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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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thailiketoo you do not get it , it does not matter about the context it is used it. it is a image that should never be used no matter what the context. it shows insensity to others suffering and a complete and total igonance of world history. just like people should never use the word NIGGER get it now.

What about images of Chairman Mao, Stalin, Gengis Khan, Julius Caesar, etc etc seems to me you don't get it


I thought the video was mocking the Chula students who put on the Hitler sports day. Did you actually watch the video? Do you speak Thai?

I will accept the fact that " thailiketoo " says, for the movie is putting Hitler in a negative view, BUT ...

The whole point here is that it is A GOVERNMENT / Junta commissioned film and clearly approved, since it has been shown publicly.

Any other Hitler things here in Thailand have been done by people, whom do not know any history and can be excused for it.

NOT an government or government official. There is not one country in their right mind, that would use an image of Hitler in any way to promote a new set of "rules" , the PM 12 rules of ..... which all the school kids now have to say everyday or something. Pure indoctrination.

I can go on, but you get the picture.

I am not a Jew or political, just a simple member of humanity and commonsense.

Historical fact: Thailand supported the Nazi's and Japanese up until the very last months of WW2 and then suddenly changed sides.

I think the director was trying to post an image of the most wrong and inappropriate thing he could think of to portray the evilness of this young spoiled student and so he picked Nazi chic.

It is wrong and inappropriate and that was the point.


Germany Japan Thailand etc all on the Axis side...

...don't try to display the Nazi thug image in Germany.

...Japan to this day still officially shies away from resuming an offensive military capability.

... Thailand AF pilot in a Hawk75, shot down a US B-29 with Axis ammo.

... Hitler didn't like Reds, so an unthinking dumb audience probably applauded it just to keep in sync with the canned laughter crowd


Why are Brits so insensitive about what the rest of the world thinks. They let their royalty dress up like a nazi. Have they learned nothing. I don't understand the Brits. Seems tame compared tot the Thais (nice isn't it generalizing putting a whole nation down for the faults of a few)


The Brit's have a very close connection with the Germans, and the pommy king that abdicated was very close to siding with the pig Hitler.

the problem is that most Thais just don't know the truth as they are not educated in the history of the second WW 11, most don't even know that they were at war with America.

Seems to me your not educated either the US wasn't only party involved in the war, and they were late as well, your being rather hypocritical suggesting people are not educated

No you are wrong. HItler was on TV 126 times last night on the history channel. Is that wrong? Anything that paints Nazism in a negative light is OK in my book.

You still don't get it do you?

The point is the audience for the History Channel are informed as to what Nazism represents, the Thai are not. In fact, it probably does more harm than good to cast Hitler as a bad guy unless you properly educate them or they're likely to go for Nazi fashion even more for the cool factor.

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Can people actually be born stupid like that ??

Its about time for an election, as this government really don't know what governing is and has no respect at all !

Shame on you for the entire government !

I was at a market the other night,in Phaholyotin RD To my amazment one stall were selling flags. The Union-Jack had a pic of our Queen in the center

Her Eyes had a black stripe over them. Big mouth ( my wife ) would not let me take a photo

Perhaps the stall holder got hold of a few Sex Pistols Tee shirts, the band used the image to sell records.

Offensive to some people, but generally, the British are a little tougher when it comes to images of The Queen and Queen (Freddie's, that is).


Yes you are right,thats for sure, But I think whats good for one shoud be good for another . Dont you think?

Just to add,, Being a bit thick,I was not in the UK at that time,and I have just seen on your pic the writing ( the sex pistols ) thanks


I once worked with a Brit English teacher in Bangkok who collected Nazi memorabilia and displayed it in his bar. He wore an SS officers death's head ring at school.


One year at my school there was a large banner hung with a picture of Hitler on it.

I tore it down and found the teacher who authorized it and explained to her it was quite offensive and told her about what Hitler really did.

The next day the thing was hung on the wall again.

I really do believe sometimes that Thais have a very low respect for life. Even when TOLD about 7million people being killed at the hands of this monster, they don't care.

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They don't know, because they were never taught about the 2nd World War. They were never taught it because they were on the losing side. Had they been on the winning side, there would be monuments all over Bangkok.......Ignorance is intentional

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Why doesn't anyone mention the influence the relatively well - off foreign investors have on Thais (i.e. ex-pats from certain formerly recognizable fascist countries) who exert power here in Thailand, whether overtly or behind the scenes? It's not like the generation shift of the children of Nazis from former WWII days has vanished and evaporated in a moral cloud of anti-Nazi sentiment. It's not that people in Thailand don't know about atrocities the Nazis committed, it's that they don't care, and perhaps they embrace it covertly, and offer smile big fake smiles if you try to corner them about the truth. The truth (if anyone wants to dispute this?) is that they want to get rich and will be part of what they perceive as the "elite" forces of power. The other truth unspoken is that perhaps Thailand is simply a paradise colony for fascists who are spreading the word that if you comply you will get "fashion", meaning you will get rich if you participate in their power structure. As Hitler said, "The bigger the lie, the more people believe it", so if anyone seriously believes for a second that Thai people are too stupid to understand or don't know....


They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

they barely know their own history, never mind any one else's.

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<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

I really do think that we should stop having a pop at the Thais.

Thailand is in Asia, not Europe. How many people in Europe know about the atrocities done in Asia by the Japanese ? Bearing in mind Britain fought a world war against Japan (as well as fighting Germany, we all know that), well, there are youngsters in England who simply don't fully know about the mass murder Japan did in Asia. And how lots of British soldiers died fighting Japan. And British soldiers sufferring in those POW camps. Far better to be captured by Hitler's soldiers than Japan's Hirohito boys.

So let's bear in mind Europe's ignorance of Japan's war crimes BERORE we start having a pop at Thais for not knowing about Hitler. So the Thais are ignorant, they don't know about Hitler. What punishment do we suggest for ignorance ? Putting on a Hitler shirt and NOT knowing about Hitler is (surely) no way as serious as putting on a Hitler shirt and KNOWING about Hitler.

For those who are angry, save your anger, and have a pop at people in Europe who wear Hitler shirts and KNOW about Hitler.

Do not underestimate the Europeans Most of us are well informed ( better than Thais ) of the atrocities done by Japan to the chinese and the rest of asia

Like the mass murder and torture they are acustomed too,and the killing and sexual abuse of children We Know.

Do you know Who Col F, Chapman is ? If not get educated and read his story,,,Jungle Solder,, The schools in the UK teach all this stuff,as they do in Germany

Read it and Jungle Green , great books, What a life he had

Okay, let's talk about the teaching of history in England. You're twelve or eleven years old when you leave primary school and go to a secondary school. I'm talking about state schools here, bearing in mind that the vast majority of people go to state schools. History is compulsory during the first three years at secondary school, it's then optional after that.

And what is actually taught in history during those three years ? I remember things like the Ancient Babylonians, Greeks and Romans being taught. And then things like 1066 and William the Coqueror. And then there was Henry and his wives. And it finished with Queen Elizabeth and Francis Drake fighting the Spanish Armada. Basically, World War One and Two was never mentioned. I think it was mentioned for those who decided to take history as an option in the fourth and fifth year at secondary school.

Basically, polls in Britain do actually show that youngsters have surprisingly little knowledge of World War One and Two. And looking at how and what 'history' is taught in schools, well, it's not that surprising actually.


How many Thai know about ww2?

How many Thais will see the new Brad Pitt movie? Fury? Saving Private Ryan? Schindlers list? Dirty Dozen? All the Thais I talk to are university educated and they all know about WWII.

Young people the world over I think know little unless their country was a battleground.

I think a lot of Thais have gone out of their way to amplify the contribution of the Seri Thai which I think was almost nothing but since the war has assumed gigantic proportions.


Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

Last Christmas I watched a group of thai kids watching a nativity play performed by a group of Christians from Singapore.

The kids do not even know who Jesus is, so there is no chance then knowing who Hitler was or what he did.

But why would they? WW2/Hitler did not affect Thailand, I mean, were we in Europe ever taught about anything what happened in SE Asia in school?


Maybe you are missing the fact that Many Thais associate Mr. T with Hitler, a megalomaniac that set out to control Thailand with an iron fist, and then onto the rest of the world. A person that could not take even the slightest bit of criticism, and vigorously attacked his perceived enemies with in order to crush or eliminate them completely. I am speaking of Mr. T, not hitler, but you have to admit that there are many similarities.

So maybe that was the point in the context of this scene in the film.

Or maybe it is just a veiled message of their dislike for the jewish race, and their recent actions. I think that many people posting their comments here, fail to give the Thais credit, where credit is due, and somewhat underestimate their intelligence, because their actions do not necessarily fall into westerners narrow mindset.


Ya gotta luv 'em. They are so, so blazingly dumb. Completely ignorant of anything outside the kingdom without a brand name

What would call a person who comments about a video he has never seen and does not understand a word of what was said in the show nor the be aware of intended meaning of the production?

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They don't know, because they were never taught about the 2nd World War. They were never taught it because they were on the losing side. Had they been on the winning side, there would be monuments all over Bangkok.......Ignorance is intentional

Sure ignorance is bliss


But the have the Victory monument in Payathai....

They just don't get it do they ?

So many Thais know nothing about the Second World War as it related to their own country so what happened else where is a likely combination of don't know and don't care.

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Maybe you are missing the fact that Many Thais associate Mr. T with Hitler, a megalomaniac that set out to control Thailand with an iron fist, and then onto the rest of the world. A person that could not take even the slightest bit of criticism, and vigorously attacked his perceived enemies with in order to crush or eliminate them completely. I am speaking of Mr. T, not hitler, but you have to admit that there are many similarities.

So maybe that was the point in the context of this scene in the film.

Or maybe it is just a veiled message of their dislike for the jewish race, and their recent actions. I think that many people posting their comments here, fail to give the Thais credit, where credit is due, and somewhat underestimate their intelligence, because their actions do not necessarily fall into westerners narrow mindset.

It is a 3 second negative commentary clip. You get all of that from 3 seconds? Wow. I don't know any Thais who associate Mr. T with Hitler. Phibun maybe but not Mr Thaksin. Hitler wore a uniform every day hint hint....

It would be a no brainer to actually watch the video.


WW is an acronisym for World War, with only a handful of counties not directly affected. Thailand was a part of it, part of the Axis.

Japanese of today don't generally know, or at least haven't been taught WW2 history (their part in it) either


Ya gotta luv 'em. They are so, so blazingly dumb. Completely ignorant of anything outside the kingdom without a brand name

What would call a person who comments about a video he has never seen and does not understand a word of what was said in the show nor the be aware of intended meaning of the production?

A Bangkok media critic?

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I once worked with a Brit English teacher in Bangkok who collected Nazi memorabilia and displayed it in his bar. He wore an SS officers death's head ring at school.

The guy should not of been teaching anywhere,let alone Thailand Just shows the quality of teachers here,

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<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

I really do think that we should stop having a pop at the Thais.

Thailand is in Asia, not Europe. How many people in Europe know about the atrocities done in Asia by the Japanese ? Bearing in mind Britain fought a world war against Japan (as well as fighting Germany, we all know that), well, there are youngsters in England who simply don't fully know about the mass murder Japan did in Asia. And how lots of British soldiers died fighting Japan. And British soldiers sufferring in those POW camps. Far better to be captured by Hitler's soldiers than Japan's Hirohito boys.

So let's bear in mind Europe's ignorance of Japan's war crimes BERORE we start having a pop at Thais for not knowing about Hitler. So the Thais are ignorant, they don't know about Hitler. What punishment do we suggest for ignorance ? Putting on a Hitler shirt and NOT knowing about Hitler is (surely) no way as serious as putting on a Hitler shirt and KNOWING about Hitler.

For those who are angry, save your anger, and have a pop at people in Europe who wear Hitler shirts and KNOW about Hitler.

Do not underestimate the Europeans Most of us are well informed ( better than Thais ) of the atrocities done by Japan to the chinese and the rest of asia

Like the mass murder and torture they are acustomed too,and the killing and sexual abuse of children We Know.

Do you know Who Col F, Chapman is ? If not get educated and read his story,,,Jungle Solder,, The schools in the UK teach all this stuff,as they do in Germany

Read it and Jungle Green , great books, What a life he had

Okay, let's talk about the teaching of history in England. You're twelve or eleven years old when you leave primary school and go to a secondary school. I'm talking about state schools here, bearing in mind that the vast majority of people go to state schools. History is compulsory during the first three years at secondary school, it's then optional after that.

And what is actually taught in history during those three years ? I remember things like the Ancient Babylonians, Greeks and Romans being taught. And then things like 1066 and William the Coqueror. And then there was Henry and his wives. And it finished with Queen Elizabeth and Francis Drake fighting the Spanish Armada. Basically, World War One and Two was never mentioned. I think it was mentioned for those who decided to take history as an option in the fourth and fifth year at secondary school.

Basically, polls in Britain do actually show that youngsters have surprisingly little knowledge of World War One and Two. And looking at how and what 'history' is taught in schools, well, it's not that surprising actually.


Right, so more than half of all young people in Britain don't know when World War One started. I get the feeling that knowledge about World War Two might be just as small.


Even Kasikorn Bank has not clue what this... Insane... Fyi Kasikorn can issue your ATM card with your choice of picture. Simply disgraceful.

Yes indeed Thai are very sensitive when it comes to their own Culture and History (even though most of them do not have any clue of their own history before the Siam Empire). But when it comes to other cultures and major historical events, they do not care, do not respect and do not give a s...


The "swastika" is an ancient buddhist symbol, hi-jacked by the Nazis. The name "swastika" is a europeanisation of "sawas dee kha"

In common with the others - I condemn Hilter, but I do not not condemn Buddha

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