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Letter from two accused of Koh Tao murders to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Myanmar Democracy icon

Lite Beer

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Its pathetic, sad and immoral how a minority of the posters support and attempt to justify each and every flaw in the investigation that is pointed out:

One of the first ones that was actually outed by the Social Media and forums was of course the phone incident. So we had the top cop say:

Thai police chief Somyot Pumphanmuang said officers found Witheridge’s phone during a raid of one of the suspect’s homes.

& then his buddy say:

Pol Gen Chaktip said. In addition to the DNA, police have also recovered the Witheridge's smartphone from near where the suspects stayed on Koh Tao.

& then social media pointing out the video evidence that the phone was actually handed in by Hannahs friend whistling.gif

The RTP response once they were outed?

Pol.Col. Prachum Ruengthong, a top officer in charge of Koh Tao, explained yesterday that there was a misunderstanding. According to Pol.Col. Prachum, the phone uncovered by police at the suspect's residence belonged to Miller, not Witheridge. As for Witheridge's cellphone, police returned it along with her iPad and digital camera to her family on 18 September, said Pol.Col. Prachum said. http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1412601958
Yeah right........

Yes, right, why do you doubt that there was a misunderstanding? The phone found near the lodging of the defendants was (intentionally) broken, Hanna's phone wasn't, so obviously it was not the same phone all along.

Correct "so obviously wasn't' then if that was so obvious why did the RTP claim it was Hannahs?

I doubt there was a mistake because there are too many such mistakes in this case, doubting is my right and I'm entitled to it especially when its a conflicting report that is only admitted to when the social media points it out. No doubt a good defense will also bring this up as another inconsistency that has been evidenced in the investigation along with all the others. Of course I may be wrong, I have no evidence to say either way but I do have an opinion.

Edited by thailandchilli
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The pair said that on the night of the murder they had been drinking heavily and playing guitar on the beach, and by late evening were “so drunk we couldn’t walk properly”. They both said they had no idea who carried out the crime. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/20/burmese-murder-accused-british-backpackers-thailand

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The pair said that on the night of the murder they had been drinking heavily and playing guitar on the beach, and by late evening were “so drunk we couldn’t walk properly”. They both said they had no idea who carried out the crime. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/20/burmese-murder-accused-british-backpackers-thailand

Yes exactly, so drunk, couldn't walk, but able to murder 2 innocents, one of who was nearly double their size, oh and smoke a cigarette while doing so.

Edited by thailandchilli
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IMHO, I don't think the family read the entire 1,000 page report to come to that conclusion? Or did they read a summary highlighting what the prosecutor thinks will stick in court.

Has anyone ever watch a movie trailer and thought the movie was going to be great and came out disappointed later.

I think the family should not have made such a statement without reading the entire report and, closely examining the findings and even questioning it. And in its original content, Thai, as things do get lost in translation. I suppose the translation of the report were provided by RTP. It definitely sways public opinion and put in the question of fairness for the defendant.

So for all of those posters hanging on to the family statement as proof of a solid case, need to stop referring to it as proof that the police has a solid case.

So you think that the families should not trust the UK police?

You think that the statements from the families influenced judges?

I think people should be able to form their own opinion and not believe others. Especially when you are talking about two human lives. This is not as trivial as you think.

JD, why do you make things up. I never wrote that it influence the judge, but it surely influenced you.

So, the families get briefed by the UK police, they then issue a statement saying that there's powerful and convincing evidence, but that is not OK. However, people who have not been involved with anyone having direct contact with the investigation can speculate and say anything and that is OK? People do make up their own minds, even those that said that they would refrain from speculation are still at it ( having already made up their minds)

I asked you the question regarding the judges based on this "put in the question of fairness for the defendant." if the judges are not influenced then the trial will be fair.

There you go. You just proved my point. I knew you would eventually get it. Everything is a speculation at this point. Me and your statements. Or have you seen the full case report. I just hate it when you exploit the family statement to be an end all and to prosecute these two. Yes spreading rumor.

Not spreading rumor at all.

The families met with the UK police and discussed the case. Putting them in a better position than you or me to make a statement.

They made a statement.

Those are facts, not rumors.

You sure glossed over the question of the judges being influenced.

So do you think the two are guilty or not? Or is there a possibility of them being innocent

And since you are stuck with me answering the judge thing, I will answer it. First I never said judge or anything. You just like to make things up so you can argue about it. Public opinion can sway decisions. Not always, but the possibility is there.

In case of the judge being swayed by the statements, chances are probably slim. Because the judge won't be swayed easily as you have been by the statement.

You questioned the fairness of the trial regarding the family statements. Not me. I see no reason for the family to have less right to make a statement than the conspiracy theorists do.

As for "So do you think the two are guilty or not? Or is there a possibility of them being innocent"

Those are not either / or questions.

I do think that they are guilty. There is a possibility of them being innocent. That is why we have trials.

Do you think that the families have less rights to decide who to believe, and what they can say than you have?

If you notice, this entire debate is about credibility of the police and how investigation had been carried out.

So how did you come to the conclusion that they are guilty? And by your posting, you seem to back up your claim with the statement from the family. Or merely exploiting their statement to validate your claim.

But the statement the family made should not have swayed anyone opinion about the case. Everyone has the right to say our do any thing, but we also have the responsibility for our action. Because what they said validate your position on the rtp report. That is the danger I was pointing out about the statement. Because to you it's a definitive answer that proves the two are guilty. I find it disturbing.

I may be assuming too much that the family statement swayed you. If I am wrong, I apologize. But of it didn't sway you, what did? Statement from the police? The report by the police, which no one saw. Better yet, you should say that you assume that they are guilty based on the statement of the RTP.

ASSUME....Yes you assumed without questioning the integrity of the investigation.

Assuming that they are guilty, doesn't make them guilty. So conspiracy, I guess you have your version as well. Conspiracy to find this two guilty with out reviewing the evidence.

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Yes, right, why do you doubt that there was a misunderstanding? The phone found near the lodging of the defendants was (intentionally) broken, Hanna's phone wasn't, so obviously it was not the same phone all along.

Correct "so obviously wasn't' then if that was so obvious why did the RTP claim it was Hannahs?

I doubt there was a mistake because there are too many such mistakes in this case, doubting is my right and I'm entitled to it especially when its a conflicting report that is only admitted to when the social media points it out. No doubt a good defense will also bring this up as another inconsistency that has been evidenced in the investigation along with all the others. Of course I may be wrong, I have no evidence to say either way but I do have an opinion.

Correct "so obviously wasn't' then if that was so obvious why did the RTP claim it was Hannahs?

Because someone got confused in the middle of an interview? Conflicting reports are a dime a dozen, that is why the best time to evaluate evidence is at the trial, when the evidence and facts have been properly corroborated, organized and scrutinized.

The main mistake the police did was to give in to the requests for information regarding the case and let any Tom, Dick and Harry in the force to blurt out whatever they had in their mind at the moment.

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Its pathetic, sad and immoral how a minority of the posters support and attempt to justify each and every flaw in the investigation that is pointed out:

One of the first ones that was actually outed by the Social Media and forums was of course the phone incident. So we had the top cop say:

Thai police chief Somyot Pumphanmuang said officers found Witheridge’s phone during a raid of one of the suspect’s homes.

& then his buddy say:

Pol Gen Chaktip said. In addition to the DNA, police have also recovered the Witheridge's smartphone from near where the suspects stayed on Koh Tao.

& then social media pointing out the video evidence that the phone was actually handed in by Hannahs friend whistling.gif

The RTP response once they were outed?

Pol.Col. Prachum Ruengthong, a top officer in charge of Koh Tao, explained yesterday that there was a misunderstanding. According to Pol.Col. Prachum, the phone uncovered by police at the suspect's residence belonged to Miller, not Witheridge. As for Witheridge's cellphone, police returned it along with her iPad and digital camera to her family on 18 September, said Pol.Col. Prachum said. http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1412601958
Yeah right........

Yes, right, why do you doubt that there was a misunderstanding? The phone found near the lodging of the defendants was (intentionally) broken, Hanna's phone wasn't, so obviously it was not the same phone all along.

What ever happened to the phone found on the beach by the side of the blue shorts?????....................and why would the guy take a phone from the shorts and leave the one lying on the beach...........

post-224694-0-93328700-1418413921_thumb. EDIT.....or is that not a phone??

Edited by Willy Eckerslike
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I don't blame the defendants for trying to wring sympathy out of people wherever they can. However, there really is nothing ASSK can do. This is just media hype.

Correct.....we all need to see the evidence that the RTP have......we all hope the defense team works well......what else is there?

You will need to wait until an appeal is filed.

Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........ not even the defense. (even though they are entitled to see it all by law ...... ) until they tell it to the judge.

IMO, the possibility of the B2 being found not guily at this stage is almost zero. Everything is stacked against them....... to the point of being ludicrous.

Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........

Didn't the Thai Authorities say that the families have perused the evidence and are happy with it.

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A few more inconsistencies that have not been mentioned since and formed no part of the stage managed reenactment.

"Witheridge, meanwhile, was dragged away from the first attack spot, said the same police officer. The officer said Witheridge did manage to run for some distance but was hit repeatedly in the face with a hoe which suggested whoever attacked her could have held a personal grudge against her."

"Traces of Miss Witheridge's DNA and that of one other person were found on a cigarette butt some 50 yards from where her body was found, suggesting the 23-year-old shared it with her attackers and even had a conversation with them before being killed"

But don't let that get in the way of a perfect investigation

Obviously many of you are so determined to see the culprits acquitted, that you keep on ignoring things that have long been debunked. One of the things you keep on saying is that it was stated that it was a "perfect" case. However, and this was explained by one of the members here who understands Thai, the article was, as is quite understandable for someone with a brain, written in, and therefore translated from THAI, and the word "somboon" was incorrectly interpreted as "perfect", while it should have been "complete" instead.

Now, is there any need to have to keep on going on about this? Just snap out of it and behave a little more reasonable. And as I requested before, I'll do it again here,

Thai Visa!! Respect the parents wishes and grand them the privacy and the victims their dignity requested as such in their official published statement, by banning any topic related to the murders!

It's insensible and plain inappropriate of the moderators to let this go on, period. Shame on you TV!

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A few more inconsistencies that have not been mentioned since and formed no part of the stage managed reenactment.

"Witheridge, meanwhile, was dragged away from the first attack spot, said the same police officer. The officer said Witheridge did manage to run for some distance but was hit repeatedly in the face with a hoe which suggested whoever attacked her could have held a personal grudge against her."

"Traces of Miss Witheridge's DNA and that of one other person were found on a cigarette butt some 50 yards from where her body was found, suggesting the 23-year-old shared it with her attackers and even had a conversation with them before being killed"

But don't let that get in the way of a perfect investigation

Obviously many of you are so determined to see the culprits acquitted, that you keep on ignoring things that have long been debunked. One of the things you keep on saying is that it was stated that it was a "perfect" case. However, and this was explained by one of the members here who understands Thai, the article was, as is quite understandable for someone with a brain, written in, and therefore translated from THAI, and the word "somboon" was incorrectly interpreted as "perfect", while it should have been "complete" instead.

Now, is there any need to have to keep on going on about this? Just snap out of it and behave a little more reasonable. And as I requested before, I'll do it again here,

Thai Visa!! Respect the parents wishes and grand them the privacy and the victims their dignity requested as such in their official published statement, by banning any topic related to the murders!

It's insensible and plain inappropriate of the moderators to let this go on, period. Shame on you TV!

No it is not inappropriate. Things happen and should be discussed. The parents do not have to come here and read all of this and I doubt they do.

Furthermore, all the media attention that this case has received has made sure it wasn't swept under the carpet, many similar cases over the years have been, or have been handled with no urgency whatsoever.

Ask many other parents, who still haven't received justice, and are waiting for years.

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I don't blame the defendants for trying to wring sympathy out of people wherever they can. However, there really is nothing ASSK can do. This is just media hype.

Correct.....we all need to see the evidence that the RTP have......we all hope the defense team works well......what else is there?

You will need to wait until an appeal is filed.

Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........ not even the defense. (even though they are entitled to see it all by law ...... ) until they tell it to the judge.

IMO, the possibility of the B2 being found not guily at this stage is almost zero. Everything is stacked against them....... to the point of being ludicrous.

Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........

Didn't the Thai Authorities say that the families have perused the evidence and are happy with it.

Does anybody really believe in Thai courts evidence is presented without the defense knowing about it and after the prosecutor presents all their evidence then the judge allows the defendence in court and asks them refute all the prosecutors evidence without knowing what it is crazy.gif This is simply not true, they get to see one item of evidence if they are able to answer a riddle. They then have the option to either accept that one piece and stop there or they can pick one of 3 doors in which 1 has another piece of evidence, another has nothing and takes back the first piece of evidence and the remaining door is an automatic conviction and straight to a death sentence. This process can go on until all evidence is viewed by the defense. So. lets stop spreading the idiotic notion the defense will not see and being able to challenge the evidence against their client.

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A few more inconsistencies that have not been mentioned since and formed no part of the stage managed reenactment.

"Witheridge, meanwhile, was dragged away from the first attack spot, said the same police officer. The officer said Witheridge did manage to run for some distance but was hit repeatedly in the face with a hoe which suggested whoever attacked her could have held a personal grudge against her."

"Traces of Miss Witheridge's DNA and that of one other person were found on a cigarette butt some 50 yards from where her body was found, suggesting the 23-year-old shared it with her attackers and even had a conversation with them before being killed"

But don't let that get in the way of a perfect investigation

Mother of murdered backpacker Kirsty Jones calls for more help from the FCO

"The sperm had been procured elsewhere and inserted into the victim’s vagina. This has happened before in Thailand,"

In the vacuum that followed, two incredible hypotheses were put forth. The first was that there had been no rape, that the sperm had been procured elsewhere and inserted into the victim’s vagina. This has happened before in Thailand, a technique to throw investigators off the scent. Police investigators even tested the hypothesis by sending agents out into the streets to buy fresh semen – they returned successfully two hours later. But subsequent British investigationsdeemed this impossible. Apparently, there is some characteristic quality that distinguishes sperm that has been ejaculated and sperm that has been injected. The British Home Office has insisted ever since that a genuine rape took place, the murder occurring concurrently as she was strangled with a sarong. The fact that two transvestites admitted two years later to supplying the sperm (not their own) was dismissed without explanation.

Edited by StealthEnergiser
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Yes, right, why do you doubt that there was a misunderstanding? The phone found near the lodging of the defendants was (intentionally) broken, Hanna's phone wasn't, so obviously it was not the same phone all along.

Correct "so obviously wasn't' then if that was so obvious why did the RTP claim it was Hannahs?

I doubt there was a mistake because there are too many such mistakes in this case, doubting is my right and I'm entitled to it especially when its a conflicting report that is only admitted to when the social media points it out. No doubt a good defense will also bring this up as another inconsistency that has been evidenced in the investigation along with all the others. Of course I may be wrong, I have no evidence to say either way but I do have an opinion.

Correct "so obviously wasn't' then if that was so obvious why did the RTP claim it was Hannahs?

Because someone got confused in the middle of an interview? Conflicting reports are a dime a dozen, that is why the best time to evaluate evidence is at the trial, when the evidence and facts have been properly corroborated, organized and scrutinized.

The main mistake the police did was to give in to the requests for information regarding the case and let any Tom, Dick and Harry in the force to blurt out whatever they had in their mind at the moment.

Because somebody got confused in the middle of an interview, apparently they all did, this came from the top cop and separately from his sidekick. Yea conflicting reports are dime a dozen to you, even in such a high profile case that also involves the world media, eyes and human rights groups.

Conflicting reports to them are noticed and why this particular incident is reported with the title of the article being "Police Clarify Koh Tao Victim's Cellphone 'Planting".

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"Thailand conducts unfair capital trial in Britons' murder case: allegations of torture, no access to state evidence"

Damn that pesky Guardian for daring to question the RTP investigation, damn those pesky Human rights groups for expressing concern, damn this article as just another conspiracy theory...............................


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You will need to wait until an appeal is filed.

Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........ not even the defense. (even though they are entitled to see it all by law ...... ) until they tell it to the judge.

IMO, the possibility of the B2 being found not guily at this stage is almost zero. Everything is stacked against them....... to the point of being ludicrous.

Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........

Didn't the Thai Authorities say that the families have perused the evidence and are happy with it.

Does anybody really believe in Thai courts evidence is presented without the defense knowing about it and after the prosecutor presents all their evidence then the judge allows the defendence in court and asks them refute all the prosecutors evidence without knowing what it is crazy.gif This is simply not true, they get to see one item of evidence if they are able to answer a riddle. They then have the option to either accept that one piece and stop there or they can pick one of 3 doors in which 1 has another piece of evidence, another has nothing and takes back the first piece of evidence and the remaining door is an automatic conviction and straight to a death sentence. This process can go on until all evidence is viewed by the defense. So. lets stop spreading the idiotic notion the defense will not see and being able to challenge the evidence against their client.

Excellent. This is a vast improvement over the previous system.

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A few more inconsistencies that have not been mentioned since and formed no part of the stage managed reenactment.

"Witheridge, meanwhile, was dragged away from the first attack spot, said the same police officer. The officer said Witheridge did manage to run for some distance but was hit repeatedly in the face with a hoe which suggested whoever attacked her could have held a personal grudge against her."

"Traces of Miss Witheridge's DNA and that of one other person were found on a cigarette butt some 50 yards from where her body was found, suggesting the 23-year-old shared it with her attackers and even had a conversation with them before being killed"

But don't let that get in the way of a perfect investigation

Obviously many of you are so determined to see the culprits acquitted, that you keep on ignoring things that have long been debunked. One of the things you keep on saying is that it was stated that it was a "perfect" case. However, and this was explained by one of the members here who understands Thai, the article was, as is quite understandable for someone with a brain, written in, and therefore translated from THAI, and the word "somboon" was incorrectly interpreted as "perfect", while it should have been "complete" instead.

Now, is there any need to have to keep on going on about this? Just snap out of it and behave a little more reasonable. And as I requested before, I'll do it again here,

Thai Visa!! Respect the parents wishes and grand them the privacy and the victims their dignity requested as such in their official published statement, by banning any topic related to the murders!

It's insensible and plain inappropriate of the moderators to let this go on, period. Shame on you TV!

Let's be fair and say that the parents of the two accused never asked people to stop talking about it. They asked for help. That is also two family, two lives and they too have a right to insure that their kids get a fair trial.

Now just how did you know they were the culprit? Did you examine the evidence against them yourself? Or is it because the police said so? And now because the family saw a brief report about the case and really never review the entire case? And said that the evidence appears over whelming against the two men, some how validated the police report. And made posters like you believe in the report. I was afraid the statement like their's would influence public opinion that the police have the right culprits and you are proof of it.

Like I said before, you and the other poster like to exploiting the family statement for your own argument. You will never stop the search for the truth.

The two defendants have not been found guilty. But by the actions of the police and now the prosecution, it is fair to say that there will be no fairness in this trial.

And btw, majority of people posting here would like to see fairness. Did you forget what that word mean?

And also stop calling them the culprit, that is spreading false rumours that they are guilty. The trial hasn't started yet and you have not read the entire case to come to that conclusion. Please respect the family of the two defendants.

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Leah D, on 11 Dec 2014 - 15:25, said:
JohnThailandJohn, on 11 Dec 2014 - 15:09, said:
dcutman, on 11 Dec 2014 - 14:59, said:

I believe it was a reference to the one suspected kid in the BKK university. Nomsad? It was reported that he decided to go study in OZ because his reputation as a fantastic Thai citizen had been damaged by being implicated in this murder

Any link to the report or where you heard it?

I am telling you once and once only, stop your postings as they are upsetting.

Excuse me, but are you addressing this to everyone on this forum? If so, what gives you the right to tell people to stop posting?

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Yes, right, why do you doubt that there was a misunderstanding? The phone found near the lodging of the defendants was (intentionally) broken, Hanna's phone wasn't, so obviously it was not the same phone all along.

What ever happened to the phone found on the beach by the side of the blue shorts?????....................and why would the guy take a phone from the shorts and leave the one lying on the beach...........

attachicon.gifBlue shorts.png EDIT.....or is that not a phone??

Probably because the one left behind was a cheap phone the victim bought to use in Thailand and the other his expensive iPhone.

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Don't ever share a smoke with anyone because if they die after you have gone home it will be used as proof you caused the death. A little unfair I know but the shared DNA on the cigarette butt, assuming the DNA testing is reliable and has not been tampered with, proves nothing except the two people were in the same area at the time of smoking the cigarette. It certainly does not prove a crime was committed by those sharing the smoke. Really it is secondary evidence. The prime evidence is the DNA in and on the victims and anything used in the attacks. It seems the police did not take much care collecting the DNA, that the crime scene was tainted by all and sundry walking all over it immediately afterwards, that the initial test that cleared these two was suspect or reported incorrectly, that the numerous conflicting statements by the police and others and nonsensical conflicting statements by others implicated as well as an expedited trial after repeated returns of the evidence to police by the prosecutor as well as a thousand other impediments to justice are in fact not of any issues to justice in Thailand.

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There is something that has been bothering me since I first saw those awful pictures - who put that green towel over Hannah's face? If it was the police, then I would assume they would of covered her up completely - no? Was it just her facial injuries that was thought to be too horrifying? If that was the thinking, I believe the whole body should of been covered (def if just out of respect). Or, was she found that way?

I ask because it also seems (and I believe someone on here already pointed it out, that she was raped post-mortem). I have been following the posts on here/news/csila since it happened, and I don't believe the Burmese killed either of them. I have lived in Thailand on and off for about 8 years. I've seen the very nasty and I've seen the good, but to tell you the truth the last few visits have had me a little on edge.I can't explain it properly - just a feeling of never really being safe, a feeling that has been expressed from both my thai and western friends. Which is a shame.

Anyway, that picture with the towel has never sat well with me.

We also should try to watch out for each other, us westerners seem very disconnected to each other there and that shouldn't be.

Sorry for the long post and hello Thai Visa :)

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Yes, right, why do you doubt that there was a misunderstanding? The phone found near the lodging of the defendants was (intentionally) broken, Hanna's phone wasn't, so obviously it was not the same phone all along.

What ever happened to the phone found on the beach by the side of the blue shorts?????....................and why would the guy take a phone from the shorts and leave the one lying on the beach...........

attachicon.gifBlue shorts.png EDIT.....or is that not a phone??

Probably because the one left behind was a cheap phone the victim bought to use in Thailand and the other his expensive iPhone.


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The pair said that on the night of the murder they had been drinking heavily and playing guitar on the beach, and by late evening were so drunk we couldnt walk properly. They both said they had no idea who carried out the crime.[/size] [/size]http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/20/burmese-murder-accused-british-backpackers-thailand

Are you know switching tactics and posting things which show the 2 Burmese were not capable of overpowering two young healthy farang, one of whom was considerably larger?
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I don't blame the defendants for trying to wring sympathy out of people wherever they can. However, there really is nothing ASSK can do. This is just media hype.

Correct.....we all need to see the evidence that the RTP have......we all hope the defense team works well......what else is there?

You will need to wait until an appeal is filed.

Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........ not even the defense. (even though they are entitled to see it all by law ...... ) until they tell it to the judge.

IMO, the possibility of the B2 being found not guily at this stage is almost zero. Everything is stacked against them....... to the point of being ludicrous.

Nobody gets to see what the evidence is........

Didn't the Thai Authorities say that the families have perused the evidence and are happy with it.

The UK police were privy to the details of the investigation and reported to the families.

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Don't ever share a smoke with anyone because if they die after you have gone home it will be used as proof you caused the death. A little unfair I know but the shared DNA on the cigarette butt, assuming the DNA testing is reliable and has not been tampered with, proves nothing except the two people were in the same area at the time of smoking the cigarette. It certainly does not prove a crime was committed by those sharing the smoke. Really it is secondary evidence. The prime evidence is the DNA in and on the victims and anything used in the attacks. It seems the police did not take much care collecting the DNA, that the crime scene was tainted by all and sundry walking all over it immediately afterwards, that the initial test that cleared these two was suspect or reported incorrectly, that the numerous conflicting statements by the police and others and nonsensical conflicting statements by others implicated as well as an expedited trial after repeated returns of the evidence to police by the prosecutor as well as a thousand other impediments to justice are in fact not of any issues to justice in Thailand.

Thanks TWT for posting that. All along I've stated that the cig butt has no bearing on the case.

As for the phone allegedly found by cops behind the scapegoats' shack: I've wondered how the people shielding the Headman's people would spin that. I've read what they've written and frankly, there's nothing which acknowledges the cops planted that evidence, and then changed (the day later) to say it wasn't Hannah's (when social media proved it was), to say it was David's phone. A little while later, someone tapped the head cop's shoulder and whispered in his ear: "excuse me sir, we already announced we found David's phone at the crime scene on the first day." The head cop probably said something like, "Oh, shucks, let's just not mention that stupid phone any more. How about you plant David's sunglasses in back of the Burmeses' shack. Maybe those pesky social media conspiracy theorists can't find photos which disprove that, and we can dig a deeper hole for the Burmese."

Oh, and what about Sean. Remember the reason he was crouching behind the convenience store counter? Besides his assertion he was cowering from Mon and Mon's cop friend who were threatening to kill him (if Sean told what he knew about the crime), SEAN SAID HE WAS LOOKING FOR HIS PHONE, which he had lost the night before. It just gets curiouser and curiouser.

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What ever happened to the phone found on the beach by the side of the blue shorts?????....................and why would the guy take a phone from the shorts and leave the one lying on the beach...........

attachicon.gifBlue shorts.png EDIT.....or is that not a phone??

Probably because the one left behind was a cheap phone the victim bought to use in Thailand and the other his expensive iPhone.


OK, you don't like the answer, why?

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All this talk of phones and a cig butt has little if no bearing on the case.

I hope the B2 and their lawyers get access to ALL pertinent info the prosecution is going to dish out. Granted, court cases often have surprises, such as the OJ case, when his multi-million dollar defense team kept questioning Mark Furman: "Have you ever, in you life, used the N-Word!?!?"

It's particularly incumbent upon the Brits to reveal anything about the case - to both the prosecution and the defense. If they happen to have info/evidence which would sway the case one way or the other, then by withholding it, they're either:

>>>> allowing two murderers/rapists to walk free (if they're acquitted), or

>>>> they're part of a conspiracy to falsely convict the two, and possibly send them to their deaths. (if they're found guilty)

Hello Brit experts: Do the right thing! Don't keep evidence covered up, if you have it. This case is about more than the victims' families. It's about more than the Burmese. It's even bigger than maintaining face for Britain or Thailand. It's about finding justice for the victims, and just as important: it's about getting rapists and murderers expelled from the public domain, so they pay for their crimes, and have no possible chance to do it again.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Why would David take his iPhone out with him if he had a cheap burner phone?

That defies buying the cheap local one,

Because he keeps data in his regular phone that he may want to access? because and iPhone can use WiFi to access Internet but a Samsung Hero can't? because the camera on the phone takes better pictures?, etc, etc...

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