I have the freedom now to do what I want. TRAVEL!!

whats this all about dude as you aint said anything.

cheers any way as im a friendly guy. :o

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were are you airborne diver ?

can you please let me now if your learning anything from my top advise to you. ?

cheers bro :o

i'm studyin' and payin' attention...one of those days...ya'd soon forget...2morrow i'll be better...

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were are you airborne diver ?

can you please let me now if your learning anything from my top advise to you. ?

cheers bro :o

i'm studyin' and payin' attention...one of those days...ya'd soon forget...2morrow i'll be better...

good on you mate,,

we all have one of those days sometimes but ill give you some more of my missle busting advise.

never put anything in writing that the posters can get an angle on.

why i hear you ask ?

well thats because you are dealing with some really sharp guys here.

there real good mate and intelligent as well.

but i love the verbal sparing and general banter but you got to be on your frigging toes everytime you post as you'll get shot down in flames every time.

cheers fella. :D

btw ( that means by the way ) any chance of a loan as my frigging phone bill is huge. :D

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I am in the middle of doing my disability claim. So far I know that I got it down for my little heart problem which has got me free medical and prescriptions for life. How did you get 100%, and are you even able to walk?! :D

I'm 100% for a lot of little things, like gunshot wounds, broke bones, etc. I just kept going back to the doctor complaining about this and that until I finally got it. I served 14 years active so I think that helped as well. I'm able to live a normal life. I scuba dive and go hiking. I enjoy the outdoors a great deal. Anyhow I'm heading East!! I have sold my house at a very nice profit and liquidated most of my things.

What a ###### :D Boasting about getting 100% disability when genuine disabled veterans have to fight burocracy for every cent, I am partially sighted can only walk short distances need constant care, have severe bomb injuries from 1968 and am still only considered 80% , it is through frauds like you that genuine invalids have to suffer Nignoy

Maybe cause u guys lost teh VN war ? ( No performance pay ) :o

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I am in the middle of doing my disability claim. So far I know that I got it down for my little heart problem which has got me free medical and prescriptions for life. How did you get 100%, and are you even able to walk?! :D

I'm 100% for a lot of little things, like gunshot wounds, broke bones, etc. I just kept going back to the doctor complaining about this and that until I finally got it. I served 14 years active so I think that helped as well. I'm able to live a normal life. I scuba dive and go hiking. I enjoy the outdoors a great deal. Anyhow I'm heading East!! I have sold my house at a very nice profit and liquidated most of my things.

What a ###### :D Boasting about getting 100% disability when genuine disabled veterans have to fight burocracy for every cent, I am partially sighted can only walk short distances need constant care, have severe bomb injuries from 1968 and am still only considered 80% , it is through frauds like you that genuine invalids have to suffer Nignoy

Maybe cause u guys lost teh VN war ? ( No performance pay ) :o

bit of a touchy reply there skip :D

could possibly wind a few punters up with that one and on that note im out of this one. :D

good luck mate as a few guys could be of kangaroo hunting. :D

cheers fella and good luck mate :D

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there was this guy who really took a disliking to me ?

he really done his lolly and threatened me with physical violence.

he even give me his address and challenged me to come and meet him.

you never know who your dealing with right?

as i come to thailand to kick box and been studying the art for 15 years now.

now this guy give me no choise when he threatened me like that and i had to step up so to speak.

i had to fly home today and that was the end of it.

my point being that this guy could of been a real mean bas--tard and give me a good whooping but i also could of really kicked his arse as im a bit handy but never fight unless i have too.

i still got his address but im not going to do anything unless he threatens me again.

ill be back in october and im going to see him for a nice drink.

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Edited by sriracha john
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there was this guy who really took a disliking to me ?

he really done his lolly and threatened me with physical violence.

he even give me his address and challenged me to come and meet him.

you never know who your dealing with right?

as i come to thailand to kick box and been studying the art for 15 years now.

now this guy give me no choise when he threatened me like that and i had to step up so to speak.

i had to fly home today and that was the end of it.

my point being that this guy could of been a real mean bas--tard and give me a good whooping but i also could of really kicked his arse as im a bit handy but never fight unless i have too.

i still got his address but im not going to do anything unless he threatens me again.

ill be back in october and im going to see him for a nice drink.

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but get your meaning and thanks for that.

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