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Does anyone else live cheaply in Thailand?

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Does anyone else save those little green rubber bands that the Meh Khas use to seal plastic food bags? Saves a few satang over the year and they come in useful with the wife.

I do. Havent found many uses for them tho just tying up open coffee bags or sugar , but i use them if i go to the beach to tie up my money in food vendor bags and then i can go swimming with out leaving valuables on the shore.

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Quick question. When you eat at a thai food stall, or not a fancy restaurant is it OK to drink your own water?

Hello Cheap Backpacker!

I must admit i always drink my own water and the reason is because of " serious bacteria " problems from various water machines and other water in the past ! With food stalls there is no problem bringing your own water! ( Good Idea )

F.J xwub.png

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Quick question. When you eat at a thai food stall, or not a fancy restaurant is it OK to drink your own water?

Hello Cheap Backpacker!

I must admit i always drink my own water and the reason is because of " serious bacteria " problems from various water machines and other water in the past ! With food stalls there is no problem bringing your own water! ( Good Idea )

F.J xwub.png

Thanks for the response, I meant like do they want to sell you water and get mad if you take out your own water bottle.

Kind of like going into an American restaurant and taking out your own drink, it would look bad.

But if thai places give free water like another poster mentioned I guess it is OK in this regard.

So I should assume they wouldn't think anything about me placing my own water bottle on the table?

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Quick question. When you eat at a thai food stall, or not a fancy restaurant is it OK to drink your own water?

Most Thai eating places provide free ice and water.

I've never had a problem.

30 to 40 baht for a dinner/meal, including drinks...thumbsup.gif

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Yes you can't go wrong with these 40 baht meals.I bought a small rice cooker for 200 baht and with makes the most perfect rice viewers! I always buy a good quality rice and it's the perfect solution when living on a budget! Farang Jaidee ( a master chef )

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Quick question. When you eat at a thai food stall, or not a fancy restaurant is it OK to drink your own water?

Most Thai eating places provide free ice and water.

I've never had a problem.

I used to live in an older Apartment on the fringe of Bangkok, a 20 min songthaew from the end of the BTS.

Not many Westerners out there.

The lady across the road used to do a chicken (crispy skin or no skin) and rice plus a few shavings of cucumber.

30 Baht.

As I got more confidient with what my body could handle and not get sick, I started drinking the water.

You know the one, usual blue esky with the stainless cup on top.

Went to pay the bill ... 31 Baht ... 'Mr ... Water'

1 Baht water ... had to ... laugh.png

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I tried drinking the water here pattaya by using a steripen after killing the viruses.

The water tastes awful, tastes like sea water. yuck.

Any options for getting cheap water or am I stuck with the 13 baht 1 liter bottles.

Move up in the World and pay 17 Baht for 1.5 litres of Minere.

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I tried drinking the water here pattaya by using a steripen after killing the viruses.

The water tastes awful, tastes like sea water. yuck.

Any options for getting cheap water or am I stuck with the 13 baht 1 liter bottles.

You can get 20-litre containers of RO water delivered for 10-12 baht each so that's around 50 satang per litre. I drink it all the time - it tastes fine and no ill effects I've noticed. First time you buy one, you'll need to pay a deposit of around 100B for the big plastic container (which I presume is refundable). Then when it's empty, you just exchange the empty one for a full one (plus the 10-12 baht).

You can also get metal dispensers that the water containers sit in (around 200-300B) which pivot so you can pour the water out easily without hefting a big heavy container all the time (available in homeware stores).

You'll see the delivery pickups around and about as they are regularly delivering to other places in the area.

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Hello Viewers!

And here is a photo of myself viewers your " lovable canary bird " ( tweet tweet ) holding the 20L water containers! deposit was 80 baht and the water to refill is only 15 baht .

* It should be noted viewers that my " cool cowboy hat " cost me just 25 baht in a village just outside Chiang Mai .( nothing to do with the water but i thought i would just mention it.........)

F.J x:wub:

Very extravagant!

I pay 1bht for 2l.

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I too, am a CC who will be "retiring" soon. Can anyone make any suggestions where is the cheapest, most idyllic, place to live in Thailand? I am presently living in Bangkok.

I would suggest Pattaya, it has all the elements a would-be ascetic such as yourself craves: distaff temptations at every turn, alternative sexes in pairs, overpriced Thai food on every corner, beers of peerless Thai quality and sea vistas to die for - particularly when viewed from balconies.

If you can resist all of these temptations, Little Scorpion, you will know the key to inner contentment.

Naah....! Pattya is too sedentary. I don't wish to leave ALL the comforts of home behind.

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I chanced it and saw a vending machine that said reverse osmosis and uv on the front. It was about 1 baht for .75 liter although it said 1 baht for 1.5.

Tasted ok. I figure i havent had to shit in 5 days now so maybe worst case it will help. LOL.

You usually know in 15 minutes.

Everything happens faster in Thailand.

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I tried drinking the water here pattaya by using a steripen after killing the viruses.

The water tastes awful, tastes like sea water. yuck.

Any options for getting cheap water or am I stuck with the 13 baht 1 liter bottles.

You can buy 15-20 liter containers with fine drinking water for 20 bath in local grocery stores...

Edit: Sorry, can see now that you already got reply and solution.

Edited by khunPer
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I can't figure out if this is a troll or if these guys are for real.

I have a lot of smart axe comments about how they could save even more money, but they seem to be doing well enough by themselves.

I have a suggestion to this Cheap Charly(OP) he should save the 8 Baht for the Bus and should walking instead and spend the saved money to getting the lost calories in. Before I going for example thru all the bus schedules in Bangkok and missing several buses I would walk and do in the same time improving my health while moving my a$$ and would reach the most destinations while he still waiting for the right bus without to getting any clue.

Carpe Diem wai2.gif

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Difference is, they're not calling other people out over exploitation

I always feel I am the one being exploited by the girls.


Buy a bicycle, even cheaper than the bus, unlimited routes and runs 24/7.

To use a bicycle is in general not the best suggestion.

I brought over 10 years ago my mountainbike with me to thailand.

Made every day between 40 - 80 km no competition relaxed in about 3 month I was riding about 5000km.

The problem was I improved my condtion so much that I could f..k 24/7 and this destroyed my budget totally. wink.png

Simple said I missing in this subject the fun factor.

I'm feel sorry with all the Cheap Charlies and their boring life. crazy.gif

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Cheap Backpacker, you say you live here on about 10K baht per month. Does that include a place to live?

What do you do for fun?

I don't live an extravagant life, but it seems that with a budget like that, there would be very little money for anything except maybe meditating at the wat.

(Edited a typo.)

You couldn't even afford to walk to the wat out of fear of wearing out your flip-flops.

Totally unrealistic long-term sustainable budget.

It depends where you want to live.

Fan rooms in MaeJo (12Km from central Chiang Mai) are 1,500bht a month (new buildings just up offering free wifi) + 500bht for utils.

Add a bicycle into the mix, about 6,000bht for a second hand brand name bike,

You then have unlimited transport in and around Chiang mai.

I can easily spend 3hrs a day cycling around, great entertainment, great exercise and totally free once you have the bike.

Meals 30-40bht a time, eating at Mall food halls and most of the student dining areas.

It's totally doable.

Not to mention plenty of cute female students to meet in the same apartment block.

Can you provide the Coordinates of this place in Maejo, not caused of the cheap housing rates, but more about the cute female students. giggle.gif

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Greetings to you all viewers!

I have been living on 6,000 baht a month " all in " for a long time now but due to " financial turbulence " i have reduced things to 5,500 per month " all in "

Rent 2000 Baht a month ( inc wifi & sat tv )

water / elec 500 Baht a month

Daily food etc 2,480 Baht a month ( 80 baht a day inc local train journeys at a max cost of 12 baht )

Misc 500 Baht a month ( coffee,toothpaste,water,laundry,mobile top up,monthly haircut )

5,500 Monthly cost of " Living in Thailand !

( Mornings i am out walking,and afternoons on the beach in the sun with cool tunes ( today's tunes are from " Mike & the mechanics "...) All food i eat is all fresh and drink 2 to 3 L of water a day!

Are you " living the dream " Viewers...?

F.J thumbsup.gif x


Show a little compassion for all the Christopher McCandless's (Into the Wild) out there who are reading your posts and dreaming of living in Thailand on 200 USD a month.

Show me the transaction records on you bank account to back up these claims (I'm not interested in the balance, just the withdrawals)

Rent: I live in a small village. I could not rent very many places for 2,000 baht/month, especially with free wifi/satellite TV. That's 66 baht a night. Sounds like a flop-house with a toilet down the hall, maybe a Hong Kong style cage hotel, or maybe your rent is being subsidized in exchange for you providing sexual services to your room mate. I don't know, but it's definitely outside the scope of my experience.

Food: Three 30 baht meals a day with a 7 baht bottle of water = 3,376 baht per month. We all know we eat more than this. I've spent 9,000 baht per month on average for food for years. Am I a little overweight? Perhaps. But I'm not obese by BMI measures. And I almost never eat out. I don't think I could live on 2,000 baht a month for food unless I had a crazy diet like only eating from dumpsters, or heavy handedly sampled everything in sight at the farmer's market, or was light-fingered in 7-11, or pretending to be a visiting monk every morning at the local temple in order to get a free meal, or was secretly eating barbequed soi dogs I had killed late at night.

Misc: Aren't you forgetting a few things? Dental floss? Razor blades? Toothbrushes? Shaving cream? Shampoo? Body soap? Sun tan Iotion/sun screen for all that time out in the sun? Talcum powder to cool down the chaffing after those long walks? I pretty much have to buy a 300 baht phone card from AIS12-Call every month to keep my cell phone activated. That alone would blow your 500 baht budget.

And then there's the big ticket items: clothes, education, hobbies, vacations, medical, dental, medicine, eyewear, gifts, charitable donations, transportation, reading materials, entertainment, household appliances (TV, computer, refrigerator, stove, fans), FURNITURE, kitchen utensil purchase/replacement, shoes, language lessons, childcare, medical insurance, life insurance, auto insurance, vehicle maintenance and repair, etc.,etc.

What recycler said 9 minutes ago is 100% correct. Short term anything's possible. Long-term it's a whole 'nutter ball game.

He also forgot to add the Visa run costs.

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