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Bali 9 duo will face firing squad

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Indonesian President Joko Widodo rejects Bali Nine clemency for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran

BALI: -- INDONESIAN President Joko Widodo has ruled out issuing pardons for any drug convicts on death row, including two Australians being held in Bali.

Bali Nine inmates Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran have had a clemency request before the president for more than two years.

“I will reject clemency request submitted by 64 death convicted of drugs cases,” President Jokowi said during a lecture at Gadjah Mada University on Tuesday.

According to Indonesian news website Kompas.com, President Jokowi said that most of the prisoners had “destroyed the future of the nation”.

He said the rejection of clemency served as “important shock therapy” for drug dealers, traffickers and users.

Mr Joko’s new policy will condemn Chan, Sukumaran and more than 60 other drug prisoners to the firing squad.

The comments come just a week after the president announced that five convicts would be executed by the end of the month.

However, it’s not known if the two Australians will be among those put to death.

Sources also cautioned that Jokowi’s predecessor Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had previously made promises about rejecting clemency bids.

-- News.com.au 2014-12-10


Nothing surprising from the cesspit of the world. People smugglers who bribe officials, including the military,are encouraged, inflicting misery and death on thousands but they posture about executing a few drug mules ( but never ever manage to catch the big fish). Truly the wretched of the earth and not in the sense intended by Fanon. Makes Thailand look like a paradise and a hub of equality.

Which country are you talking about? Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma or Thailand?


Have no compassion for these criminals. What they wanted to do was destroy lives with what they were to import. A life time in goal offers a lot more than their sudden death.

Maybe the new man in charge wants to appear tough?


Compassionate lot you 'holier than thou' crowd aren't ya?

I assume you all consider the Indonesian legal system to be developed enough to decide whether somebody lives or dies.

Like it or not it is their system. If you don't like their system, stay out and especially don't run drugs through there if you think their system is lame and it may cost you your life.

I spend at least 30 days a year surfing in Bali and think it is a truly wonderful place and a whole lot of fun. Respect their laws and their people and all will be well.

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rejection of clemency served as “important shock therapy” for drug dealers, traffickers and users.

Thailand take note!

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Well since the condemned have "destoyed the furture of the nation" in the words of Joko ... the nation has no future, good riddence to that barbaric "nation" run under despotic cruel customs.


Lucky that Thailand has soooo much better laws.

Laws like being arrested for "Lese majesty" and put in jail for 18 years without bail.


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Do the crime?
Face the consequences.
Bali (Indonesia) is not Thailand or Europe.

No, it's not Europe. It's a backward shithole with a massive history of human rights abuses and impunity for police and military violators. That's the truth about Indonesia.


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Compassionate lot you 'holier than thou' crowd aren't ya?

I assume you all consider the Indonesian legal system to be developed enough to decide whether somebody lives or dies.

Like it or not it is their system. If you don't like their system, stay out and especially don't run drugs through there if you think their system is lame and it may cost you your life.

I spend at least 30 days a year surfing in Bali and think it is a truly wonderful place and a whole lot of fun. Respect their laws and their people and all will be well.

Likewise, I hear the Islamic State is a fun place, as long as you obey their laws, it is a truly wonderful place.


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Make them druggies pay.

just like the Nazis said about the Jews....


Compassionate lot you 'holier than thou' crowd aren't ya?

I assume you all consider the Indonesian legal system to be developed enough to decide whether somebody lives or dies.

As far as I can make out,they made the decision to die themselves when they decided to break the rules of the country by entering with the product that is widely known to be punishable by death in that country,do the crime pay the fine.We all have that choice freely.In my opinion there are enough other countries that do not have the death penalty for that offence.These people do not care or think about all the young and elderly people that they indirectly give the death penalty to,by bringing the drug into any country,so why should we care about the decision that they have already made themselves?through greed one way or another.Good riddance to bad rubbish,better world without.


Well since the condemned have "destoyed the furture of the nation" in the words of Joko ... the nation has no future, good riddence to that barbaric "nation" run under despotic cruel customs.

Why do we make laws if we do not enforce them?? Look at the Western world, full of dopeheads. Why do so many Christians go to a Muslim Nation and spend their money on Holidays ??

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Had these two been white, I wonder would the sentiment here been any different?

Not from my side. Treat all the same even if they are green with the ultimate fine.


I wish they would just hurry up & execute these people.

Sick of hearing about it.

The little Australian twerps have it coming to them......no doubt a bit of a shock after leaving 'Nanny State' Australia where people are virtually rewarded for committing crimes.

The bullet is coming your way......Som Nom Na, especially that evil little Chan grub.

Now it seems the only thing left for these grubs to ponder about is, will it be a fast head shot that kills or a slow bleed out after multiple body shots. I wonder if there will be a live telecast ?

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I don't agree used aggressive to over come aggressive, can anyone suggest what should be done? build a five stars prison like Sweden? These people really don't care the users, they just want to make fast money.

Drug users normally from poor family which cause much trouble in soceity like stealing, rob and even prosititute themselves. In any plane to sign board in airport already warned death penalty for drug carriers into that country.

In China to control over 1 Billion population a strong laws have to enforce but should be study case to case basis in some case might he or she really don't know like the tourist taking a taxi which the driver carry some drug landed her in hell for sometimes over there.


Drug dealers I have no problem with facing firing squads in these countries even allowing for their incompentence, high levels of corruption and poor human rights.

Mules I do have a problem with facing firing squads especially in this ever advancing modern world where the internet is used to entrap people. Several cases in point and those who have been sucked in by professional thai women / money suckers should be able to understand, is dating sites are being used around the world by 'so called' attractive women / men to entrap lonely western people. There have been a string of Kiwi's who have been suckered recently by romance over the internet, and yes have made the stupid decision to carry packages for them through international airports and ended up in foreign prisons doing long sentences or currently awaiting trial.

Some of us are wise enough to smell a rat in all aspects of life but there are those who are not street wise (or is that world wise now), lonely and are easily duped. Should they be facing a firing squad simply because they are lonely and guilible?

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