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Americans in Thailand warned after release of CIA report

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Thailand had several black sites, at least one incident is mentioned in the summary. One of them is "rumored" to be just down the road from me. The Voice of America guy swears it wasn't his compound, I believe him.


Actually I think my response would be deleted as quickly as it was posted. I think you might get the idea from "between the lines" of how I would respond if asked in a threatening manner. And no, it wasn't any help. I didn't mean it to be insulting, sorry if it was.


"but also proud that we as a people are able to admit it our flaws so we can move forward. Don't find that in many other countries."

Move forward? Would that it were so but I see little of that, unfortunately.


Extremists, terrorists, autocrats, dictators, despots, authoritarians, tyrants of whatever stripe, ideology or excuse need the cover of secrecy to conduct their nefarious activities. Bringing these activities into the light esp when they are illegal or callously inhumane is our only recourse to fight for our basic human rights even when it hurts or embarrasses us. Yes, obviously, covert action is needed at times. It's a complex world, but winning is when we play by the fundamental rules of "the game" called politics...winning the hearts and minds of the people...

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What makes this all the worse is that a left wing liberal bleeding-heart President signed the treaty outlawing torture. I wish he could be retroactively impeached.


This warning should not come as a surprise to Americans, in fact just about every country on earth should carry the same warning, including the USA - The US Foreign policy and its own homeland policies have alienated US citizens in every continent and even in their home country.

They are probably safer in Thailand than in some of their own cities, read Detroit, Philly, LA, New Orleans.

As an earlier poster said, most Thais would not be the least interested.


Maybe the Thais should worry. There have been far more terrorist killings of Thais in Thailand since 9/11 than there have been of Americans in America.

That is of course because the Thais run Gitmo Kill terrorists all over the world Torture terrorists regularly in Bangkok Butt into everyone elses' business the world over Terrorists are terrorists and do what terrorists do.

And US governments do what they do best, selling war to its people that is.

This is a common misconception about how things work in America, even by many Americans.

The U.S. government does not 'sell' war to the American people. They go to war, then try to justify it to the American people who have no power to stop what is happening.

The only time in modern history, meaning since the end of the Vietnam war, that the U.S. tried to 'sell' war was after the attacks on 9/11. But, they not only sold war to the American people, but to many other powerful countries in the world; England, Australia and France to mention a few. And they happily got on the war boat and sailed to the middle east.

If you are to have any understanding of how things work in America, you have to realize that, no matter who is in the White House, the U.S. government DOES NOT REPRESENT THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. They represent the rich and powerful only.

You might find that you can narrow it down a bit further as to who actually runs the US Government, it might in fact point to that horrible little dump of a so called "country" that is full of lying, racist, corrupt xenophobes that have started and financed almost every major conflict since about 1 AD. and No, I do not mean Thailand......but they fit 3 out of 4.


How many heads where cut off...???? Not one of the Gag heads was tortured.

I think you're confusing execution with torture. Or maybe I should say you're confusing decapitation with torture. Since at least one of the detainees, actually did die from his treatment.


Actually I'm kind of seriously asking the question ... if you are aggressively approached to identify your nationality by someone who appears to have a nationality probably hostile to the USA, what do you do?

I would suggest if you cannot pass yourself off as Australian or perhaps a Kiwi, affect your best French accent, Jingthing, and respond with< "Montreal, Quebec." If the individual does not know where that is and you're queried further, then explain, "It is an independent province in Canada, (far) north of the United States." That is your best and pretty much only hope. Declaring yourself from the UK will not help as the a result of GWB's half-baked, "Coalition of the Willing." Tony Blair was unfortunately as prolific in his support of the Bush Administration's policies as anyone. It would be well advised for all English speaking westerners to keep a low profile for a while. Releasing this report has jeopardized everyone. Just the same, it had to happen. Truth always finds its way to the surface.

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"What makes this all the worse is that a left wing liberal bleeding-heart President signed the treaty outlawing torture. I wish he could be retroactively impeached." Are you talking about Reagan or Bush the elder? The treaty came into being in the US in 1988 under their regime. Bill Clinton was not anywhere near a "left wing bleeding heart liberal", unfortunately, and that is who I'm guessing you are referring to. Actually, I think Nuremberg pretty well settled the question on torture and war crimes. Perhaps that is what some are justly afraid of.

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there could be some fanatics who don't understand that this American tourist has nothing to do with the crimes of his government.

This could be the understatement of the year !

Pretty much explains the whole philosophy of terrorism.


just say your canadian end of..everyone likes them....or wear a t-shirt in thai saying your a mute...

Most Canadians don't like american government. Most Americans are totally ignorant about Canada. The american government lie all time why now asking even their citizens to lie, aren't you proud to be american????

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Yes all goes to show that if you read Paul Craig Roberts excellent blogs (Google it if you do not know of it) you would have been aware he is no idiot and been informed way before this how evil and corrupt Washington is and has been over the past 14 years or so. As we Brits also speak native English we sometimes get mistaken for US citizens so be warned fellow Brits and also take care. I sometimes want to wear a big sign that says "Don't blame me I am NOT an American" but alas not very proud these days to be British either with our terrible Washington puppet Government we need to get rid of, and Europe, Canada and Australia are not much better either.

Let it be known I truly oppose both US and UK administrations over these and similar terrorist style activities they participate in. Statistically the US have killed and maimed more innocent people and children than practically all the world's other nations put together including ISIS and other Muslim terrorist groups. So that makes the US in many open minded folks eyes, and not without good reason, the Worlds biggest terrorist state so is it any wonder they are hated far and wide. Sadly though it is not the people but their sick administration with no decent alternative political group as yet for them to vote for, at least in the UK we DO have an established ready to rule without Tory shackles centre based party we can if sensible elect in next May

As I say it is high time at least the US and UK citizens did something about removing their respective evil corrupt Governments before it is too late. I trust you are all aware that nuclear war with Russia is not so far fetched now after Washington's terrible lies and demonization of Russia and their highly popular leader and capable leader Putin. I am not particularly pro Russian but I would easily side with them these days than Washington and that is a complete about turn for me and many others over the past 10 to 15 years. Personally I am neither Capitalist nor Communist/Socialist but favour real people and true more honourable centre based politics that is open minded enough to adopt all that is good form both the destructive extremes.

Anyway back on topic, yes it is best to keep your heads down right now and in the circumstances after this report do not expect any sympathy unless you too openly and rightly denounce Washington and particularly the old evil Bush regime. NO, before anyone incorrectly says it again, I am not Anti American, any more so than the huge mass of US citizens are these days. I simply share their views as to being strongly anti Washington and the undemocratic corporate run police state nation the US has corruptly become. Yes I feel the UK are not a lot better either. Just open your minds folks and take any blinkers off that you may have on, and seek the truth not the lies and misinformation fed to us all by the Western media every day.

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The NewYork times has an interesting article on this topic

"White House and Republicans Clash Over C.I.A. Torture Report


DEC. 8, 2014

WASHINGTON — With the long-awaited Senate report on the use of torture by the United States government — a detailed account that will shed an unsparing light on the Central Intelligence Agency’s darkest practices after the September 2001 terrorist attacks — set to be released Tuesday, the Obama administration and its Republican critics clashed over the wisdom of making it public, and the risk that it will set off a backlash overseas."


I don't believe one single word published in the New York Times. Never did and never will. The same goes for the New York Daily News and the New York Post. All 3 are good to line the trash can or the bottom of the bird cage.


just say your canadian end of..everyone likes them....or wear a t-shirt in thai saying your a mute...

Terrorists, some of us in Canuck Tee Shirts are in fact Canadians. Please just ask us what is the Canadian capital or largest city before you start with the beheadings. If we give the correct answer it will prove we are a Euro or Canadian or anyone but a yank.

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Actually I'm kind of seriously asking the question ... if you are aggressively approached to identify your nationality by someone who appears to have a nationality probably hostile to the USA, what do you do?

Tell them you are Swiss.

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"What makes this all the worse is that a left wing liberal bleeding-heart President signed the treaty outlawing torture. I wish he could be retroactively impeached." Are you talking about Reagan or Bush the elder? The treaty came into being in the US in 1988 under their regime. Bill Clinton was not anywhere near a "left wing bleeding heart liberal", unfortunately, and that is who I'm guessing you are referring to. Actually, I think Nuremberg pretty well settled the question on torture and war crimes. Perhaps that is what some are justly afraid of.

Isn't Reagan the President who ran up huge deficits and bailed out the failed Savings and Loan institutions? That makes him a certified dyed-in-the-wool Socialist.

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