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Palestinian minister dies at West Bank protest


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Palestinian minister dies at West Bank protest

(BBC) A Palestinian minister has died after a confrontation with Israeli troops at a protest in the West Bank.

Palestinian medics told the BBC Ziad Abu Ein had died from complications related to tear gas exposure.

But several witnesses said the minister had been hit and shoved by soldiers. One said he had been hit in the chest by a tear-gas canister fired by them.

Israel's Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon expressed regret for the minister's death in a statement.

The Israeli military (IDF) said it was investigating the incidents surrounding Mr Ein's death.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-30411523

-- BBC 2014-12-11

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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with a armyhelmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Personally, I find it more disgusting that not only an ex killer can be a minister but also that a minister would be inciting violence , while claiming to want to have peace.

Very true, but you may not have to look far from here to find ex ministers or their deputies who have incited violence.

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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with a armyhelmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Personally, I find it more disgusting that not only an ex killer can be a minister but also that a minister would be inciting violence , while claiming to want to have peace.

Very true, but you may not have to look far from here to find ex ministers or their deputies who have incited violence.


True, but being a polite guest of this country I do not get involved in Thai politics (if that is what you are hinting on).

In my dress code I strictly avoid both Red and Yellow.

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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with a armyhelmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Personally, I find it more disgusting that not only an ex killer can be a minister but also that a minister would be inciting violence , while claiming to want to have peace.

Like many American and Israeli ministers? Where would you place Henry Kissinger and Ariel Sharon? (and many others)

Oh well, old dogs are hard to learn new tricks. To be honest - I have no hope at all, that most of the american-crowd in here, will ever leap out of the indoctrination, they got in their early years.

But let me repeat; IMHO all support for israel's murder and abuse of the people, they stole land from, is disgusting. If people can't see that, they should crawl back in the barn, they came from wai.gif

Why do people think, that most of the well functioning European-countries, condemn Israels policy's and are now starting to acknowledge Palestine as a nation? Israel is behaving like, they where treated by that short Austrian guy, its simply unbelievable.

They only way one battle stupidity like this, is through education.....so I guess nothing will change, over there smile.png


Yes, Dear Khun Moo, you are absolutely right.

From a distant Thai point of view all of them - Kissinger, Sharon, etc are all looking like they are missing the brush mustaches.

Many printed T-shirts Thai are wearing look surprisingly Jewish.

So much so that I feel like a Ceasar Salute and a click of heels of my rubber slippers.

Keep on with your good work. It is definitely noticeable.


Edited by ABCer
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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with an army helmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

There is actually live footage of events, as well as a horde of pics. Quite a few media representatives on scene, including Reuters. He was definitely hit by one soldier (captured on video), with a hand/fist to the neck - but there was probably more of this, as the confrontation lasted a while.

And YES, he was diabetic and suffered from high blood pressure as well. This information initially came from Palestinian media, by the way - not that it matters much one way or the other.

This should not have happened, regardless of people's political opinions. It will only serve to fan the flames once more and play straight into the hands of those who do not wish to see this conflict resolved.

Hopefully, the investigations into this will not be turned into another controversial affair.

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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with a armyhelmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Personally, I find it more disgusting that not only an ex killer can be a minister but also that a minister would be inciting violence , while claiming to want to have peace.

Did you have the same reservations when this was true in relation to Israeli ministers? Do you have the same reservations toward present day Israeli ministers who did their fare share to incite violence? Do you actually know what the specific protest was about? Or that there was violence from the Palestinian side at this particular incident?

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Like the 'State', like the 'Minister', like the 'peaceful protest', like the 'Terrorist'.

Palestinian Arabs should be more selective in ministerial appointments.

On the other hand - if they could they wouldn't be what they are!

No problem, there are many other peace-makers there. My nomination would be Khun Moo.

Was the protest violent?

Do all Israeli ministers, now and in the past, have a clear track record when it comes to violence and incitement?

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Be it accident or a "Lucky Strike" after the Burial with Full Honors, - a drink with toast is in order according to many national customs.

RIP Minister, you will be dearly missed.

Edited by ABCer
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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with a armyhelmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Personally, I find it more disgusting that not only an ex killer can be a minister but also that a minister would be inciting violence , while claiming to want to have peace.

Very true, but you may not have to look far from here to find ex ministers or their deputies who have incited violence.

This is not a secrete that most of the Palestinians high office holders has blood on their hands,

this is a pre-requisite for attain such position...

Many more of will die, until they will get the message, you can't get nothing by force, not from

the Israelis or the Jews, those days have long gone...

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A scumbag terrorist bomber who had murdered people with terrorism dies and the bleeding hearts on here are apoplectic.

Nothing new today.

Israel had its own ministers and prime ministers with murky past.

Not that it absolves him from past sins, just that things are not black and white as some (on both sides) seem to project. Do people suppose that officials on both sides are not aware of past actions of their counterparts? Well, let me break that bubble. POP. Everyone knows everyone. Somehow they stumble on. Don't remember his past being much of an issue previously (and the same goes for many others).

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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with a armyhelmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Personally, I find it more disgusting that not only an ex killer can be a minister but also that a minister would be inciting violence , while claiming to want to have peace.

Very true, but you may not have to look far from here to find ex ministers or their deputies who have incited violence.

This is not a secrete that most of the Palestinians high office holders has blood on their hands,

this is a pre-requisite for attain such position...

Many more of will die, until they will get the message, you can't get nothing by force, not from

the Israelis or the Jews, those days have long gone...

What you describe is almost a universal truth for countries in the making with a past of armed struggle. It was definitely true of Israel's earlier days, with leadership originating from pre-independence underground movements. Wouldn't know that it holds true for most Palestinian high office holders, but certainly for some.

Was the dead minister trying to get something by force at the time of this incident? Or perhaps you do not even know what the demonstration was about?

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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with an army helmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Guess you are ok with all the terror the arab/islamic world throws around on Christians, Yazid's, Jews, or anyone else not adhering to the "book"?

It is real shameful that the western politicians bow to the terror!

The arab/islam terror I mean.

Guess you read/listen/hear only the arab/islam version of the news?

Open your eyes!

When Israel falls, the west will follow!

WW3 has/was already started.

By the arabs/islam

Edited by hansnl
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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with a armyhelmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Personally, I find it more disgusting that not only an ex killer can be a minister but also that a minister would be inciting violence , while claiming to want to have peace.

Like many American and Israeli ministers? Where would you place Henry Kissinger and Ariel Sharon? (and many others)

Oh well, old dogs are hard to learn new tricks. To be honest - I have no hope at all, that most of the american-crowd in here, will ever leap out of the indoctrination, they got in their early years.

But let me repeat; IMHO all support for israel's murder and abuse of the people, they stole land from, is disgusting. If people can't see that, they should crawl back in the barn, they came from wai.gif

Why do people think, that most of the well functioning European-countries, condemn Israels policy's and are now starting to acknowledge Palestine as a nation? Israel is behaving like, they where treated by that short Austrian guy, its simply unbelievable.

They only way one battle stupidity like this, is through education.....so I guess nothing will change, over there smile.png

As far as i am concerned, when fighting for your life and very existence as Israel are then anything goes. If only the arab terrorists would leave them alone then everybody would live in peace, but no! the arabs have declared to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, thats their call, so they have to face the consequences. Their leaders are so stupid, not caring who dies and cannot see that Israel will never give up the fight for their freedom and right to live unmolested by these arab terrorists.

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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with a armyhelmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Personally, I find it more disgusting that not only an ex killer can be a minister but also that a minister would be inciting violence , while claiming to want to have peace.

Like many American and Israeli ministers? Where would you place Henry Kissinger and Ariel Sharon? (and many others)

Oh well, old dogs are hard to learn new tricks. To be honest - I have no hope at all, that most of the american-crowd in here, will ever leap out of the indoctrination, they got in their early years.

But let me repeat; IMHO all support for israel's murder and abuse of the people, they stole land from, is disgusting. If people can't see that, they should crawl back in the barn, they came from wai.gif

Why do people think, that most of the well functioning European-countries, condemn Israels policy's and are now starting to acknowledge Palestine as a nation? Israel is behaving like, they where treated by that short Austrian guy, its simply unbelievable.

They only way one battle stupidity like this, is through education.....so I guess nothing will change, over there smile.png

You appear to be a little "one eyed" they did not steal the land, they were attacked and fought back having to occupy land to protect their territory which was allocated to them by the League of Nations. If the arab warmongers would only accept this and allow Israeli's to live unmolested, they they would not be thrashed over and over again by the nation which they are constantly attacking. You reap what you sow, when will the arab leaders realise this and stop the carnage.

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Arab media is reporting, that he was hit very hard in the chest, with a armyhelmet.

And NO, the guy was not sick all ready, as the scumbag IDF-controlled media reports.

It's absolutely crazy, and disgusting, that western governments supports the Israeli-terror-regime sad.png

Personally, I find it more disgusting that not only an ex killer can be a minister but also that a minister would be inciting violence , while claiming to want to have peace.

Like many American and Israeli ministers? Where would you place Henry Kissinger and Ariel Sharon? (and many others)

Oh well, old dogs are hard to learn new tricks. To be honest - I have no hope at all, that most of the american-crowd in here, will ever leap out of the indoctrination, they got in their early years.

But let me repeat; IMHO all support for israel's murder and abuse of the people, they stole land from, is disgusting. If people can't see that, they should crawl back in the barn, they came from wai.gif

Why do people think, that most of the well functioning European-countries, condemn Israels policy's and are now starting to acknowledge Palestine as a nation? Israel is behaving like, they where treated by that short Austrian guy, its simply unbelievable.

They only way one battle stupidity like this, is through education.....so I guess nothing will change, over there smile.png

As far as i am concerned, when fighting for your life and very existence as Israel are then anything goes. If only the arab terrorists would leave them alone then everybody would live in peace, but no! the arabs have declared to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, thats their call, so they have to face the consequences. Their leaders are so stupid, not caring who dies and cannot see that Israel will never give up the fight for their freedom and right to live unmolested by these arab terrorists.

Shitty ignorant propaganda that no one believe in. Israel is built on stolen land from Palestinians by people who belong to central Europe.

This is reality you like it or not.

Israel is a criminal and racist state run by war criminals.

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Shitty ignorant propaganda that no one believe in.

You are very ignorant of what happened there. There has never been an independent Arab country called Palestine and most of the Arab people living in the geographical area before 1948 did not own any land. How do you "steal" something that they never owned?

The UN tried to solve the conflict by giving both peoples their own country. The Jews accepted. The Arabs refused and declared war on Israel, which they LOST in a big way. They kept starting wars and LOSING and then turned to terrorism. The Palestinians are responsible for their own plight.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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It is real shameful that the western politicians bow to the terror!

The arab/islam terror I mean.

Guess you read/listen/hear only the arab/islam version of the news?

Open your eyes!

When Israel falls, the west will follow!

WW3 has/was already started.

By the arabs/islam


A message to the Western world:

KEEP THE JEWS SAFE! - because after they are finished the BAD BOYS WILL COME FOR YOU.

So much ado about nothing! I think the Minister will qualify for a Nobel Peace Prize post mortem.

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From the footage I've seen, it appears that he died from attempting to play a young man's game more than anything else. It looks like a volatile situation where a combination of adrenaline and high blood pressure from anger would push existing health issues over the edge if they exist. Even if Israel agrees the shove may have 'contributed' to the heart attack (again - volatile situation, adrenaline, high blood pressure from anger), to lay 100% blame on Israel for that heart attack would be odd. I'm going to ignore his past for a moment and say that it was an unfortunate death. Occasionally you even hear of civilians dying after being tazered. In those cases, did an officer fully intend to end someone's life when they fired the tazer? No.

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