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American 'planned attacks on Muslim sites in Israel'


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Many Israeli/Jewish-Americans (and fundamentalist Christians waiting for the apocalypse) are far more radical than Israelis themselves. They truly are a menace that needs to be dealt with.

I agree, but not on how to deal with these clowns. It would be a great oversight to be watching muslims, jews, and overlook these dispensational christians who believe the age of rapture will not begin until x y z= usually the rebuilding of the temple.

These christians actually differ little from radical jews who believe the second temple must be rebuilt... again, or a third. More frighteningly, they also resemble many Twelver Shia, and end of times Sunni. The thing is, pretty much everyone has their eyes on the Jews and Muslims, and few are watching these 1/2 baked clowns. A perfect example of force multiplying an idiot- this clown has zero smarts and utility. But throw a christian with some really bad ideas into a temple mount standoff and it explodes! They should throw this MF is prison.

They need to find those darned red heifer ashes in Zadok's tomb, but unfortunately a lot of Palestinian land is in the areas where they want to dig. Having a temple is useless without the last ashes to add to the new ones and begin the sacrifices again. The thing is, they aren't sure where to dig. That Dome of the Mosque is going to be short lived if those ashes are found, and it will more than likely be a patch up job to make like a loon from Texas, or somewhere else did it. Google it. Not a conspiracy.

Regarding that last sentence... they should throw at least all four of those MF's in prison.

I do not overlook the fact that had this loon been able to carry this out with the aid of his IDF friends (and all the connotations that goes with IDF) that many innocent men, women and children would be murdered in the blast, or worse.

But apparently similar situations and events like this are handled differently when it is like this.

I am a racist, is the best they can come up with. Thanks, boys, for caring about all those potential victims and instead playing the race card.

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Many Israeli/Jewish-Americans (and fundamentalist Christians waiting for the apocalypse) are far more radical than Israelis themselves. They truly are a menace that needs to be dealt with.

I agree, but not on how to deal with these clowns. It would be a great oversight to be watching muslims, jews, and overlook these dispensational christians who believe the age of rapture will not begin until x y z= usually the rebuilding of the temple.

These christians actually differ little from radical jews who believe the second temple must be rebuilt... again, or a third. More frighteningly, they also resemble many Twelver Shia, and end of times Sunni. The thing is, pretty much everyone has their eyes on the Jews and Muslims, and few are watching these 1/2 baked clowns. A perfect example of force multiplying an idiot- this clown has zero smarts and utility. But throw a christian with some really bad ideas into a temple mount standoff and it explodes! They should throw this MF is prison.

They need to find those darned red heifer ashes in Zadok's tomb, but unfortunately a lot of Palestinian land is in the areas where they want to dig. Having a temple is useless without the last ashes to add to the new ones and begin the sacrifices again. The thing is, they aren't sure where to dig. That Dome of the Mosque is going to be short lived if those ashes are found, and it will more than likely be a patch up job to make like a loon from Texas, or somewhere else did it. Google it. Not a conspiracy.

Regarding that last sentence... they should throw at least all four of those MF's in prison.

I do not overlook the fact that had this loon been able to carry this out with the aid of his IDF friends (and all the connotations that goes with IDF) that many innocent men, women and children would be murdered in the blast, or worse.

But apparently similar situations and events like this are handled differently when it is like this.

I am a racist, is the best they can come up with. Thanks, boys, for caring about all those potential victims and instead playing the race card.

Right. I forgot some of the pieces are not in place, like the Red Cow! Curiously, I didnt realize they need old ashes as well. I read someone in the US a red heifer has been born and groomed for this very purpose. This is alarming. I am one who thinks the dome of the rock and al asqa are nothing more than military temples. I ultimately have no use for any of their dangerous fairy tales. But it is true that some here on TV who note it is not just muslims are correct. What a damn tinderbox.

"But apparently similar situations and events like this are handled differently when it is like this."

Please explain more. Thx

EDIT: I read a previously post of yours just now; you think they were patsys working for or with IDF? Really?

Edited by arjunadawn
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Considering the mountains of money the U.S. gives Israel every year, why was Israel allowing someone wanted in the U.S. on drug charges to live in their country at all?

Agreed. And given the closeness between the USA and its closest ally, and their almost indistinguishable sharing of classified information, and the many Israelis who hold high positions in government in the USA (and who also hold dual citizenship)... it almost seems impossible that something this glaringly clear could so easily slip through the cracks.

"I declare that the particulars contained in this application are correct and have been made in awareness of the fact that they are to serve as basis for the consideration of my application. I also declare that I have not committed any criminal offence or any act directed against the Jewish people or the security of the state of Israel and that I am not affected with any illness which might endanger public health. There is no judicial warrant against me and I am not wanted by the police of any country."

Moreover, a tourist visa to Israel is only good for three (3) months. What kind of visa did this "nutter" get, a tourist visa? How did he extend his stay? How could he say the things he is reported to have confessed saying to IDF soldiers and still be there? How is it that Israeli IDF soldiers can waltz in one of their military bases and obtain so much ordinance and firepower without it being tracked... especially if these three are reportedly acting on their own?

Either Israel is really that unsecure in their security measures (not likely) or someone was paving the way for this. Either Netanyahu has been aware of this all along, or he had better get a grip on his subordinates and get some answers. Either the US president has been aware of this, or he had better get sme answers as well.

Making out like a delusional American "nutter" with a felony bench warrant suddenly decides to fly off to Israel to blow up Muslim holy sites, gets there and hangs out with Palestinian operatives, and then he is approached by IDF soldiers and befriended by them, and one of them moves in with him and supplies him with terrorist weaponry, and all this over the duration of over a year (on what kind of visa?), and then he mysteriously gets caught out without being gunned down whilst fleeing when they bust down his apartment door.... well...

If this isn't the biggest load of BS then I don't know what is. Even the headline to the article is BS; to suggest that an American planned these attacks alone, and to completely ignore his allies in the IDF; without whom his alleged dreams of blowing up Muslim holy sites and murdering innocents would only be a conspiracy theory.

Yeah. And Oswald acted alone as well.

I am really glad this did not get to the point of a bomb going off. It very well could have triggered WW3; especially if it had been the Dome of the Mosque. He's a "nutter" remember? It would be nice to blame it solely on a US citizen from Texas, who is a militant Christian and a "nutter" to boot, so that that temple could finally get under construction.

So much written, forgotten already. coffee1.gif

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Considering the mountains of money the U.S. gives Israel every year, why was Israel allowing someone wanted in the U.S. on drug charges to live in their country at all?

Agreed. And given the closeness between the USA and its closest ally, and their almost indistinguishable sharing of classified information, and the many Israelis who hold high positions in government in the USA (and who also hold dual citizenship)... it almost seems impossible that something this glaringly clear could so easily slip through the cracks.

"I declare that the particulars contained in this application are correct and have been made in awareness of the fact that they are to serve as basis for the consideration of my application. I also declare that I have not committed any criminal offence or any act directed against the Jewish people or the security of the state of Israel and that I am not affected with any illness which might endanger public health. There is no judicial warrant against me and I am not wanted by the police of any country."

Moreover, a tourist visa to Israel is only good for three (3) months. What kind of visa did this "nutter" get, a tourist visa? How did he extend his stay? How could he say the things he is reported to have confessed saying to IDF soldiers and still be there? How is it that Israeli IDF soldiers can waltz in one of their military bases and obtain so much ordinance and firepower without it being tracked... especially if these three are reportedly acting on their own?

Either Israel is really that unsecure in their security measures (not likely) or someone was paving the way for this. Either Netanyahu has been aware of this all along, or he had better get a grip on his subordinates and get some answers. Either the US president has been aware of this, or he had better get sme answers as well.

Making out like a delusional American "nutter" with a felony bench warrant suddenly decides to fly off to Israel to blow up Muslim holy sites, gets there and hangs out with Palestinian operatives, and then he is approached by IDF soldiers and befriended by them, and one of them moves in with him and supplies him with terrorist weaponry, and all this over the duration of over a year (on what kind of visa?), and then he mysteriously gets caught out without being gunned down whilst fleeing when they bust down his apartment door.... well...

If this isn't the biggest load of BS then I don't know what is. Even the headline to the article is BS; to suggest that an American planned these attacks alone, and to completely ignore his allies in the IDF; without whom his alleged dreams of blowing up Muslim holy sites and murdering innocents would only be a conspiracy theory.

Yeah. And Oswald acted alone as well.

I am really glad this did not get to the point of a bomb going off. It very well could have triggered WW3; especially if it had been the Dome of the Mosque. He's a "nutter" remember? It would be nice to blame it solely on a US citizen from Texas, who is a militant Christian and a "nutter" to boot, so that that temple could finally get under construction.

So much written, forgotten already. coffee1.gif


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There is no mention that this is defined as a terrorist plot.

It is glaringly obvious that it was an attempted terrorist plot by a nutcase who did pretty much everything wrong, which is why he got caught. His friends turned him in. There is no conspiracy.

The indictments present a picture of an amateur criminal who didn’t make much effort to cover his tracks. Prosecutors say in the first indictment that after he acquired the weapons through his roommate, Livvix showed them off to guests who visited his apartment. He also spoke openly to acquaintances about his “negative feelings toward Arabs”, one indictment says, especially in conversations with his ex-girlfriend.


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If he is a nutter, then what does it say about the other issues that run much deeper?

Livix (The Times of Israel), or Liwix (AP) was on the run from the US Feds for marijuana possession in Indiana, along with other charges.

He fled to Israel, and Israel let him in. Israel... arguably one of the best countries int he world on matters of intelligence and Internet data on almost any person who has ever registered anywhere. I'll get back to this later.

So this alleged nutter, who fled from the USA on marijuana charges, goes to Israel and hangs out there since 2013, and has a lot of Jewish friends; one of whom is also a US citizen, but also - get this - a member of the vaunted IDF. Additionally, there are two other members mentioned in online articles, who are also members of the IDF, and these three IDF soldiers are stealing weapons and selling them to this nutter.

There is so much more to this interesting story, such as the "Palestinian" mentioned in the OP link as being a "Palestinian operative" in a lot of other links. This Palestinian is only mentioned by the "nutter" and so we can't really believe him can we. We can't really believe that this nutter also hung out with Palestinian operatives and refused an offer to assassinate the President of the USA, since the US Navy denies any record of him ever being in the Navy. let alone being a Navy Seal Commando.

Here is what bugs me about this story...

A "Christian" flees the US for dubious reasons and goes to Israel, where he kicks around for a year or so, and hangs out with Palestinian operatives. This nutter rooms with an Israeli IDF solder, who also is a US citizen, and this nutter makes friends with two more Israeli Defense Forces soldiers. They all sit around for the duration and listen to the nutter tell stories about how he wants to blow up Muslim holy sites and (as implied by the stories) murder innocent people.

But the problem is, this nutter does not have the tools to blow up these Muslim holy sites and (as implied by the stories) murder innocent people, so his Israeli Defense Forces "homies" come to the rescue and steal (at least that is the word given... not got from other friends, etc.) guns, explosives, stun grenades, and the lot for this nutter and bring it to him so he can follow through.

And don't forget, the online news sources tell us that one of these Israel Defense Force soldiers is also a US citizen. I didn't know that US citizens can do this. "American Jews serving in the Israeli army are in clear violation of the US’s Neutrality Act, which makes it illegal for American citizens to be engaged in acts of war against nations which are at peace with the United States, a legal expert in Washington DC has pointed out."

This Israeli Jew is protected, and only known as A.A., who is also a US citizen. He "stole" plastic explosives from an IDF base in 2013. Early this year, he met and befriended Livix in Netanya. Now if my English Grammar is correct, the sentence posted in the Times of Israel suggests that the Jewish Israeli IDF soldier met and befriended, meaning Livix was approached by the IDF soldier, and the IDF soldier "made friends" with Livix (the nutter). I wonder what compelled an Israeli IDF soldier to approach a nutter (and you can;t convince me for one moment that the Israelis were on to this man the moment he set foot in Israel, or even before he landed)?

Moreover, with all the slip ups and incongruities on this story, you can't convince me that this "nutter" wasn't groomed by the Israelis in the USA before even coming to Israel, simply because he is a "nutter". How does a "nutter" who is on a felony bench warrant, "escape" to Israel? His passport would light up every computer at the airport like they were pinball machines when he landed at the airport in Israel.

This is all so much BS, that it boggles the mind.

And what about the IDF soldiers!!! So the US let's US citizens, who are Jews, go and support terrorism by joining the IDF and attacking, killing, murdering people from another country, Palestine, that is at peace with the USA, and it is OK. Let me state that again:

The USA is at peace with Palestine, but it is OK for US citizens to join the IDF and carry out acts of war against Palestinians, who are not at war with US citizens or US military personnel. How sick is that?

Even though 18 U.S.C. 960 is a law, US citizens, who are Israeli citizens somehow manages to slither their way around this one (let me guess) and make it OK for American Jews to hold dual nationality and serve in a military force that is committing acts of apartheid against a country that is at peace with the USA. Sound like treason or even like some "US citizens" don't give a damn about being a US citizen and are more concerned with their alternate citizenship.

And it reeks of a major (MAJOR) fit up of a US citizen by the Israeli Defense Forces, and the Jews in Israel and the US (never to be mentioned) watching this happen, that suggests that this "nutter" was lured to Israel to in fact commit these acts, and his way was paved with roses by his buddies in the IDF (whose identities are being withheld and who are not being accused of any crimes) and in all likelihood a lot of other Israeli Jews.

All this, so that this nutter could indeed blow up a major holy site and cause an all out war, as well as dragging the USA into the thick of it and pinning ALL the blame on the USA because it was... oooooo... a Christian militant from Texas who did it all on his own, and he managed to slip under Israeli radar and trick them into not knowing this because he is a Navy SEAL Commando!

It sounds to me like a false flag scheme went very very wrong and there is going to have to be a lot of explaining to do by....

Nah! I didn't think so.

Back to the NFL... nothing to read here. Life is just peachy.

More a case of posting while being uninformed on realities and over-blowing bits and pieces from media reports.

The articles state that the guy had a tourist visa (which he overstayed) and that he entered Israel illegally. Not knowing which visa he actually had makes it hard to say if entering Israel illegally refers to the time his initial arrival (less likely), or to mean that he entered Israel illegally from the West Bank (where he spent the earlier part of his stay). This could be illegal in the sense of his original visa expiring, his permit being limited to the West Bank or crossing over to Israel from the West Bank in an illegal manner (as in not through a checkpoint). Despite the security arrangements, there are illegal Palestinian workers from the West Bank entering Israel. Not as many of them as there used to be, as crossing over got trickier, but not something unheard of.

No idea how long the guy overstayed his visa, or for that matter, how long did he stay in Israel. Not being flagged as a security threat to begin with, his chances of not being picked up were better. Israeli immigration and police are usually more concerned with profiled groups.

Theft of weapons, explosive and ammunition from the IDF is hardly a new phenomenon. There's a case coming up on national media every now and then. The buying end is usually criminal rather than terrorist. Most cases are dealt with harshly. There is little doubt the same would apply here. The articles do not state that he had "a lot of Jewish friends", and finding a few fellow nutters is not that hard to manage.

I have no idea regarding the legal aspects of USA citizens serving on foreign armies, but as far as the IDF goes - yes, there are USA citizens (or rather, dual-citizenship holders) serving among its ranks. Nothing new or secretive with that as well. Regardless of how one wishes to term the actions of these dual-nationality soldiers, they are not carried out against a country at peace with the USA. Unless something changed, the USA does not, at this point, even recognize Palestine as a state.

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Considering the mountains of money the U.S. gives Israel every year, why was Israel allowing someone wanted in the U.S. on drug charges to live in their country at all?

Shouldn't the question be how he managed to get out of the USA to begin with?

Was he flagged? Had an international arrest warrant?

He stayed in Israel illegally, and the FBI was involved in his investigation once arrested.

Unless mistaken his offenses are possession and failure to appear before court. Not sure if that's quite up there with Interpol involvement....

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There is no mention that this is defined as a terrorist plot.

It is glaringly obvious that it was an attempted terrorist plot by a nutcase who did pretty much everything wrong, which is why he got caught. His friends turned him in. There is no conspiracy.

The indictments present a picture of an amateur criminal who didn’t make much effort to cover his tracks. Prosecutors say in the first indictment that after he acquired the weapons through his roommate, Livvix showed them off to guests who visited his apartment. He also spoke openly to acquaintances about his “negative feelings toward Arabs”, one indictment says, especially in conversations with his ex-girlfriend.


Yeah. Right. His "friends" turned him in, when in fact even your link does not mention "friends"; only "room mate", "guests" and "acquaintances".

The room mate is an IDF soldier. I can only guess that the "guests" must be BB and GG, who are also IDF soldiers. And who are the "acquaintances", I wonder, the tea-seller next door?

What these IDF soldiers did, and the BS excuses they are making is just that; BS. The rest is back-pedaling and cover up. All the focus is on this crazy American.

Your link implicates IDF soldiers as stealing explosives and weapons from their IDF bases, and stashing them for future sales. Livix came along and these IDF soldiers dug into their stash and sold to Livix 1.4 kg. of explosive bricks, six stun grenades as well as tear gas canisters and smoke grenades from an IDF base, and "as well as whatever other weapons he could find in the closet. DD took some of the C4 and an unknown quantity of other weapons, the indictment states, and gave them to Livvix."

This strongly suggests that the IDF is not all it is cracked up to be, and that there are goings on that could very easily be construed as planned activity to use these items that are being stolen from IDF bases by IDF soldiers to what... make fireworks?

So I guess one looney American was needed to point out a deeper problem within the IDF forces, and perhaps a very valid reason why some of these "incidents" over there may just not necessarily be caused by those whom the media would want us to believe caused them.

This really sickens me, but what sickens me even more is the cover up and omission of facts and events that would be very damning to Israel's waning popularity around the world.

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There is no mention that this is defined as a terrorist plot.

It is glaringly obvious that it was an attempted terrorist plot by a nutcase who did pretty much everything wrong, which is why he got caught. His friends turned him in. There is no conspiracy.

The indictments present a picture of an amateur criminal who didn’t make much effort to cover his tracks. Prosecutors say in the first indictment that after he acquired the weapons through his roommate, Livvix showed them off to guests who visited his apartment. He also spoke openly to acquaintances about his “negative feelings toward Arabs”, one indictment says, especially in conversations with his ex-girlfriend.


Yeah. Right. His "friends" turned him in, when in fact even your link does not mention "friends"; only "room mate", "guests" and "acquaintances".

Why does the website need to use the word "friends"? Most native speakers of English could figure out that roommates, guests and acquaintances, can be referred to informally as friends.

Stolen weapons makes the IDF is not all it is cracked up to be? Every army on earth has this problem occasionally. You are so determined to lash out at Israel at every opportunity that you don't even attempt to write logical posts.crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

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Considering the mountains of money the U.S. gives Israel every year, why was Israel allowing someone wanted in the U.S. on drug charges to live in their country at all?

Agreed. And given the closeness between the USA and its closest ally, and their almost indistinguishable sharing of classified information, and the many Israelis who hold high positions in government in the USA (and who also hold dual citizenship)... it almost seems impossible that something this glaringly clear could so easily slip through the cracks.

"I declare that the particulars contained in this application are correct and have been made in awareness of the fact that they are to serve as basis for the consideration of my application. I also declare that I have not committed any criminal offence or any act directed against the Jewish people or the security of the state of Israel and that I am not affected with any illness which might endanger public health. There is no judicial warrant against me and I am not wanted by the police of any country."

Moreover, a tourist visa to Israel is only good for three (3) months. What kind of visa did this "nutter" get, a tourist visa? How did he extend his stay? How could he say the things he is reported to have confessed saying to IDF soldiers and still be there? How is it that Israeli IDF soldiers can waltz in one of their military bases and obtain so much ordinance and firepower without it being tracked... especially if these three are reportedly acting on their own?

Either Israel is really that unsecure in their security measures (not likely) or someone was paving the way for this. Either Netanyahu has been aware of this all along, or he had better get a grip on his subordinates and get some answers. Either the US president has been aware of this, or he had better get sme answers as well.

Making out like a delusional American "nutter" with a felony bench warrant suddenly decides to fly off to Israel to blow up Muslim holy sites, gets there and hangs out with Palestinian operatives, and then he is approached by IDF soldiers and befriended by them, and one of them moves in with him and supplies him with terrorist weaponry, and all this over the duration of over a year (on what kind of visa?), and then he mysteriously gets caught out without being gunned down whilst fleeing when they bust down his apartment door.... well...

If this isn't the biggest load of BS then I don't know what is. Even the headline to the article is BS; to suggest that an American planned these attacks alone, and to completely ignore his allies in the IDF; without whom his alleged dreams of blowing up Muslim holy sites and murdering innocents would only be a conspiracy theory.

Yeah. And Oswald acted alone as well.

I am really glad this did not get to the point of a bomb going off. It very well could have triggered WW3; especially if it had been the Dome of the Mosque. He's a "nutter" remember? It would be nice to blame it solely on a US citizen from Texas, who is a militant Christian and a "nutter" to boot, so that that temple could finally get under construction.

So how did this world-class villain manage to be on the run within the USA, and furthermore, actually able to leave the country?

No system is perfect, and the guy was a small time offender (well, previous to the current story). There was no reason for him to raise alarm bells in any serious manner. Not like he was a foreign pedophile teaching school children for years in Thailand. But sure - the upper echelons had to know about that.

And wow...the guy actually dared to lie on a visa application? What a dastardly criminal. Not all tourist visas from the USA are thoroughly checked? Shocking, with them Americans being such a threat.

It is stated that he overstayed his visa - not implied that he got a special one. He said the things he said to (apparently) sympathetic IDF soldiers in private, no way to act on this unless reported. As said in another post, this would hardly be the first time weapons/explosives were stolen from the IDF by soldiers. The guy was not "mysteriously" caught. There is mention in the reports of an undercover police agent, which would fit in with

the way other weapon theft cases were dealt with.

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Some very nasty, bickering, off-topic, inflammatory posts and replies have been deleted. Suspensions will be given if it continues.

You have been warned. Stay on topic and stop the remarks directed at other posters.

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There is no mention that this is defined as a terrorist plot.

It is glaringly obvious that it was an attempted terrorist plot by a nutcase who did pretty much everything wrong, which is why he got caught. His friends turned him in. There is no conspiracy.

The indictments present a picture of an amateur criminal who didn’t make much effort to cover his tracks. Prosecutors say in the first indictment that after he acquired the weapons through his roommate, Livvix showed them off to guests who visited his apartment. He also spoke openly to acquaintances about his “negative feelings toward Arabs”, one indictment says, especially in conversations with his ex-girlfriend.


Yeah. Right. His "friends" turned him in, when in fact even your link does not mention "friends"; only "room mate", "guests" and "acquaintances".

Why does the website need to use the word "friends"? Most native speakers of English could figure out that roommates, guests and acquaintances, can be referred to informally as friends.

Stolen weapons makes the IDF is not all it is cracked up to be? Every army on earth has this problem occasionally. You are so determined to lash out at Israel at every opportunity that you don't even attempt to write logical posts.crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

UG, you are mitigating things to suit your purposes. ANd whereby I am accused of being conspiracy theorist, you now claim it is ok to "figure things out". How does one figure things out without theorizing, UG?

Regarding your parting shot, ...well, let me see, I do believe that this is an OP that includes Israel as a very large part of its content, hence, my comments are focused on the OP.

Would you please describe to me how my focus on the OP is lashing out? ...and at every opportunity?

What other opportunity is there besides the OP, which is all about a nut case, and to a much larger extent, Israel?

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If he is a nutter, then what does it say about the other issues that run much deeper?

Livix (The Times of Israel), or Liwix (AP) was on the run from the US Feds for marijuana possession in Indiana, along with other charges.

He fled to Israel, and Israel let him in. Israel... arguably one of the best countries int he world on matters of intelligence and Internet data on almost any person who has ever registered anywhere. I'll get back to this later.

So this alleged nutter, who fled from the USA on marijuana charges, goes to Israel and hangs out there since 2013, and has a lot of Jewish friends; one of whom is also a US citizen, but also - get this - a member of the vaunted IDF. Additionally, there are two other members mentioned in online articles, who are also members of the IDF, and these three IDF soldiers are stealing weapons and selling them to this nutter.

There is so much more to this interesting story, such as the "Palestinian" mentioned in the OP link as being a "Palestinian operative" in a lot of other links. This Palestinian is only mentioned by the "nutter" and so we can't really believe him can we. We can't really believe that this nutter also hung out with Palestinian operatives and refused an offer to assassinate the President of the USA, since the US Navy denies any record of him ever being in the Navy. let alone being a Navy Seal Commando.

Here is what bugs me about this story...

A "Christian" flees the US for dubious reasons and goes to Israel, where he kicks around for a year or so, and hangs out with Palestinian operatives. This nutter rooms with an Israeli IDF solder, who also is a US citizen, and this nutter makes friends with two more Israeli Defense Forces soldiers. They all sit around for the duration and listen to the nutter tell stories about how he wants to blow up Muslim holy sites and (as implied by the stories) murder innocent people.

But the problem is, this nutter does not have the tools to blow up these Muslim holy sites and (as implied by the stories) murder innocent people, so his Israeli Defense Forces "homies" come to the rescue and steal (at least that is the word given... not got from other friends, etc.) guns, explosives, stun grenades, and the lot for this nutter and bring it to him so he can follow through.

And don't forget, the online news sources tell us that one of these Israel Defense Force soldiers is also a US citizen. I didn't know that US citizens can do this. "American Jews serving in the Israeli army are in clear violation of the US’s Neutrality Act, which makes it illegal for American citizens to be engaged in acts of war against nations which are at peace with the United States, a legal expert in Washington DC has pointed out."

This Israeli Jew is protected, and only known as A.A., who is also a US citizen. He "stole" plastic explosives from an IDF base in 2013. Early this year, he met and befriended Livix in Netanya. Now if my English Grammar is correct, the sentence posted in the Times of Israel suggests that the Jewish Israeli IDF soldier met and befriended, meaning Livix was approached by the IDF soldier, and the IDF soldier "made friends" with Livix (the nutter). I wonder what compelled an Israeli IDF soldier to approach a nutter (and you can;t convince me for one moment that the Israelis were on to this man the moment he set foot in Israel, or even before he landed)?

Moreover, with all the slip ups and incongruities on this story, you can't convince me that this "nutter" wasn't groomed by the Israelis in the USA before even coming to Israel, simply because he is a "nutter". How does a "nutter" who is on a felony bench warrant, "escape" to Israel? His passport would light up every computer at the airport like they were pinball machines when he landed at the airport in Israel.

This is all so much BS, that it boggles the mind.

And what about the IDF soldiers!!! So the US let's US citizens, who are Jews, go and support terrorism by joining the IDF and attacking, killing, murdering people from another country, Palestine, that is at peace with the USA, and it is OK. Let me state that again:

The USA is at peace with Palestine, but it is OK for US citizens to join the IDF and carry out acts of war against Palestinians, who are not at war with US citizens or US military personnel. How sick is that?

Even though 18 U.S.C. 960 is a law, US citizens, who are Israeli citizens somehow manages to slither their way around this one (let me guess) and make it OK for American Jews to hold dual nationality and serve in a military force that is committing acts of apartheid against a country that is at peace with the USA. Sound like treason or even like some "US citizens" don't give a damn about being a US citizen and are more concerned with their alternate citizenship.

And it reeks of a major (MAJOR) fit up of a US citizen by the Israeli Defense Forces, and the Jews in Israel and the US (never to be mentioned) watching this happen, that suggests that this "nutter" was lured to Israel to in fact commit these acts, and his way was paved with roses by his buddies in the IDF (whose identities are being withheld and who are not being accused of any crimes) and in all likelihood a lot of other Israeli Jews.

All this, so that this nutter could indeed blow up a major holy site and cause an all out war, as well as dragging the USA into the thick of it and pinning ALL the blame on the USA because it was... oooooo... a Christian militant from Texas who did it all on his own, and he managed to slip under Israeli radar and trick them into not knowing this because he is a Navy SEAL Commando!

It sounds to me like a false flag scheme went very very wrong and there is going to have to be a lot of explaining to do by....

Nah! I didn't think so.

Back to the NFL... nothing to read here. Life is just peachy.

with the racist overtones "Israeli Jew" we are supposed to take this seriously? What a load of Bull Sh*t you are spreading.

And this is another example of the script by numbers: ad hominem and digress to the point that discussion is way out in left field. I have got to hand it to you boys. You really stick to that script of yours. What is this reply, page 6024?

The Israeli Defense Forces soldier, who (in all likelihood is a Jew), and is a US citizen holding a dual Israeli passport, befriended the loon and procured death dealing weapons from an Israeli military supply stock and brought it to this loon... with the full knowledge that this loon intended to blow up buildings and (in all likelihood murder innocent people)...

...and all you can come up with is this utterly foolish comeback?


As far as I am concerned, those soldiers (and I give a damn where they come from or who they are) deserve the death sentence for what they did, and considering the power they had over this loon.

Conspiring to blow up buildings and understanding that in all likelihood there would be innocent people there...

Now I am not going to post links, ggold and UG and the rest of you boys in this choir, but looking up how many terrorist plots were foiled by the USA and Israel the last ten years, and reading their descriptions and mode of operation, and reading how the planners and their accomplices (THEIR ACCOMPLICES) were convicted, well... I would say that this fits the bill.

It has nothing to do with being accused of being racist.

If the shoe fits.

You are somehow assuming that the soldiers involved will not be prosecuted and punished. If previous cases are anything to go by, this is an incorrect assumption.

Not exactly getting what's the big surprise here - that there are IDF soldiers sympathetic to this sort of views? That there are IDF soldiers who will steal and sell weapons for greed? You'll find all sort of people in an organization of that size.

Another interesting, if somewhat OT, point would be how quick you are in seeking the death sentence for said soldiers. If memory serves, while discussing the last couple of actual attacks by Palestinians, you went on about needing to understand the circumstances, motives, psych, underlying reasons for attacks - while pouring scorn on posters having a go at the attackers.

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Considering the mountains of money the U.S. gives Israel every year, why was Israel allowing someone wanted in the U.S. on drug charges to live in their country at all?

Agreed. And given the closeness between the USA and its closest ally, and their almost indistinguishable sharing of classified information, and the many Israelis who hold high positions in government in the USA (and who also hold dual citizenship)... it almost seems impossible that something this glaringly clear could so easily slip through the cracks.

"I declare that the particulars contained in this application are correct and have been made in awareness of the fact that they are to serve as basis for the consideration of my application. I also declare that I have not committed any criminal offence or any act directed against the Jewish people or the security of the state of Israel and that I am not affected with any illness which might endanger public health. There is no judicial warrant against me and I am not wanted by the police of any country."

Moreover, a tourist visa to Israel is only good for three (3) months. What kind of visa did this "nutter" get, a tourist visa? How did he extend his stay? How could he say the things he is reported to have confessed saying to IDF soldiers and still be there? How is it that Israeli IDF soldiers can waltz in one of their military bases and obtain so much ordinance and firepower without it being tracked... especially if these three are reportedly acting on their own?

Either Israel is really that unsecure in their security measures (not likely) or someone was paving the way for this. Either Netanyahu has been aware of this all along, or he had better get a grip on his subordinates and get some answers. Either the US president has been aware of this, or he had better get sme answers as well.

Making out like a delusional American "nutter" with a felony bench warrant suddenly decides to fly off to Israel to blow up Muslim holy sites, gets there and hangs out with Palestinian operatives, and then he is approached by IDF soldiers and befriended by them, and one of them moves in with him and supplies him with terrorist weaponry, and all this over the duration of over a year (on what kind of visa?), and then he mysteriously gets caught out without being gunned down whilst fleeing when they bust down his apartment door.... well...

If this isn't the biggest load of BS then I don't know what is. Even the headline to the article is BS; to suggest that an American planned these attacks alone, and to completely ignore his allies in the IDF; without whom his alleged dreams of blowing up Muslim holy sites and murdering innocents would only be a conspiracy theory.

Yeah. And Oswald acted alone as well.

I am really glad this did not get to the point of a bomb going off. It very well could have triggered WW3; especially if it had been the Dome of the Mosque. He's a "nutter" remember? It would be nice to blame it solely on a US citizen from Texas, who is a militant Christian and a "nutter" to boot, so that that temple could finally get under construction.

So how did this world-class villain manage to be on the run within the USA, and furthermore, actually able to leave the country?

No system is perfect, and the guy was a small time offender (well, previous to the current story). There was no reason for him to raise alarm bells in any serious manner. Not like he was a foreign pedophile teaching school children for years in Thailand. But sure - the upper echelons had to know about that.

And wow...the guy actually dared to lie on a visa application? What a dastardly criminal. Not all tourist visas from the USA are thoroughly checked? Shocking, with them Americans being such a threat.

It is stated that he overstayed his visa - not implied that he got a special one. He said the things he said to (apparently) sympathetic IDF soldiers in private, no way to act on this unless reported. As said in another post, this would hardly be the first time weapons/explosives were stolen from the IDF by soldiers. The guy was not "mysteriously" caught. There is mention in the reports of an undercover police agent, which would fit in with

the way other weapon theft cases were dealt with.

Hi Morch. I was wondering when you would drop in.

Mitigating the obvious, even though the obvious is ignored and dismissed as being being anything but the serious nature it presents itself as being does not make things any better.

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If he is a nutter, then what does it say about the other issues that run much deeper?

Livix (The Times of Israel), or Liwix (AP) was on the run from the US Feds for marijuana possession in Indiana, along with other charges.

He fled to Israel, and Israel let him in. Israel... arguably one of the best countries int he world on matters of intelligence and Internet data on almost any person who has ever registered anywhere. I'll get back to this later.

So this alleged nutter, who fled from the USA on marijuana charges, goes to Israel and hangs out there since 2013, and has a lot of Jewish friends; one of whom is also a US citizen, but also - get this - a member of the vaunted IDF. Additionally, there are two other members mentioned in online articles, who are also members of the IDF, and these three IDF soldiers are stealing weapons and selling them to this nutter.

There is so much more to this interesting story, such as the "Palestinian" mentioned in the OP link as being a "Palestinian operative" in a lot of other links. This Palestinian is only mentioned by the "nutter" and so we can't really believe him can we. We can't really believe that this nutter also hung out with Palestinian operatives and refused an offer to assassinate the President of the USA, since the US Navy denies any record of him ever being in the Navy. let alone being a Navy Seal Commando.

Here is what bugs me about this story...

A "Christian" flees the US for dubious reasons and goes to Israel, where he kicks around for a year or so, and hangs out with Palestinian operatives. This nutter rooms with an Israeli IDF solder, who also is a US citizen, and this nutter makes friends with two more Israeli Defense Forces soldiers. They all sit around for the duration and listen to the nutter tell stories about how he wants to blow up Muslim holy sites and (as implied by the stories) murder innocent people.

But the problem is, this nutter does not have the tools to blow up these Muslim holy sites and (as implied by the stories) murder innocent people, so his Israeli Defense Forces "homies" come to the rescue and steal (at least that is the word given... not got from other friends, etc.) guns, explosives, stun grenades, and the lot for this nutter and bring it to him so he can follow through.

And don't forget, the online news sources tell us that one of these Israel Defense Force soldiers is also a US citizen. I didn't know that US citizens can do this. "American Jews serving in the Israeli army are in clear violation of the US’s Neutrality Act, which makes it illegal for American citizens to be engaged in acts of war against nations which are at peace with the United States, a legal expert in Washington DC has pointed out."

This Israeli Jew is protected, and only known as A.A., who is also a US citizen. He "stole" plastic explosives from an IDF base in 2013. Early this year, he met and befriended Livix in Netanya. Now if my English Grammar is correct, the sentence posted in the Times of Israel suggests that the Jewish Israeli IDF soldier met and befriended, meaning Livix was approached by the IDF soldier, and the IDF soldier "made friends" with Livix (the nutter). I wonder what compelled an Israeli IDF soldier to approach a nutter (and you can;t convince me for one moment that the Israelis were on to this man the moment he set foot in Israel, or even before he landed)?

Moreover, with all the slip ups and incongruities on this story, you can't convince me that this "nutter" wasn't groomed by the Israelis in the USA before even coming to Israel, simply because he is a "nutter". How does a "nutter" who is on a felony bench warrant, "escape" to Israel? His passport would light up every computer at the airport like they were pinball machines when he landed at the airport in Israel.

This is all so much BS, that it boggles the mind.

And what about the IDF soldiers!!! So the US let's US citizens, who are Jews, go and support terrorism by joining the IDF and attacking, killing, murdering people from another country, Palestine, that is at peace with the USA, and it is OK. Let me state that again:

The USA is at peace with Palestine, but it is OK for US citizens to join the IDF and carry out acts of war against Palestinians, who are not at war with US citizens or US military personnel. How sick is that?

Even though 18 U.S.C. 960 is a law, US citizens, who are Israeli citizens somehow manages to slither their way around this one (let me guess) and make it OK for American Jews to hold dual nationality and serve in a military force that is committing acts of apartheid against a country that is at peace with the USA. Sound like treason or even like some "US citizens" don't give a damn about being a US citizen and are more concerned with their alternate citizenship.

And it reeks of a major (MAJOR) fit up of a US citizen by the Israeli Defense Forces, and the Jews in Israel and the US (never to be mentioned) watching this happen, that suggests that this "nutter" was lured to Israel to in fact commit these acts, and his way was paved with roses by his buddies in the IDF (whose identities are being withheld and who are not being accused of any crimes) and in all likelihood a lot of other Israeli Jews.

All this, so that this nutter could indeed blow up a major holy site and cause an all out war, as well as dragging the USA into the thick of it and pinning ALL the blame on the USA because it was... oooooo... a Christian militant from Texas who did it all on his own, and he managed to slip under Israeli radar and trick them into not knowing this because he is a Navy SEAL Commando!

It sounds to me like a false flag scheme went very very wrong and there is going to have to be a lot of explaining to do by....

Nah! I didn't think so.

Back to the NFL... nothing to read here. Life is just peachy.

with the racist overtones "Israeli Jew" we are supposed to take this seriously? What a load of Bull Sh*t you are spreading.

And this is another example of the script by numbers: ad hominem and digress to the point that discussion is way out in left field. I have got to hand it to you boys. You really stick to that script of yours. What is this reply, page 6024?

The Israeli Defense Forces soldier, who (in all likelihood is a Jew), and is a US citizen holding a dual Israeli passport, befriended the loon and procured death dealing weapons from an Israeli military supply stock and brought it to this loon... with the full knowledge that this loon intended to blow up buildings and (in all likelihood murder innocent people)...

...and all you can come up with is this utterly foolish comeback?


As far as I am concerned, those soldiers (and I give a damn where they come from or who they are) deserve the death sentence for what they did, and considering the power they had over this loon.

Conspiring to blow up buildings and understanding that in all likelihood there would be innocent people there...

Now I am not going to post links, ggold and UG and the rest of you boys in this choir, but looking up how many terrorist plots were foiled by the USA and Israel the last ten years, and reading their descriptions and mode of operation, and reading how the planners and their accomplices (THEIR ACCOMPLICES) were convicted, well... I would say that this fits the bill.

It has nothing to do with being accused of being racist.

If the shoe fits.

You are somehow assuming that the soldiers involved will not be prosecuted and punished.

If previous cases are anything to go by, this is an incorrect assumption.

Not exactly getting what's the big surprise here - that there are IDF soldiers sympathetic to this sort of views? That there

are IDF soldiers who will steal and sell weapons for greed? You'll find all sort of people in an organization of that size.

Another interesting, if somewhat OT, point would be how quick you are in seeking the death sentence for said soldiers.

If memory serves, while discussing the last couple of actual attacks by Palestinians, you went on about needing to understand

the circumstances, motives, psych, underlying reasons for attacks - while pouring scorn on posters having a go at the attackers.

Thanks for pointing that out. Weaklings, who are bullied, get that way. The bullies have no excuse. Moreover, when the bullies have the pulpit, and do these things, their judgment should indeed be harsher, simply because they have a higher standard, and/or at least tout a higher standard.

You are describing the Palestinian woman. I'll wager, Morch, that that woman has a greater story of woe than these IDF soldiers, who get to live the good life, and do not need to steal.

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ANd whereby I am accused of being conspiracy theorist, you now claim it is ok to "figure things out". How does one figure things out without theorizing, UG?

A dictionary definition of "friends" is a person whom one knows; an acquaintance. There is no more need to "theorize" about that any more. It is pretty obvious that there is no conspiracy here, just a lone nut who was arrested by the police before he could do anything of real consequence.

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And this is another example of the script by numbers: ad hominem and digress to the point that discussion is way out in left field. I have got to hand it to you boys. You really stick to that script of yours. What is this reply, page 6024?

The Israeli Defense Forces soldier, who (in all likelihood is a Jew), and is a US citizen holding a dual Israeli passport, befriended the loon and procured death dealing weapons from an Israeli military supply stock and brought it to this loon... with the full knowledge that this loon intended to blow up buildings and (in all likelihood murder innocent people)...

...and all you can come up with is this utterly foolish comeback?


As far as I am concerned, those soldiers (and I give a damn where they come from or who they are) deserve the death sentence for what they did, and considering the power they had over this loon.

Conspiring to blow up buildings and understanding that in all likelihood there would be innocent people there...

Now I am not going to post links, ggold and UG and the rest of you boys in this choir, but looking up how many terrorist plots were foiled by the USA and Israel the last ten years, and reading their descriptions and mode of operation, and reading how the planners and their accomplices (THEIR ACCOMPLICES) were convicted, well... I would say that this fits the bill.

It has nothing to do with being accused of being racist.

If the shoe fits.

You are somehow assuming that the soldiers involved will not be prosecuted and punished.

If previous cases are anything to go by, this is an incorrect assumption.

Not exactly getting what's the big surprise here - that there are IDF soldiers sympathetic to this sort of views? That there

are IDF soldiers who will steal and sell weapons for greed? You'll find all sort of people in an organization of that size.

Another interesting, if somewhat OT, point would be how quick you are in seeking the death sentence for said soldiers.

If memory serves, while discussing the last couple of actual attacks by Palestinians, you went on about needing to understand

the circumstances, motives, psych, underlying reasons for attacks - while pouring scorn on posters having a go at the attackers.

Thanks for pointing that out. Weaklings, who are bullied, get that way. The bullies have no excuse. Moreover, when the bullies have the pulpit, and do these things, their judgment should indeed be harsher, simply because they have a higher standard, and/or at least tout a higher standard.

You are describing the Palestinian woman. I'll wager, Morch, that that woman has a greater story of woe than these IDF soldiers, who get to live the good life, and do not need to steal.

I doubt that you know, anything, about the life stories of the soldiers involved in this case. Nor do I, but I do not make over-reaching assumptions. I also doubt that you know, anything much, about the life story of that Palestinian woman.

But don't let that stop you from making absolute moral judgements based on infinitesimal information. Whatever floats your boat.

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ANd whereby I am accused of being conspiracy theorist, you now claim it is ok to "figure things out". How does one figure things out without theorizing, UG?

A dictionary definition of "friends" is a person whom one knows; an acquaintance. There is no more need to "theorize" about that any more. It is pretty obvious that there is no conspiracy here, just a lone nut who was arrested by the police before he could do anything of real consequence.

Fair enough, but first, would you be so kind as to verify your credentials with the news reporting agency from your link, before correcting their typographical errors?

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Both sides have their quota of nut cases. It is amazing how little trouble is caused by godless, infidel atheists.

So many questions in 2 short sentences, I'm not sure where to start, although is does provide some insight into your thinking... coffee1.gif

As for the rest of the thread, the usual suspects having the usual sectarian debate about the ME... All of you should just meet at the On Nut beer garden for a few pints and/or a dust up to clear the air and keep this crap off TV...

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Bad American guy!
Really, what more is there to say?

Israel doesn't need him and neither does the USA.

OK, well Israel doesn't have very many good friends in the world, and some of those good friends are right wing Christian Zionists, and some of those right wing Christian Zionist are crazier than bat sheit. So that's a bit awkward ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Sounds as if he broke the golden rule and got too high on his own supply.


Livvix, who was already wanted in the U.S. on drug charges, traveled to the Middle East last year and lived in Bethlehem and Hebron, where he posed as a Navy SEAL. A Palestinian operative tried to enlist him in a scheme to assassinate President Obama, Shin Bet said, but he balked. However, he allegedly did begin planning attacks on holy sites in Jerusalem, using explosives obtained with the help of his roommate, an Israeli soldier.


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Many Israeli/Jewish-Americans (and fundamentalist Christians waiting for the apocalypse) are far more radical than Israelis themselves. They truly are a menace that needs to be dealt with.

Yeah you really got watch out for those Jewish and fundamentalist christian suicide bombers when you're in America. They're nutters. You are perfectly sane of course.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Considering the mountains of money the U.S. gives Israel every year, why was Israel allowing someone wanted in the U.S. on drug charges to live in their country at all?

He was hardly the drug dealer of the century. If the US didn't flag this guy for arrest why would the Israeli's know he was wanted on drug charges? Did the US issue an international arrest warrant?

He was "wanted" for marijuana possession - a real big player. alt=laugh.png>

Regardless of what you're wanted for, your warrants show up when you pass through airports. If you think any differently, check the arrest locations for people at your local jails. Baggage claim is a frequent location.

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That's funny... as if Israel hasn't got it's fair share of lunatics and crazy people already

now come an import nutter...

I think just about everyone in Israel ( except the Palestinians ) have been imported since the late 1940s...

nuttters or not...imports!

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