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Does anyone else live cheaply in Thailand?

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When I first came here 4 years ago I spent money like a drunken sailor. Now as I age and have a permanent g/f (who does not work) I watch my pennies. You never know at 76 when you need medical attention and it is expensive regardless of what country you live in. Also I want to leave some money for my g/f to carry on after I snuff it. Priorities change.

Wow, you are an old coffin dodger! Does everything still 'energize' as it should in the manly areas by chance!?

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When I first came here 4 years ago I spent money like a drunken sailor. Now as I age and have a permanent g/f (who does not work) I watch my pennies. You never know at 76 when you need medical attention and it is expensive regardless of what country you live in. Also I want to leave some money for my g/f to carry on after I snuff it. Priorities change.

Here's an idea. Tell her to get a job

Why? He's not complaining - just adjusting his priorities.

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No I don't.

To the many of you that have posted positively, would I be right in saying you would be "bums" in your own country?

Maybe we are positive because we know money dont make happy and have other interests that dont cost money like reading, buddhism, learning thai, going for walks ,exploring new areas, chatting to women and playing sports.

I agree, money does not buy happiness. Absolutely.

However, money affords choice.....and you guys don't have that option.

I travelled throughout SE Asia and the Indian subcontinent in my early 20's on $7000 total for 16 months.

I'm 20 years older now and have assets and liquidity.

I like the freedom and choice that money enables.

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Looks like Canarysun has some real competition in being The Cheapest of The Charlie's.


I don't know why I'm so cheap, I think it comes down to the fact that when you don't have a job or money coming in you have to make what you have last. Even though I would be a multimillionaire in Baht, It is still a fixed income.

The guys who have pensions and fixed incomes are in a much better position to spend, jeez, they don't have to make say 5 million baht last a lifetime. If you're on some kind of pension/retirement then you really wouldn't understand about having to make your money last.

I'm as cheap as they come, but not so cheap with everything. I have a note 3 cell phone for example. I usually try to buy high quality products, but that is being frugal because high quality products will outlast a lot of cheap quality products so you save in the long run.

I have 100000 baht to last a life time and 28 years old .

I think op can splurge on the medium sized slurpees .

Judging by your avatar you look down to your last few satang lad.

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of course it can be brought if you skip the Iranian caviar and the Cuban cigars.

Skip the caviar, of course!

but skip the habanos!??blink.png

W T F!!??? Are you crazy? I might as well give up air!burp.gif

(everyone has their own priorities! cool.png )

PS I do love living cheaply in TL! Its a sport to see what kind of deal you can get on various items!

Enjoy and have a safe and happy holiday!thumbsup.gif


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For super transport savings, why not wait for the red and cream 'Free for the People' buses? They operate on several popular routes and over a period the saving can add up to quite a few khao phats.

Only problem is, you must either be able to read Thai or recognise the sign on the front.

The same applied to some trains earlier this year; there were free third class trains to many destinations. I went to Chiang Mai and back for nothing. But again, you needed to be able to read the Thai timetable.

Happy Cheap Charleying!

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You know you are acclimated when no longer remark on how cheap things are here but rather how expensive things are back where you came from. Cheap Charlie or Stupid Farang seems to be the two slots we are assigned. I prefer CC as have more $ at end of week. Street food usually has better taste than most eateries. I don't want to drive, my hair already grey enough. Have small condo, but still manage to lose things.... "You can always pay too much for something". I'd say "frugal (but content)" not "cheap". I'm looking at nice $700 guitar might get later this week. Main consideration is space.... such problems.... I figure I save price by not being typical expat wrist bender in bars....

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I remember a few years ago there was some blog by a bloke trying to live "Thai Style' as cheaply as possible which drew harsh criticism from here (and other) forums. I wonder what happened to him in the end? A quick 'google' didn't show anything but my 'googleKarma ' has been abysmal since I accidentally sat on the dog who still hasn't forgiven me.

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Here's a piece of advice dude...

Get out of Bangkok... learn to speak Thai and live among working class people.

Your education is just beginning.

Choke dee.

Why? I speak thai, learning the language in itself is not an education. Living here is, running a business here is, having to confront the education system here for your children is, dealing with corruption when wanting a specific business license, I could go on and on..

Very patronizing..

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Even my wife (Thai) has never taken a Baht bus. I took one once.

I'd rather pay the 16 Baht for one stop and avoid the germs and turn a 2 minute journey into a 30 minute wait in the blazing heat.

Well done! You get "Farang Kee-nock of the Year", and "Farang Who Contributed Least to the Economy 2014".

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Yes yes Canary....we have heard it all before. You don't drink you don't shag....you get high on riding your bike and singing. You talk about when you rented for 2k/month in Pattaya. Prey tell where?. You have been almost everywhere but never explain your travel costs. Well except for 12 baht train trips.

I want the drugs your taking....working well

Why you get so worked up? What's wrong with the man telling his story?

He angly man, no hansum, want him opinion push other people.

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Looks like Canarysun has some real competition in being The Cheapest of The Charlie's.


I don't know why I'm so cheap, I think it comes down to the fact that when you don't have a job or money coming in you have to make what you have last. Even though I would be a multimillionaire in Baht, It is still a fixed income.

The guys who have pensions and fixed incomes are in a much better position to spend, jeez, they don't have to make say 5 million baht last a lifetime. If you're on some kind of pension/retirement then you really wouldn't understand about having to make your money last.

I'm as cheap as they come, but not so cheap with everything. I have a note 3 cell phone for example. I usually try to buy high quality products, but that is being frugal because high quality products will outlast a lot of cheap quality products so you save in the long run.

I have 100000 baht to last a life time and 28 years old .

I think op can splurge on the medium sized slurpees .

I have 100000 baht to last a life time and 28 years old .

If that is all the money you will ever have...You are in trouble in that case

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I don't know why I'm so cheap, I think it comes down to the fact that when you don't have a job or money coming in you have to make what you have last. Even though I would be a multimillionaire in Baht, It is still a fixed income.

The guys who have pensions and fixed incomes are in a much better position to spend, jeez, they don't have to make say 5 million baht last a lifetime. If you're on some kind of pension/retirement then you really wouldn't understand about having to make your money last.

I'm as cheap as they come, but not so cheap with everything. I have a note 3 cell phone for example. I usually try to buy high quality products, but that is being frugal because high quality products will outlast a lot of cheap quality products so you save in the long run.

I have 100000 baht to last a life time and 28 years old .

I think op can splurge on the medium sized slurpees .

Are you for real? 100,000 baht, you'll eventually have to go home.

I think I live on around $300 a month here, which includes housing. I would say you need at least $100 a month for food/expenses.

This can all be brought down hugely if you rent long term and possibly prepare your own food.

Darn...that is only a good night out minus ping-pong balls in fun city......

Perhaps I can afford to stay here.

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When you stay here short term you can still live reasonable cheap staying in rooms, eating from food stalls and simple restaurants.

If you live here long term, have a family, mortgage, kids in (international or bi-lingual) schools, have cars, shop for a balanced diet for a family, etc. The cheap party is rapidly over!

Prices of all basic food have gone up to near European prices in recent years and so have many of my common daily expenses.

Some examples, all within this year: Beer Chang big bottle from 40 to 50 Baht, Fried Rice with fried egg, 40 to 50 Baht, Cold Coffee, 35 to 45 Baht. These are price hikes of 25% and more, schools also increase their fees with at least 5% per year. I make a very reasonable income, but it's going up at this rate.

I expect that within 5 years from now, Europe will be cheap for us again as the prices there are stable.

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I have very basic cheap living costs but i go all out on my hobbies, hifi gear, computers, mbikes, cycling ect

Different lifestyles for different people, and just because you live like canary dosnt mean you never go out once and awhile and go nuts on beer and hookers

Edited by Jdiddy
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