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Report on CIA details 'brutal' post-9/11 interrogations

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Even the former head of the CIA admits that torture was not how Bin Laden's location was determined.

Actually no. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta confirmed that enhanced interrogation techniques aided the effort to find bin Laden. He admitted that "Some of it came from ... interrogation tactics that were used", but he also felt that he might have been able to get Bin Ladin without using enhanced interrogation. al-Qaeda captives who broke under enhanced interrogation disclosed the name of bin Laden’s courier, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti. By tracking him, the CIA was able to locate bin Laden’s own hideout in the Pakistani town of Abbottabad.

Actually, no. The link supplied earlier, citing the letter from Panetta to McCain, and the other links relating the details of the surveillance of the cell phone have convinced most observers that nothing useful was gotten from the torture. (You can choose to believe what you wish, of course, and I suppose that's your right.) We will hear ad infinitum how the CIA is being victimized and so forth by their people, and how the intelligence obtained was "extremely useful", and Panetta will of course provide public cover for his former institution. But then there is that letter. To suggest that the torture techniques led the CIA to OBL's location is not true, and the continued insistence otherwise is not going to convince many people. And again, if there had been anything useful that was obtained, we would be hearing about it every ten minutes on Fox news.

As usual, no evidence or link is provided.

I don't have evidence. I don't have link. I do have my own life and no terrorist referenced has suffered more EIT then myself and others. I have been water-boarded, burned, wife threatened with rape, I was threatened with rape, dogs near attacking me, cold, naked on concrete, lying in my own shit and piss for days, lights on 24 hours a day, in a damn hole; the g-damn black sabbath and marching music 24/7 was maddening. Massive sleep deprivation. I have had a hose down my throat until i puked, gagged, aspirated, and have personally seen friends resuscitated and right back into the abuse. I have had this EIT. I have had black bag over my head for so long the skin cells and sweat turn it into a plastic bag and the sweat collected around my neck where the cloth was tied, this sweat collected to my chin, to my mouth, and my exhales bubbled in my own sweat as I slobbered and labored and tried to breath! I was an American!

Why is EIT good enough for our special forces but too much for the very people who seek nothing less than our extermination? People here variously cite Brennen (convert who's motives I deeply question; this guy went over and was actually "turned" while on assignment in Saudi Arabia), Pelosi- who knew about this EIT from the beginning, and the duplicitous McCain. It was McCain and my former boss Nick Rowe who penned the various programs for resistance and interrogation that later became the framework for the G damn suffering I went through, and all the terrorists who we now "victimize." (Five Years to Freedom and other works following their release from POW).

Woe to the nation that under the color of moral compass loses all azimuths. This nation... the West... cannot even define the self evident fact that they are in the middle of a Holy War (not even the beginning), regardless of their recognition that hundreds of millions of muslims think this is so. The road to bridging info to intel is made by a multitude of seemingly unrelated pieces of (HUMINT SIGNET Other) data that are variously assembled and perused by others, removed from the collection sources; very compartmentalized. In the case of OBL, there is no way we would have even known about Al Kuwaiti was it not for EIT, and the various corroborations from EIT. So, the ridiculous assertion that no EIT contributed to OBL's demise is wholly misleading. The whole package is just one more America Last policy by the Left who share radical Islam's intermediate goal of savaging western society. The intent of this release is apparent when viewed in the context of the past 6 year effort to "fundamentally transform America."

Frankly, the conflicting positions regarding supporting EIT and opposing EIT are often not very clear lines, even for those who support it, like me. The movie "Unthinkable" very ably addresses the moral ambiguity buried even the seemingly obvious choices that must be made. In philosophy class we were asked "Is murder wrong?" Nearly everyone said "Yes." We took the bait. Next the professor asked "If you could go back in time and kill Adolf Hitler, would you?" This is where the moral imperative broke down. If wrong is wrong is wrong, why is wrong sometimes right? As a people, a civilization, our values should define and bind us but at no point should that which we believe in be a suicide pact. We cannot believe that which if maintained enables others to render us extinct. In this Kantian Imperative "The greatest good for the greatest amount of people" applies.


How could anyone have possibly justified paying consultants who devised this enhanced interrogation program $81 million?

Architects Of CIA Torture Program Raked In $81 Million, Report Reveals

By the time the CIA terminated their contract in 2009, the consulting firm founded by the two men had collected $81 million in taxpayer moneyblink.png



This report was put together by a bunch of democrat hacks whose sole intention is to tear down the United States of America.

Job well done Trotskites.

Thank you, FOX 'News' viewer. So predictable. You forgot to mention Bengaaaazi...

I thought the Democrats put a stop to the torture?

Man are you il-informed. Prez Bush stopped harsh interrogation. Little Barry just hopped on the bandwagon because he is in love with self aggrandizement. The doofus has never had an original thought.


See above from current CIA director Brennan and Jose Rodriquez.


Former CIA official Jose Rodriguez joined Sean Hannity on "Hannity" tonight to discuss the release of a report on the CIA's enhanced interrogation methods.

"It's a very dark day for the CIA," Rodriguez, the former Director of the National Clandestine Service, said. "I think the CIA's being thrown under the bus."

He explained that politicians are playing "political football" with the agency, and asserted that both the Senate and the committee were briefed multiple times on what the CIA was doing.

"We feel that we briefed them, we briefed them thoroughly, and they are hypocritical," Rodriguez said.


You missed the mark with your post.

1. My original post concerned information that George Bush was not personally informed of the procedures for the first four years of its existence. I then provided a link to the Bloomberg article containing information to that affect. My initial post contained the following sentence.

"Based on CIAs internal correspondence, the committees investigation will also state that CIA Directors George Tenet and Porter Goss admitted they had never briefed Bush directly on the techniques, despite that in 2004, the CIA Inspector General recommended they do so:"

2. You then responded with a rant against the entire Bush family and claimed my post was, in your words, "bs political spin".

3. I questioned your response and asked for proof of your "bs" statement.

4. You then responded with a link containing the following statement which states the Senate and the committee were briefed yet it fails to support your "bs political spin" assertion.

"He explained that politicians are playing "political football" with the agency, and asserted that both the Senate and the committee were briefed multiple times on what the CIA was doing."

Nowhere in any of the four links you have recently provided does it say anything about Bush being informed during the first four years nor does it even relate to any former Presidential briefings.

A judge would likely dismiss your case based on the evidence you have presented.

You conveniently ignored the Brennan link I referenced in same post on my other posts with three links.

Yeah right, CIA was briefing everyone in Bush's office and dems and repubs, but Bush somehow didn't know. Whateva. That actually makes him look worse.

You cite Bretbart and I link CIA director Brennan's official statement.


As part of the CIAs global effort to dismantle al-Qaida and to prevent future terrorist attacks, the Agency was directed by President Bush six days after 9/11 to carry out a program to detain terrorist suspects around the world. Certain detainees were subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs), which the Department of Justice determined at the time to be lawful and which were duly authorized by the Bush Administration. These techniques, which were last used by the CIA in December 2007, subsequently were prohibited by an Executive Order issued by President Obama when he took office in January 2009.


I didn't ignore the Brennan op-ed. I read it when you posted it and it has not one word about personally briefing Bush at any time.

I just read it again and the words are still not there.

My post was about Bush not being briefed on the extent of the interrogation methods that had been going on for four years. His SecState and SecDef probably were briefed but that doesn't mean he was.

You have still not come up with anything to disprove my original post that Bush was not briefed for a four year period.

Oh yes, I have not provided a link to Breitbart in this little exchange. The link was to Bloomberg.

The judge just might have declared a mistrial for lack of evidence.


You gotta use some common sense here. Of course Bush will deny. Of course politicians will run for cover and be careful pointing the fingers at othe politicians under the living in glass houses theory. Classic case of plausible deniability.

Taken as a whole, the CIA directories are saying they provided full and frequent briefing to the "Bush Administratiin" and repub and dems from August 2002 until program stopped. They also said justice department approved in 2002.

Feinstein was included in those briefings and that is perhaps why she and no one spoke to CIA officials involved because they would have put in the record the she, other politicians and Bush knew.

An nternal CIA email states the "[White House] is extremely concerned Powell would blow his stack if he were to be briefed on whats been going on." That was written in July 2003 or 3 years before Bush said he found out. The White House not only knew, but was concerned about how Powell would react if Powell was told of the details of the program.

The CIA is apparently releasing a 130 page report soon that will be based on people that actually have knowledge of the program and were involved with the briefing.

This is not about me building a case or evidence. Those are pretty silly statements. i have neither the time nor am being paid to sort through this mess.

This is about good old fashion common sense. They completely threw the CIA under the bus and the CIA has a huge dilemma about duties to maintain secrecy and protecting the government officials that direct them or being used as scape goats when they were simply doing the politicians' dirty work as directed.

If the CIA truly went rogue, there would have been actions taken against those responsible. What did Bush think was going on at GITMO and in Thailand and Poland? Camp fires, holding hands and singing Kumbyeyah. C'mon.

Just another example of plausible deniability. People like you fall for plausibility deniability hook, line and sinker provided it is your preferred political party.


Just another example of plausible deniability.

While I agree that it might have been plausible deniability, sometimes plausible deniability is for real. The president allows lesser employees/officials that he trusts to make decisions that he really does not know the details of. That is probably why Obama constantly claims that he only hears about so many of his administration's scandals when it is reported in the media.

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Just another example of plausible deniability.

While I agree that it might have been plausible deniability, sometimes plausible deniability is for real. The president allows lesser employees/officials that he trusts to make decisions that he really does not know the details of. That is probably why Obama constantly claims that he only hears about so many of his administration's scandals when it is reported in the media.

Yeah, but 911 and OBL in 2002 was at the forefront of everything and the largest issue we had faced as a nationa in a long, long time. Bush let it happen on his watch and everyone in US in2002 was wondering what's next and when.

No way I believe Bush went hands off here and allowed underlings to handle without him wanting to constantly be kept in the loop.


That is your opinion, but I can see him letting other people handle the details of how much force to use on prisoners. He certainly had no expertise on the subject.

If I was in his position, I might OK what I considered an unfortunate necessity to protect the nation, but I would want o know as few gory details as possible.

  • Like 1

O no. obama zaps people including women & children with drones & the loon left are silent. HIPOCRACY.

btw. No torture ever happened. We made the jihadis "uncomfortable". Cutting off their fingers would be torture.

What we should have done was put them in diapers & witheld their Korans & fed them a soup of rice & water for years.


O no. obama zaps people including women & children with drones & the loon left are silent. HIPOCRACY.

btw. No torture ever happened. We made the jihadis "uncomfortable". Cutting off their fingers would be torture.

What we should have done was put them in diapers & witheld their Korans & fed them a soup of rice & water for years.

Thanks you FOX viewer.

  • Like 2

Obama uses a gilded tongue instead of slick willies perchance of talking in riddles, did he ever admit to a sexual encounter outside his marrage??The both are abount as believable as the little boy who cried wolf. Both are sorry excuses to lead a nation and have future generations look at them in awe'Just hope the history books print the truth for all to see. Both the leadership and personel records of all political people etc. should be made public in their lifetime prior to entering a position of trust and after they have left such position

Good idea that would have disqualified FDR and Eisenhower.


Bush tortures and Obama takes the heat from the FOX zombies.

Typical and so predictable.

Extraordinary rendition started under Bill Clinton and continued under both the Bush and Obama administrations and continues today. You need to get your facts straight, instead of relying on foolish insults.

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Bush tortures and Obama takes the heat from the FOX zombies.

Typical and so predictable.

Extraordinary rendition started under Bill Clinton and continued under both the Bush and Obama administrations and continues today. You need to get your facts straight, instead of relying on foolish insults.

FOX on the brain.


If it smells like a terrorist, acts like a terrorist, looks like a terrorist, torture it as a terrorist. You can always say your sorry later. If one life was saved by doing this I am all for it. Screw the Democratic liberals.

But if you torture by mistake an innocent guy? If you bomb civilians who just happen to be on the wrong place with a drone than you can label yourself as terrorist as well.

Or the cynical comment from one Islamic fanatic that their beheading is more merciful than the torture of US has a valid point.

As well it is perfect propaganda tool for fanatics.

Terrorists intentionally go for the innocent guy. No mistakes.

Terrorists intentionally bomb civilians. There's no wrong place and time as far as they are concerned.

Terrorists rarely, if ever, label themselves as terrorists. In fact, hardly no one ever does.

Terrorists do not engage in public debates over the morality of their actions.

Just some pointers for those having difficulties with the differences....

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Even the former head of the CIA admits that torture was not how Bin Laden's location was determined.

I would tend to agree because When you think about it....Even if someone could get "useful" info out of a prisoner

it probably has a shelf life measured in hours.

Yet seems many prisoners are there (Gitmo) & abused for a long time.

Counting on how long it even takes to get someone to Gitmo the info has an even shorter

shelf life.

Even a simple military once informed one of theirs were captured would

ask themselves what did the captured know? Then make changes accordingly

Especially given Gitmo's reputation

So unless a person was thrown into Gitmo the same day of OBL's execution &

confessed his whereabouts...then add planning attack time etc etc etc & it becomes

much less plausible

I doubt anyone in Gitmo knew where he was at the moment.

I would guess it was more thru footwork by Spooks like Raymond Allen Davis

that his whereabouts was discovered.

The tactical shelf life you refer to is primarily related to battlefield intel, troop size, equip, location, etc. It has a very short shelf life after which soldiers are encouraged to trade for less abuse. What was wanted from combatant detainees was this, but more. The west was in a cultural, alien environment with regard to all aspects of the threat, the regional/international players, all of it. Useless throw=away info as simple as a tailor on Haifa street that opens shop at 11 could be vitally useful when assembled with other pertinent data. The idea that what was sought was only detonator type intel is mistaken; we wanted all of it, to assemble a virtual intel world to mimic, track, and predict behaviors and choices. It is ultimately erroneous to conclude watershed findings are made in a vacuum. It is most usually countless tidbits that build the picture, not epiphanies.

I personally don't give a damn who says these tools are barbaric- it misses the point. I prefer barbarism to oblivion any day.

Note: There has not been a director of the CIA lately with a shred of personal integrity; certainly not the clinton suck up; not the clown who is there now... I would not believe one thing any of them told me, certainly not some self reflective agency scolding crap. Even the movie producers who had 100% access to the real script could not divorce the torture from the results because they KNOW this is how it was generated; it is only in the media and threw reports like this that it is sterilized and made "truth."

The entire American defense apparatus is co-opted by political [first] players and sodomizing the CIA via this report was payback to Bush et al. That's all this is - More F--- America BS.

Granted that intel is not always what people imagine it to be. True enough that in many instances it is made out of a horde of seemingly trivial details. Not naive enough to side with claims that torture (or as the clean new versions goes, EIT) does not produce some valuable information (while at the same time, being weary regarding reliability). That said, in the overall scheme of things, the lengths gone to secure certain parts of the puzzle can be questioned.


Or the cynical comment from one Islamic fanatic that their beheading is more merciful than the torture of US has a valid point.

Nonsense. Someone who is beheaded lives with terrible fear before it happens and loses their life forever. Water-boarding is very unpleasant while it is happening, but there is no lasting physical damage.

Almost any form of continuous torture carries long lasting negative physical and mental effects.

Defining water-boarding as "unpleasant" must be one of them understatements....


Even the former head of the CIA admits that torture was not how Bin Laden's location was determined.

I would tend to agree because When you think about it....Even if someone could get "useful" info out of a prisoner

it probably has a shelf life measured in hours.

Yet seems many prisoners are there (Gitmo) & abused for a long time.

Counting on how long it even takes to get someone to Gitmo the info has an even shorter

shelf life.

Even a simple military once informed one of theirs were captured would

ask themselves what did the captured know? Then make changes accordingly

Especially given Gitmo's reputation

So unless a person was thrown into Gitmo the same day of OBL's execution &

confessed his whereabouts...then add planning attack time etc etc etc & it becomes

much less plausible

I doubt anyone in Gitmo knew where he was at the moment.

I would guess it was more thru footwork by Spooks like Raymond Allen Davis

that his whereabouts was discovered.

The tactical shelf life you refer to is primarily related to battlefield intel, troop size, equip, location, etc. It has a very short shelf life after which soldiers are encouraged to trade for less abuse. What was wanted from combatant detainees was this, but more. The west was in a cultural, alien environment with regard to all aspects of the threat, the regional/international players, all of it. Useless throw=away info as simple as a tailor on Haifa street that opens shop at 11 could be vitally useful when assembled with other pertinent data. The idea that what was sought was only detonator type intel is mistaken; we wanted all of it, to assemble a virtual intel world to mimic, track, and predict behaviors and choices. It is ultimately erroneous to conclude watershed findings are made in a vacuum. It is most usually countless tidbits that build the picture, not epiphanies.

I personally don't give a damn who says these tools are barbaric- it misses the point. I prefer barbarism to oblivion any day.

Note: There has not been a director of the CIA lately with a shred of personal integrity; certainly not the clinton suck up; not the clown who is there now... I would not believe one thing any of them told me, certainly not some self reflective agency scolding crap. Even the movie producers who had 100% access to the real script could not divorce the torture from the results because they KNOW this is how it was generated; it is only in the media and threw reports like this that it is sterilized and made "truth."

The entire American defense apparatus is co-opted by political [first] players and sodomizing the CIA via this report was payback to Bush et al. That's all this is - More F--- America BS.

Granted that intel is not always what people imagine it to be. True enough that in many instances it is made out of a horde of

seemingly trivial details.

Not naive enough to side with claims that torture (or as the clean new versions goes, EIT) does not produce some valuable

information (while at the same time, being weary regarding reliability).

That said, in the overall scheme of things, the lengths gone to secure certain parts of the puzzle can be questioned.

Hi Morch

Yes, I am clearly a proponent of supervised but considerable coercion I still remain suspect that the slippery slope of such actions can slowly corrode the moral foundations of a society (After all, there are a number of various studies that prove individual morality crumbles and corrodes very quickly when people are placed in positions of unlimited power: example, a study where participants role played prisoners and inmates. The results were shocking and the study, designed for another end, had to be stopped due to abuse).

What irks the hell out of me is this report is really not the self reflection actions of a nation circumscribing its previous moral compass. This report really is, by omission and commission, an indictment less upon the actions of EIT, but upon the previous political cadre. After all, it is clear that a number of the architects of this latest self loathing document were previously privy to the details of these techniques.

A nation cannot long survive betrayal from within (someone smarter than me said this).


Or the cynical comment from one Islamic fanatic that their beheading is more merciful than the torture of US has a valid point.

Nonsense. Someone who is beheaded lives with terrible fear before it happens and loses their life forever. Water-boarding is very unpleasant while it is happening, but there is no lasting physical damage.

Almost any form of continuous torture carries long lasting negative physical and mental effects.

Defining water-boarding as "unpleasant" must be one of them understatements....

Would you rather be beheaded or water-boarded and live? That was the situation that I was addressing. I do consider water-boarding to be torture, but a rather benign one compared to ones that cause permanent physical damage or death.

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Or the cynical comment from one Islamic fanatic that their beheading is more merciful than the torture of US has a valid point.

Nonsense. Someone who is beheaded lives with terrible fear before it happens and loses their life forever. Water-boarding is very unpleasant while it is happening, but there is no lasting physical damage.

Almost any form of continuous torture carries long lasting negative physical and mental effects.

Defining water-boarding as "unpleasant" must be one of them understatements....

Would you rather be beheaded or water-boarded and live? That was the situation that I was addressing. I do consider water-boarding to be torture, but a rather benign one compared to ones that cause permanent physical damage or death.

That's a bogus choice, of course. Not an either/or situation.


Look at the post that I was responding to, but I would take the water-boarding option personally, if I had no choice. I have been subjected to same of the same mild tortures as the detainees - many people who have been in the military have - and it did not affect me permanently.


Look at the post that I was responding to, but I would take the water-boarding option personally, if I had no choice. I have been subjected to same of the same mild tortures as the detainees - many people who have been in the military have - and it did not affect me permanently.

The post you (and I) responded to is bogus as well....


Going through most relevant standard armed forces training programs is not quite on par with the real deal.

There are harsher programs, usually intended for various SF units. Some interesting body of research on their long term effects

(although I believe most published could be somewhat dated).


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The article says that these tortures did damage to America's standing in the world. They didn't mention that unfortunately the US has nothing left to damage. It's all messed up already.

You may be correct, after 6 years of this empty suit in the oval office here in the U.S. there isn't much farther for the U.S. to fall whistling.gif


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Nothing partisan about the report. Feinstein is a staunch supporter of the CIA and spy agencies, well she did get a bit ticked off when the CIA spied on her committee and lied about it. Too bad the entire report, not just the summary isn't being released. The entire report will never see the light of day. There was no need to listen to their lies, it was in the reports. Perhaps a little of their own medicine would produce the truth, right? Nor did they interview many of those tortured, well some are "unable" to be interviewed. The head of the CIA lied to Congress and not one thing was done about it. Anybody that believes a word of the likes of Cheney/Bush et al, well, I've got a bridge from LA to Bangkok I'd like to sell you. Keep GitMo open for those that really belong there, war criminals Cheney/Bush et al. For those that can stand the truth, oh by the way one of you right winger's hero's made a little speech on the Senate floor condemning torture and what the CIA did, try reading these. My apologies for everything running together, it looks correct when I paste it in, but I don't know what happens to it afterward. I'm unable to make paragraphs, edit, etc. http://www.juancole.com/2014/12/release-torture-violence.html http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/09/1350555/-John-McCain-Calls-Out-the-Torture-Apologists?detail=email http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/09/1350473/-Key-takeaway-from-torture-report-Dick-Cheney-is-a-dirty-stinking-liar?detail=email http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/08/1350378/-Dick-Cheney-Lied-about-torture?detail=email http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/09/1350485/-Here-are-a-few-excerpts-from-the-conclusions-of-the-torture-report?detail=facebook?detail=email http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/09/1350297/-Today-we-learn-more-details-of-the-villainous-behavior-of-U-S-torturers#?detail=facebook?detail=email http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/09/1350553/-CIA-paid-two-ex-military-psychologists-who-helped-designed-and-run-torture-program-81-million?detail=email http://www.thenation.com/blog/192233/gut-check-moment-its-time-reject-cheneyism?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_term=email_nation&utm_campaign=Email%20Nation%20%28NEW%29%20-%20Most%20Recent%20Content%20Feed%2020141209&newsletter=email_nation http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/juancole/ymbn/~3/0tlKK28y-3Y/founding-foundational-constitution.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email http://thinkprogress.org/world/2014/12/09/3601312/17-disgraceful-facts-contained-in-the-torture-report/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=tptop3&utm_campaign=tptop3&elq=~~eloqua..type--emailfield..syntax--recipientid~~&elqCampaignId=~~eloqua..type--campaign..campaignid--0..fieldname--id~~ http://thinkprogress.org/world/2014/12/09/3601209/cia-torture-report-findings/ http://www.alternet.org/print/news-amp-politics/7-things-we-learned-new-report-cia-torture http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/10/world/senate-intelligence-committee-cia-torture-report.html?_r=0 http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/09/the-most-gruesome-moments-in-the-cia-torture-report.html?via=newsletter&source=CSAfternoon http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/dec/09/cia-torture-report-released/print http://jonathanturley.org/2014/12/09/senate-report-u-s-torture-program-more-brutal-than-previously-disclosed-and-cia-officials-gave-false-information-to-congress/

The daily KOS cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Given that you seem to get your news from a radical left wing blog then I am not surprised at your unfounded and inaccurate conclusions, now go ahead and tighten down those blinders and don't forget to drink your allotment of Koolaid every day biggrin.png


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The article says that these tortures did damage to America's standing in the world. They didn't mention that unfortunately the US has nothing left to damage. It's all messed up already.

You may be correct, after 6 years of this empty suit in the oval office here in the U.S. there isn't much farther for the U.S. to fall whistling.gif

"6 years of empty suit"?

FOX viewers are at war with reality.

In September, The conservative FORBES Magazine named President Obama the 'best economic president of modern times.'

Economically, President Obama’s administration has outperformed President Reagan’s in all commonly watched categories.

Simultaneously the current administration has reduced the deficit, which skyrocketed under Reagan. Additionally, Obama has reduced federal employment, which grew under Reagan (especially when including military personnel,) and truly delivered a “smaller government.” Additionally, the current administration has kept inflation low, even during extreme international upheaval, failure of foreign economies (Greece) and a dramatic slowdown in the European economy.

Jobless claims are just over 300,000; lowest since 2007.

President Obama has surpassed the previous presidents. Investors have gained a remarkable 220% over the last 5.5 years.

Most Americans, 2/3, have benefitted from the stock boom via their 401K, pension and employer savings plan.

These retirement plans were ravaged during the Bush years losing 50%. Boomers and seniors were resigned to NEVER RETIRING.

Now, under the Obama gains, and people aged 55-75 have their coffers reloaded and can quit their old jobs, spend time with family, relax, enjoy hobbies.

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